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Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log

10-26-2010 , 04:31 PM

A week off, how nice.

5 gazillion sets of triples with 90 kg + a weirdly ugly set of 100

Probably gonna start up again with 90 or 95 kg and work up quickly.

1x5x60 kg (132 lbs, +3)
2x5x58.5 kg (129 lbs)

A bit too optimistic going for 60 kg after the lay off and eating at maintenance. Had to try and made it, but the last rep was incredibly ugly and I strained my neck doing it, heh.

1x3x125 kg (275 lbs, +0)
1x2x125 kg

Repeat from last Saturday. Bumping it up by +10 lbs on Sat.

Moved my grip out a bit after 2nd rep cause I had strapped too close, strap came loose after third set. Finished the last two reps at least.

Weighted Planks
3x a while with 10 kg
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
10-28-2010 , 01:46 PM

Semi-bro day, skipped squats. Bushed from running stairs yesterday carrying crap for 3 hours.

6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3

Bench Press
3x5x76 kg (167 lbs, +2)

Pretty pleased with this, after the week+ break. Went up easier than 75 did.

Kroc Rows
1x 26/27 x 24 kg (+0 lbs, +2/3 reps)

Man these are exhausting.

Back Extensions
3x10x25 kg
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-02-2010 , 04:28 PM

Skipped Saturday since I got sick. Considered skipping today, given that I'm still pretty beat up, slept 4 hours and had a seriously ****ed up stomach all day. Decided to sack up and get it done.

3x5x90 kg

Starting out here with good form and going up 5 kgs.

3x5x58.5 kg (129 lbs, +0)

Repeat. Got it done.


1x5x125 kg (275 lbs, +0)

Pretty pleased with this session given the circumstances.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-05-2010 , 04:54 AM

3x5x95 kg (+5)

Bench Press
2x4x77.5 kg (171 lbs, +3)
1x4x76.5 kg


Kroc Rows
1x 30/31 x 24 kg (+0, +3/4 reps)

Pissed after the bench, lots of WIM.

Weighted Planks
2x 10 kg x some time

Bench fail might be due to poor sleep this week and after effects of being sick, I dunno. Probably just a continuation of my anti-love story with that ****ing lift.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-05-2010 , 10:10 AM
Up the weight on the rows.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-05-2010 , 10:11 AM
iirc Wendler says 20-40 reps, so I thought I'd up the weights when I get to 30 reps. Not good?
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-05-2010 , 10:30 AM
I'm no Kroc pro but I just grabbed the heaviest dumbbell in my gym and did as many as I could. I think I got 13L/15R or so the first time. Then I just try and do more every time. I think you would surprise yourself with how much heavier you can go if WIM is high.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-05-2010 , 10:59 AM
Heaviest db in my gym is 70 kg, so that ain't happening

Also my grip is close to failing already, FML aka my tiny, teeny hands.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-05-2010 , 12:09 PM
I don't get the love affair with Kroc rows that this forum has. I'll do them from time to time when I just wanna get my rowing done with, but for beginner/intermediate trainees I don't see how they could possibly be superior to just about every other rowing option.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-05-2010 , 12:22 PM
Well I couldn't remember what kroc rows were, so i did a quick youtube search. Oh yeah.

Everyone doing them seems to be hyooouuuge, sooo...

How can you not do them??

I will add these into my workout now. Plus they kinda look fun.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-05-2010 , 01:00 PM
I am alternating them with pendlays. I like both. I am probably not doing "kroc rows" but more just single arm db rows.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:25 AM

3x5x100 kg (220 lbs, +10)

1x4x60 kg
2x5x59 kg (130 lbs, +1)

Too greedy. Gonna try to alternate +1 and +2 lbs increases, worked fine before.

1x3.5x130 kg (286 lbs, +10)

So apparently increasing 10 kg in a week under suboptimal conditions was too greedy as well, who would've thought. Repeat next Saturday.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:06 PM

Back Extensions
1x10x25 kg
1x10x30 kg
1x8x30 kg

Was time to move up in weights.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-09-2010 , 02:38 PM

3x5x105 kg (231 lbs, +10)

First time the squat was sort of hard since resetting. Probably moving up +5 lbs next time, we'll see.

Bench Press
3x5x77 kg (170 lbs, +1)

No spotter, so played it safe. Could've gotten 77.5 so going for 78 next time.

Krow Rows

1x 26 x 26 kg (+2 kg, -4/5 reps)

Moving directly up to 28 kg DBs next time, prefer starting a new weight at 20 reps. Interestingly the grip which felt precarious on 24 kg felt just fine now.

Side planks
2 x each side

Weight up to ~89 kg (196 lbs), +3 from when I started. Eating around 3.5k daily. I estimate being on SS/PPAN for another 2-3 weeks after this one before moving on. Sort of want to do Tate's six week bench press cure, heh...
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-09-2010 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Bench Press
3x5x77 kg (170 lbs, +1)

No spotter, so played it safe. Could've gotten 77.5 so going for 78 next time.


But sick brag that u weigh more than I do.


When do u plan on cutting again, feb-ish? Or closer to summer?
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-09-2010 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
.... Sort of want to do Tate's six week bench press cure, heh...
Any good reasons to not do it?
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFondue

But sick brag that u weigh more than I do.


When do u plan on cutting again, feb-ish? Or closer to summer?
Yeah man I'm going ALL OUT NO HOLDS BARRED!

Pleased with the weight, guesstimating 16% BF or so. Cutting in february or so is the plan yeah, want to get down to 11ish% and stay there for summer.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Any good reasons to not do it?
Not really, other than that it feels very bro-ish. I'm legitimately weak in the bench compared to other exercises though (well apart from the squat right now), so I have a good enough reason.

The program originally has 2 days of benching + gazillion variants a week. So rough plan would be to DL/squat on the last day. Squatting once a week should hopefully be enough to keep strength.

If anyone's curious:
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 09:50 AM
Man that article + forum tilts me. 6 pages of replies, one dude asks about progression scheme, no one answers. Yeah that's not too important guys, never mind.

I'm gonna look like a huge idiot if it's in the vid since I can't watch it here with sound, heh.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 12:27 PM
If you use enough volume and/or intensity, squatting once a week should be plenty.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Man that article + forum tilts me. 6 pages of replies, one dude asks about progression scheme, no one answers. Yeah that's not too important guys, never mind.

I'm gonna look like a huge idiot if it's in the vid since I can't watch it here with sound, heh.
Huh? On page 3 it tells you exactly how to progress unless im on not understanding what your saying
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 02:36 PM
Sorry it was page 2

"Dynamic-effort method: In your second bench press workout each week, you'll use the dynamic-effort method, in which you lift lighter weights as fast as possible to develop explosive power in conjunction with maximum strength. You'll start by using 50 percent of your 1RM. You can gradually increase the weight as long as you maintain bar speed. "
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
Sorry it was page 2

"Dynamic-effort method: In your second bench press workout each week, you'll use the dynamic-effort method, in which you lift lighter weights as fast as possible to develop explosive power in conjunction with maximum strength. You'll start by using 50 percent of your 1RM. You can gradually increase the weight as long as you maintain bar speed. "
Probably a comment on DE in general. Notice there is no comment on how to progress on max effort or accessory stuff. Or well, to be fair, he says one rep shy of failure on most of the accessory stuff. Leaving it up to you to work out how to progress based on that, fair enough.

cha: yeah perhaps do 5x5 for squats instead of 3x5?
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 06:32 PM
You could do something like that, or go closer to failure with more weight. I havent done a lot of high volume stuff, but I've read enough about it to know its one way to get stronger.

I have done a lot of high intensity stuff benching and deadlifting. This was how I got pretty strong several years ago, just benching and DLing once a week each - basically only doing one max effort set per workout, along with some accessory stuff. I know this works, but its very hard and it can be risky if you let your form break down at all. It also gives you some serious DOMS that can last several days.

If you dont think 3*5 at the squat will allow you to keep your strength, then 5*5 might work. Try it and see how it goes imo.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
11-10-2010 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
Probably a comment on DE in general. Notice there is no comment on how to progress on max effort or accessory stuff. Or well, to be fair, he says one rep shy of failure on most of the accessory stuff. Leaving it up to you to work out how to progress based on that, fair enough.

cha: yeah perhaps do 5x5 for squats instead of 3x5?
For Max effort he says to work up to a 5rm or 3rm or whatever.
Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log Quote
