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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

04-19-2022 , 07:05 AM

Metcon - Regionals 18.5
For time: (25 minute cap)
50 Handstand Push-ups
50 Toes to Bar
50 Calorie Bike
50 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (24"/20")
50-ft. Right Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge
50-ft. Left Arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge

Dumbbells: (22.5/15 kgs)

23:39 - 40 HSPU, row, 17.5kg DBs (16 lunges per side, not one arm at a time)

Push Jerk:
Build to Heavy Set of 3
1x3 @ 90% of Heavy 3
1x3 @ 80% of Heavy 3



That was fun and brutal. My plan was to either do 35 HSPU or move on after 5 minutes. I ended up doing 40 in 4:30! I really surprised myself there. I did them in 5s for 5 sets and then down to 4s and 3s. Toes to bar were 7s to 5s and took another 4:30. Again, surprised myself. The row was slow and I recovered. Box step overs were just brutal. So hard. Lunges were k, I was just tired by then. I could have actually done 50 HSPU and used the 20kg DBs if the time cap was 27-28. So close to Rx on a regionals workout!

Push jerks are a rep PR, but I push pressed 77.5x3, so not counting it. That was fresh, and today was tired. I figured something out on the lighter sets at the end. My weight was completely on my heels at setup. I made it more even and my bar path was a lot better. The video below is the heaviest and ugliest set. I added the set at 60 which looks so much better. More content for my new fans.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-19-2022 , 10:20 PM
I'm breaking my promise to myself not to comment on your o lifting again but the Push Jerk still looks more like a push press with a little dip, which might explain why you're not moving any more weight?

just looking at your vids...your feet start pretty wide apart - they look shoulder width when they should be hip width. and then stay in the same spot.

Have you tried starting the jerk from a closer, stronger position and then moving your feet wider as you drop under the bar? Might help you to drop lower which I think will help you move more weight?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-20-2022 , 05:01 AM

15 minutes to build to a heavy set of 3 front squats:

107.5x3 (rep PR!)

For time: (13 minute cap)
800 Meter Run
20 Thrusters (61kg)
10 Rope Climbs (15-ft.)

11:19 - 57.5kg thrusters, 20x(1 strict pullup + 1 strict knees to elbow)


Another good day, getting on a bit of a roll. I went a bit forward on my 3rd rep of front squats. I have set rep PRs in 3,5,10 reps in the last couple of months. For the next few weeks, I am going to back off the weight a little to make sure all my reps are great and get in more volume.

I initally had 55kg on for thrusters and the coach told me to add more. I think I could have even done this Rx under the time cap. Strength + cardio gains! Run was in around 3:45, thrusters were 6+5+5+4 and I finished around 7:30. We don't have a 15 foot ceiling, so 2x PU+K2E was the sub. Those were easy enough, just a lot of reps.

Originally Posted by feel wrath
I'm breaking my promise to myself not to comment on your o lifting again but the Push Jerk still looks more like a push press with a little dip, which might explain why you're not moving any more weight?

just looking at your vids...your feet start pretty wide apart - they look shoulder width when they should be hip width. and then stay in the same spot.

Have you tried starting the jerk from a closer, stronger position and then moving your feet wider as you drop under the bar? Might help you to drop lower which I think will help you move more weight?
I do appreciate the feedback and you must feel like you are beating a dead horse. You did make me watch a few videos which is good and I learned a little, and I think my starting position is fine. My main problem is my bar path. If I can dip straight down and drive straight up, then everything else falls into place. This article says that starting position of hip to shoulder width is fine and for me personally, widening my stance in everything seems to work as my hips gets crowded. Most push jerks also seem as deep as mine, perhaps slightly deeper. I think fixing my bar path will make my dip better anyway. Re: weights, I did 77.5x3 PP fresh and RPE 10, and 75x3 PJ tired and RPE 8.5. So I think that ratio is fine?

Anyway you are correct in my dip is weird, but I think that is the result of another problem, which is what I am trying to fix. My WL coach is blanking me after he opened a new gym so that isn't ideal.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-21-2022 , 06:15 AM

Max Calorie any machine

Every 3 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]:
5 Box Jumps (30")
10 Burpees to Target (6")
15 AbMat Sit-ups

154 calories - row, moderate-hard pace


I meant for this to be an easy day, but it crept up into moderate-hard. Box jumps at 30" weren't a problem at all. I rowed at around 750 cal/hour - I think like 2:15. That brought my HR down to do everything again. I finished the 5/10/15 in around 1:25 each round. I think I could have done this for an hour or more.

We now have someone coming in twice a week and cooking us fresh home Indian food. It is actually working out cheaper because of how much takeaway I used to eat. It is really healthy as well (not like restaurant Indian food) and I haven't had takeaway for 2 weeks. Big quality of life upgrade.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-23-2022 , 06:10 AM

10 Rounds For Time: (25 minute cap)
5 Bar Muscle-ups
3 Clean & Jerks (61kg)
10 Bar-Facing Burpees

24:10 - 9 rounds, 3 BMU, 55kg C&J


My muscle ups are back! I did 9 sets of 3 unbroken under a lot of fatigue! I wanted to take today somewhat easy, but there was nowhere to hide here and I suffered a little. It's okay because I'm going to do a strength session tomorrow. The first round was in 1:40 and the last was around 3:00. The longer rounds were because I needed to rest 45 seconds or so to do the 3 BMU unbroken.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-24-2022 , 05:47 AM
Crossfit - Open Gym

Build to a heavy set of 3 power snatches:
55x3f (failed 2nd rep)
55x3 (rep pr!)

OHP: 45x7x4
Deadlift: 80x5x3 (from blocks)


Today begins my once a week heavy day, using what I have learned from Linchpin and customising it for me.

My WL coach got back in touch with me, and the first thing he said was that my weight was too far back again. So I corrected that and it did feel better. I have never snatched/power snatched 55 for 3, so that's a good sign. OHP was fine. Deadlifts are weird. My lower back has this irritation with deadlifts that doesn't go away. I have a feeling it is the new bed I am sleeping on since moving houses, but idk. Let's see how far I can linear progress this.

Day off tomorrow and then I want to go 5 days in a row, because I am then off to Malta for 8 days.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-26-2022 , 07:31 AM

Bench Press: Build to Heavy Single
1 Set of Max Reps @ 80% of Heavy Single

85, 88f

9 Burpees to Target (6")
35 Double Unders



My poverty bench has stayed the same with very little benching. My previous PR was 87.5 at 75kg BW with a lot of benching. Now it's 85 at 73 with very little benching. That needs to change though, so I am going to add it every couple of weeks and hopefully that will be enough to hit 90. The liftoff at 85 really bothered my tennis elbow, so I asked someone to help me with it at 88. I then hurried into lowering it and didn't really get tight because I didn't take my time with someone standing so close. It felt intimate. I might actually be able to do 88. 67.5x10 was RPE 9.5.

The metcon was decent. I broke up the DUs 15+10+10 to pace myself and tripped only twice. First round was in 1:10 and the slowest was 1:40. I am feeling 85% of my usual self every session now because of hayfever
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-26-2022 , 10:00 AM
I forgot I did accessories at home.

10 Sets For Quality:
15 Band Pull Aparts
6 Pausing Single Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (0:03 pause at the top; each side)
0:30 Hollow Body Hold

I did 8 sets, 15kg DB, 25s hold for the last 3 rounds.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-27-2022 , 07:35 AM
Crossfit - Open Gym

Deadlift: 85x5x3 (off blocks)
Paused Front Squat: 85x5x5
L-Sit: 3x30s


DL LP continuing. I like paused squats and am going to do them in my warmups. It helps with my weight distribution on my feet.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-28-2022 , 04:58 AM

Every 3 Minutes x 10 Rounds:
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Hand Release Push-ups
15 Box Step-ups (24"/20")

Max Meter Bike/Row/Ski Erg in remaining time

3050m - ski erg


Nice and easy day. I did everything unbroken and fast and skied at an easy pace (2:40ish). I finished the step-ups around 1:05 each round. My fake gymnastics feels really strong at the moment - pull-ups were RPE 8 in the 10th round, and push-ups were really easy in the 10th round. This is the most time the ski-erg and me have spent together. I think I enjoyed it and should probably try and get better at it and watch a few technique videos.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-29-2022 , 07:14 AM

3 Rounds For Time: (27 minute cap)
500 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
30 Toes to Bar

Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds

26:28 (6:15, 6:50, 7:23 round times)

Build to a heavy double squat snatch



First, the good. It is another workout I finished Rx under the timecap without killing myself. There is no point in the past where I could have finished this one. Those are 3 chunky sets of TTB under fatigue. I rowed around 2:08 and ran probably around 5:00/km pace. I tried to go as fast as I could go while not having to rest for TTBs. First round was 6-6-6-6-6. Second round was 6-6-6-6-4-1-1. Third round was 5-5-5-5-4-1-1-1-1-1-1. Pretty happy with that.

Then, the bad. I wanted to snatch before when fresh, but my schedule didn't allow for that. I was pretty beat. I wanted to hit the right positions and didn't care about speed. But everything felt off. I ended up doing 5 sets at 50 because I was so frustrated. I snatched for like 45 minutes ha. This is just like golf - some days you can't do anything wrong, and some days everything is ****. It felt like I wasn't extending and was dropping under too early, but idk.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
04-30-2022 , 07:11 AM

PART 1A: SQUAT CLEAN (10 minutes)
Build to A Heavy Double (Not Touch & Go)

85x2 (ran out of time)

PART 1B: PUSH JERK (10 minutes)
Build to A Heavy Double

85x2 (PR!)

On The Minute x 10:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks

*Score = Lowest Completed Weight



Today was way too rushed. The 10 minutes included warming up with the empty bar. I forgot all my cues for everything and just lifted. Cleans were easy enough, RPE easy. My previous push jerk PR was 80x1. So 85x2 is a huge one! And it is above my push press because I finally did it when fresh. 80x2 was ok form (for me anyway), and 85x2 was not pretty. Let's see what my coach says.

I didn't go for a weight in the metcon where I would kill myself. 50 was hard, but I had a few more rounds in me. 55 would have been extremely unpleasant.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-01-2022 , 12:49 AM
Having that thick padded mat to drop the weight on is a nice idea. I don't think I've ever seen it in real life. Everywhere I've seen people oly lifting, they just drop it on the ground. With bumper plates and thick rubber mats, it's perfectly fine. But your setup seems quieter at the very least.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-02-2022 , 03:25 PM
Crossfit (in Malta)

20 minutes for a 1RM Bench Press:
80x3, 85

10 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 32kg
15 Ab-mat situps
100m run

7+10 - 24kg


This gym is going to make me appreciate mine. The toilet was a disaster. Class started 15 minutes late. He wrote down stuff on the board and just told us to follow it and warm up. Fine. Then he stood around and gave us a 15 minute lecture on bench pressing! He actually knew what he was talking about, but weird. Then we benched (15 people in 3 racks) while he talked to someone. Then he told us to just do the metcon. Ok. I was the fastest in the class and did the most rounds, so that was cool. Most people had atrocious form. This is what gives crossfit a bad name.

Originally Posted by Melkerson
Having that thick padded mat to drop the weight on is a nice idea. I don't think I've ever seen it in real life. Everywhere I've seen people oly lifting, they just drop it on the ground. With bumper plates and thick rubber mats, it's perfectly fine. But your setup seems quieter at the very least.
Yeah our gym is in the basement of an apartment building, so it's mostly to avoid vibrations and noise. At home, it is to prevent me from making a hole in my floor!
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-04-2022 , 08:18 AM
Crossfit (Malta gym 2)

16 minute EMOM, alternating between
1 - 3-5 strict handstand pushups
2 - 30 second hollow rocks
3 - 8-15 strict pullups
4 - 30 second arch rocks

5 strict HSPU, 9/9/9/8 strict pullups

For time: (10 mintue cap)
Buyin: 200m farmer's carry
4 rounds of:
50 double unders
15 push press
Cashout: 200m farmer's carry

DBs: 22.5kg for carries and push press

Time capped with 150m carries left - 15kg DBs, 30 DUs per round


Much, much nicer gym and better coaching. Still not upto home standard, but so much more enjoyable. My gymnastics is holding up in multiple countries, I was the only one who did strict HSPU (and did the max), and did the most pull-ups per round. Sets of 9 were pretty easy at first, that is nice!

The metcon was an extremely aggressive timecap, so I scaled heavily. Still got capped. I meant to go in the morning, but didn't get enough sleep. Then the gf got food poisoning, so I did my bf duties and snuck away for an afternoon close. So. Hot.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-07-2022 , 06:42 AM
Crossfit (Malta)

For time (35 minute cap)
100 cal row
100 pull-ups
80 air squats
80 power cleans, 60kg
60 cal row
60 hand release pushups
40 air squats
40 shoulder to overhead, 60kg
20 cal row
20 burpee pull-ups

Teams of 2 - you go, I go

29 something - 50kg


I managed to go 3 times in a week to crossfit - I think that is a perfect deload/light week while still maintaing fitness. I paired up with someone decent, but who was a cheater!!!! They are everywhere. We only did 70 power cleans and that was after a back and forth where I gave up in the end. He would constantly do 8 and say he did 10. It was a weirdly designed workout - some portions were hard and some were so easy. 80 power cleans is no joke. 60 push-ups split between 2 people? Ok.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-09-2022 , 07:30 AM

3 rounds for time: (30 minute cap)
500m Row
20 Toes to Bar
30 Hang Dumbbell Snatches, 22.5kg
40 Air Squats
50-ft. Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges (each arm), 22.5kg

27:59 - 17.5kg DB


Happy to be back. I did not pace this well at all - my round times were 7:46, 9:43, and 10:29. Toes to bar felt so easy! I did them 15+5 in round 1 and could have easily done them unbroken but thought it wouldn't be smart. The other rounds were in 3 sets. Tomorrow is 1RM C&J followed by Grace. I want a PR.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-10-2022 , 08:08 AM

Build to A Heavy Single Clean & Jerk on a 15minute clock


Metcon - Grace
For time: (5 minute cap)
30 clean and jerks, 61kg

4:57 - 52.5kg


Originally Posted by arjun13
30 C&J for time @62

Scaled to 40. 5:22
Everything felt off today. I nearly failed a clean at 77.5 when I went forward. Jerks felt ok. I hate these rushed 15 minute sessions. I did singles at 40, 50, 60, and 70, I only had 8 minutes left. There was no time to record myself and make changes. From here on out, I am going to do these at my own pace and add time. Still, getting to within 2.5kg of my PR and not failing is fine I guess. I might have been able to get 90 and maybe 92.5.

The quote is from page 1 of the log - July 2018. I remember it clearly, I got time capped with 40kg but the coach let me finish it!! 25 seconds quicker and 12.5kg heavier in 4 years. It's nice to zoom out and see progress. I have no doubt that I could finish this under 5 minutes with 57.5 if I could drop the bar. It was such a pain to use the crash mats and roll it out that I lowered it for most reps.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-10-2022 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13

Build to A Heavy Single Clean & Jerk on a 15minute clock


Metcon - Grace
For time: (5 minute cap)
30 clean and jerks, 61kg

4:57 - 52.5kg


Everything felt off today. I nearly failed a clean at 77.5 when I went forward. Jerks felt ok. I hate these rushed 15 minute sessions. I did singles at 40, 50, 60, and 70, I only had 8 minutes left. There was no time to record myself and make changes. From here on out, I am going to do these at my own pace and add time. Still, getting to within 2.5kg of my PR and not failing is fine I guess. I might have been able to get 90 and maybe 92.5.

The quote is from page 1 of the log - July 2018. I remember it clearly, I got time capped with 40kg but the coach let me finish it!! 25 seconds quicker and 12.5kg heavier in 4 years. It's nice to zoom out and see progress. I have no doubt that I could finish this under 5 minutes with 57.5 if I could drop the bar. It was such a pain to use the crash mats and roll it out that I lowered it for most reps.
Good progress - I suspect you can make some significant time by starting with a touch and go set before going to the singles. Try for say 6 to 9 reps before dropping. That pad would slow things down for sure.

I’ve been able keep a grace time 3:00 or lower (best 2:25…lol nowhere near that today) by big set to start of that 6 to 9 reps before singles rest of the way. I’d probably use 52.5 today and hope to be sub 3:00, my overhead is weak now (shoulder issues better, but mobility still an issue and I’ve not pushed overhead as a result).
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-11-2022 , 12:21 AM
yeah, I found doing tap and go Grace for the first 10+ reps ideal and then drop and re-set once the grip got fried

Isabel was always drop and reset

2.25 is vvg. Just checked and I was 3.24 rx and 2.38 50kg

assume you do power clean and push jerk Arjun?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-11-2022 , 04:57 AM

25 Bar-Facing Burpees
Max Front Squats (70/48kg)

Rest 3 Minutes

25 Bar-Facing Burpees
Max Front Squats (61/43kg)

Rest 3 Minutes

25 Bar-Facing Burpees
Max Front Squats (52/38kg)

Rest 3 Minutes

25 Bar-Facing Burpees
Max Front Squats (43/29kg)

65 reps - 60-50-40-30kg, 14-15-16-20 reps


I am training like a donk again. I have gone hard 3 days in a row. I was just too excited to get back to regular training. I am only going to have 1 hard day in the next 4, so that should be fine. I suffered today and felt terrible while warming up. In hindsight, going 15 burpees per round and RX weights to make it more of a heavier day would have been good. First 2 rounds were in 2 sets, last 2 rounds were unbroken. It was really hot and it was no fun.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-11-2022 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by droopy0021
Good progress - I suspect you can make some significant time by starting with a touch and go set before going to the singles. Try for say 6 to 9 reps before dropping. That pad would slow things down for sure.

I’ve been able keep a grace time 3:00 or lower (best 2:25…lol nowhere near that today) by big set to start of that 6 to 9 reps before singles rest of the way. I’d probably use 52.5 today and hope to be sub 3:00, my overhead is weak now (shoulder issues better, but mobility still an issue and I’ve not pushed overhead as a result).
Originally Posted by feel wrath
yeah, I found doing tap and go Grace for the first 10+ reps ideal and then drop and re-set once the grip got fried

Isabel was always drop and reset

2.25 is vvg. Just checked and I was 3.24 rx and 2.38 50kg

assume you do power clean and push jerk Arjun?
Yeah, those are impressive times. Maybe if I keep grinding, I'll get there in 2027. I did do power cleans and push jerks.

Also, strategy talk! I love this ****. I spend so much time analyzing workouts and planning how to attack it. I am firmly in the non touch n go camp. I saw a video of a guy doing Grace in under 2 minutes with singles. Let's say a set of 10 touch n go takes 25 seconds, 10 really quick singles might take 35. But your heart rate is lower in the latter and the toll on your body is lower because time under tension is lower. I think you make that 10 seconds up and a lot more.

It certainly is quicker for me anyway, because my 2 long standing niggles are my back and tennis elbow and lowering the bar triggers both.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-11-2022 , 06:39 AM
Most important thing with Grace is not to pause and reset with the bar on your shoulders
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-11-2022 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Also, strategy talk! I love this ****. I spend so much time analyzing workouts and planning how to attack it. I am firmly in the non touch n go camp. I saw a video of a guy doing Grace in under 2 minutes with singles. Let's say a set of 10 touch n go takes 25 seconds, 10 really quick singles might take 35. But your heart rate is lower in the latter and the toll on your body is lower because time under tension is lower. I think you make that 10 seconds up and a lot more.

It certainly is quicker for me anyway, because my 2 long standing niggles are my back and tennis elbow and lowering the bar triggers both.
Avoiding injury aggravation is of course #1. I’d be curious to see the vid of sub 2:00 as singles. I’ve found with myself and others better than me as your times get sub 3:00 a person needs to hang on for touch&go for more reps to improve time. Fine line between jacking heart rate and fatiguing grip and overall by t&G and the singles. Since Grace is a full send workout those margins get pushed.

I tell many people (Anyone who will listen) that I’m better at counting reps and gaming workouts, then actually working out. I do enjoy that part as well. All part of a sustainable program that keeps me healthier for longer.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
05-11-2022 , 07:52 PM
yeah, I think it's really difficult to argue against touch and go from any aspect other than back safety. (which is of course a significant thing).

no way it's as efficient to cycle through the reps with drop and re-set so long as the weight it's too heavy - the fatigue doesn't really hit you that much's just how dark a place you choose to go to. it then just comes down to how easy it is for you to be able to perform the lift safely at the weight you're using.

obvs my crossfit days are 10 years in the rearview but I would touch n go Isabel all the way through at 40 and Grace at 50. 50kg Isabel would be similar to Grace at 60 where I would get through at least 10 touch and go and then start mixing. But then I'd be drop and resetting each rep of Isabel at 60 and Grace at 70.

but again, the biggest time killer would be pausing and resetting each rep between the clean and the press
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
