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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

10-26-2020 , 07:05 AM
Just start the lift with higher hips. Practice the SLDL, then when you get comfortable with the SLDL motor pattern just bring your shins in contact and that's the DL, basically.

You obviously have the mobility.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-26-2020 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Thanks everyone.

Rich, the pictures really helped. The first one looks so bad and the second one looks all right. The challenge for me is to get into that starting position without kicking the bar forward.

Renton, I usually DL barefoot, but I was a bit self-conscious of doing it at my crossfit gym. But I don't think it really matters - I kick the bar forward barefoot as well.

CB, I will try to give Rip's setup a go. I remember trying it and getting chest up without lowering my hips seemed impossible to me.

Spy, yeah. I've always done that.

Basically, I know I'm kicking the bar forward. I know my my hips are too low. I just don't know how to have a solid lower back with higher hips. I'll try following Rip's setup again and try to brace everything before I kick the bar forward (Rich's 2nd picture).
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-29-2020 , 06:30 AM
ATS2 - W4D1

Squat: 100x5x5
OHP: 47.5x5x4, 47.5xAMRAP=11 (rep PR)
Power Clean: 62.5x4x5
Pull-ups: 8,8,7 (failed last rep)
Dips: 4x8
Double Unders: 10x10 (every 30s, 5 trip ups)

Squats were easy enough. TM is upto 140 from a conservative 127.5 on week 1.

OHP was RPE 10 and a rep PR. I didn't use the shiny red font because it is comparable to 50x10 from last week. I did beat my 45x11 and 47.5x10 from weeks 1 and 2 though.

This is the best angle I've taken for power cleans. xukxuk, other WLers, how do I stop jumping forward? I know I am not finishing my 2nd pull, but at this point I don't know what I need to do to finish it. Today, I tried to have my weight not forward during my first pull and keep the bar close to my body. I did not jump forward 1 out of every 2 or 3 reps. So maybe I just need to keep doing this. Or maybe there is some obvious cue or fix that will solve this.

I was halfway up on the last rep of pull-ups before failing. I'll get it next time. Strict 120s rest.

I realized that the default ATS had 5 pushing exercises a week (bench + 2 aux, OHP + 1 aux). I'm only doing bench, incline bench, and OHP, so that's quite a bit short. Bench is also my weakest lift. I did this so I can focus a little on WL, which seems to be working. I added dips to fix this and if my bench is stagnating, I'll add another bench aux after week 6. 4x8 dips were easy enough with 90s rest. 5x8 next week.

I've taken 2 complete rest days and I'm taking tomorrow off, which will be my mini deload. The body feels great. My gym just sent an email that starting on Nov 1, they are shortening their hours from 12pm-8pm. I only workout in the morning, so I now signed up to another gym. 3 memberships is a bit ridiculous. I don't get the logic of shortening the hours for covid. Everyone will just show up at the same time. Europe is starting to become a shitshow with this virus, but so far the UK government does not seem to be in favour of a hard lockdown. That could change very rapidly though.

Edit - Forgot the double unders. I decided to make it a little more fun and increase the reps only if I trip up less than 2 times.

Last edited by arjun13; 10-29-2020 at 06:37 AM.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-29-2020 , 06:44 AM
I just watched the power cleans again and the first rep looks pretty good. I did notice that I didn't get into a good starting position after the first rep unless I stood up and reset. I will do that next time and really concentrate on not having my weight forward during the first pull and keeping the bar close during the second pull.

Originally Posted by Renton555
Just start the lift with higher hips. Practice the SLDL, then when you get comfortable with the SLDL motor pattern just bring your shins in contact and that's the DL, basically.

You obviously have the mobility.

Last edited by arjun13; 10-29-2020 at 06:52 AM.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-29-2020 , 08:36 AM
Are you doing any technique work at all or just banging out working sets of power cleans? Don't think that is a great way of improving technical flaws. Maybe start with introducing some clean pulls: chest to the ceiling, elbows to the ceiling.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-29-2020 , 08:40 AM
+ get real life coaching
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-31-2020 , 12:34 PM
ATS2 - W4D2

Bench Press: 60x5x4, 60xAMRAP=15
Power Snatch: 57.5, 42.5x4x5
Front Squat: 70x11x3, 70xAMRAP=13
DB Row: 27.5x10x3 (per arm)

Bench Press is up from 55x14 (W1), 60x14 (W2) to 60x15 today. Training max gets a pretty big jump to 86.4 from a starting 77.5. These really big AMRAP sets are probably over. Progress.

I decided to hit a heavyish single for power snatches. I was jumping forward every single rep and got frustrated. 57.5 felt way heavier that it should have and was probably pretty close to my max for the day, which is really disappointing. HOWEVER, during the working sets, I really tried to keep my weight back during my first pull, and BOOM the problem was solved. I even jumped back during a few reps! I just need to not let my hips rise first and have everything go up together. You can see my better reps in the second video. Today feels like a big win.

I had to rush through the front squats because I was running out of time. The last set wasn't a true AMRAP, but the target was 13 and I stopped there. This is the most soul-crushing portion of ATS for me.

After I finished, our coach says he has a 1 on 1 after open gym and we can hang around if we like. FFS. I took my sweet time doing the DB rows. I certainly could have used it during front squats.

Originally Posted by xukxuk
Are you doing any technique work at all or just banging out working sets of power cleans? Don't think that is a great way of improving technical flaws. Maybe start with introducing some clean pulls: chest to the ceiling, elbows to the ceiling.
Originally Posted by xukxuk
+ get real life coaching
I'm just doing working sets + whatever is programmed in crossfit. In 4 weeks of average to savage, I feel like I've made the most progress with WL simply by recording every single working set. I've got coaching at crossfit during WL only sessions and I get feedback on every set. But I think I learn better from actually seeing myself lift and then researching stuff online and getting help on here. The best of both worlds would be recording myself and getting coaching at the same time. Right now, it's not an option since we only have 1 WL class a week and it's late at night.

Our PM is making an announcement in 30 minutes regarding a national lockdown. This might be it for a month. Sigh.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-31-2020 , 12:52 PM
Just do some pulls already. Film those and start analyzing that. Also, film from better angle. This way you can hardly see anything.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-31-2020 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by xukxuk
Just do some pulls already. Film those and start analyzing that. Also, film from better angle. This way you can hardly see anything.
Pulls are not happening at the moment. I'm prioritizing strength over WL and given the restricted times we have at the gym, I can't add things. I do some pulls while warming up though, I'll film those. Point noted about the angle. Thanks.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-31-2020 , 03:30 PM
Sorry not familiar with what ATS is or the principles behind this programme, but seems to me like it would make more sense for you to replace all those power snatches and at least some of the lighter power cleans with exercises that actually address your technical weaknesses. I doubt they are significantly contributing to strength gains and they are definitely not an effective way to improve your weightlifting technique. (Same for crossfit probably, but there I see the appeal of just doing what's on the menu.)
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-01-2020 , 04:23 AM
Well.. guess you'll have to put all that on hold. Good luck
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-01-2020 , 06:48 AM

5 Rounds on the 2:00
3 Position Power Clean (High hang, hang, normal)

60, 60, 65, 70, 75

For Time (15 min cap)
2 Mile Bike / 1500m Row / 1200m Ski
30 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups (32/22.5kg) (24"/20")
30 Power Cleans (60/42.5kg)

Ski, 22.5kg DB, 50kg BB - 11:29

3 position power cleans were good. The first set of 60 was an abomination, so I repeated it and it was fine afterwards. 75 was fairly comfortable, not close to a max for this complex.

I was a few minutes late to class, so I got stuck with the ski erg. It might have only been my second time doing it. The 1200m ended up at an average pace of 2:28. And that was with me starting at 2:15 or so. It was a slog. Less than 6 minutes though, so comparable to a rower due to the shorter distance. The step-ups were just a grind to get through, I didn't stop. Power cleans were 3x10 with a short break. I could have probably done 27.5/55 and still finished under the time cap, but I think I scaled this correctly.

xuk - This is my first time doing weightlifting on my own, and for now I think doing power cleans and snatches has been incredibly helpful. My numbers are going up and my technique is better. Perhaps it's not the most efficient, but it's working, so why stop it?

I'm stopping it. Lockdown for a month. I was a bit bummed about it, but hey I can't control it. I'm going to crossfit everyday until Wednesday and then starting crossfit linchpin. It has rave reviews from everyone in the community and the programming seems amazing (including options for DB only or even no equipment). I'm also going to use this month+ to cut some weight so I'm leaner before starting ATS again. I have no doubt this time that I'll keep a lot of my strength and improve conditioning and gymnastics. And this is without having to do 2 a days with rowing and strength. I'm actually looking forward to it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-02-2020 , 06:35 AM

6 Rounds on the 1:30
6 Thrusters
*Take bar from the ground

30, 40, 45, 50, 55, 57.5

7 Rounds for Time (17 minute cap)
250m Row
7 Thrusters (42.5kg)
7 Burpees

30kg, 14:45


6x6 thrusters every 90 seconds was more conditioning than strength. 55 was easy enough, and I wanted to do 60 for the last set, but I had to strip the entire bar and add a 20kg plate. That was a big nope from me and I just added the baby plates and did 57.5.

The metcon was really really great. I thought 16:30 would be the best case scenario, but I think that estimate would have been accurate pre lockdown 1. All that rowing is paying off. It wasn't even because of the row, since I used that as recovery and rowed anywhere from 2:10 to 2:20. That allowed me to push the pace on the thrusters and burpees and then recover on the row again. I would have 100% finished inside the time cap with 35kg and maaaaaybe had a shot going RX.

2 months or so back into crossfit, and I'm the best I have been at it. Strength, gymnastics and WL are more or less at pre lockdown 1 levels. Conditioning is way up. It's sad that I can't get stronger now, but there's no alternative. Adding 10-15kg to all my lifts and maintaining conditioning would have really taken me to another level at crossfit. Onto linchpin from Friday and something new.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-03-2020 , 06:28 AM

Buy in: 75 Cal Row

Max Rounds in time remaining -
15 Box Jump Overs (24")
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
9 Med Ball Cleans (9kg)

5+3 - scaled to 8 CTB per round and 7kg MB (there were no 9kg available)

3 Rounds
12 Tempo Barbell Bent over Row (3 sec lowering)
12 Barbell Ab Rollout
0:00, 3:30, 7:00

40kg for the rows, did only 8 rollouts because I knew I wasn't doing them properly so what's the point.


I again exceeded my expectations on this metcon. The row was at 900 cal/hour exactly so I finished in 5 minutes. One of my goals today was to not do singles in chest to bars and do big sets. 1st round was 5+3 and the last round was 4+2+2. Most rounds were 2-3 sets. They weirdly felt easier than pull-ups. I think it is because I'm forced to go in to the bar and then out so my form is good. I need to do that for pull-ups. I hustled and finished the last round in <1:40.

My girlfriend baked these peanut butter cookies with 3 ingredients (peanut butter, eggs, sugar) and I've been having those preworkout + protein and water instead of protein, banana, orange juice, and I feel WAY better. I have a feeling bananas don't really agree with me. I'll play around with this, but I did things the last 2 days in metcons that I didn't think I was physically capable of. I'm ahead of people in the gym who crush me usually on cardio things.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-04-2020 , 06:16 PM

15 minutes to build to heavy complex:

Snatch Complex
1 Squat Snatch
1 Low Hang Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat

40, 45, 50f, 50

For Time (8min cap)
40 Calorie Row
20 Squat Snatches 52.5kg
40 Calorie Row

7:26 with 30kg


Snatches felt horrible today. I failed the low hang on the first attempt. My hands were sweaty and no chalk. The metcon was brutal. I had a fran cough/2k row feeling after. First row was done in 2:28, and I got back on the rower at 5:00. The first row was comfortable, the second was soul destroying after the snatches at exactly the same pace (1000 cal/hour). I meant to do 4x5 snatches, but got excited and did 7-3-3-2-1-1-1-1-1. Brutal workout.

I woke up at 6 and have been trading from 6 to 8pm non stop. Fun day. I squeezed in a night time crossfit session before lockdown 2.0 starts tomorrow. I deleted my ATS bookmark from Chrome. Sad day.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-05-2020 , 09:50 PM
Do you feel learning oly lifts has been worth it for you?

What was your best and worst trade through the election? Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-06-2020 , 06:47 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D1

Amrap 7 minutes of:
25 Double-unders
10 Burpees
5+22 RX

-Rest 5 minutes-

Amrap 7 minutes of:
7 Toes-to-bar
7 Burpees
6+5 RX

Optional Accessory 1
Farmer's Carry 1-1-1
2x22.5kg - 54m per round

Optional Accessory 2
Overhead Carry 1-1-1
2x15kg - 30m per round


First AMRAP - 5+22 RX. I surprised myself on this as I thought I would do somewhere between 4 and 5 rounds. Double unders were good, not great. I even did the 5th round unbroken. Round times were 1:10. 1:20, 1:26, 1:25, 1:08, so paced it pretty well. 43rd percentile on Linchpin, which I'll take on a pure cardio workout with a weak movement of mine.

Second AMRAP - 6+5 RX. My toes to bar were strict, since I have no room for kipping. I had an ambitious goal of 7 rounds, but this was about where I thought I would be. TTB were 7, 4+3, 4+3, 3+2+2, 3+2+2, 2+singles, singles. Round times were 0:53, 1:02, 1:11, 1:11, 1:11, 1:06. 55th percentile, which I'm really happy with since I had to do the toes to bar strict and RX is kipping. I might have been 70-80 percentile if I could kip.

Accessory work was great, love the carries. It was my first time doing overhead and the awkward part was turning around multiple times in my apartment.

I love the programming so far. Today was just a cardio day, tomorrow is a pure strength day. It's not like the typical crossfit programming of strength followed by a metcon. There are strength days, cardio days, WL days, and mixes. Accessories seem really good as well.

I'm also debating getting a rack, barbell, and some weights. I might get a 2 piece squat rack so that I can store it away and it doesn't fill up the entire room.

Originally Posted by ibavly
Do you feel learning oly lifts has been worth it for you?

What was your best and worst trade through the election? Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games
I only do oly lifts because my hobby is crossfit. I am pretty uncoordinated in them and honestly wish crossfit didn't have it. Having said that, I have become a lot better without really devoting too much time to it. I have my moments where I love it and moments where I wish it didn't exist.

I wish I had exciting election stories for you, but I trade calendar spreads, flies and all sorts in commodity and STIR futures. I was hoping the election would create a bit of volatility in them, but it hasn't. I've been doing this for a long time and it's drying up a bit, so I've been trying to day trade the S&P off a 5 minute chart for the last 2 months. Trying be the key word. I'm doing pretty terribly but learning a lot. I have the same feeling I had as when I was a noob at poker. The uncertainty of if I will ever become good, but the excitement of the unknown. I'm giving it 6 months and then re-evaluate. I lost a bit trading the madness. What do you trade?

Last edited by arjun13; 11-06-2020 at 07:12 AM.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-07-2020 , 06:57 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D2

4 rounds for quality of:
10 Dumbbell Squats
8m Dumbbell Lunge
6 R Leg Bulgarian Split Squats
6 L Leg Bulgarian Split Squats

Optional 1
Side Plank 120s per side

Optional 2
For quality:
40 L Pistols
40 R Pistols


The actual main part was meant to be 5x5 front squats, but this was a pretty solid replacement. I used 22.5s for squats, 15s for 2 rounds of lunges, then 22.5s for the last 2 rounds of lunges, and 15s for the split squats. Heart rate was through the roof. This was tougher than it looked. I rested about 30-45s between exercises and 2-3 minutes between sets.

Planks were hard, I did 90s per side.

I used WL shoes for pistols and did 20 reps per side in sets of 8-6-6.

Solid day. I even got 4 minutes of rowing in during the warmup.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-08-2020 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I wish I had exciting election stories for you, but I trade calendar spreads, flies and all sorts in commodity and STIR futures. I was hoping the election would create a bit of volatility in them, but it hasn't. I've been doing this for a long time and it's drying up a bit, so I've been trying to day trade the S&P off a 5 minute chart for the last 2 months. Trying be the key word. I'm doing pretty terribly but learning a lot. I have the same feeling I had as when I was a noob at poker. The uncertainty of if I will ever become good, but the excitement of the unknown. I'm giving it 6 months and then re-evaluate. I lost a bit trading the madness. What do you trade?
Interesting, I know very little about those products. I trade equity options. I do trade SHY which is the most boring thing ever if that compares to what you do Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

Day trading SPY sounds tough without some tech or fee edges, but mad respect if you can pull it off. Good luck!
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-08-2020 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by ibavly
Interesting, I know very little about those products. I trade equity options. I do trade SHY which is the most boring thing ever if that compares to what you do Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

Day trading SPY sounds tough without some tech or fee edges, but mad respect if you can pull it off. Good luck!
Ha same, I know so little about anything outside my little bubble of what I trade. I feel you about SHY, trading STIRS futures in this environment is probably similar. So dull! Day trading SPY is definitely tough, I really hope to report back in a few months that I am consistently beating it. There are no tech or fee edges, just plain old price action.

You should get back to playing triplechain!
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-09-2020 , 06:06 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D3

4 rounds, each round for time, of:
15 Left Arm Dumbbell Power Snatches, 22.5 kg
15 Right Arm Dumbbell Power Snatches, 22.5 kg
15 Dumbbell Squats, 2x22.5 kg
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Scaled to 15 and 2x15, and finished in 6:45 total working time (1:44, 1:39, 1:38, 1:44)

Optional 1
Overhead Carry 1-1-1

30m, 32m, 32m

Optional 2
Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 12-12-12-12 (per arm)



Today's full equipment workout was a heavy snatch day - one snatch every 2 minutes for 30 minutes. Another great limited equipment day, though. I debated doing 22.5s for the workout but it would have just been me going slower and doing 3-4 minute rounds. The first round was pretty easy with no real breaks, so I speeded up the cycle time a bit for the next 3 rounds. It started hurting a lot in round 3, and in round 4 I even had to rest at the top for a couple of seconds for the squats. Fun little metcon. The optional accessory work was fairly uneventful.

I ate a banana again preworkout to test if I could handle it and felt awful again. I think I'll try it again once more in a couple of weeks to 100% rule it out. I had a bit of a binge yesterday post dinner, which is becoming standard. A fairly decent dinner (pork steak, quinoa, veggies, maybe 800 calories), followed by a slice of cheesecake. Then 2 bowls of cereal. I then wanted something not sweet, so 6 big crackers. Then another slice of cheesecake. And you know what, I loved it and don't regret it. I really *should* cut now, but after reading all the people smashing their cuts with poverty cals on the other logs, I love being able to eat like this and just maintain my weight. At some point I'll get the motivation to cut, and then it will be really easy.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-10-2020 , 07:03 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D4

5 rounds for time:
20 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 2x22.5kg
10 V-ups
8 Strict Ring Dips

10:53, did 16 push-ups instead of 8 ring dips

Optional 1
Plank: 2 minutes

Did 1:30

Optional 2
Row: 2x300m, 2 minutes rest

2:01.6 (1:41.3, 40spm)


Another fun metcon. I went at about 90% as I didn't want to kill myself with the row to come. Round times were 1:50, 2:16, 2:25, 2:22, 2:00. Deadlifts were 2x10 except for the last set which was unbroken. Push-ups were 6-5-5, except for the last set which was 4-2-2-2-singles I think. I was worried my lower back would act up with 100 DLs with a different ROM, but it was completely fine. It was my grip that was giving way. V-ups are a new movement to me and seem really effective. The last round was hard.

Plank called for 2 minutes, but 90 seconds was all I could do. Core was pretty smoked after the metcon. It was a true max effort because I was grunting after about 60 seconds.

I was really looking forward to the row last night and then completely dreading it after the metcon. I had no idea what to expect since it's been a while and started the first interval around 1:45 and realized that was way too easy and ended up at an average of 1:41.8. I started faster in the second, which was 1:40.8. This was after a metcon, so I don't think I've lost much speed. Endurance is probably way down though.

Another really fun session. I am such a big fan of this programming. General all round fitness. I suspect I will progress on strength, WL, conditioning, and gymnastics with this, albeit at a slower rate than if I were to focus on one thing. He programs a great warm up and cool down as well. I've been doing the warm up, but slacking off on the cool down. I'll change that starting tomororw. Barbell arrives in a couple of days, and rack in 3 weeks.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-11-2020 , 11:02 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D5

2 rounds for time:
35 Air Squats
30 Pull-ups
25 Tuck Jumps
20 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
15 Dumbbell Thrusters, 2x22.5kg

15:26 - I did 15 strict pull-ups instead of 30 kipping, and 15kg for thrusters

Accessory 1
DB Lateral Raise 12-12-12
DB Front Raise 12-12-12
DB Bent Over Raise 12-12-12

4kg DBs (superset)

Accessory 2
10m DB Front Rack Walking Lunge 1-1-1

22.5kg DBs


2p2 being down made me contemplate a life without this log and it made me sad. I put my HRM on for this chipper as I was curious. Results. It was what I was expecting - 171 AHR and 190 MHR. Pull-ups were 5x3, then 3,2,2,2,singles. Thrusters were 9+6 and unbroken. I gave it absolutely everything to go unbroken in that last set and that's when my heart rate hit 190. HR went from 180 to 190 in that set of 15. I was proud of that set. First round in 7:20, second round in 8:06. Slower second round was mostly due to pull-ups.

Accessories were k. I did the shoulder stuff as a super set (with a bit of rest and cheating), so baby weights. I definitely felt it though. Lunges were hard, but good.

Solid session. Still waiting for my barbell. The first stuff has arrived and it's obviously the stall mat.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-13-2020 , 06:33 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D6

Death by Row Calories
1 cal in min 1
2 cal in min 2
and so on


Accessory 1
L-Sit: 1x120 seconds

75 seconds total across 5 sets

Accessory 2
Farmer's Carry 1-1-1

2x22.5kg, 63m, 54m, 54m


Death by cals was brutal. I actually think it's a better test of fitness than a 2k row, because there is no strategy involved. You just have to hit your target for the minute, then increase pace - like a ramp test in cycling. It stared getting tough in minute 16 and the last 2 minutes were hell. My heart rate was 191 after minute 18, 192 after minute 19, and 193 after minute 20. I mailed it in in minute 21 because I wasn't sure if I had hit 20 calories in minute 20. I checked afterwards and I had. In 5 months of rowing earlier, my max HR was 190. I hit 193 today! 83rd percentile, pretty decent.

I ordered a pair of gymnastic rings and did L-sits on them. They were really hard. I think it's one of the great bang for your buck exercises. I couldn't get my legs to parallel, but that's because of tight hamstrings and not lack of core strength. From the videos I watched, as high as possible will still do the trick.

I added 1 lap of 9m to my first set of farmer's carry. Progress. My core strength is going to explode on this program.

Everything has arrived now, except for the rack and smaller plates. Tomorrow is a weightlifting day, I really really hope I can jerk without hitting the ceiling. It might be touch and go. It will be nice to record the entire session.


Death by cal:

Min01 - 11:37.6, 4spm, 110HR, 2 cal
Min02 - 7:41.5, 6spm, 122HR, 3 cal
Min03 - 6:40.0, 7spm, 116HR, 4 cal
Min04 - 5:00.0, 10spm, 128HR, 5 cal
Min05 - 4:30.2, 11spm, 127HR, 6 cal
Min06 - 3:56.2, 12spm, 144HR, 7 cal
Min07 - 3:24.0, 14spm, 153HR, 8 cal
Min08 - 3:05.1, 15spm, 160HR, 9 cal
Min09 - 2:49.4, 16spm, 156HR, 9 cal
Min10 - 2:33.0, 18spm, 166HR, 11 cal
Min11 - 2:20.1, 20spm, 165HR, 12 cal
Min12 - 2:14.5, 21spm, 169HR, 13 cal
Min13 - 2:11.0, 22spm, 175HR, 13 cal
Min14 - 2:07.1, 24spm, 179HR, 14 cal
Min15 - 2:03.4, 25spm, 181HR, 15 cal
Min16 - 1:59.0, 27spm, 186HR, 16 cal
Min17 - 1:55.3, 28spm, 189HR, 18 cal
Min18 - 1:52.7, 30spm, 191HR, 18 cal
Min19 - 1:50.7, 30spm, 192HR, 19 cal
Min20 - 1:49.0, 31spm, 193HR, 20 cal
Min21 - 2:09.8, 25spm, 187HR, 14 cal

After looking at this, I remember thinking in minute 15 that I felt pretty comfortable for a heart rate of 181. Weird. It definitely shouldn't have been 166 after minute 10 at that pace. Maybe it was just really high today, idk.

Last edited by arjun13; 11-13-2020 at 07:01 AM.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
11-14-2020 , 06:30 AM
Crossfit Linchpin - D7

Linchpin Test 7
4 Power Cleans, 93kg
4 Front Squats, 93kg
4 Shoulder to OH, 93kg

7:08 - scaled to 60kg

Accessory 1
Single Stiff Legged Deadlift : 12-12-12

7.5, 10, 10

Accessory 2
Push Press : 12-12-12-12

22.5s x 10, 10, 7
15s x 12


First barbell workout at home! There was more than enough room to do jerks. I aimed to do 3 quick power clean singles, then rest a bit before doing the rest of the round unbroken (because I would have to do an extra clean if I were to break up the jerks). It was the first metcon I have recorded, and I'm fairly happy with how my form stayed. Weirdly enough, I think my jerks have benefitted from today by doing them under fatigue. In the beginning, I was just doing the minimum to get it overhead. So I was splitting really short. When I got tired, I had to really use my legs and the 3rd and 4th reps of every round actually look better! It was a bit of an aha moment for me as I can now feel what a decent jerk is supposed to be like. The rounds were 1:08, 1:40, 2:05, 2:14 which was about expected. It was a great metcon and a really good test.

Believe it or not, the baby weights SLSLD destroyed me the most. I remember doing them once ages ago and stopping because my lower back hurt. Since it was in the program today, I did not stop. I realized towards the end that I wasn't keeping my lower back in a strong position. The weight was obviously easy but I kept it light so I could figure out the form and I think I did. Lower back straight!

I knew I wouldn't be able to do 4x12 with the 22.5kg DBs for push press. The program called for 3-4 sets at 8-12 reps. So I aimed to do 4x8. I got ambitious in the first set and didn't stop and I paid for it in the 3rd set. True failure.

A complete week is in the books. I'm still loving the programming. Short, sweet, effective, covers everything.

Last edited by arjun13; 11-14-2020 at 06:37 AM.
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