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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

07-13-2020 , 06:06 AM
WP - W1D6

42:17.0 10,000m 2:06.8 171 890 23 177

21:08.7 5,000m 2:06.8 171 889 23 175
21:08.3 5,000m 2:06.8 172 890 23 179

I did a 1000m warm up at DF 95 that felt great. Today's row was at DF 106 and felt great too. I'm going to lower it for my next steady state row to 100 and will see what happens.

This was my 2nd level 3 workout and I think I paced it pretty well. It was always in control and got slightly hard in the last 2000m or so. HR did not go over 181, pretty decent. My 10k PB of 42:45 is the next low hanging fruit that has to go. In that PB effort (exactly a month ago), my HR was 179 after 5k at ~2:09. Today it was 179 after my second interval at 2:06.8!
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-13-2020 , 02:21 PM
SSfDT - D5

8 Giant Sets:
Pistol Squats: 2 x (4,5,9), 4,5
Strict HSPU: 2 x (3,4,7), 3,4
Weighted Pull ups (16kg): 2 x (1,2,3), 1,2

Exact same as last time. Pistols getting easier and faster. I'm going to increase the RM from 14 to 15. I slept horribly the last 2 days, so happy to get this done and rest up tomorrow! There's chatter about Zwift introducing rowing - I'm really excited. Imagine races with drafting, climbs, and power ups.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-15-2020 , 05:29 AM
WP - W1D7

1:08:19.3 15,000m 2:16.6 137 772 19 160

13:39.1 3,000m 2:16.5 138 773 19 155
13:38.7 3,000m 2:16.4 138 774 19 161
13:41.0 3,000m 2:16.8 137 770 19 161
13:40.5 3,000m 2:16.7 137 771 19 160
13:40.0 3,000m 2:16.6 137 771 20 163

I was debating between 15k and 17k and decided to do my standard 15k, since tomorrow is 4x2000, aka hell. Drag factor was down to 100, and it was my fastest steady state ever, and my lowest stroke rate ever! HR was maybe 2-3 beats higher than I would like for steady state, but I got a bit excited when my first interval was 2:16 and felt easy and I decided to stay there for the entire row. I'm still going to slowly lower my drag factor until I overshoot it, to try and find my sweet spot.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-15-2020 , 01:51 PM
SSfDT - D6

6 Giant Sets:
Pistol Squats: 2 x (4,5,9)
Strict HSPU: 2 x (3,4,7)
Pull ups : 2 x (4,5,9)

I didn't increase reps, so I was meant to do 9 giant sets, but I couldn't be bothered. Workout excluding warm up took me 29 minutes, which is more than enough for me for right now. I'll keep it to 6 sets and increase the reps.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-16-2020 , 05:16 AM
WP - W1D8

29:37.0 7,500m 1:58.4 211 1024 26 183

5:57.9 1,500m 1:59.3 206 1009 26 174
5:56.7 1,500m 1:58.9 208 1016 26 182
5:54.9 1,500m 1:58.3 211 1027 26 186
5:54.0 1,500m 1:58.0 213 1033 26 187
5:53.5 1,500m 1:57.8 214 1036 27 188

20/03 - 2:09.1, 28spm
11/04 - 2:06.3, 27spm
11/05 - 2:04.8, 25spm, 182 HR
10/06 - 2:00.7, 26spm, 182 HR
Today - 1:58.4, 26spm, 183 HR

I won't lie, today surprised me. I thought today was the day where the gains would be around a second and that I would have to work really really hard for it. I wanted to go out at 1:59.7 and negative split if I could, but it looks like the gains aren't slowing down too much just yet. I also did this at DF 105 and I think that unlocked some max heart rate, that I haven't been able to hit while rowing. I hit 190 in the last interval, but it didn't feel like 190 on previous occasions. Previously, 190 would mean flailing, my legs giving way, me wanting to die. This time, I was feeling it in my lungs, but I felt like it would have gone higher if I had rowed for a few more minutes. It looks like I have been rowing with a drag factor that has been too high.

I did a small cool down with drag factor 80 and even that felt good! It really made me use my legs. I do need to take a form video soon though, it's been a while.

First L2 session below 2:00 and this was quicker than my 8x500 from W1D1 of Pete's Plan!

Last edited by arjun13; 07-16-2020 at 05:21 AM.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-17-2020 , 05:49 AM
WP - W1D9

1:23:06.5 18,000m 2:18.5 132 753 19 155

16:40.6 3,600m 2:18.9 130 748 19 152
16:39.4 3,600m 2:18.8 131 750 19 153
16:36.7 3,600m 2:18.4 132 754 19 155
16:34.6 3,600m 2:18.1 133 756 19 156
16:35.2 3,600m 2:18.2 133 756 19 160

I watched a Travis Gardner video where he recommends doing one longer steady state session per week. I was getting too comfortable with 15k, so here we are - new world record distance. I decided to row at 2:19 instead of 2:16.6 like last time, and it was crazy how much of a difference that made. This was my lowest HR ever for steady state. It only touched 160 in the last 20 seconds, I was fuming! Drag Factor was 97, felt good. I might slow down my steady state just a tad from here on because today felt so good and enjoyable.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-17-2020 , 02:02 PM
S&S - D11

1 Handed Swings: 16x10x2, 24x10x4, 16x10x4
Turkish Getup: 16x2, 24x4, 16x4

Added 2 sets of 24s. Was k. 16s feel really easy, 24s a bit of a challenge. I'm making myself do this because I have been eating an obscene amount of food and sweets.

I'm getting pretty into making coffee with a french press and aero press. Tastes pretty amazing. Rest day tomorrow, have a good weekend, friends.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-19-2020 , 05:59 AM
WP - W1D10

1:08:50.2 15,000m 2:17.6 134 761 19

23:04.3 5,000m 2:18.4 132 754 20 154
22:54.7 5,000m 2:17.4 135 763 19 157
22:51.2 5,000m 2:17.1 136 767 19

I decided to lower the number of intervals in my 15k, was fine. HR under control, a bit annoying it dropped for the last interval. I got a video during the first interval:

It's been a while since I recorded myself, so I expected a bit worse. Things to change for my next session, in order of importance:

1 - Release back before legs in recovery
2 - Stop in catch when shins get to vertical
3 - Sit a bit more forward in the seat

My position at the end of the drive seems fine, I just need to be bent over more into the 1 o clock position in the catch. It's also a bit slouched over, but that's because I'm going past parallel. I like how parallel the handle is during my entire drive, which used to be a problem for me. I took another video after and it seems better.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-20-2020 , 04:44 AM
WP - C1D11

42:54.4 10,000m 2:08.7 164 864 23 169

8:35.3 2,000m 2:08.8 164 863 23 160
8:35.6 4,000m 2:08.9 163 862 23 166
8:34.9 6,000m 2:08.7 164 864 23 172
8:34.6 8,000m 2:08.6 164 865 23 175
8:34.0 10,000m 2:08.5 165 867 23 176

Level 3 row, I tried to keep it at 2:09 and not have HR exceed 180. It was pretty comfortable in the end. My PB from June 13 is 42:45 with a max HR of 189, so nice progress. I had to control myself from sprinting at the end to set a new WR. Today was the first day in a while that I felt some fatigue in my legs. I've rowed 3 on/1 off since the race - 213k meters in 22 days. This is also the end of cycle 1 of WP, so it might be a good time to take a couple of days off - I'll decide later.

Cycle 1 summary:
14 days, 11 rows, 141125 meters
6 steady state, 2 L3, 1 L2, 1 L1, 1 all out 5k

I like this format and I'm going to keep the 11 day cycles with 1 ranking piece. I will switch between short/sprint distances and the longer ones. 500m up next! Stretch goal would be 1:34.9. 1:38ish should be reasonable, but I'm not too sure what to expect since I've never done an allout 500m.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-20-2020 , 02:13 PM
SSfDT - D7

6 Giant Sets:
Pistol Squats: 2 x (5,6,11)
Strict HSPU: 2 x (3,4,7)
Weighted Pull ups (16kg) : 2 x (1,2,3)

Happy to get it done. I tried a weighted pistol somewhere in there and did a couple with a 7.5kg DB! I guess I should start doing them weighted now.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-20-2020 , 02:49 PM

I wanted to take a video to check depth and it looks pretty easy. I'm definitely going to do weighted pistols next time.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-21-2020 , 06:10 AM
WP - C2D1

1:13:33.1 16,000m 2:17.9 133 759 19 157

18:20.1 4,000m 2:17.5 135 763 19 153
18:18.3 4,000m 2:17.2 135 765 19 157
18:23.6 4,000m 2:17.9 133 758 20 158
18:31.1 4,000m 2:18.8 131 749 19 159

Weird row, I'll do my best to explain. Before I posted the video, I used to get a satisfying sound on the rower when I pushed away. It sounded good and felt good. Yesterday, that did not happen, but there wasn't much I could do since there were no breaks. Today, it again didn't happen. I kept changing things between intervals. Drag factor was 93/93/98/(105,85). I changed the drag factor in the middle of the 4th interval. I also changed foot straps from 4 to 5 and back. I tried going back to my old form of rowing. Nothing worked. That sound would come maybe 10% of the time, but not consistently. My speed and HR were fine though, so I don't even know if this is a problem.

After finishing, I actually rowed another 3500m to try and get it back, but nothing really worked. Maybe it's time to clean the machine, idk.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-23-2020 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Gyms open on the 25th here, cannot wait. I currently have 3 options:

1 - 3 day a week strength training at gym nearby
2 - 3 days a week of crossfit/strength at my crossfit gym. It will include a 3 mile bike ride to and from
3 - 3 days a week at another crossfit gym. Big advantage is that it is outdoors and a pretty sweet setup. 4 miles bike ride to and from.

Option 1 would be the smartest and would get me back to old strength levels the quickest. But it just sounds boring and I feel like doing crossfit. I should make gains anyway lifting whatever the programming is there. Option 3 sounds smartest and has the least risk of catching the virus, but it's not my gym and I won't know anyone.
I assume you're living in one of the least hit states, corona-wise? Otherwise option #3 sounds like a no-brainer, given how much it matters to stay outdoors.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-23-2020 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I assume you're living in one of the least hit states, corona-wise? Otherwise option #3 sounds like a no-brainer, given how much it matters to stay outdoors.
I live in London, where the situation seems to be under control for now. Option 3 does sound like the smartest one, but I would have to go through an induction at their gym and I think they are moving the classes indoors anyway. I'm getting pretty into rowing, so I might just carry on like this for now. I might drop in at my crossfit gym and see how seriously they are treating this. I'm pretty confused at the moment whether I like rowing more or crossfit more, and what to train for.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-24-2020 , 05:20 AM
WP - C2D2

250m, 500m, 750m, 1000m, 750m, 500m, 250m / 1min30 rest per preceding 250m
14:32.1 4,000m 1:49.0 270 1229 32 180

0:55.4 250m1 1:50.8 257 1185 30 160
1:50.5 500m1 1:50.5 259 1192 29 175
2:46.3 750m1 1:50.8 257 1183 29 182
3:41.7 1000m 1:50.8 257 1184 29 188
2:44.5 750m2 1:49.6 265 1213 30 189
1:43.9 500m2 1:43.9 312 1373 35 188 (PR)
0:49.8 250m2 1:39.6 354 1519 39 179

25/03 - 1:57.6, 34spm
17/04 - 1:56.4, 32spm
17/05 - 1:55.0, 34spm, 173 HR
16/06 - 1:51.9, 30spm, 171 HR
Today - 1:49.0, 32spm, 180 HR

That's how these speed pyramid sessions are meant to feel! That was hard. I hit close to max heart rate on the 4th interval and sped up from there. 500m is a ranking distance and my 1:43.9 is a 1 second PR. I've never done an allout 500m though, so that's why. It's coming up in 2 days! DF was 105 for all intervals except the last, where it was 113. SR was actually similar to last time for the first 5 intervals even though the average was 32 vs 30. SR was a lot higher for the last 2. It was a really tough session, but worth it for the big gains. I hope they don't slow down!

I knew today during my warmup that it would be a hard day, because my HR was unusually high. It's happened 2 or 3 times now after a day off or a bit of a taper (2 days off in this case). It might be a coincidence, idk.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-24-2020 , 12:36 PM
What was your pace target? I generally try to have the first half of the pyramid mirror the second half; obviously negative splitting is better, but it seems like you left a bit on the table.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-24-2020 , 02:22 PM
SSfDT - D8

1000m row warm up (getting the meters in)

6 Giant Sets:
Weighted Pistol Squats (7.5kg): 2 x (2,3,5)
Strict HSPU: 2 x (3,5,7)
Weighted Pull ups (16kg) : 2 x (1,2,3)

I failed 2 reps overall in the pistols, but it was just getting used to how to hold the weight. The last set of 5 was really easy. I'm going to increase reps next time. I added a rep to the middle set of HSPU, last set was RPE 9.5. I'll add a rep to the first set of pull ups next time. It's all progressing smoothly.

Originally Posted by Montecore
What was your pace target? I generally try to have the first half of the pyramid mirror the second half; obviously negative splitting is better, but it seems like you left a bit on the table.
I was aiming for around 1:49.5 overall and figured I needed to go sub 1:51 upto the 1000m for that. I've always paced it this way as per Pete's instructions of "Go at a constant pace for the 250m up to the 1k, and then speed up from there if you can. Resist the temptation to sprint the first 250m."

If you were aiming to game this workout and get the best score, I imagine from fastest to slowest would be -

1. Positive split upto 1k, then negative split down
2. The way I did it
3. Constant pace throughout

So I actually think you have left quite a lot on the table by holding a constant pace. There are easy seconds to be had if you're doing the 250m as fast as the 1000m. I asked in the C2 forum ages ago about how to pace this session, and it was pretty divided between 1 and 2 IIRC.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-25-2020 , 05:36 AM
WP - C2D3

1:13:55.4 16,000m 2:18.6 131 752 20 161

18:19.7 4,000m 2:17.4 135 763 19 152
18:26.7 4,000m 2:18.3 132 754 20 163
18:37.7 4,000m 2:19.7 128 741 19 161
18:31.4 4,000m 2:18.9 131 749 20 166

One of the shitter steady state rows. Ever since I recorded myself a week ago, everything has been slightly off. Things that are different -

1. Perhaps form?
2. Low DF, 94 today
3. I've been binge eating ice cream and chocolate at night and skipping my protein shake pre workout. Perhaps it's the empty stomach.

Anyway, I got a video in the middle of the 3rd interval today -

It really seems mostly fine except that I'm opening my back way too early, and a touch past parallel in the catch.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-25-2020 , 02:13 PM
Looks pretty k to me, other than a slight hitch before the recovery in a stroke or two (I'm trying fix the same thing during steady state).

I fattened up good and proper during my vacation, so I need to get back to living right. A constant battle.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-25-2020 , 02:32 PM
S&S - D12

2 Handed Swings: 16x10x2, 24x10x4, 16x10x4
Turkish Getup: 16x2, 24x4, 16x4

The first part of the TGU has been the hardest for me. Because they were so hard, I used to explode and try to get up as fast as possible. Today, I did a more controlled roll onto my side and bingo. That's how they are meant to be done. 16s always feel so light after the 24.

Originally Posted by Montecore
Looks pretty k to me, other than a slight hitch before the recovery in a stroke or two (I'm trying fix the same thing during steady state).

I fattened up good and proper during my vacation, so I need to get back to living right. A constant battle.
Was that the first stroke? I think I was just adjusting my butt, but not sure if you meant that. Rowing video of yours needed.

I'm actually losing weight while stuffing my face. I'm probably eating 3000 calories a day, but 75 minutes of rowing, 30 minutes of weights, and a dog walk per day means I can just eat whatever. It's pretty nice.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-25-2020 , 03:19 PM

I'm not sure how I stumbed onto this video with <500 views, but she describes every problem I have (opening back too early, over compressing at catch, slouched over). All this seems to be fixed by sitting on your junk, like Monte mentioned ages ago. The thing is, I tried this and it seems I slowly end up slouched over after a few minutes. She mentions this in the video as well and says to keep adjusting your butt.

I think I needed to watch this and get used to sitting uncomfortably upright, rather than comfortably slouched over. Sort of like how deadlift/squat/bench setups are not supposed to feel pleasant.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-25-2020 , 04:48 PM

Exactly this, yes. I'm still working on it, especially over long steady state sessions.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-26-2020 , 05:29 AM
WP - C2D4

500m - allout
1:34.4 500m 1:34.3 416 1731 41 178

0:19.2 100m 1:35.9 396 1661 44 166
0:18.7 200m 1:33.5 428 1773 38 176
0:18.6 300m 1:33.0 435 1797 42 180
0:18.7 400m 1:33.5 428 1773 42 184
0:19.1 500m 1:35.5 402 1682 41 184

I said earlier that my stretch goal was 1:34.9, and I sort of coasted to it at the end when I knew it was in the bag, to risk not blowing up. My warm up was key today. I did about 2000m of drills and steady state. I then did 3 short bursts at race speed, messing with drag factor and foot placement. I settled on 122 and 3 and that worked well. Since I love numbers and stats, some nerd data from today -

1. First ever ranking piece with a predicted 2k of sub 7 (probably fake since I'm stronger than the average rower and my aerobic base is worse than the average rower)
2. 76th percentile, filtered by gender
3. 88th percentile, filtered by gender and weight
4. 71st percentile, filtered by gender, weight, and age (probably most relevant)
5. Nonathlon score of 887 (compared to 830s for 2k and 5k)
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-26-2020 , 03:09 PM
Great job! Gives me something to shoot for, at any rate, since I have no real idea what I "should" be doing.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
07-27-2020 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Great job! Gives me something to shoot for, at any rate, since I have no real idea what I "should" be doing.
Thanks! Sub 1:30 seems like a nice round number for you to aim for that's consistent with the gap between us. I'm going to do a 6k next cycle and aim for sub 24.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
