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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

06-09-2020 , 10:24 AM
I expect some combination of Froning/Khalipa/Rogue will end up stepping in. I think that in the long term CrossFit disappearing will be a good thing for the sport. I just hope we don't end up with several small splinter groups.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-09-2020 , 10:44 AM
RIP CrossFit.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-09-2020 , 11:41 AM

It's a roided up white man sport.

If it's not dominated by black people, it's not really a sport. The white man is trying to stay relevant in sports. And they still are in three different areas. High cost sports like hockey. Esoteric sport like ultra running and curling (where they take athletic ability out of it). And esoteric untested drug sport like throwing, lifting, and CrossFit where roids evens out the field a bit.

Down with the white man and their fake sport.

But sport is interesting in that it mostly destroys racism. Obviously it is still there, the rise of the NFL black QB has taken a while. But at the same time, reverse racism is somewhat visible now. Thank the Lord for the white Messiah, Luka Doncic. The whiteman not completely absolete in sports.

And thus maybe we can learn a little from sport to help fix racism. Is better education a possible solution? Well I dont know, will that help lower the rates of black men abandoning their children? I have not studied the subject matter in detail but I am on board for fair education across poor and rich neighborhoods. Don't bus the kids, bus the teachers and equipment. And universal higher education for all.

Am I bleeding liberal? No. A centrist. A libra. Where the truth lies. Down with the extremes, bring in the military.

I wonder if AI will one day tabulate all my posts, link to my real person, and down in flames I go. Will I be ozymandias or a trump like donk lunatic? Probably somewhere in the middle, where truth always lies.

Hiding this in this thread so AI don't find me after Arjun nukes thread in 2027.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-09-2020 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure2.0
I expect some combination of Froning/Khalipa/Rogue will end up stepping in. I think that in the long term CrossFit disappearing will be a good thing for the sport. I just hope we don't end up with several small splinter groups.
I dont want to hijack your training thread but will see if it dies. I did not think Glassman's comment was racist but very inappropriate given the situation like Drew Brees comment.
Though I saw a list of 500 Boxes that are will no longer be affiliated with the brand. At $3000 a year that is not some small chunk of change. Will see if they all follow through.
Will see how many athletes follow through and not participate at the games. Dave Castro seems to be silent as well. I always thought he was a better person to represent the brand than Glassman.

I think Glassman somewhat has been sabotaging the brand with some of his decisions in the last 2 years himself. As for Reebok rumours had it they werew not going to partner with Crossfit before the comments
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-09-2020 , 02:32 PM

Handstand hold (Nose to wall): 30s
Shoulder taps: 5 (hands a bit further away from wall)
Shoulder taps: 3x4 (nose to wall)

Weighted Pull-ups: 16kg x 4,4,3,2,1
Strict Handstand pushup: 8, 5, 5
Ab wheel rollouts: 3x8

It's a pretty neat coincidence that I changed the title after exactly 1000 posts. Nose to wall shoulder taps are getting better. I am actually lifting my hands off the ground a little.

That comment by Glassman combined with a few other things he said (including a zoom call with affiliate owners) makes it pretty clear that he's a racist. That comment alone is enough for me that I don't want to be associated with crossfit anymore. Having been subject to numerous racist comments myself, I get how shitty it feels to have someone judge you based on the colour of your skin. Glassman can **** off.

The only argument to be made against peaceful protests is that we are in the middle of a pandemic. Given that he was vocally against lockdowns, he doesn't have any valid reason other than he is a racist.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-09-2020 , 02:52 PM
The only argument to be made against peaceful protests is that we are in the middle of a pandemic. Given that he was vocally against lockdowns, he doesn't have any valid reason other than he is a racist.
That is for each to judge. I do think he was very frustrated with the pandemic and the fact that all his boxes were closed and many would not survive a 3 month lockdown. No excuse for anything he has said. He has personally destroyed the brand he created and no sympathy here. That letter was brutal as well

Keep up the hard work. New Title Road to the 2027 Rogue Games or Dubai Games as that looks like a sweet local
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-10-2020 , 04:37 AM
It's over a 1000 affiliates that have quit already so the damage is huge and it's hard to see CF coming back from this.

I'm not sure why they think making Castro the CEO will help in any way
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-10-2020 , 05:11 AM
PP - W10D3

7500m, 30:11, 2:00.7, 26spm, 182 HR

1500m1 - 2:01.6, 25spm, 174 HR
1500m2 - 2:01.2, 25spm, 180 HR
1500m3 - 2:01.3, 26spm, 183 HR
1500m4 - 2:00.8, 26spm, 185 HR
1500m5 - 1:58.8, 27spm, 187 HR

W1D3 - 2:09.1, 28spm
W4D3 - 2:06.3, 27spm
W7D3 - 2:04.8, 25spm, 182 HR
Today - 2:00.7, 26spm, 182 HR

More huge gains. I will have to go sub 2 next cycle for this session and all long interval sessions. That seemed a long way off when I started. I woke up with allergies again and even the first interval at a low HR felt hard. In the middle of the 4th interval, I gave myself a talking to and stopped feeling sorry for myself. My attitude immediately changed and I embraced the suck.

Pete says a trained athlete can aim for 5k pace for this session. Given that I am not trained, I think I can go sub 20 now! I hit 1 million metres today on the rower.

kolo, the issue isn't Castro being CEO. It is that GG still owns 100% of crossfit and nobody wants to give him any money. He would have to sell it at this point and even then it might be too late.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-10-2020 , 05:17 AM
Glassman has always been a dick but got away with it because people felt like they need CrossFit. I think a lot of the people who have left the CF umbrella have been looking for an excuse to do it and this is the perfect time.

I think Glassman will just run it into the ground now. Hard to see him finding a buyer even if he was willing to sell it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-10-2020 , 10:34 AM
Having your log is pretty motivating; any time I feel like I'm doing well, I swing by here and see you're only a few weeks behind me. Nice session!
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-11-2020 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Having your log is pretty motivating; any time I feel like I'm doing well, I swing by here and see you're only a few weeks behind me. Nice session!
Ditto, it's really motivating reading your log. I never would have upped my steady state to 15000m if it wasn't for you.

PP - W10D4

15000m, 1:09:14, 2:18.4, 21spm, 165 HR

3750m1 - 2:17.2, 20spm, 160 HR
3750m2 - 2:17.8, 21spm, 165 HR
3750m3 - 2:19.0, 21spm, 167 HR
3750m4 - 2:19.7, 21spm, 166 HR

HR was way too high this session. I was aiming for a split around 2:17 like my previous session, but just didn't have it today. It might have been reducing the number of intervals, so same work in less time. It might have also been that this is my 3rd day rowing in a row, I skipped the run. Who knows, but at least I'm getting the work done.

I really need to do my steady state slower, especially since I'm increasing my volume. My attitude has always been to go as fast as possible within my HR cap. But that leads to sessions like these where my HR is too high and my pace falls off. I should just pick a conservative pace and then if my HR doesn't reach my cap, that's totally fine. I'll aim for a pleasant 2:20 next time and see what happens.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-11-2020 , 05:32 AM
I'm changing my schedule up from row-run-row-row-rest to row-row-row-rest-row-run-row-row-rest. I finish a week of PP in 9 days as opposed to 10, and I still get the odd run in. I'm loving rowing at the moment, so I may as well focus more time on it.

I'm exactly back at my prelockdown weight. For the first month, I was eating like before and putting on weight like an idiot without lifting anything heavy. I weighed 74.7 today, which puts me back as a lightweight. I read the rules for the rowing competition on the 27th/28th, and there is a heat on Saturday, and the finals on Sunday. Everyone rows on Sunday even if you don't make the A final. I'm not sure I want to do 2 2ks in a row, so I may enter the 500m division instead. I'm still debating it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-11-2020 , 10:40 AM

18k steady state is the new hotness.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-11-2020 , 12:55 PM

Pistol Squats: 3x10 (per leg, 2 failed reps in 2nd set)
Double DB Squat: 22.5s x10x5
KB Swing: 24x26x4
Side Plank: 60sx2 (per side)

Solid session. Pistols were really good. I didn't rest much after the first set and I failed a couple of reps.

Originally Posted by Montecore

18k steady state is the new hotness.
Nice try.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-11-2020 , 02:36 PM
I'm just trying to prevent you from falling further behind in the season meters Road to the 2027 Crossfit GamesRoad to the 2027 Crossfit Games
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-11-2020 , 02:43 PM
Pete says a trained athlete can aim for 5k pace for this session. Given that I am not trained, I think I can go sub 20 now! I hit 1 million metres today on the rower.

You can get a free T-shirt. Huge progress on the rower
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-12-2020 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I'm just trying to prevent you from falling further behind in the season meters Road to the 2027 Crossfit GamesRoad to the 2027 Crossfit Games
I don't stand a chance. You're going to be soon doing a half marathon everyday! Did you try and post an image? I don't see it.

Originally Posted by lozen
You can get a free T-shirt. Huge progress on the rower
Thanks! I get a pin apparently. I need to pay for a t-shirt.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-13-2020 , 04:55 AM
PP - W10D5

Hard Distance
10000m, 42:45.6, 2:08.2, 24spm, 179 HR

2000m1 - 2:09.2, 24spm, 169 HR
2000m2 - 2:09.0, 24spm, 175 HR
2000m3 - 2:08.4, 24spm, 180 HR
2000m4 - 2:08.4, 24spm, 184 HR
2000m5 - 2:06.3, 25spm, 187 HR

W7D3 - 44:54.5, 2:14.7, 22spm, 182 HR
Today - 42:45.6, 2:08.2, 24spm, 179 HR

Solid session. I aimed for sub 43, and then sped it up just a little in the last 2000m to get to sub 2:08.5 which was my 6k PR from 2 months ago. This was hard, but in control. I think this would be my 60 minute race pace - another 17 minutes at this pace would be doable but at my limit. Last month, my HR was 184 after 6000m at 2:15 pace, I suffered. Today, I just settled for a big PR, but with more to come later and didn't push it.

I think I've had a cold for the last few days as well. It's hard to tell with always having hayfever, but it's a bit different. It's just become normal life now, so I wonder if I will get a bit of a boost when the allergies go away.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-14-2020 , 04:26 AM

8km, 48:36, 6:04/km

It was hot, heart rate down, pace up. Enjoyable run. HR average was around 161, but it only kicked in after 2km.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-14-2020 , 03:00 PM

HS Hold (nose to wall): 30s
Fake Shoulder taps (nose to wall): 4x5
Weighted pull-ups: 16kg x 5,4,3,2,1
Banded Pushups: 5x12
Ab wheel rollouts: 5x6

Handstand walk progressions are not progressing. Pull ups are coming along nicely.

I've been going back and forth about getting a rack and complete setup at home. But this lockdown has taught me that I hate lifting weights at home. I cannot wait to start lifting properly again.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-14-2020 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13

HS Hold (nose to wall): 30s
Fake Shoulder taps (nose to wall): 4x5
Weighted pull-ups: 16kg x 5,4,3,2,1
Banded Pushups: 5x12
Ab wheel rollouts: 5x6

Handstand walk progressions are not progressing. Pull ups are coming along nicely.

I've been going back and forth about getting a rack and complete setup at home. But this lockdown has taught me that I hate lifting weights at home. I cannot wait to start lifting properly again.
Is it not just because you don't have the proper equipment at home?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-15-2020 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Is it not just because you don't have the proper equipment at home?
No, I just don't like the entire process. I like putting my gym clothes on, going for a little walk, being in a gym. I like observing between sets. Now I just get on my laptop and waste time. A session feels a lot faster to me in the gym.

PP - W10D6

15000m, 1:10:00, 2:20.0, 20spm, 155 HR

3000m1 - 2:20.0, 20spm, 150 HR
3000m2 - 2:20.0, 20spm, 153 HR
3000m3 - 2:20.0, 21spm, 156 HR
3000m4 - 2:20.0, 21spm, 155 HR
3000m5 - 2:20.0, 20spm, 163 HR

I definitely have a cold, so I decided to go slower. After the first interval I tried to get every interval at 2:20.0. I gave myself an out to stop at 12km, but this pace felt so easy so I did the entire distance. My lowest ever HR for steady state was 160, so today was quite a nice surprise. This pace seems better for this distance and more sustainable in the long run.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-15-2020 , 01:44 PM

Pistol Squat: 11, 11, 9+2
Double DB Squat: 22.5s x13x3
KB Swing: 32x12x4, 32x20
Ab wheel rollout: 5x5

32kg KB arrived today. I failed one in each leg in the last set of pistols, took 15 seconds, and finished the set. KB Swings with the 32 was a bit easier that I imagined.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-16-2020 , 04:49 AM
PP - W11D1

250m, 500m, 750m, 1000m, 750m, 500m, 250m / 1min30 rest per preceding 250m
4000m, 14:55.5, 1:51.9, 30spm, 171 HR

250m1 - 1:53.8, 30spm, 151 HR
500m1 - 1:53.9, 29spm, 165 HR
750m1 - 1:53.8, 29spm, 173 HR
1000m - 1:53.8, 28spm, 180 HR
750m2 - 1:52.0, 29spm, 181 HR
500m2 - 1:47.4, 31spm, 177 HR
250m2 - 1:42.0, 36spm, 170 HR

W2D1 - 1:57.6, 34spm
W5D1 - 1:56.4, 32spm
W8D1 - 1:55.0, 34spm, 173 HR
Today - 1:51.9, 30spm, 171 HR

Weird session. My legs felt really heavy. I still managed the pace I wanted in the first 4 intervals though. In the 2nd 500m, I slowed down towards the end because my legs had nothing left. In the last 2 intervals, I couldn't really sprint because my butt kept sliding off and I had to readjust. I couldn't get my HR up high because of heavy legs and the sprinting problem. Still, pretty good gains.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
06-16-2020 , 02:16 PM
Simple and Sinister

1 arm KB Swings: 16x10x8, 24x10x2
Turkish Getups: 16x1x8, 24x1x2

A climber friend of mine who doesn't lift got a kettlebell and asked me what to do. I went down the rabbit hole of kettlebell routines and ended up buying Simple and Sinister. I skimmed it and wanted to test out weights today. I'll read it more thoroughly tomorrow.

KB swings were really easy at 16, and moderate at 24. I will just add 2 sets at 24 per session until I get to 24x10x10.

Turkish gets up were fine at 16 on my right side, and a bit harder on the left. 24 was hard on the right and I really surprised myself by doing one on the left. I definitely thought I might drop it on my head at some point. The plan going forward is to alternate these and another squat/push/pull customisable routine I found. On lazy days, I will default to S&S because for now I am really enjoying it.

Any tips on these? I filmed my weaker left side for both.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
