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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

10-08-2019 , 09:46 AM
Nice job dude. Squat RPE5 feels like 9 probably because the existential stakes are highest with a squat compared to any other lift. Your body just wants to get out from under that bar, so I think you have to push squats pretty hard compared to other lifts to make decent gains.

I see the squat and deadlift as training many of the same muscles but two very different mental weaknesses. The squat has us taking a small leap of faith but then having no choice but to follow through (else dumping the weight on the pins/floor). Under those conditions almost everyone can produce a ton of force that they couldn't otherwise, hence being able to do five @9 reps in a row.

The deadlift is the exact opposite. It trains you to produce force completely voluntarily, and at every point in the lift you can drop the bar harmlessly a few inches to the floor. So it's hard to reach truly high RPEs on either lift, squats because of the adrenaline and deadlifts due to the tremendous capacity of the human spirit to pussy out in the face of challenges.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-08-2019 , 10:48 AM

5x3 min, 1 min light rowing
1 - 2:11.7
2 - 2:11.9
3 - 2:11.5
4 - 2:10.8
5 - 2:08.7

I just decided to do the short concept2 wod of the day, to get some cardio in. I also made a conscious decision to not treat this like an all out session. All the intervals were controlled at around 85%. I could have definitely done 5 more intervals.

Monte, if you're reading this, your rowing puts me to shame.

Renton, thanks a lot. I actually have never failed a squat rep so far by dumping it. I have failed only 1 rep ever, and that was during a 1 rep max test at my crossfit gym, where someone was spotting me. That seemed super dangerous. I've been meaning to practice dumping it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-08-2019 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I actually have never failed a squat rep so far by dumping it. I have failed only 1 rep ever, and that was during a 1 rep max test at my crossfit gym, where someone was spotting me. That seemed super dangerous. I've been meaning to practice dumping it.
I haven't failed a squat rep in years. The last time I did, it was a relatively light weight and I was switching from low bar to high bar for the first time and lost my balance backward.

It might be a bad idea to practice dumping the bar. Yeah, from an absolute safety-above-all perspective it does make sense. But once you streamline the process of bailing from squats, you're going to be tempted to do it a lot more often.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-10-2019 , 05:26 AM
531 OHP - C3W3

OHP: 40x5, 45x5, 50x5, 55x7 (PR!)
Deadlift: 90x5x5
Seated Row: 45x15x3
Push ups: 14, 14, 14, 14, 12 (60s rest)
DB Hammer Curl: 10sx10x3
Strict toes to bar: 8 (stopped because grip was limiting factor, not abs)
Hollow Rocks: 3x14

Boom. OHP PR! RPE 10, 7th rep was a grind. My 1RM is from Dec 2017 and is 62.5 (only time I've done a 1RM OHP). My best rep PR was 55x6, which was a projected 1RM of 64. I did that twice at around 72kg BW. 55x7 is projected 1RM of 66. BW is 74.

TL;DR - put on weight, set PRs
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10-12-2019 , 06:08 AM
The crossfit open has started!

My percentiles: (individual workouts in brackets)
2017: 28 (4, 25, 26, 22, 29)
2018: 45 (34, 38, 34, 41, 55, 31)
2019: 60 (57, 48, 63, 43, 38)

I thought 65 to 70 percentile would be reasonable since this open is only 6 months after the last one. I had a goal of getting at least 50th percentile in all workouts.


10 rounds for time of: (15-min cap)
8 ground-to-overheads (43kg)
10 bar-facing burpees

I checked the leaderboards before going and 8 rounds was above 50th percentile and 9 rounds was really good. I'm pretty good with pacing, so I decided to start by going for 8.5 or so and seeing how it goes. I also planned on doing clean and jerk singles, which would be fine for 1:40 to 1:50 rounds

Round 1: 1:43 - I knew I was in trouble here because although it was a steady pace, it felt harder than it should have
Round 2: 2:00 - uh oh
Round 3: 2:13 - Bad score and unfit person confirmed
Round 4: 2:17 - I was really suffering now. The breaks between singles were getting longer. I started resting on the floor during burpees. I wanted to get to 7 rounds and just wanted this to be over.
Round 5: 2:40 - lol
Round 6: 2:42 - I actually made an effort to go faster on the burpees because the end was in sight, but gave up quickly.
Round 7: 11 reps in the remaining 1:25

So 6+11 or 119 reps. Absolutely pathetic. I'm on course for like 30th percentile, which is worse than 2018.

I'm a bit shocked with this. I obviously didn't pace it well in hindsight, but I overestimated my fitness and paced it to what I thought I would achieve. The only thing I can think about doing differently is maybe 4+4 touch n go clean and jerks that would have given me a little more rest time. IDK.

I guess being 2kgs heavier isn't the best for this workout. Sure, I'm stronger, but the burpees are harder. The more obvious reason for all this is that I have neglected my engine and neglected going to crossfit classes to get somewhat good at crossfit. The extra strength is good, but not at the expense of worse cardio. There are still 4 workouts to go though, so maybe my extra strength will pay off then.

If I actually end up worse than any 2018 workout, something is terribly off in how I'm training.

Last edited by arjun13; 10-12-2019 at 06:13 AM.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-12-2019 , 08:38 AM
I've been obsessing over this and realized something.

Jan to May - I did a lot of running, ending in my 10k race

May to Jul - a lot of crossfit

Jul to Aug - Engine builder program

In the middle of August, I hurt my lat after rowing during Engine Builder. I was overtraining. I had taken on too much cardio and my intensity during it was too high as well.

From August until now, I have cut back on my cardio and strength training has been going amazingly well. However, this is probably not ideal preparation for a crossfit competition. I strayed from too much intense cardio, to basically very little.

Going forward, I will add in cardio again and when it is intervals, I will try to not make it all out.

8 day block:
3.5 strength
4 cardio (including crossfit)
1 crossfit
1 weightlifting (or an additional crossfit session if it includes weightlifting)
2 rest days

This should have me not overtraining, increasing strength, and at least maintaining cardio.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-12-2019 , 09:17 AM
After further obsessing, I figured out a big leak of mine.

I just don't look at the big picture enough. I OBSESS over my training. I've spent hours finding the perfect 531 program for me. I plan my training week ahead and spend so much time on it. I just don't think about the long run. I have a crossfit competition, so far someone who obsessed about programming, surely I would think to cut a bit of weight, increase the cardio and even if I lose a bit of strength, who cares? But that never entered my mind. Or rather it did, but I was having too much fun lifting weights to give it a second thought.

Maybe this bad event will be good for me. I have a better idea of what I need to do for next year. Get strong, then cut and increase cardio.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-13-2019 , 06:29 AM
531 Bench - C3W3

Bench Press: 50x6, 60x5, 67.5x5, 75x8 (PR!)
Squat: 80x5x5
Seated Row: 40x15x5
Dips: 15, 12, 9 (2 min rest, 2-3 RIR)
Athlean 7 minute ab routine
BW: 74.0

Bench PR! 75x7 was my previous best. Projected 1RM is now 93, and my highest ever is 85, so I sense a PR coming. I decided to stop dicking around with core stuff and just found an ab video that everyone seemed to recommend on reddit.

Anchor cycle is coming to a close (just deadlifts left, which I won't be testing). I'm going to use the week between anchor and my next 531 cycle to test my 1RM bench, do a PR set at 115 with squats, test my 1RM OHP (this is actually in a crossfit session), and just do a heavyish single deadlift. I don't want to test my 1RM squat because I think another heavy PR set is more beneficial for me.

Squat: 115x7
Bench: 92.5
OHP: 66
Deadlift: don't care, just a heavy single and live to lift another day.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-14-2019 , 04:54 AM

15 minutes to build to a heavy squat snatch single:

For time: (10 minute cap)
Squat Snatch (43kg)
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

Scaled to 15-12-9 and 30kg, and had 7 reps left.

55 is my snatch PR, and 62.5 is my power snatch PR (lol technique), so this was technically a PR, but I wanted 65. I left myself only a minute though and did 2 rushed attempts. I got the bar really high, but just didn't commit to getting under. I definitely have 65 in me, and probably more.

The metcon was awful. My conditioning is just so much worse than I thought it would be. This open won't be good.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-14-2019 , 01:06 PM
Engine Builder - W1D1

3 x 1k, 2min off
Splits - 4:57, 4:54, 4:50
Total distance - 5.75k

I stuck to my goal of not gong all out on these.

This is the 3rd time I have started the engine builder program! This time, I am going to just go through them in order, but slower, instead of doing 5 per week like I tried last time.

My cardio aim in a 8 day block is -
1 endurance
3 intervals (including crossfit)

So if I go to 1 crossfit class in the 8 days, I'll just do 2 engine builders.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-16-2019 , 06:27 AM
531 Deadlift C3W3 and Crossfit

Deadlift: 90x3, 105x2, 120, 135

15 minutes to build to a heavy single OHP:
60 (flew up, previous 1RM was 62.5)
67.5 (5kg PR!)

5 rounds for time: (12 minute cap)
250m row
12 Front Squats (45kg)
9 Strict Presses (45kg)

Scaled to 30kg, and had 8 reps left.

5kg OHP PR! 67.5 was definitely RPE 10, but wasn't a crazy grind. I think 68/69 may be my absolute maximum. I'm thrilled with this.

I paced the metcon pretty well. Front squats were all unbroken. Strict presses were unbroken for the first 2 rounds, and then down to 3 sets after that. It was definitely the limiting factor of this metcon.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-17-2019 , 04:48 AM

10k run at 5:52 pace
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-19-2019 , 06:39 AM

20 minute AMRAP:

4 dumbbell thrusters (2x22.5kg DBs)
6 toes-to-bars
24 double-unders

Another long endurance workout, why?!?! At least the weights were slightly heavy, but with just 4 reps per round, it doesn't factor in too much. The gymnastics was also just 6 reps per round, which isn't much. So another mainly engine workout.

I went in aiming for 12 rounds and decided to break the toes to bar 3+3 and 8+8+8 for double unders. I did 3 rounds in 5 minutes and gradually slowed down. I ended up with 10+7 reps.

The toes to bar became singles somewhere around round 7. I mostly paced it fine. If I were to start off aiming for 11 rounds, I could definitely get it. I've never redone an open workout though, and I'm not about to start now.

First workout percentile was 27, lol. This one will be closer to 45. There better be some serious gymnastics next.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-20-2019 , 09:32 AM
531 - Squat and OHP - 7th week protocol

Squat: 80x5, 92.5x5, 102.5x5, 115x7 (PR!)
OHP: 40x5, 45x3, 52.5, 57.5
Hammer curls, 10sx15x2, 10sx(10+5)
Athlean 7 minute abs

I'm super happy with my squats! My PR is 132.5, and this set has a projected 1RM of 138. I think I'm verrrry close to 3 plates! I had a turbulent morning mentally and wasn't feeling it at all. I forgot my belt as well, so this was beltless. They weren't the prettiest or deepest squats, but every rep was at least parallel and I'm proud I fought through it.

I deloaded OHP, since I did a 1RM a few days ago. I completely skipped my push accessories since I have DOMS in my triceps from 20.2. Wendler calls for decreased and easy accessories anyway during 7th week.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-21-2019 , 05:02 AM

8k run at 5:54 pace

The underside of my foot started hurting from around 3-6k and then gradually went away. A quick google says it may be planter fasciitis. I will replace my running with rowing/bike for the next week or so and see if it goes away.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-21-2019 , 05:46 AM
What sort of shoes do you lift in?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-21-2019 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by COCKBOAT
What sort of shoes do you lift in?
Romaleos 3, why?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-21-2019 , 01:49 PM

Hang Snatch

Hang Clean

I feel so unaccomplished. I have been doing this for 3 years, and I CANNOT do a hang clean or a hang snatch properly. When I do a hang, I just start the pull with my arms. If I go from the floor, its mostly fine. I know exactly what I have to do, but I cannot do it. Any tips?

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-21-2019 , 02:36 PM
One armed snatches are good for learning to extend properly with straight arm(s).
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-21-2019 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by COCKBOAT
One armed snatches are good for learning to extend properly with straight arm(s).
One armed with a barbell?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-23-2019 , 06:11 AM
531 - Deadlift and Bench - 7th week protocol-ish

Deadlift: 95x5, 110x3, 122.5, 135
Bench: 70, 80, 90f, 87.5 (2.5kg PR)
Single Arm DB Rows: 22sx12x3
Push ups: 3x18 (90s rest)
7 minute ab routine

Engine Builder - W1D2

18x30 seconds, 30 seconds off

Average pace was 1:58

I had no clue about pacing and sandbagged it a little at first. First few intervals were 2:02, then it dropped down to 1:52 and then settled at around 1:55

I was hoping to hit 92.5 for bench, and maybe an outside shot at 95, since 75x8 estimates my 1RM at 93. 80 flew up. 90 did not. My sticking point is half way up and it stuck. I really debated trying it again, but I also could feel my bicep tendonitis. My lifting volume has been pretty light, so I am sure it is because of the hang snatches and cleans where my form is atrocious and I'm using my arms. Anyway, I settled on 87.5 and it was a grind and but it went up. A PR is a PR and I'll take it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-23-2019 , 07:26 AM
531 cycle thoughts

That ends a complete 531 cycle - 2 leaders, 1 anchor - that lasted 12 weeks. I did the 5x531 leader and anchor template but only started following it strictly during the anchor. I definitely need to follow it closer going forward.

Weight - 72.5 to 74.1
Squat - 110x7, 132.5 to 115x7
Bench Press - 75x7, 85 to 75x8, 87.5
Deadlift - 160 to unknown
OHP - 55x6 to 55x7, 67.5

I'm pretty pleased with this. The 2 biggest takeaways from this for me are mental ones. I obviously knew that putting on weight leads to getting stronger, but I had to physically see it happen for it to kick in. I've been dicking around at the same weight and progress has been so slow. I finally committed to a bulk and the results are obvious. I now have a clear plan and path ahead to getting stronger. The other takeaway is just my deadlift form. I figured it out in the middle and my lower back pain went away. I forgot to keep my lower back tight somewhere in there when messing around with a lot of cues.

Going forward

I've been reading and rereading the 531 book for a perfect template for me, and I found it. I will do full body 1000% awesome for 2 leaders and then choose an anchor from there. So this will be another 12 week cycle, where I am going to bulk. I hope to get to around 75 or 75.5.

General structure of this program:
Mon - Squat 5s pro, Bench 5x5 at 80-85%, accessories
Wed - Deadlift 5s pro, OHP 5x5 at 80-85%, accessories
Fri - Squat 5x5 at 80-85%, Bench 5s pro, accessories

I like it because I squat and bench heavyish twice a week. My body seems to break down with a lot of deadlifts, so the reduced deadlifting will be nice. My OHP is relatively strong, so once a week should be fine. I'm looking forward to the squat and bench gains, and hopefully my deadlift will go up as well.

I would love 140/92.5/170/70 S/B/D/P at the end of this
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-24-2019 , 05:01 AM
Engine Builder - W1D3

5 x 3 minutes, 30 seconds off - Run

4:56, 4:53, 4:57, 5:18, 4:52
4th interval was uphill

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-24-2019 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
One armed with a barbell?
Sure, why not.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-26-2019 , 07:10 AM

For time: (9 minute cap)
Deadlifts (102kg)
Handstand push ups


Deadlifts (143kg)
50 ft Handstand walk

This is a repeat workout from 2018, where I got 64 reps. I went into this really wanting 1 rep at 143kg, but I knew it was a very long shot.

21 deadlifts - I did 7 sets of 3 with a few seconds inbetween and finished in 1:57. 10 reps a minute puts me on course to get to the heavy deadlifts, so this was paced.

21 HSPU - I did 5-4-3-3-3-3. In 2018, the last 5 or 6 reps were down to singles, so I knew I was ahead of that pace. I finished these at 4:40 though, so it would now be impossible to get to the heavy deadlift. The last rep of the last 2 sets were getting hard

15 deadlifts - I went 3-3-3, then 6 quick singles. These were mostly fine. I finished at 6:22.

12 HSPU - I went 3-3-2-1-1-1-1 and got time capped. I just hit a wall with the HSPU and the last 4 singles probably took a minute. My only no rep was my last one. I got back on the wall with 10 seconds left, did 1, and failed the 2nd.

So 69 reps, 5 better than 18 months ago. It doesn't seem like a lot, but I was probably 45 seconds ahead after 15 deadlifts. When you hit a wall with shoulders, there's not much more you could do.

If I were to do it again, I might do the deadlifts faster and not pace them, just to give me more time in the HSPU. But I doubt it would make a difference. If I had come into this 2kg lighter or so, I think I would have hit the wall later, and could have gotten into the set of 9 HSPUs.

Around 59th percentile for now. Moving up the leaderboard!
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