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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

12-26-2018 , 06:52 AM
531 - C2W2

I had to lift in pounds, which was really annoying

#260(118)xAMRAP=10 (rep PR and highest ever projected 1RM of 157)

#110(50)xAMRAP=9 (rep PR, up from 50x8 2 weeks ago, and highest ever projected 1RM of 64)

Pull ups, one arm DB row, plank

I'm just happy I made it to the gym because I really really didn't feel like it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
12-28-2018 , 12:32 PM

Crossfit gym in my 4th country

4 rounds for time:
400m run (shuttle runs 30m each)
20 wall balls @8kg
20 box jumps

20:31 RX
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12-30-2018 , 02:26 PM

5.6k run at 6:19 pace, pretty hilly
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12-31-2018 , 05:57 AM
531 - C2W3

225#(102)xAMRAP=11 (rep PR and highest projected 1RM of 140)
235#x3 (joker)
245#x3 (joker)

Bench Press
155#(70.3)xAMRAP=9 (small PR, did 70x9 2 weeks ago)
165#x3 (joker)

Pullups - 9 sets of 4 supersetted throughout the workout

One arm DB row

Squat AMRAP set was RPE 8 maybe, it's tough to judge with so many reps. Bench AMRAP set was RPE 9.5

This gaining strength is easy when you eat a lot and get fat.
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01-02-2019 , 08:51 AM

8.2k at 6:09 pace
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01-03-2019 , 06:50 AM
531 - C2W4

275#xAMRAP=9 (rep PR, highest projected 1RM of 160)
290#x3 (joker)

115#xAMRAP=7 (no PR)
120#x3 (joker)

Deadlift RPE was maybe 8, it became cardio and my legs hurt from constantly being in a partial squat at setup.

OHP was RPE 10, did a half hearted attempt at rep 8 and nope.

Did a mainsite WOD after
12 minute AMRAP:
1 strict pull up, 2 push ups, 3 air squats
2, 4, 6
3, 6, 9 and so on

Finished the round of 8 (216 reps)
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-07-2019 , 10:03 AM
531 - C2W5

All in pounds

235xAMRAP=10 (rep PR and highest projected 1RM of 142kg)

Bench Press
160xAMRAP=7 (no PR)

One arm row, Dips, hammer curls

Squat RPE was no idea. I took 4 or 5 seconds between rep 8 and rep 9, but then rep 10 went up pretty easily. I have slacked off a bit on focusing on technique with bench and it's showing. I need to tighten up more and will rewatch so you think you can bench before my next session.

I am also going to do more accessories for my chest since bench and OHP are mini stalling, and squats and deadlifts are going great.

It's the end of my 2 week holiday at home and I managed:
4 531 sessions
3 runs
1 crossfit
lots of food

I'll take it as a win.

I'm also in a bulk or cut dilemma (been bulking for 4 months and the abs are long gone). Does anyone want to weigh in on it? I can PM pictures
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01-07-2019 , 10:07 AM
You have too much momentum to risk a cut IMO. Were I you, I'd at least maintain weight until you've run most of your 5/3/1 gains out.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-09-2019 , 11:08 AM

Back in London! Weighed in at 72.4 this morning, +1kg over the 2 week holiday, and +5kg from the beginning of the bulk in September.

Bench Press

Super setted with DB rows

3 rounds for time: (10 minute cap)
30 cal row
10 power cleans @70

Scaled to 25 cal, 10 HSPU, 40kg cleans

Did 2+25 in 9:20 and was too tired to do another HSPU (first round of 10 were unbroken)
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01-10-2019 , 05:35 AM

10k at 6:07 pace. First 10k with the dog!
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01-11-2019 , 06:38 AM
531 - C2W6

130xAMRAP=8 (rep PR and highest projected 1RM of 161)
150x1 (called it here, could feel my lower back rounding and will use a belt next time I lift heavy)

55xAMRAP=6 (RPE 10, rep PR, ties highest projected 1RM of 64)
60x1 (ended it here. 62.5 is my PR and I probably could have grinded it out, but I think I can get 65 when fresh)

Face pulls, seated row, hammer curls, lat raises

I kept it light on accessories since I'm going to crossfit tomorrow

100 DUs for time: 2:51

It was 1:37 last time, and I knew from the warm up that it was going to be bad. Half way through, something clicked though - I just need to jump higher.

Thoughts on form? How do rep 1 and 2 look? Also, how does rep 8 look compared to rep 1? I could feel my form getting worse - should I have stopped earlier?

My mental cues were chest up and tight throughout
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-11-2019 , 06:50 AM
Thoughts after 2 cycles of 531

These 2 cycles have been a resounding success.

Squat: 102.5x5 to 106.5x10
Bench: 75x5 to 70x9
Deadlift: 130x5 to 130x8
OHP: 55x4 to 55x6

Bench is the only one that I'm going to change up for the next cycle. Instead of 5x5 at FSL, I'm going to do 5x10 at a slightly lower weight and see if that helps. I'm not going to change the others, because why mess with it if it's working?

I will try and eat at maintenance or slightly above for another cycle (thanks for the suggestion renton), then test my maxes, and then cut.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-11-2019 , 05:18 PM
yeah, you already know the answer on your DL. You started getting loose towards the end of the set.

imo, AMRAP DL sets are problems waiting to happen. I cant remember the last time I did a set of more than 5 reps. I wont pull a DL if I feel like my low back is rounding because of fatigue. There are other, safer, better ways to train.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-12-2019 , 01:17 AM
I think you're still starting with hips a bit low and bar a bit forward. That's a very light weight for you and you probably could have pulled 4 more reps. You've got great potential in the deadlift. I agree with cha that amraps for dl aren't that great, but I don't think you're pushing them hard enough yet for it to be an issue. I think once people start becoming capable of doing a near-failure amrap set, then it's probably time for more precise programming. But they're a good tool to push yourself to that point in the first place.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-12-2019 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
yeah, you already know the answer on your DL. You started getting loose towards the end of the set.

imo, AMRAP DL sets are problems waiting to happen. I cant remember the last time I did a set of more than 5 reps. I wont pull a DL if I feel like my low back is rounding because of fatigue. There are other, safer, better ways to train.
I'm going to be really careful with them and stop when my form starts getting worse. I will also use a belt for the first time and see if that helps. My deadlift has been progressing great and I don't want to change anything, but I will keep in mind what you said.

Originally Posted by Renton555
I think you're still starting with hips a bit low and bar a bit forward. That's a very light weight for you and you probably could have pulled 4 more reps. You've got great potential in the deadlift. I agree with cha that amraps for dl aren't that great, but I don't think you're pushing them hard enough yet for it to be an issue. I think once people start becoming capable of doing a near-failure amrap set, then it's probably time for more precise programming. But they're a good tool to push yourself to that point in the first place.
Thanks renton, what exactly do you mean by bar a bit forward? It's over the middle of my foot at the moment. Or do you mean something else?
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-12-2019 , 07:03 AM
You're pushing the bar forward every rep with your shins. It's fine if you were starting with the bar too close anyway, but usually it means the bar is forward of mid foot when the pull starts. Try setting the bar exactly where your mid foot is, and only lightly touching it with your shins during setup.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-12-2019 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
You're pushing the bar forward every rep with your shins. It's fine if you were starting with the bar too close anyway, but usually it means the bar is forward of mid foot when the pull starts. Try setting the bar exactly where your mid foot is, and only lightly touching it with your shins during setup.
Cool, I'll try that next time



These were every 3 minutes, which meant under 2 minutes of rest and just became cardio.

12 minute AMRAP:
9 pull ups
12 overhead squats @52.5
6 chest to bars
12 burpees to target

Scaled to 35kg for the OHS and got 2+29.

I probably did the slowest burpees anyone has ever done. My cardio is suffering from the bulk, but I'm enjoying being stronger.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-13-2019 , 05:39 AM

6k run

2k warm up at 6:21 pace
2.5k tempo at 5:20
1.5k cool down at 6:10

The 10 mile race I did taught me that I need to do more miles at race pace. I was doing too many easy miles, along with faster intervals, but no tempo runs. The goal for the next few weeks is to build my base to 25k per week and gradually add a few more tempo runs and some shorter intervals.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-14-2019 , 02:44 PM


Clean and push jerk

Everything felt really sluggish today.

I'm going to reduce the weight in the next session and work on technique.
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01-16-2019 , 10:08 AM

Front Squats

15 minute AMRAP:
Max effort Ring Muscle Ups
Every drop, run 400m

Score was 13 RX. Did 3,3,2,2,3

I've only ever linked ring muscle ups once and that was a set of 2. So this was a good session. I think I can probably get 4 and maaaaybe 5 fresh.
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01-17-2019 , 06:53 AM

10.4k run at 5:58 pace

Had to get out the raincoat for this one

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01-18-2019 , 07:25 AM
531 - C3W1

I took an extra few days between cycles for a mini deload.

100xAMRAP=12 (rep PR and highest ever projected 1RM of 143)

Bench Press
67.5xAMRAP=10 (rep PR)
45x10x5 (these got really really spicy. I nearly quit after the 3rd set, but remembered that my bench was mini stalling, so I wimmed it up)

Face Pulls

Barbell Row

10, 8, 7, 6

Hammer Curl

4 sets of 30s, with 30s rest

The extra few days off has really helped mentally. I just couldn't wait to get going and even finished all the planned accessory work, which never happens.

I know my form gets worse, but I was breathing really heavily. I forgot about chest up and really focused on it on the FSL sets.

Bench video is blocked in some countries because of the music. It was RPE 10.
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01-18-2019 , 09:18 AM
I made this table with my rep maxes. I'm posting it to compare with at the end of the year.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-19-2019 , 03:34 PM


Clean and Jerk

Note to self: Keep the bar close to me after contact with upper thigh, instead of taking it outwards. It made a huge difference in my ability to get under the bar for snatches
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
01-20-2019 , 11:15 AM

6k run at 5:34 pace

Middle 3k were tempo at 5:09 pace

Weekly distance was 18k. I am going to do 3 weeks of 18k, before bumping it up to 21k. I am building my base as per this article
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