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Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

09-20-2023 , 05:30 AM

1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch: 45, 45, 45, 45, 45 (every 1:30)
Overhead Squat: 65, 70, 72.5

Part A - AMRAP 4:
10 Power Snatch, 61kg
Max distance run in the remaining time

- Rest 4:00 -

Part B - AMRAP 4:
400m Run
Max Rep Power Snatch, 61kg in the remaining time

Part A - 610m - 50kg, ave HR 188, max 198!!
Part B - 15 reps - 50kg, ave HR 185, max 195


That was a top 5 session of all time. There are 3 of us who are pretty similar and the class was just us 3 and someone else who was had a sprained wrist and was doing something else.

I did the first 10 snatches at 50kg unbroken! HR hit 198 racing them in the shuttle runs which is a new high since I started wearing my chest strap. The second part, I think I did 6,3,1,2,1,1,1 or something. We all ended up on the exact score for part A and I did a couple more snatches for part B. That's nice since my cardio has been behind theirs for the last few months and is now catching up!

Snatches felt blah until the last set when I stopped thinking and just did it. 72.5 OHS felt easy enough. My PR of 75 is ancient and should be in the 80s now.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-21-2023 , 05:02 AM

OHP: 53x10 - RPE 8, 0.5kg rep PR

For time:
100 Double Unders
40 Wall Balls (9kg)
100 Double Unders
30 Wall Balls (9kg)
100 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls (9kg)

12:39 - ave HR 182, max 194 (24 seconds slower than 1 year ago )


I scared myself during the warm up sets for OHP and didn't attempt 55. I could have easily got it. I think I had 12 reps at 53.

I can't believe I am 24 seconds slower than a year ago!!! I am building back my cardio, but it could also be a reflection of how I've let my double unders become bad again. With Linchpin, I would do it once a week without fail. Now it's more like once in 2 or 3 weeks, which is why I've added them in in the last month or so. I guess I should just keep grinding them and they will become more efficient.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-22-2023 , 05:47 AM

5.05km, 32:23


My HR strap went wonky for the first time, SO annoying. It started at 170, then started going down to the 140s on the only small hill, and then became accurate after 2k or so.

The run was slightly slower than last time. That combined with yesterday's poor metcon has me thinking I need to back off the volume for a week or just do a small deload. We test our snatch, clean and jerk, and a 10RM squat next week and then there's a deload after that, so I might just follow along.

75/95/100x10 front squat would be nice. I'm currently at 73/93/100x8. But I'm not expecting much from weightlifting because I've started eating properly and lost a bit of weight and it's been a shitty few weightlifting weeks.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-24-2023 , 07:36 AM
Crossfit - Open Gym

Front Squat: 107.5x2x5
Bench Press: 60x10x4

Assault Bike: 60 minutes, 477 calories, 151 ave HR


2 hour Sundays wasn't as fun as soon as I realized 10 minutes into the bike that I was going to do worse than last time. That's fine though, we keep grinding and the improvements will come.

That ends the front squat cycle. I finished the bench cycle last week and just did something light. My tennis elbow has flared up last week and I want to be rid of it in 2 weeks.

1RM snatch tomorrow!

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-25-2023 , 05:20 AM

Snatch: 60, 65f, 65, 70, 73.5 (0.5kg PR!)

For time
2000m Row
*Every 2:00 (including 0:00) perform 15 Push Ups

9:47 - ave HR 181, max 191


One of the better days. My only compaint was the weightlifting was too rushed. We had 12 minutes and we started with an empty bar. So I only had like 5 minutes by the time 60 was on the bar. The fail at 65 was me not extending completely (I think) and I fixed that. The 73.5 looked a lot worse in my head, but it actually looks not terrible for a PR. I wish I had time to attempt 75, but I'll get there.

I actually did pretty well in this metcon. Push-ups were so easy. I did 9+6 fast ones with a 2 second break. I rowed at around 1:55-2:00.

My WL coach has demanded videos in a different format, so I'm now dabbling in some video editing.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-25-2023 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Crossfit (Malta)

For time (35 minute cap)
100 cal row
100 pull-ups
80 air squats
80 power cleans, 60kg
60 cal row
60 hand release pushups
40 air squats
40 shoulder to overhead, 60kg
20 cal row
20 burpee pull-ups

Teams of 2 - you go, I go

29 something - 50kg


I managed to go 3 times in a week to crossfit - I think that is a perfect deload/light week while still maintaing fitness. I paired up with someone decent, but who was a cheater!!!! They are everywhere. We only did 70 power cleans and that was after a back and forth where I gave up in the end. He would constantly do 8 and say he did 10. It was a weirdly designed workout - some portions were hard and some were so easy. 80 power cleans is no joke. 60 push-ups split between 2 people? Ok.
Crazy coincidence, but this guy has moved to London from Malta and is a member of my gym!!! I recognized him and introduced myself. Pretty nuts.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-25-2023 , 06:42 PM
a PR is a PR - congrats!
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-26-2023 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
a PR is a PR - congrats!
Thanks! Hoping to set a clean and push wiggle PR tomorrow. I might retire it forever afterwards.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-27-2023 , 09:05 AM

Clean and Push Jerk: 80, 85, 90, 95 (2kg PR!)

3 sets:
5:00 AMRAP
8 Overhead Squats, 43kg
8 Burpee Over Bar
8 Pull Ups
-rest 3:00 between sets-

3 rounds each set - 30kg, 6 pull ups - max HRs 188, 192, 194


Another amazing day at the end of this weightlifting cycle. Before starting it, my clean and jerk (split jerk) PR was 92.5. Now, my clean and push jerk is an easy 95! I am pretty sure I can clean and jerk 100 now and am going to do it in the next month, because it's been a big goal of mine.

For once, cleans and push jerks felt good. I was actually dropping under the bar a little for jerks. I was never scared of failing, and I'm pretty sure I could have done 97.5 with more time.

I scaled the metcon a lot to focus on pull-ups. HR still got very high. Easy cardio tomorrow.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-28-2023 , 11:11 AM
At Home

Row: 10000m, 47:49, 2:23.3, 18spm, ave HR 147

Crossover practice: 20 minutes, 6 linked was max


Fastest and longest row yet, HR still down.

Crossovers have seem to become a thing now and there is a decent chance it's at the Open. I got one or two messing around in class, but actually managed to link them. There is still a lot of work to do because I lost them at the end and rage quit after linking 2 after many, many self whips.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-29-2023 , 08:34 AM

Front Squat: 100x8 (=rep PR)

Teams of 2
For time:
300 Box Step-ups (20”)
* Every 2:00 (including 0:00) perform 4 Power Cleans, 83kg
* Share the 300 box step ups between partners. Each athlete does 2 cleans each time.

10:35 - 75kg - ave HR 185, max 193


Weird day. My legs felt quite heavy after the row yesterday and felt bad warming up. It was meant to be a 10RM, but I stopped after 8 because I felt my form starting to go. I'll get it another day.

The metcon however was really, really easy. Power cleans were too light (I should have done 83). Box step ups were never a factor. I was surprised to see my HR hit 193.

I may or may not go for a run today after the Ryder Cup, and then it's a deload week. I'll go 4 times instead of 5, and skip the double sessions, and keep the weights light.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-29-2023 , 08:46 AM
All seriousness and my apologies for being aspy.

You’re lifting heavy all week…strength and o lifting and doing really good weights. And then doing metcons. Your legs cannot possibly be heavy from a 10k row at 2.23/500. Two women in my gym did a 100k at 2.30.

I know your cardio isn’t the best comparatively, but even so with your strength, that cannot possibly be the reason for the fatigued legs. It must be the lifting
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-29-2023 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
All seriousness and my apologies for being aspy.

You’re lifting heavy all week…strength and o lifting and doing really good weights. And then doing metcons. Your legs cannot possibly be heavy from a 10k row at 2.23/500. Two women in my gym did a 100k at 2.30.

I know your cardio isn’t the best comparatively, but even so with your strength, that cannot possibly be the reason for the fatigued legs. It must be the lifting
Yeah, I wasn't saying the row caused it. I just started noticing it after I rowed.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-29-2023 , 10:27 PM
Yeah and I was hammered when I wrote that post. TBH, the pace wouldn't have mattered anyway - doing something for 40 mins that you haven't done for that long can lead to soreness...even if you're not doing it with intensity
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
09-30-2023 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Yeah and I was hammered when I wrote that post. TBH, the pace wouldn't have mattered anyway - doing something for 40 mins that you haven't done for that long can lead to soreness...even if you're not doing it with intensity
Haha, hope you had a fun night.

I have definitely noticed my legs feeling heavy after runs. Like you said, it's just something I haven't done in a while. Bike > Row > Run right now for how my body handles it.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-01-2023 , 06:42 AM
Open Gym

Deadlift: 130x3x3
Bench Press: 60x10, 65x8, 70x6, 75x4, 80x2

C2 Bike: 30 minutes, 12602m, 2:22.8, ave HR 144

Crossover practice: 16 linked


This is the beginning of a deload/lighter week. I did some easy deadlifts and some easy-ish bench. But my body just felt creaky and off. It looks like I really need a lighter week.

I used the C2 bike for the first time. I think I'll buy one for home. It's so quiet and I can watch TV while riding it, which is impossible while going up and down on the rower.

Crossovers are coming along. I realized I was underselling myself and counting them wrong. The uncrossing counts as a rep as well. I was getting 5+ quite easily towards the end.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-02-2023 , 05:20 AM

Metcon - Nasty Girls
3 rounds for time:
50 Air Squats
7 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 61kg

12:49 - (PR by 4:39!)

13/04/21 - 10:56 - 4 RMU, 50kg
07/10/21 - 17:28 - Rx
***Today - 12:49 - Rx
Crossover practice - 40 unbroken, solved it


I know I say I have great days a lot, but this has to be up there. I've had a lot of strength and WL PRs in the last 6 months, but it's nice to actually see it pay off in a metcon. I wrote this 2 years ago when I did it in 17:28 -

Cleans were what slowed me down surprisingly. I did them in 5-3-2 and then 4-3-3 for the last 2 rounds. The stronger guys probably get these done in less than 30 seconds in a set of 10, while mine took 2 minutes. That's a lot of time there. I need to get stronger.
Today, I did the cleans 6/4, 6/4, and unbroken! The last set probably took 20 seconds. The strength gains are paying off and my gymnastics is getting better without any focus on it! Round times were 3:37, 4:33, and 4:39. RMUs were all quick singles with longer rest in round 3. Ave HR 184, max 192.

I want to do DT because I think I have a huge PR there. Maybe adding 5kg and going a couple of minutes faster.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-03-2023 , 12:22 AM
congrats on Nasty Girls. It's a nice, well rounded WOD, albeit I think if they designed it today they'd change out air squats for something different

Assume you'd do DT at 50 or 60? 70 is brutal
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-03-2023 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
congrats on Nasty Girls. It's a nice, well rounded WOD, albeit I think if they designed it today they'd change out air squats for something different

Assume you'd do DT at 50 or 60? 70 is brutal
Thanks! Yeah I agree, it's a really well rounded metcon that tests cardio, gymnastics, and weightlifting. The air squats seem fine until you get past a certain level. I had to do them pretty slowly as to not get gassed for the harder movements. But you're right, at a higher level, this just becomes like Annie. Do everything unbroken and fast and it just tests cycle speed. A guy at my gym did it in 6:38. I don't think him retesting it in a year would say much about his fitness. What's your best time in it?

I just checked my DT. I did 55kg in 12:14 2 years ago. 60kg and sub 10 would be cool.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-03-2023 , 08:12 AM
I would never have completed it.

My Gymnastics weren’t ever good enough to get that many muscle ups in a wod. And tbh we hardly ever practised them. CrossFit at the time was far less focused on technical/difficult Gymnastics and our gym in particular was strength and metcons. I only learned to Snatch at the end of my time there and I didn’t ever learn butterflys or anything inverted apart from standard hspu
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-05-2023 , 07:19 AM

For Time: (19 minute cap)
200m Run
10 Squat Snatch, 43kg
300m Run
6 Squat Snatch, 61kg
400m Run
2 Squat Snatch, 70kg

-Rest 3:00-

2 Squat Snatch, 70kg
400m Run
6 Squat Snatch, 61kg
300m Run
10 Squat Snatch, 43kg
200m Run

Part 1 - 8:08 - 35kg/45kg/45kg - run
Part 2 - 7:52 - 50kg/45kg/40kg - 20/15/10 cal C2 bike


What a mess. The tight time cap, the stairs with running, and changing the plates, I had to scale a lot for the second bit. I biked at an easy pace as to not kill myself during a lighter week. Ave HR 184 for the first bit, 174 for the second. This is only the 4th time this year I've taken 2 days off in a row. Rest day again tomorrow and I should be good to go. I wanted to do 55kg for the first part, but didn't have time to change the plates and sneak in under the 8 minute time cap so just did 45 again.

Squat snatching under fatigue is definitely interesting. Some bad habits can creep in, but it really forced me to get under the bar quicker than normal. So that's good.

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-10-2023 , 09:42 AM

For time: (20 minute cap)
1000m Run
100 Calorie Row
40 Strict Pull Ups
*Partition any way*

16:40 - 15 PU, 1000m run, 5 PU, 4x(25c row, 5 PU) - ave HR 182, max 189

Lots of inverted stuff, highlight being walking left and right at the top of a wall walk


Wouldn't you know it - right after I took a lighte week, I got a cold and a cough. Instead of grinding away, I decided to just take 4 days off since I haven't done that in a long time.

Today was no fun. I am still recovering and wanted to go easy, but got carried away as usual.

I'll ease back into it this week and then add in the extra cardio next week again.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-11-2023 , 08:54 AM

Front Squat: Establish a 10 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set of 8-10 reps at 90% and 8-10 reps 80% of the original 10RM.

85x10, 75x10, 70x10

20 Deadlifts, 52kg
50 Double Unders
100ft Walking Lunge (30m)
50 Double Unders
10 Hang Power Cleans, 52kg

2 rounds in 9:49 and stopped - 45kg, 25 DUs each - ave HR 178, max 188


I took it easy with squats. I can already feel my legs. I overestimated my recovery from the illness and decided to just stop after 2 rounds. It was very unpleasant. I've done this all wrong - I should have done 2 easy cardio sessions and then brought back the harder stuff. Oh well.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-12-2023 , 05:07 AM

OHP: 50x10, 40x8, 35x6 (failed 7th) (30-60s rest)

C2 bike: 24 minutes
every 0:00, 4:00, 8:00 etc - 10 toes to bar
every 2:00, 6:00, 10:00 etc - 2 wall walks

6510m, ave HR 159, max 176


Much better day. I guess this cycle is a bunch of building up to a heavy-ish rep max, and then doing quick drop sets. I'll go with it.

The metcon was 4RFT of 20 toes to bar and 4 wall walks, but I modified and elongated it and kept my HR down, while getting 75% of the volume. I'm finally becoming sensible.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
10-14-2023 , 06:37 AM
Crossfit - Weightlifting

Snatch: 40x3, 45x2, 50, 45x3, 50x2, 50, 50, 50
Clean and Jerk: 50x2, 60x2, 70, 60x2, 60x2, 70, 75, 80, 80


One of the worst sessions. My lower back blew up. I think it was all the bending down to change weights, combined with snatching. We went every 1:45, so a set of 3 took 45 seconds and then another 30-45 seconds to change weights. Snatches felt off as well. So disheartening. I was meant to do an hour of cardio after and just left.
Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games Quote
