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Renton's Rise from Weakness Renton's Rise from Weakness

10-21-2017 , 03:07 AM
Saturday, October 21, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W1

1. RG Bench (kg):
TM71 4x5 @80%

57.5x5 @7.5
57.5x5 @8

2. Back Raise (kg):

0kg x12x3 slow tempo
0kg x20 faster tempo from here
10kg x20
10kg x20
10kg x20
10kg x20

Training time: 1:10


No squatting or deadlifting eviscerates this day. I had a great bench day though. I did an extra set when the 4th set was that easy. My back was still stiff but the back raises made it feel a lot better as usual.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-22-2017 , 02:16 AM
Sunday, October 22, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W1

1. Chin-ups FULL ROM (@63kg):

0lb x5
15lb x5
25lb x6 [PR] @10
15lb x5 @9
15lb x5 @9.5

2. Press (kg):
TM50 3x6 @75%


3. Machine Seated Row (lb):
w/ Back Extension (rounded, slow tempo): 0kg x4, 7.5kg x4


Training time: 1:16


I got drenched on the way to the gym today, then as I was pulling in to the parking lot I realized I left my dip belt at home. So it seemed as if the world wanted to make my chin-ups as hard as possible on this day.

Anyway, it ended up being a great session. I had to use a dumbbell for my weighted chins, and it looks like that might be easier than the dip belt because 25lb for 6 is a decisive PR. Five would have been a maybe PR. It was a nice surprise, and kind of vindicates all of the fake gains I've been making on rows, more of which were made today. I'm going to max that stack out within a year. Book it.

Last edited by Renton555; 10-22-2017 at 02:22 AM.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-22-2017 , 02:54 AM
typo: the back extensions were x12x4 at each weight
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-23-2017 , 01:53 PM
Week 81 Diet
Mass Phase Week 21

I felt like I ate terribly this week, but it turned out to not be so bad once I added up everything.

That said, I think the bulk is suspended as of today. I've been feeling really tubby of late so I think it's time to recomp for a couple months. I'll shoot for 2,000 calories 140 protein.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-24-2017 , 04:53 AM
Tuesday, October 24, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W1

1. RG Bench (kg):
TM71 75%x5, 80%x5, 85%x5+

60x5 (f6) [rep PR] {TM+2}

2. Back Raise (kg):


3. DB Flat Bench (kg):
w/ Band Facepull: #1 x20x3

45s x13
45s x13
45s x11

Training time: 1:10


Going into this one I felt that the smart money was on me getting 6 reps. I was really hoping for 7 and I was gonna be okay with 5. I think if you cut the video after the 5th rep, that's an @9 no question, but whatever. It's pretty frustrating to have to grind my ass off to trade +2.5kg for minus 2 reps at a 4th week novice's bench numbers, but enough wallowing in self pity. The good news is that I'm officially as strong as pre-hurting my shoulder. My bench PR iirc is 60x5, but that was for 3 sets of 5 with a standard prone grip. That said, I was 5kg lighter back then.

I gained some reps on db bench (last time 45s x10x4). Maybe I should db bench more often.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-25-2017 , 05:42 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W1

1. Pause RG Bench (kg):
w/ Band External Rotation: #0 x18x3
TM73 4x4 @72.5%


2. Squat Medley (kg):

bw squats not to parallel
bw squats w/ support
bw squats below parallel

20x3 HBBS
20x3 LBBS
20x3 FS

40x3 HBBS
40x3 LBBS
40x3 FS

3. Machine Seated Row (lb):


Training time: 1:10


Bench press was very easy today. I'm adding a set here and there to the lighter percentage work because I'm pretty sure I can handle it and I'll have a bit more time for more volume since I'll only be squatting/dling twice a week. I feel like my form is getting much more consistent.

I dipped my toes back into squatting today. I didn't have a lot of time and I just wanted to get a quick snapshot of how each of the variants felt before I decide which one I want to develop over the next several months.

I really wish I had a coach on days like today. I feel that my back pain, my difficulty with hip hinging, and my balance/depth issues in the squat are all linked but I don't have the expertise to further investigate. Up until today I thought that my poor depth was because I needed to lean forward more. But today when I was trying to bodyweight squat, I was able to get deepest when holding the upright of the rack with a near vertical torso. Then again, without holding the uprights, I needed to lean forward quite a bit to keep balance, so that supports my original thought.

My back felt pretty good with most of the sets, but there was a tiny bit of pain on the high bar 40 set. Front squats felt quite good and low bar felt surprisingly good as well. Which is another paradox because standard logic would dictate that if FS feels good and HB feels bad, then LB should feel even worse. It's like the HBBS is in an anti-Goldilocks zone of torso angle.

I'm not sure how much more I can glean from doing only a couple of ultralight sets of each variant, but it seems fairly clear that I need a break from HBBSing. I kind of want to low bar, but it might be more prudent to develop my front squat and give my back a bit of a break for a while. Thoughts are welcome/appreciated.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-28-2017 , 04:14 AM
Saturday, October 28, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W2

1. RG Bench (kg):
TM73 80% 5s until @9

59x5 @7.5
59x5 @8.5

2. Chin-ups (@65kg):

2.5kg x6
2.5kg x6
2.5kg x6
2.5kg x6 @9

3. Press (kg):
w/ Band Facepull: #0 x25x4
TM50 70% 8s until @9

35x8 @9.5

Training time: 1:23


Good day. It was almost certainly my strongest bench day ever, and vindicates my belief that I should have been good for more than 5 reps at 60 last week. Today also showed yet again how sensitive to technique breakdown underhand grip is. The first four sets were smooth and easy. In the 5th I screwed up a tiny bit which turned a 7.5 into an 8.5, and in the last set I went from a 4th rep @8 to being stapled on the 5th because the bar went just a tiny bit forward off the chest.

With the change from a 4 day full body to more of an upper/lower split (with a bit of extra benching/pressing on the lower days), I'm starting to try more RPE-based programming. I still feel that I need the training wheels of percentages and training maxes, but I think this will simplify things a little.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-29-2017 , 03:12 AM
Sunday, October 29, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W2

1. Front Squat (kg):


2. RG Bench (kg):
TM73 70% 8s until @8 or 5 sets

51x8 @7

Training time: ~2:00


Starting up with front squats for the first time in a long time, I just went with the SS first workout protocol: sets of 5 until the bar slows down a bit, then 2 more sets at that weight. I may have been a little conservative, but if I add 2.5kg twice a week, the weight will get heavy soon enough. Depth seems honestly pretty decent, and while the bar path was pretty notgreatbob.jpg, overall I'm fairly happy with how they look. Most importantly, my back felt absolutely fine the whole time, and feels fine now a couple of hours later.

Benching 8s is a new thing I added that I do on this day. Basically some rAvsets™ to get a little chest pump without causing too much fatigue before my 5RM press attempt on Tuesday.

In the future I'll do block pulls on this day after benching, but I'm starting off slow with adding in lowerbody to gauge how this back thing responds.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-29-2017 , 04:37 PM
You did more than the fronts and bench in two hours, yes?
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-29-2017 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
You did more than the fronts and bench in two hours, yes?
I thought to add a note for that. I had to wait for the rack for like 25 minutes when I got there and there was a good bit of chatting about front squat form with the powerlifting bro. I didn't even time the workout today cause I knew it would go long.

Last edited by Renton555; 10-29-2017 at 10:53 PM.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-30-2017 , 06:38 AM
Week 82 Diet
Maintenance Phase Week 1

To be fair, I only decided to return to maintenance calories on Wednesday, so I was a bit closer to my slated 2000 kcal limit if you don't count days prior. It was a decent week for protein but I need to cut the fats more. I dunno how guys like splenda manage to eat 60g fat in 3200 cal, but I should probably eat more foods like they eat.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-30-2017 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Week 82 Diet
Maintenance Phase Week 1

To be fair, I only decided to return to maintenance calories on Wednesday, so I was a bit closer to my slated 2000 kcal limit if you don't count days prior. It was a decent week for protein but I need to cut the fats more. I dunno how guys like splenda manage to eat 60g fat in 3200 cal, but I should probably eat more foods like they eat.
Lots of rice, oats, whey, fruit, veggies, skinless chicken and super lean beef.

Not a lot (none) of fattier meats, nuts or dairy.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-31-2017 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by Spenda
Lots of rice, oats, whey, fruit, veggies, skinless chicken and super lean beef.

Not a lot (none) of fattier meats, nuts or dairy.
Thanks. My problem is that my gf cooks everything in a lot of oil and I get most of my non-whey protons from pork and dark meat poultry. I'm not sure it matters that much as I'm not doing a lot of running or training with very high volume, but my body comp is def lacking so it might be worth tightening up the fats.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W2

1. Press (kg):
TM50 up to 85% x5+

42.5x5 @9 [PR] {TM+1.5}
46x1 @9
50x1 @9.5 [PR] for loco

2. Chin-ups (@65kg):

0kg x5
6kg x5
6kg x5
6kg x5
6kg x5
6kg x5 @9.5

3. Pause RG Bench (kg):
TM73 77.5% 3s until @8 or 5 sets

56x5 @7.5?

Training time: 1:35


The press gains are officially real. For some reason, when I woke up this morning I had a wild hair up my ass to put 50 over my head. I don't think I had any right to assume it would happen considering what 47.5 looked like two weeks ago. I even totally sperged out on what would have to happen for me to attempt the single. I came up with this plan on my bike ride to the gym:

1. Work up to 42.5. If I get more than 5 or if I get 5 reps at @9.5 or less, then proceed to singles. Otherwise (if I fail to get 5 or the 5th rep is @10), do 5s at 40 until @9.

2. If 46x1 is an @9 or less, attempt 50x1. Otherwise, back to 5s at 40 until @9.

Looking back now, this seems like a decent way to approach my heavy bench/press days that allows me to push a bit more on days like today when I feel really good, while still getting the most out of the less than good days.

Last edited by Renton555; 10-31-2017 at 04:50 AM.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-31-2017 , 09:28 AM
Nice press. Nice sperg leading up to it too!
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-31-2017 , 10:11 AM

Nice press, but you're sperging too much. Just set a plan and follow it. Neither you nor I are strong enough for the amount of mental effort you're displaying in this log -- I realize it's a self soothing mechanism, but you'll get more out of just putting your head down and grinding.

Also, maybe it's time to cook some of your own food occasionally.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
10-31-2017 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Nice press, but you're sperging too much. Just set a plan and follow it. Neither you nor I are strong enough for the amount of mental effort you're displaying in this log -- I realize it's a self soothing mechanism, but you'll get more out of just putting your head down and grinding.
I don't disagree but it's in my nature to sperg. Best I can do is limit the spergness to stuff on the margins that doesn't matter much, like choosing whether to yolo a press 1rm. I don't really see how it's hurt anything so far. My numbers suck, but they improve pretty steadily and predictably. and have been doing so for a while now. And yeah, it's not only a self soothing mechanism, but probably helps with mental arousal and compliance, both of which matter some.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-01-2017 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by FloppyJ
Nice press. Nice sperg leading up to it too!
Thanks bro.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W2

1. Block Pulls (kg):


2. DB Flat Bench (lb):

45s x12
45s x12
45s x12

3. Machine Seated Row (lb):


Training time: 1:23


Block pulls felt not great. IMO they look fine on video, but during the set it felt like my lower back was absolutely the limiting factor. I didn't expect to be able to pull 110x5 or something the first day, but I also really didn't expect 90 to feel this hard. There was no severe pain or anything, just weakness and discomfort. Now, hours later, the area feels kind of stiff like it did after my last heavy sumo day.

I think I'm going to give them three honest workouts before I move on to something else like rack pulls. And it's also probably about to be time consult a professional about this back.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-04-2017 , 02:18 AM
Saturday, November 4, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W3

1. RG Bench (kg):
TM73 up to 85% x5+

62.5x6f [PR any bench] {TM+2}
59x5 @9

2. Chin-ups (@62kg):

0kg x8
0kg x8
0kg x7 @9 bleh

3. Press (kg):
w/ Band Facepull: #1 x20x4
TM51.5 72.5% 6s until @9

37.5x6 @9

Training time: 1:10


Finally, I managed to put up a bench press set that is consistent with all of the good bench days that I've been having. I'm a little embarrassed to even post the single I tried afterward, but whatever. It's even more evidence leaning toward the case that either/both a) I have problems keeping decent form as the weight exceeds 80% and/or b) there are mechanics intrinsic to the movement that result in reps being disproportionately easier than singles. Either way, I think it's clear that I'd benefit from more practice at >85%, so I'm going to adopt the kc method, doing a reasonably heavy single before all my bench work. Even though I greatly exceeded my last heavy bench day performance, I'm going with a modest TM increase that will have me adding just 1.25kg next time. 1.25kg every 2 weeks is 30kg in a year, etc. No need to rush this stuff.

The rest of the workout was pretty garbage, but I guess benching took a lot out of me. Lats were on fire, obv.

Last edited by Renton555; 11-04-2017 at 02:32 AM.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-05-2017 , 03:20 AM
Sunday, November 5, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W3

1. Front Squat (kg):


2. RG Bench (kg):
w/ Band External Rotation: #0 x18x4
TM75 75% 6s until @8

64x1 @8.5
56x6 @8.5

3. Block Pulls (kg):


Training time: 1:42


Pretty decent all around day. Front squats, while miserable, weren't particularly hard and I feel that I'll be able to add weight liberally for a while. Depth, while not great, was much better than I expected on a day that my left knee hurt more than usual and was far less flexible.

The bench single was pretty bad, but everybody gotta start somewhere. Block pulls felt way better this time around, but it's only 80kg so it ought to feel like a massage (it doesn't).

Last edited by Renton555; 11-05-2017 at 03:32 AM.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-05-2017 , 08:19 AM
Week 83 Diet
Maintenance Phase Week 2

Kind of a bad week, but no so bad as I thought it would be while I was plugging in calorie counts. Poker was ridiculous this week so there was definitely some stress eating. Also, I feel a not so subtle urge to eat more when I'm constantly setting press PRs.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-05-2017 , 10:25 AM
On your block pulls you seem to keep your toes raised off the floor pointed up in the air. Are you doing that consciously to focus on pushing through your heels?
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-05-2017 , 10:36 AM
Yes. It's kind of absurd but it helps me. I'll probably stop doing it once I get used to the movement again.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-05-2017 , 04:05 PM
Haha thats hilarious, at first I thought he just wore his socks like he does his belt, with lots of leftover.

Dude is channeling his inner Wicked Witch of the East.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-05-2017 , 04:22 PM
I thought they might have just came up on one rep at first but then realized they seemed to be doing that on all reps and consistent across different sessions. Figured it must be intentional but was curious. I do like the sock tail theory! If Renton can garner gains from that magical belt tail it is worth trying other tails imo.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
11-07-2017 , 05:32 AM
Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Training
Strength Block C4W3

1. Press (kg):
TM51.5 80% 5s until @9

41x5 @9.5

2. Chin-ups (@65kg):

2.5kg x5
6kg x5
11kg x5 @10 [PR total weight]
6kg x5
6kg x5 @9.5

3. Pause RG Bench (kg):
TM75 72% 4s until @8

54x7 @7.5

Training time: 1:39


Another really solid press day. I'm starting to feel like my sticking point at the top is more technique flaw than sticking point. I got stuck there in some of today's sets, while in others I was able to get my head through better, turning an @9 set into an @8. There are big gains here, as I did this weight for one grindy set of 5 just three weeks ago. Linked is probably what the ideal Renton press set looks like. Too bad I can only make it happen 10% of the time.

Just like last week, the pause sets were too easy. I also forgot to do the single beforehand. I think I'll increase the percentages of both my pause days by 2.5% and go from there. If I'd have followed the plan of 4s until @8, I'd have done 10-12 sets. Not a bad problem to have, and it's probably a testament to how much my technique has improved. In the linked set I have a big enough arch that you can actually see daylight under it, which is either something I hadn't noticed or the first time that happened.

Last edited by Renton555; 11-07-2017 at 05:55 AM.
Renton's Rise from Weakness Quote
