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Renton Rebuilds Renton Rebuilds

07-13-2022 , 09:58 PM

40 minute walk - I'm increasing this to 40 because it's almost exactly 20 minutes walk to a nearby gas station and I don't have to even time it. Also the carrot of being able to get a cold drink in the middle helps.

1350 cals, 126g protein - excellent day
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-15-2022 , 07:56 AM
7.15.2022 Training

Press - 45x6, 65x6, 75x6, 80x6 x3 sets, LS@8.5 (yup)
Pause Bench - 95x8, 115x8, 125x8 x2 sets, LS@9.5
Pecc Decc - 4 sets
Lat Pulldown - 4 sets

W=171 (-3)
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-16-2022 , 05:14 PM

40 minute walk

1400 cals, 110g protein

7.16.2022 Training

Rack Pull - 135x5, 185x5, 225x5 x3 sets @easy
SSB Squat - 65x8, 115x8, 135x8, 155x8 x2 sets @easy
Seated Leg Curl - 50x12 x4 sets
DB Curl - 20x12 x4 sets

I took big jumps on these but they're still RPE 1.

W=170 (-4) <--- big milestone. I may produce nudes every 10lb starting here. I'm down about 8lb from my peak a couple months back. I might have cracked 180 once, don't exactly remember.

I don't know how low I'm going, definitely not going to 125 like last time. I care more about looking good in clothes and being strong than I care about looking good shirtless. I think my happy place is probably in the 140s, then perma-recomp from that point and try to get strong again at that weight. 335 squat at 145 would be nice.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-16-2022 , 08:54 PM
+1 to walking helping my back hurt less. Glad you are feeling better
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-17-2022 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
+1 to walking helping my back hurt less. Glad you are feeling better
Thanks. Yeah so far it's a miracle. The lifts feel very stable as well.


40 minute walk

1200 cals, 85g protein <-- forgot to drink my whey shake on this day


40 minute walk

1500 cals, 120g protein

Did quite a bit of house cleaning over this weekend too so it should be a pretty good calorie deficit for those days.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-19-2022 , 08:54 AM

30 minute walk

1650 cals, 100g protein

Pretty exemplary day considering I went to Nashville for work. Ton of extra calories burned.

7.19.2022 Training

TNG Bench Press - 95x6, 125x6, 135x6, 145x6 @9, 135x6 x2 sets
Incline Bench Press - 85x8, 95x8, 105x8, 95x8 x2 sets
Seated Row - 110x10 x4 sets
Triceptuals - 30x12 x4 sets

W=169 (-5)

I'll consider habit status reached if I complete this week.

Already feeling lower cravings for food and getting up in the morning isn't that big of a chore even if I didn't get enough sleep. Things are good.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-19-2022 , 04:02 PM
Color me shocked. It's almost like exercise is equivalent to anti depressants in staving off depression.

Always surprising when fellow h&fers stop brushing their teeth. Yeah I get lazy too sometimes, but gotta brush teeth or else they rotten. It's that simple.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-20-2022 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by loco
Color me shocked. It's almost like exercise is equivalent to anti depressants in staving off depression.

Always surprising when fellow h&fers stop brushing their teeth. Yeah I get lazy too sometimes, but gotta brush teeth or else they rotten. It's that simple.
I always welcome back-handed compliments from an erstwhile 2p2 legend.


40 minute walk
1350 cals, 120g protein

7.20.2022 Training

5/3/3 Beltless Squat - 55x5, 105x5, 145x5 x4 sets @ pretty easy
Hack Squat Machine - 50x8, 70x8, 90x8 x3 sets (weights listed are in addition to the sled, which is pretty dang heavy, so probably around 155lb)
Back Raise - bodyweight x12, 25 plate x12 x3 sets
DB Hammers - 20s x15 x 2 sets, 20s x12 x2 sets

W=169 (-5)

Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-22-2022 , 11:43 AM
7.22.2022 Training

Press - 45x6, 65x6, 75x6, 85x6 @9.5, 75x6 x2 sets
Pause Bench - 95x8, 115x8, 125x8, 130x8 @9, 120x8 x2 sets
Pecc Decc - 4 sets
Lat Pulldown - 4 sets

W=169 (-6)

Last edited by Renton555; 07-22-2022 at 11:52 AM.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-22-2022 , 01:16 PM
That'd be 168 lb.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-23-2022 , 12:00 PM

40 minute walk

1600 cals, 120g protein

7.23.2022 Training

Rack Pull - 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5x3 sets @easy
SSB Squat - 65x8, 115x8, 135x8, 155x8, 175x8 x2 sets @moderate
Seated Leg Curl - 65x10 x4 sets
EZ Bar Curl - 50x12 x4 sets

W=168 (-6)

Back felt kinda not great warming up to pull, but it was fine by the time I got to 245 and SSB squats felt fine. Depth a bit sketchy but that will get better with time. Def gonna slow down the increases on SSB from here and just focus on developing strength and stability in the hole.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-24-2022 , 09:53 PM

40 minute walk

1500 cals, 90g protein


40 minute walk

1400 cals, 110g protein

Three solid weeks of very tidy calories, now I need to start working on better food choices so I'm hungry less often.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-26-2022 , 08:03 AM

40 minute walk

1300 cals, 115g protein

7.26.2022 Training

TNG Bench Press - 45x6, 95x6, 135x6 x6 sets
Incline Bench Press - 45x8, 95x8 x5 sets
Seated Row - 110x10 x4 sets
Tricepsitops - 30x12 x4 sets

W=168 (-6)

Programming is somewhat random. Just gonna increase intensity each week for 3 weeks, dial back intensity for the 4th week, slightly switch up rep ranges every 4 weeks and switch up movements every 8. Mostly for boredom purposes, not because I think any of this really matters.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-26-2022 , 08:31 AM
Good to see you (us?) back at it.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-26-2022 , 12:25 PM
Just want to throw rocks at the hornets nest I undeniably prefer Trumpism to Bidenism and I voted for Biden what a disaster lol libs.

Glad to see you lifting again I think you're about as strong as me in the upper body department.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-26-2022 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Just want to throw rocks at the hornets nest I undeniably prefer Trumpism to Bidenism and I voted for Biden what a disaster lol libs.

Glad to see you lifting again I think you're about as strong as me in the upper body department.

I'm sure our paths will diverge soon enough. Your all time max is like 50lb more than mine probably.

Also I'm talking to a tinder chick who has benched 210 (my pr is 205) so I might have to go find a rope.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-27-2022 , 07:42 AM

40 minute walk
1500 cals, 100g protein (a bit sloppy today for macros)

7.27.2022 Training

5/3/3 Beltless Squat - 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 155x5 x4 sets @ pretty easy
Hack Squat Machine - 90x8 x6 sets
GHD Back Raise - 25 plate x12 x4 sets
DB Hammers - 20s x12 x 4 sets

W=166 (-8)

Dropped 2 between weigh ins so that's always nice. Also I think I cracked 180 a couple months ago so I'm actually down 14 overall.

I'm kind of digging just banging out tons of easy sets every few weeks. It's taxing without being demoralizing.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-27-2022 , 08:34 AM
Well done on crushing the diet!

Is this sustainable long term though? What are you going to do in 6 months, a year, 2 years or whenever the next lull in training motivation/eating like an ant comes around?
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-27-2022 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Well done on crushing the diet!

Is this sustainable long term though? What are you going to do in 6 months, a year, 2 years or whenever the next lull in training motivation/eating like an ant comes around?

What are you referring to when you say "this."

I think that 4 one hour training sessions per week should be sustainable. I don't think 1400 calorie days has to be sustainable since it will end once I'm around 145lb. I think I do need to work on building some better habits with food that I'm currently not making much of a focus.

I think nightly walks is def sustainable. I look forward to them now.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-28-2022 , 08:40 AM

40 minute walk
1550 cals, 135g protein. I had a beer.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-28-2022 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
What are you referring to when you say "this."

I think that 4 one hour training sessions per week should be sustainable. I don't think 1400 calorie days has to be sustainable since it will end once I'm around 145lb. I think I do need to work on building some better habits with food that I'm currently not making much of a focus.

I think nightly walks is def sustainable. I look forward to them now.
I was referring to the calories. You seem like you're in a groove... I just don't want you to disappear again, good to have you back.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-28-2022 , 09:30 AM
People here think 1400 calories is ridiculous for a guy and they just don't fully grasp how small I am. It's typical cutting calories for my body, unfortunately. I've maintained on 1800 with a fairly active lifestyle before.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-29-2022 , 08:31 AM

40 minute walk
1400 cals, 125g protein. Had a huge heavy lunch and two whey shakes.

7.29.2022 Training

Press - 45x6, 65x6, 75x6 x2 sets, 80x6 x2 sets, 75x6 x2 sets
Pause Bench Press - 45x8, 95x8, 115x8, 125x8 x5 sets, LS@8
Lat Pulldown - 100x10 x 4 sets
Pectoralis - 75x10 x4 sets

W=168 (-6)

2lb weight whoosh might have been a fluke
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-29-2022 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Just want to throw rocks at the hornets nest I undeniably prefer Trumpism to Bidenism and I voted for Biden what a disaster lol libs.

Glad to see you lifting again I think you're about as strong as me in the upper body department.
Bidenism isn't really a thing. If it's anything, it's just not-Trumpism. It's just kind of a void, really.

I'm not sure anyone actually likes it. The entire appeal is that it's just not Trump. And if you prefer Trump to not-Trump, that's bad and you should feel bad.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
07-29-2022 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555

I'm sure our paths will diverge soon enough. Your all time max is like 50lb more than mine probably.

Also I'm talking to a tinder chick who has benched 210 (my pr is 205) so I might have to go find a rope.
Gonna need some more details here.

I remember back in the day someone posted a vid of a girl benching more than that with super arched back and about 2 inch ROM.
Renton Rebuilds Quote
