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RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength

01-19-2017 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii

330x5 @8.5 PR (I did it for Snitch)

Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii

255 @9 lol
bro, my squat is all over the shop. Loco would say no heart. But WTF is this? Should that be 355?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-20-2017 , 04:34 AM
CNS is trashed. I'm sure you saw I benched 275x8 then barely got 255x1 when I tried on Tuesday. I also set a deadlift PR on that 330x5 squat day and deadlifts take a lot out of me which is why I don't like to do them.

Hoping me eating all this food and ice cream and taking 3-4 full off days before next squat session can result in another PR. I think I should get back to the volume soon though. Can't keep hitting PRs every week.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-21-2017 , 08:04 PM

Paused incline
300x3 @8.5-9 PR

I've done 315x2 @8.5 before so right around peak strength for incline. I need to play it safe and hit all overheads next session instead of benching.

My right pec strain thing is lingering. I legit have 7+ knots on my right pec that no amount of elbowing seems to break.

DB shoulders
70s x12 @8
70s x10 @9
70s x10 @7


Rope pushdown
DB curls

Low volume day in hopes of a huge squat session Monday. Fatigue is down or should be since I was able to put up a huge incline
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-21-2017 , 10:14 PM
sniper is ready to take out your knees if you go for 275x15
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-21-2017 , 10:30 PM
Good **** lately
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-21-2017 , 10:50 PM
Sweet merciful Christ at that incline
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-24-2017 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
Good **** lately
Originally Posted by Montecore
Sweet merciful Christ at that incline
Thanks bros. I knew all the Ben and Jerry's and Haagen Dazs fueled weight gain would pay off


385 unrack only
355 PR (@7.5)
365 PR
370 PR
315x2 @9

Most I've ever done was at my last meet. 347 low bar. holy sht, this whole time I thought I did more sooooo I'm feeling ok with where I'm at right now.

1" Deficit paused deadlift
Double over
Add one strap (switch each rep)
285x1 x4

Leg press
4x20 easy (different foot placements just because)

Abs rope
3x easy

Ready to get back on the volume train but Cha is telling me I should go for another max. 370 might've been too easy plus not the smartest weight selections prior. Wanted to lock in a PR because I wasn't feeling good during warmups.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-24-2017 , 11:16 AM
370 did not look like anything near a max effort PR.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-25-2017 , 12:06 AM

DB shoulders
70s x12
70s x10
70s x10
70s x10 @7.5
70s x10 @8.5

I could probably match or do more after benching on a decent day. Felt trashed and sleep wasn't good last night.

Klokov press
95x8 x3

BTN pulldown (too lazy for pull-ups)
Neutral/hammer pulldown

Side laterals
Band pullaparts

DB curl
Hammer curl
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-25-2017 , 12:47 AM

I assume the lifts are on instagram? Link?

ETA: never mind found it

ETA2: And it's not on your channel. welp.gif
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-25-2017 , 08:29 PM
Can't have my followers think I do anything but bench right now. If you really want to see it message me. Idk when I'll put up squat or deadlift vids there.

Deload until Saturday, maybe Monday. Excited with what the next 4-8 week block looks like. Setting up for huge PRs
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-26-2017 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
Can't have my followers think I do anything but bench right now. If you really want to see it message me. Idk when I'll put up squat or deadlift vids there.

Deload until Saturday, maybe Monday. Excited with what the next 4-8 week block looks like. Setting up for huge PRs
You DL and squat form are both good imo.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-27-2017 , 12:20 AM

Was feeling like trash and was gonna skip then "just go and do what you can."

375x2 @10 lol

My abs right under ribs felt sore warming up but I kept going. It didn't get any worse


BTN pulldown

DB curls

Hopefully good to go Monday.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-28-2017 , 06:03 PM

Paused incline
255x8 @9
255x7 @8.5
255x5 @9.5 lol....

Thought I was gonna get 8-10 on the third set. Cool.

Wide grip feet up spoto
185x5 x3

Illegal wide feet up TNG
135x12 x2
135x10 @9

Narrow grip feet up TNG


DB curls

C2 rower
5min lol

My right pec is facked. Haven't benched since last Saturday and it's acting up still. Originally planned on hitting flat bench but I can feel that strain is gonna stop me even when warming up with the bar.

Good news is that rib/ab/serratus thing is going away. Hopefully able to hit what I want on Monday squats
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-31-2017 , 01:05 AM

Think the rib/ab/serratus thing was in the back of my mind. If I did the concentric at 100% I could feel it. Slowed it down and no problem but weights felt too heavy

335x1 (planned for 2x2)
275x2 x2
225x5 x2

Belt squat


KB swings

The KB swings made my serratus sore like how it was Thursday night. Great. I wanted to do something that will help with my horrible conditioning. Farmers walks are outta the question. I guess high rep belt squats which doesn't sound fun at all

I'd be happy if I can do tempo squats on Wednesday/Thursday. Gonna be lots of GHRs and belt squats since those didn't affect my serratus. Maybe leg press.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-31-2017 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
I guess high rep belt squats which doesn't sound fun at all
Can confirm. Although when is any high rep leg exercise fun
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-31-2017 , 11:06 AM
Rest it imo.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
02-01-2017 , 12:39 AM

Paused wide grip
185x5 x3
185x5 (feet up) x3

Illegal wide TNG
135x15-20 x3

Klokov press
Military press
95x8 x5

Band pullaparts (ss press)

Back ext
1x ( right hammie was gonna cramp)

DB curls

The serratus thing was feeling sore last night and I woke up and it was gone. Zero soreness. Gonna take it easy and just hit tempo squats and belt squats (gonna try a belt + dip belt combo or belt + heavy hand if gym has it)

Oh. Zero to very little feeling in my right pec minor strain when using a wide grip. Guess it'll have to be my main grip and my numbers take a dive. Also elbows to my pec had to come from the side and not the front for the huge knot to really get worked.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
02-01-2017 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by abrahamovic
Can confirm. Although when is any high rep leg exercise fun
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
02-02-2017 , 01:03 AM

For decent belt squat setup, use a regular belt and a dip belt hanging off it. No chafing. I'm sure it works with a super thick band too but I didn't have one.

Belt squat
Slow eccentric + pause
44x8 x6
80x5 x3
"TNG "
80x10 x3


Seated DB shoulders
Light x3

Klokov press (slow eccentric)
65x10 x5

Fack belt squats (in a I will do them at least 3x a month kind of way) imo. If I lift on Thursday it'll be an easy upper back session. Friday off for sure.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
02-02-2017 , 11:58 AM
Do you need a machine to do those or do you do them on some sort of death box/bench setup?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
02-02-2017 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Do you need a machine to do those or do you do them on some sort of death box/bench setup?
I've seen them done both ways.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
02-03-2017 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Do you need a machine to do those or do you do them on some sort of death box/bench setup?
I do them standing on two plyo boxes. They feel like high rep FS minus any upper back or abs for me. Straight quads


Hammer grip pulldown
4x heavy 5-8r

Wide grip btn pulldown
3x 10-15


Back extension

DB curls
Hammer curls

Didn't want to take off. I've been neglecting my upper back. Just gonna try and do a few sets 1-3x a week or maybe have a set day since I can't seem to squat 2x a week nowadays.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
02-04-2017 , 09:09 AM
I was thinking about adding a bunch of belt squats since my quads are loltastic. Scale of 1 - 10 how awful?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
02-04-2017 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by shamrock20
I was thinking about adding a bunch of belt squats since my quads are loltastic. Scale of 1 - 10 how awful?
Honestly not too bad. Add them in imo

Just realized I could possibly use a cable set up if I put the plyo boxes by the lay pulldown machine (low / row cables at the bottom)


Paused incline
265x6 @8.5
265x6 @9
265x5 @9.5 lol

Rpe too high. Felt weak during warmups. Also right pec was acting up after first set smh.

Wide spoto incline
185x7 @8.5
185x6 @9.5
185x6 @10 lol

DB shoulders (all @7-8)
45s x15
45s x12
45s x12

Rear delt lateral
DB curls


Rope push down

DB curl

Rest and carbs Sunday and I'm setting a new 5rm PR Monday probably if my first planned 335 squat doubles feels light.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
