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RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength

06-14-2016 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
Who cares about competitions just keep getting bigger and stronger
For whatever reason getting stronger is what makes me want to lift most times and it's for potential competitions. Honestly don't want to get any bigger. I wouldn't mind being mid 160s at most if I was lean. Chances are I gotta touch 158ish to be as lean as I want. Maybe lighter.


345x4 @8

Block pull
345x1 @9 lol..
275x5 x3

Leg extensions

TRX rows

DB curls
25s x12 x2

Hammer curls
35s x7 + 25s x7

My block pull is noticeably tougher than pulls off the floor and I'm super slow off the floor to begin with. Deficits way easier than block pulls for me.

Anyway I doubt I could've pulled 345 for a single 3 weeks ago so we getting somewhere. Got up to 375 for sets of 4-5s before I completely fell off the map a year or ago. Hopefully get back there soon.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-14-2016 , 12:17 AM
im the same i can pull 5 plates but if i go to rack pulls 4 feels impossible to hold on to
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-14-2016 , 01:39 AM
I'm the same. **** hate flat feet and rack/block pulls. I deadlift exclusively now in squat shoes. The slight deficit makes everything click. SMH.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-14-2016 , 06:54 AM
Bulk to 240 and bench 6 hunna
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-14-2016 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
Bulk to 240 and bench 6 hunna
Lmao not possible. 190 and bench 400+ maybe


Wide grip paused
185x5 x5
Larsen 2sec pause (comp grip)
185x5 x3

Incline DBs
60s x10. 8. 8.

Illegal wide Spoto
95x12 x3

Close grip TNG
95x12 x3

DB shoulder press
45s x10 x2
45s amrap= 20 (for "fun")

Side laterals
15s x12 x5

Had an hour. Decided to try and get "lots" of work in because I'm not pressing at all until Sunday.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-14-2016 , 11:57 PM
busto teased that he might one day come to Vegas and bench with me
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-15-2016 , 12:50 PM
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-16-2016 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii

My block pull is noticeably tougher than pulls off the floor and I'm super slow off the floor to begin with. Deficits way easier than block pulls for me.
Do more block pulls.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-17-2016 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Do more block pulls.
Will do. Currently plan on pulling once every 10 days or so. Pulls seem to take a lot out of me. Conventional anyway.


Dubs up to 185 @9 lolol

Sometime last year I got 295x2 FS, so safe to say I'm as trash as one can be

205x3 x5
185x3 x3
185x3 x3

Leg curls

Leg extensions
2x50 (10 each leg, switch until 50)

2x10 + 10 back extensions
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-18-2016 , 01:29 AM

BW x5 x2
+20x3 x5
BW x10 x3
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-19-2016 , 05:37 PM

Paused bench
245 easy.. good for 7-10 depending

Blue slingshot
275x5 x3 all @8.5
225x5 close grip

Incline close grip slingshot
185x8 x3

DB curls
20s x25

Face pulls + rope push down + BB curls
5 sets

Probably using slingshot on Sundays. Less stress for my right pec. More overload for weak ass triceps

If I feel good tomorrow I'll deadlift. If not then skwats
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-19-2016 , 10:50 PM
How do you find the slingshot? If your triceps are weak what are you doing for them? I don't see any tricep work in there
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-21-2016 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
How do you find the slingshot? If your triceps are weak what are you doing for them? I don't see any tricep work in there
I press pretty often but I guess that's not enough. I just meant they're weak in isolation because I see skinny dudes using way more weight than I can imagine but can't even bench 250 or whatever. And I did rope pushdowns lol


365 @7.5

Block pull "1
315x3 @8 x2
275x5 @7 x2

Leg extensions unilateral
5x15-20 FIFTEEN pounds lmao

DB curls
25s x8 x5

Very happy with my pull right now. Seems like it's the only lift moving up consistently. Again, block pulls way harder so I knew to drop the weight lots
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-22-2016 , 12:56 AM

Military press
165 @7.5 lol..
155x2 x3

Pin press (~1.5" off chest)
Close grip feet up triples
175 x3s
Comp grip dubs
245 (@8ish, idk)
225 AMRAP = 6 @8.5 lol..

Paused bench
185x10 @8
One board (rubber 5lb plate)
185x10 x4

Some easy lat pulldowns and band pullaparts to finish. Pin presses are rough. Waaaay harder than 2sec paused bench.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-23-2016 , 12:41 AM

Was planning on hitting FS but gym was busy and I didn't have time to wait

Sumo deadlift
225x1 x3
245x1 x3
185x5 x5
185x3 x3

BB row
135x8 x2

Seated plate loaded row

Hammer curls
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-24-2016 , 02:02 AM

Paused incline
185x5 x3

DB shoulder press

70s amrap = 13 @8
60s amrap = 16 @8.5

DB laterals
20s x15 x3

Band pullaparts

Wanted to do more pressing but I'm benching Sunday and don't need excuses plus I did a lot of volume on Tuesday.

Just gonna continue eating like trash until Monday and hopefully go back to diet mode. If not then whatever it's all good as long as I get stronger smh. Weighing 169-170 as opposed to the 166-167 from a few weeks ago. Too much ice cream.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-24-2016 , 10:51 PM

185 x2s
225 x4s
225 amrap = 7 @8.5

Paused HBBS
185x5 x5

Leg extension unilateral

Right leg weaker than left and pretty noticeable. It's the right patella that gives me problems.

Squats again Monday. "Diet starts next week" because I have two facking buffets to go to on Saturday and Sunday. Probably gonna be 175 next week lol was down to 165.x a few weeks before "Talenti or die"
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-25-2016 , 12:32 AM
Dunno how you're always so light all you talk about is eating and posting donut pics daily lol
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-26-2016 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by bdiddy131313
Dunno how you're always so light all you talk about is eating and posting donut pics daily lol
You'd see how bad it is if you saw my snapchat.

Tonight's damage:

~16oz ahi Poké
~16oz prime rib
~8oz chicken
+ 3 plates dessert and a piece of cake to top it off.

Yup. Bulking to 198
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-26-2016 , 08:22 PM

I threw on a "35" but really it was a 45 so I thought I was doing 20lbs less on 225/245. Was irritated lifting because everything felt heavy but that's because I'm stupid and didn't check the plates. Hindsight I should've just done the planned fives

Paused bench
245x5 @8.5
245x3 x3 all @7.5-8
225x5 x3 @8

Spoto wide grip
185x7 x5 last two sets @8

Close grip TNG
135x12 x3 @8

Was training at my friends garage gym and it was hot. That's all I had time for but seems like quite a bit of volume at my current strength level.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-28-2016 , 12:03 AM

235 x4
235 amrap = 5 @9

Paused HBBS
185x5 x5
Paused low bar
185x5 x3

Might redo 235 next Monday. Can only make 10lb jumps at this gym no 2.5s and 245 triples might be too slow for me.

I had plans of hitting 185 for sets of 8-10 before I got lazy. And I decided to hit more paused squats instead of SLDL.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-28-2016 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
You'd see how bad it is if you saw my snapchat.

Tonight's damage:

~16oz ahi Poké
~16oz prime rib
~8oz chicken
+ 3 plates dessert and a piece of cake to top it off.

Yup. Bulking to 198
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-28-2016 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
only problem is busto eats like 1 meal a day so its not even that much lol
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-28-2016 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
You'd see how bad it is if you saw my snapchat.

Tonight's damage:

~16oz ahi Poké
~16oz prime rib
~8oz chicken
+ 3 plates dessert and a piece of cake to top it off.

Yup. Bulking to 198
Can't understand the chicken here when presumably there's more of the other meats available.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
06-29-2016 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
Can't understand the chicken here when presumably there's more of the other meats available.
The Poké was gone and I grabbed all that chicken on my first trip through the buffet line because I wanted to wait until everyone got some prime rib before I tried to eat more. I def should've went all prime rib though.


Military press
135x2 x5

DB low incline
30s x20 x2
50s x6 x2

Pecs too sore from Sunday so all shoulders

DB shoulder press
70s x7r x4
70s amrap = 15 @8.5

50s x10 x5

TRX rows (superset with 50s press)

DB laterals
20s x15. 12. 12. 10. 10. (59)

Band pullaparts (ss laterals)

DB curls
25s x12. 12. 12.
20s x12. 10.

Not that I can go much heavier but I don't like the heavier DBs at this gym so just gonna do 70s for all the reps. Happy with that amrap set. Think I did less last week and today was after more volume.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
