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RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength

12-30-2014 , 05:19 PM

Truly awesome.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
12-31-2014 , 03:35 AM
You can do inclines instead of tng bench on day 2.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
12-31-2014 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by aura

Truly awesome.
*bench... laughable squat and deadlift to go along with it

Originally Posted by Aidan
You can do inclines instead of tng bench on day 2.
Aidan, you're a genius because that's exactly what I was going to message you about possibly doing. thanks for letting me be a special snowflake. I think it'll be beneficial because my right pec never gets bothered from incline and my right tricep tendons get affected less too.

I was thinking drop the percentage by TEN points (maybe 12.5) each week since it's incline (plugging in 285 as my max would get me slightly higher weights). I kinda want to pause all except the AMRAP but if you want me to TnG all, then that's what I'll do. lmk if anything
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
12-31-2014 , 05:51 AM
Theyre guidelines, not rules RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength

Percentage drop is up to you, think id have to drop it more because my incline sucks. Either option for pause or tng works, probably, but there is plenty of pause work in there.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:39 AM
If I follow a program by Weasel and another program by Aidan at the same time, would I get double the gains?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
12-31-2014 , 07:44 AM
Holy cow your new avatar is badass
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
12-31-2014 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Theyre guidelines, not rules RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength

Percentage drop is up to you, think id have to drop it more because my incline sucks. Either option for pause or tng works, probably, but there is plenty of pause work in there.
I dropped them 15% and will pause all except AMRAP. gains will be made regardless of weight imo since most of my incline pause work is with 185lbs.. 15% drop has me going from 190 to 235 in week 5 and really I'll probably just use 185-225.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
If I follow a program by Weasel and another program by Aidan at the same time, would I get double the gains?
only if you up your alcohol consumption

Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Holy cow your new avatar is badass
thanks bro


yea, still sick..

shoujlder prehabs

machine fly + rear delt fly superset
5x20 each

cable preacher

cable lateral

rear delt fly + 25lb db curl superset
5 sets


bb curl
bar x 20..15..10.. 8

been eating so much food. weighed 172 today and give zero facks. will get back to a good deficit over the weekend for sure, tho.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-02-2015 , 06:25 PM

weighed 174.2 .. should drop quickly

shoulder prehabs

bb curls
bar x8
65x8 x3
bar x10 x3

db laterals
20s x10 x5

machine fly x reverse fly superset
3x20 each

rear delt machine fly
4x10 (for 100 reps obv)

cable preachers

I did like 5min of rowing before I started. better than nothing. my resting heart rate is in the low/mid 60s as opposed to mid/high 50s that is usually is on my phone.

also still sick.. also my right tricep tendon is facked.. ice it a couple of times a day. hopefully it'll be ready to go next week when I start Aidan's program.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-03-2015 , 05:23 PM

weighed 172.0 ...still sick

3 minutes c2 row lol

pendlay rows
185x3 x3 (seriously @9 sets)
135x8 x2

last time I pendlay rowed I did 225x10 so barely getting 3 with 185 is cool.

cable preacher curls


idk when I'm gonna start Aidan's program but I'm still gonna do it. might just man up and start it on Monday for the squat/deadlift portion and delay the benching until my tricep feels better.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-05-2015 , 12:21 AM

low bar
215x6 x4

was supposed to hit sumos too but I wasn't feeling it at all.. this sickness is getting to me.. just felt weak and I was freezing in the gym with a hoodie on. probably hit those sumo pull tomorrow.. IDK if my tricep is ready but I might try tmrw or tuesday and go from there.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-05-2015 , 12:50 AM
Sick since 12-27... is it the ebola?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-05-2015 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Evoken
Sick since 12-27... is it the ebola?
I think it's cold induced AIDS... 58 degrees

Better news: bodyweight 169.9
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-05-2015 , 05:39 PM

bike 2 minutes (gym only has two rowers and it's outside of the room I train in now so everyone is on it smh)

shoulder prehabs

sumo deads
225x6 x4

pendlay rows
185x5 x3

bw x5 x2sets

feel a lot better today. going back tonight for curls and facepulls probably.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-06-2015 , 01:57 AM
1/5 night

bb curls
bar x8
65x8 x5

preacher cable curls

db curls
25s x12 x3

RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-06-2015 , 04:17 PM

shoulder prehabs
roll arms
liiight one arm pushdowns

aidan program week 1

paused bench
195x7 x3 (misloaded)
205x7 x2
3sec pause
235x2 x2

tricep was feeling kinda rough after the first set of 7, but it got better. I think if I stay on top of it with the recovery sht that I can get through the lower intensity days.. the test comes when I have to hit higher weights, but I'll make adjustments.. bench is whatever to me.. I feel I can progress slowly or at least maintain no matter what I do as long as I don't get injured

rear delt fly


easy squats and upper back tomorrow.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-08-2015 , 01:05 AM

Weighed 168.6

Paused low bar
185x6 x4

Started with 3sec pauses but they went faster each set

Pendlay rows
185x8 x3

Cable preacher curls
4 sets to a heavy 8
Then lower pin by one

Bw x5 x5

Incline tmrw if my tricep lets me
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-09-2015 , 12:47 AM

Forgot to take weight but I'm near or right at where I left off before holiday damage.

Paused incline
185x 5 x5
tng amrap
185x12 @7.5

Good that I racked early because my right pec started feeling strained after


Band pullaparts

Light slow eccentric pushdowns
Lost count.. did them for ~30 minutes along with rolling

Def worried about the heavier bench sessions coming up. Sorry, Aidan, but I will abandon this 4x a week set up if I can't hang.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-10-2015 , 03:04 AM

275x6 x4

Supposed to be 260 *shrug*

Pendlay rows

Db curls
25s x20

Bb curl
95x3 + 65x7 + 45x10
Bar x a lot
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-10-2015 , 03:26 AM
solid start
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
solid start
and then today... lol


feel stupid. had two cookies last night.. the good kind that's still hitting 12 hours later.

paused incline
up to 225x3 paused x5

supposed to flat 270x3 x5 but went with this. not gonna follow the benching portion exactly. will try to keep bench at 3x a week and possibly combine the last two bench days by doing half of each day or something.


band pullaparts

bb curls
bar x10
65x6 x5

cable preacher

bb curl
bar x12 x4

most likely drinking tonight
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:35 PM
235x10 pendlay loooool

I would love a video next time, srsly
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-12-2015 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
235x10 pendlay loooool

I would love a video next time, srsly
I got u.. maybe monday night if my back is feeling strong.


faaack I got wasted two nights in a row and went from 167.8 to 175 bodyweight. that drinking heavily sht is really not for me anymore and I don't even understand how that was being done multiple nights a week before.

paused bench
up to 225
blue slingshot
295x3 x3

supposed to be 290 and red slingshot, so probably too heavy BUT I did lower my max by a lot. tricep wasn't an issue which is great but right pec was tighter than usual.

work in in 12s.. got pretty heavy, like 55lbs maybe. I usually stay under 30
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-13-2015 , 12:47 AM

Weight 172.3

Low bar
235x5 x4

245x5 x4

Pendlay rows
205x1 x2

Had more on the Pendlay but I'm sure form wasn't as clean as I want it. Will upload vid later.

I'd have done more rows but I wanted to leave before the end of the game since I dvr'd it.
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-13-2015 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
faaack I got wasted two nights in a row and went from 167.8 to 175 bodyweight. that drinking heavily sht is really not for me anymore and I don't even understand how that was being done multiple nights a week before.
I'm usually the opposite. Do you drink eat a lot?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
01-13-2015 , 01:22 AM
Wait, you lose weight when you drink? I thought alcohol caused water retention for most people?
RealBusto's Quest for Fake Strength Quote
