thanks, broz!
Originally Posted by milesdyson
I appreciate the lack of extreme back arch.
Looked like it was moving either down or "backwards" toward your face on the way up. At that second if you paused it I would bet hard against you finishing the rep. Well done.
yea, pretty sure it went backwards and possibly down, not sure. I was about to shake my head and tell my dude to pull it but good thing I gave it a chance.
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
That's the first time I've seen you this happy after making a lift. Usually you dump the weights and put on your angry stay-away-from-me attitude face.
lmaooo if I'm angry looking then that means I realllllly got hyped up for it. I didn't do too much hyping up for this one.
4/27 night
205x3 double paused (atg x above parallel) x3
lots of rolling.. sht, my IT bands are in horrible shape. so many spots make my feet shake. I really need to do at least 10 minutes a day on each leg. Not exactly following my plan to set up a great DL session on tuesday, but I think I can get a 235 military press before I start my cut on Wednesday.
I'm dead set on cutting already. I don't think I'll suffer much if I pick good intensities and frequencies for the pressing (and skwats) and just focus on moving everything fast. I'd like to lose 4-6lbs in May. I estimate myself at ~15% bf.