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rAv's lifting log: brAv science included rAv's lifting log: brAv science included

12-20-2016 , 12:37 PM
I'll keep an eye out for the after vid on your log.
That does sound uncomfortable tho. Good sign I'm not doing it right because i'm not nearly that uncomfortable.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-20-2016 , 12:38 PM
5/3/1 OHP C2 TM125
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 at 21:47

Overhead Press 5/3/1
Set 1: 80 lb × 5
Set 2: 95 lb × 5
Set 3: 105 lb × 14 [PR]

Bench Press
Set 1: 125 lb × 10
Set 2: 125 lb × 10
Set 3: 125 lb × 10
Set 4: 125 lb × 10
Set 5: 125 lb × 10

Chin Up
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 4: 9 reps
Set 5: 8 reps

Face Pull
Set 1: 33 lb × 15
Set 2: 39 lb × 12
Set 3: 39 lb × 12

Barbell Curl
Set 1: 55 lb × 15
Set 2: 55 lb × 14
Set 3: 55 lb × 13

Tricep overhead extension
Set 1: 55 lb × 14
Set 2: 55 lb × 12
Set 3: 49 lb × 12

Good workout. Kind of surprised bc of lack of sleep, some more booze than usual and a beginning cold made me feel kind of ****ty going in. But, one more rep than last cycle on week 1
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-21-2016 , 03:05 AM
5/3/1 Deadlift C2 TM320
Wednesday, 21 December 2016 at 12:18

Deadlift 5/3/1
Set 1: 210 lb × 5
Set 2: 240 lb × 5
Set 3: 270 lb × 15 [PR]

Set 1: 180 lb × 10
Set 2: 180 lb × 10
Set 3: 180 lb × 10
Set 4: 180 lb × 10
Set 5: 180 lb × 10

Lying Leg Curl
Set 1: 130 lb × 12
Set 2: 130 lb × 12
Set 3: 130 lb × 12

Cable Crunch
Set 1: 97 lb × 15
Set 2: 108 lb × 15
Set 3: 108 lb × 15

Pretty massive rep PR I think. Last cycle at 3's I got 280x11, now 270x15. Also couple of months ago I was doing 270 for 3x5, now just smashing those 15 reps in one set feels pretty good.

Tried to keep from lowering my hips too much when setting my back, worked out ok imo.
Slight back softening on last 2 reps but nothing too bad I don't think.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-23-2016 , 12:19 PM
5/3/1 Bench C2 week 2 TM205
Friday, 23 December 2016 at 21:39

Bench Press 5/3/1
Set 1: 145 lb × 3
Set 2: 165 lb × 3
Set 3: 185 lb × 7

Overhead Press
Set 1: 75 lb × 10
Set 2: 75 lb × 10
Set 3: 75 lb × 10
Set 4: 75 lb × 10
Set 5: 75 lb × 10

Notes: 60s rest

T Bar Row
Set 1: 82,5 lb × 10
Set 2: 82,5 lb × 10
Set 3: 82,5 lb × 10
Set 4: 82,5 lb × 10
Set 5: 82,5 lb × 10

Notes: 60s rest

Pull Up
Set 1: 7 reps
Set 2: 6 reps

Concentration Curl
Set 1: 55 lb × 15
Set 2: 55 lb × 15
Set 3: 55 lb × 12

Tricep Pushdown
Set 1: 45 lb × 18
Set 2: 55 lb × 12
Set 3: 55 lb × 13

Lat Pulldown
Set 1: 130 lb × 10
Set 2: 119 lb × 10

Cable lateral raise
Set 1: 6 lb × 12
Set 2: 6 lb × 12
Set 3: 6 lb × 12

Bench woes continue. Felt all over the place. Was hoping for 8 reps, got 7.
Pullups were lolbad today for some reason. Say screw it and did some pulldowns instead.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-23-2016 , 01:51 PM
I placed a notepad window over that video with the vertical border lining up with the blue of your shirt where it meets your neck. As the set goes on, more blue creeps across the line, basically you're shifting back like 0.5cm with each rep. Def use that yoga mat, IMO. If it's a matter of inconvenience, I'd suggest you do what I did. I brought a yoga mat from home and cut a strip of it to the width of my gym's bench. So now it's more portable and I can bring it with me without it being a hassle.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-23-2016 , 04:31 PM
You are getting no leg drive in that video and your shoulders/scaps are coming undone.

Here are some things you can try.

When you set up, slide your body down the bench (towards uprights) about six inches more than usual, plant your feet on the floor and your butt on the bench, then get into your arch and plant your shoulders down on the bench where you normally have them and your ass back down in the new position. This should tighten the the arch a lot.

This position should be hard to get into and difficult to maintain. SHoudl be uncomfortable.

For me, this hurts enough that I may be grunting from the pain. I have to spend some time stretching out my quads before I even do it.

Assuming you can get a lift off, set your shoulders and scaps together and get the lift off into position without losing any part of your position/shoulders/scaps. You can take a huge breath in before the lift off and hold it or you can rebreathe prior to pressing but be careful not to lose tightness.

You should be driving your shoulders down into the bench, while simultaneously driving your torso up through the uprights.

If you cant get a liftoff, Set up anyway and when you have to lift off, just raise your ass off the bench to facilitate the lift off yourself and then put your ass right back where it was.

If you got loose at all during any of this start over.

Once you're ready to press, start your descent.

You have a choice here, You can start driving your heels during the descent or time it to be more dynamic with the heel drive occurring as you press off your chest.

Either way though, you must drive your heels through the floor (doesnt matter if they are actually touching the floor or not--unless required by federation) and keep driving through the completion of the press.

If you watch the video you have no heel drive happening at all.

Hope this helps.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-24-2016 , 12:12 AM
Renton, yes I notice now. I was gonna use the mat but my gym has only one (lol) and it was in use. Should get my own.


Will definitely try that and report back. Thanks for the advice.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-25-2016 , 06:59 AM
5/3/1 Squat C2 TM 295
Sunday, 25 December 2016 at 16:01

Squat 5/3/1
Set 1: 205 lb × 3
Set 2: 235 lb × 3
Set 3: 265 lb × 7

Set 1: 190 lb × 10
Set 2: 190 lb × 10
Set 3: 190 lb × 10
Set 4: 190 lb × 10
Set 5: 190 lb × 10

Leg Press
Set 1: 460 lb × 10
Set 2: 460 lb × 10
Set 3: 460 lb × 10

Set 1: 1 min, 10 secs
Set 2: 1 min
Set 3: 50 secs

Squats went ok. Was hoping for 7, got 7. Everything else standard. Tried some planks for first time in a long time. Since those hit the core isometrically is it possible those have more carryover to the main lifts than say crunches? Just thinking out loud here.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-25-2016 , 11:26 AM
Almost forgot. Merry Christmas bro's.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-26-2016 , 03:30 AM
5/3/1 OHP C2 TM125
Monday, 26 December 2016 at 12:41

Overhead Press 5/3/1
Set 1: 90 lb × 3
Set 2: 100 lb × 3
Set 3: 115 lb × 10

Bench Press
Set 1: 125 lb × 10
Set 2: 125 lb × 10
Set 3: 125 lb × 10
Set 4: 125 lb × 10
Set 5: 125 lb × 10

Chin Up
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 4: 9 reps
Set 5: 7 reps

Face Pull
Set 1: 39 lb × 12
Set 2: 39 lb × 12
Set 3: 39 lb × 13

Barbell Curl
Set 1: 55 lb × 15
Set 2: 55 lb × 14
Set 3: 55 lb × 13

Tricep overhead extension
Set 1: 44 lb × 15
Set 2: 44 lb × 15
Set 3: 44 lb × 15

Good day pressing. Wanted to get at least 8, got 10. Got 7 at this weight some weeks ago.

@BPA234 does this look any better? I think it does slightly but what do I know. Quads got pretty sore though so that's probably a good sign.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-28-2016 , 03:55 AM
5/3/1 Deadlift C2 TM320
Wednesday, 28 December 2016 at 13:26

Deadlift 5/3/1
Set 1: 225 lb × 3
Set 2: 255 lb × 3
Set 3: 290 lb × 9

Set 1: 180 lb × 10
Set 2: 180 lb × 10
Set 3: 180 lb × 10
Set 4: 180 lb × 10
Set 5: 180 lb × 10

Notes: 60s

Lying Leg Curl
Set 1: 130 lb × 12
Set 2: 130 lb × 12
Set 3: 130 lb × 12

Cable Crunch
Set 1: 108 lb × 15
Set 2: 119 lb × 15
Set 3: 119 lb × 15

Good workout. One of those where you leave feeling you could've done a bunch more. Maybe this is where joker sets from beyond 5/3/1 should come into play.
I think all those cardio squats and deadlifts are starting to help my conditioning, i'm not getting nearly as out of breath as when I started 5/3/1.

Today first time pulling with liquid chalk. That stuff is the nuts. Grip felt super solid, I can probably keep pulling double overhand for a long time like this. Had someone take some from Europe for me.

Last edited by rAv; 12-28-2016 at 04:02 AM.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-29-2016 , 07:38 AM
5/3/1 Bench C2 TM205
Thursday, 29 December 2016 at 16:53

Bench Press 5/3/1
Set 1: 155 lb × 5
Set 2: 175 lb × 3
Set 3: 195 lb × 7 [PR]

Overhead Press
Set 1: 75 lb × 10
Set 2: 75 lb × 10
Set 3: 75 lb × 10
Set 4: 75 lb × 10
Set 5: 75 lb × 10

T Bar Row
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Set 3: 60 lb × 10
Set 4: 60 lb × 10
Set 5: 60 lb × 10

Tricep Pushdown
Set 1: 55 lb × 13
Set 2: 55 lb × 13
Set 3: 55 lb × 12

Pulldown (Neutral Grip)
Set 1: 64 lb × 10
Set 2: 75 lb × 10
Set 3: 75 lb × 14

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lb × 12
Set 2: 20 lb × 12
Set 3: 20 lb × 10

Didn't really get setup right on bench this time, feet were a bit farther forward than I would have liked. It's hard to focus on cues when the weight gets heavier. That said still a rep PR so all good The work continues.

Dropped the weight a bit on rows as I was getting cheaty. Focussed on form and pause at the top. Also went with pulldowns instead of pullups as second pull of the day because after 5 sets of rows I difficult for me to get reps in on pullups without getting all bouncy and stuff. I felt way more connection with my lats on these so I will probably keep them in.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
12-31-2016 , 02:05 AM
Went to the gym but it was closed. Misread the notice, thought it was open till 6 today but that was yesterday. They open again on the 3rd

No worries I'll just treat this as a deload. I've only done 5/3/1 week for bench day for second cycle so I'll start 5/3/1 week again on tuesday with squats and then go another 2 cycles without deloading.

Enjoy your NYE everyone.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-02-2017 , 02:04 AM
Short 2016 recap. Only about half the year was really logged though, but still.

My goals when I started this log:
[ ] Get form nailed down on all lifts
I guess form improved on most lifts, but to say I got it all nailed down.. nah. The work continues.

[ ] Get to 90kg bodyweight
Fail. I'm at 88,5-89kg now. Moar food..

[x] Keep progressing in weight on all the main lifts
Guess I achieved this one. Progress from start of log until now:
Bench: 3x5x155 --> 7x195
Squat: 3x5x237 --> 7x265, 5x285, 14x240
Deadlift: 3x55x255 --> 5x315, 9x290, 15x270
OHP: 3x5x95 --> 6x125, 10x115, 14x105

[ ]Start looking like I actually pick up a weight sometimes
Guess that's a fail, still no IEL status imo even though made some progress.

New goals 2017
[] Bench 250x5
[] Squat 350x5
[] Deadlift 425x5
[] OHP 160x5
[] 20 pullups
[] Get to 95kg BW without being totally fat
[] Improve form on main lifts
[] Look like IEL
[] Do more cardio/conditioning (shouldn't be hard as I do 0 cardio now)
[] 200 gym sessions

Not even sure those are reasonable goals. Only one way to find out.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-03-2017 , 06:50 AM
5/3/1 Squat C2 Week 3 TM 295
Tuesday, 3 January 2017 at 16:20

Squat 5/3/1
Set 1: 220 lb × 5
Set 2: 250 lb × 3
Set 3: 280 lb × 3 + f
Set 4: 220 lb × 15

Ab Roller
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 15 reps
Set 3: 15 reps

Back Raise
Set 1: 0 lb × 15
Set 2: 0 lb × 15
Set 3: 0 lb × 15
Set 4: 0 lb × 15
Set 5: 0 lb × 20

First session of 2017 in the books, 199 more to go Not sure what happened with squats, only got 3 reps. Didn't mean to go to failure but really thought I had the 4th at least. Squats seem to suffer a lot after a some time off.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-03-2017 , 07:17 AM
So after reading Beyond 5/3/1 and reading Wendlers opinion that one really should include some sort of backoff sets and Joker sets in the program, I decided to switch it up a bit, because who am I to disagree with that. Also that seems like a lot of fun, a lot more so than BBB. New setup looks like this.

A: Press
Press 5/3/1
Up to 3 Joker sets
First set last AMRAP

T-bar row 5x10
Dips 5x10

Lat pulldown 3x10
Facepulls 3x12

Tricep overhead extension
Bicep Curl

B: Deadlift
Deadlift 5/3/1
Deadlift up to 3 Joker sets
Deadlift first set last AMRAP
Leg press 3x10
Cable crunches 3x15

C: Bench press

Bench press 5/3/1
Bench press up to 3 Joker sets
Bench press first set last AMRAP
Chinups 5x10
Cable lateral raises 3x12
Dumbbell row 3x10
Rear delt machine 3x12
Tricep pushdown 3x12
Bicep curl 3x12

D: Squat
Squat 5/3/1
Squat up to 3 Joker sets
Squat first set last AMRAP
Back raise 5x10
Ab wheel 3xamrap
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-03-2017 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by rAv
Short 2016 recap. Only about half the year was really logged though, but still.

My goals when I started this log:
[ ] Get form nailed down on all lifts
I guess form improved on most lifts, but to say I got it all nailed down.. nah. The work continues.

[ ] Get to 90kg bodyweight
Fail. I'm at 88,5-89kg now. Moar food..

[x] Keep progressing in weight on all the main lifts
Guess I achieved this one. Progress from start of log until now:
Bench: 3x5x155 --> 7x195
Squat: 3x5x237 --> 7x265, 5x285, 14x240
Deadlift: 3x55x255 --> 5x315, 9x290, 15x270
OHP: 3x5x95 --> 6x125, 10x115, 14x105

[ ]Start looking like I actually pick up a weight sometimes
Guess that's a fail, still no IEL status imo even though made some progress.

New goals 2017
[] Bench 250x5
[] Squat 350x5
[] Deadlift 425x5
[] OHP 160x5
[] 20 pullups
[] Get to 95kg BW without being totally fat
[] Improve form on main lifts
[] Look like IEL
[] Do more cardio/conditioning (shouldn't be hard as I do 0 cardio now)
[] 200 gym sessions

Not even sure those are reasonable goals. Only one way to find out.
These seem like solid goals. I think the OHP and 20 pullups at 95kg bw are probably the hardest of those.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-03-2017 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by UpsideDownChuck
These seem like solid goals. I think the OHP and 20 pullups at 95kg bw are probably the hardest of those.
OHP is going to be pretty hard given where he is now, but not impossible given I'm pretty sure I did 157.5x5 when I was around 225 or so and I'm weak and stuff.

20 chins is going to be hard if he's only doing 50 chin-ups a week.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-04-2017 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
OHP is going to be pretty hard given where he is now, but not impossible given I'm pretty sure I did 157.5x5 when I was around 225 or so and I'm weak and stuff.

20 chins is going to be hard if he's only doing 50 chin-ups a week.
Maybe it's ambitious but eh, nothing wrong with setting ambitious goals right?

50 chins is just in my workouts. I'm also doing around 20-30 every day on my home pullup bar gtg style, I just don't log those.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-04-2017 , 06:24 AM
5/3/1 OHP C2 week 3 TM125
Wednesday, 4 January 2017 at 15:37

Overhead Press 5/3/1
Set 1: 95 lb × 5
Set 2: 105 lb × 3
Set 3: 120 lb × 9 [rep PR]
Set 4: 125 lb × 1
Set 5: 130 lb × 1
Set 6: 137,5 lb × 1 [PR]
Set 7: 95 lb × 15

T Bar Row
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Set 3: 60 lb × 10
Set 4: 60 lb × 10
Set 5: 60 lb × 10

Chest Dip
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 4: 10 reps
Set 5: 10 reps

Lat Pulldown
Set 1: 97 lb × 10
Set 2: 97 lb × 10
Set 3: 97 lb × 8

Face Pull
Set 1: 39 lb × 13
Set 2: 39 lb × 12
Set 3: 39 lb × 12

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lb × 12
Set 2: 20 lb × 12
Set 3: 20 lb × 11

Joker sets are fun as hell. Also 9 reps on first amrap which is pretty nice. Felt like good amount of volume and in and out of the gym in 55 mins including warmup
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-04-2017 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by rAv
Maybe it's ambitious but eh, nothing wrong with setting ambitious goals right?

50 chins is just in my workouts. I'm also doing around 20-30 every day on my home pullup bar gtg style, I just don't log those.
Word, you just reminded me that I'd meant to start gtg push-ups at home in the new year. None of my doorways are acceptable for my door mounted bar, so I put a pull-up/dip station on my Amazon list as a trigger to attempt (and likely fail) to convince my wife we should get one.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-04-2017 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Word, you just reminded me that I'd meant to start gtg push-ups at home in the new year. None of my doorways are acceptable for my door mounted bar, so I put a pull-up/dip station on my Amazon list as a trigger to attempt (and likely fail) to convince my wife we should get one.
how about one of those that wedges into the door frame?
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-05-2017 , 05:14 AM
I have one of those, can't support my weight just slides down (I'm 98kg rbough)
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-05-2017 , 05:40 AM
Ok yea that sucks. I've only ever tried one once at a friends house. Seemed sturdy enough for my weight.
rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
01-06-2017 , 06:21 AM
5/3/1 Deadlift C2 week 3 TM320
Friday, 6 January 2017 at 15:31

Deadlift 5/3/1
Set 1: 240 lb × 5
Set 2: 270 lb × 3
Set 3: 305 lb × 6
Set 4: 320 lb × 1
Set 5: 335 lb × 1
Set 6: 350 lb × 1 [PR]
Set 7: 240 lb × 16

Cable Crunch
Set 1: 108 lb × 15
Set 2: 119 lb × 15
Set 3: 119 lb × 14

Leg Press
Set 1: 360 lb × 10
Set 2: 360 lb × 10
Set 3: 360 lb × 10

Probably should not have gone for jokers today. Didn't feel that strong and form felt a bit off. But going for a PR proved too tempting. Gotta be smarter about when to go for jokers bc the resulting pull was not that good looking. Ah well.

Kept leg press light and placed feel low on the board in an attempt to recruit as much quads as possible, felt ok, decent pump.

rAv's lifting log: brAv science included Quote
