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POW's CrossFit Log POW's CrossFit Log

05-29-2024 , 08:00 AM

Facepulls: 2x80x12
Y raises: 30x7, 3x12x22.5
Behind the back raises: 22.5x11, 12, 8
Incline DB bench: 40x10, 12, 12, 12
Reverse flies: 22.5x12, 12, 8, 8
Tricep overhead extension: 82.5x10, 10, 8, 7
Pec deck: 160x17, 10, 8
Dip machine: 140x15, 12, 12
Calf raises on squat machine: 50x18, 15, 13, 13

Elliptical: 15 minutes (140 average HR)

Decided to super set reverse flies with overhead tricep extensions. This seems like a decent time saver and I don't think performance on either lift dropped off too significantly.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
05-30-2024 , 11:02 AM

Mag grip lat pulldown: 135x15, 12+3, 12+3, 10+5
Bayesian curls: 30x15, 40x15, 12+4, 11+5
Seated plate loaded row: 2 pps x 17, 13, 12, 10
Seated cable row: 150x13, 9, 9
Lat prayers: 90x13, 10, 8, 60x10
DB curls: 20x20, 15, 13

Felt kind of sluggish in the gym today, especially on my initial lifts, but I grinded through. I really like the seated plate loaded row (similar to this: with an overhand grip. I get a good stretch and pump. I think I'm going to drop the chest supported t-bar row for a couple weeks and use this machine instead.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
05-31-2024 , 08:01 AM

Lying leg curls: 90x11, 95x10, 9, 9
Adductors: 85x30, 115x12, 13, 13
Hack squat: 3x10x205
BSS: 150x10, 8
Back extensions: 8, 10, 10

Elliptical 30 minutes (136 average HR)

I was planning on doing leg extensions but my quads were absolutely cooked after split squats, so decided to do some light back extensions instead.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-01-2024 , 11:03 AM

Pec deck: 3x12x160
Behind the back raises: 20x15, 13, 12
Y raises: 3x10x22.5
Cable press: 52.5x8, 72.5x6, 102.5x10, 6, 82.5x10
Overhead tricep extension: 82.5x16, 12, 9, 8
Reverse flies: 32.5x7, 22.5x13, 13, 8
Calf raises on squat machine: 70x18, 15, 13

Basketball: ~45 minutes
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-03-2024 , 07:27 AM

Assisted pull ups: warm up
Seated unilateral calf raise: 2x15x50
Seated plate loaded row: 2 pps x 20, 15, 13, 11, 13
Mag grip lat pulldown: 140x10, 10, 10, 8
Seated cable row: 180x6, 2x16x120
Bayesian curls: 40x12, 10, 12, 9+6
Hanging leg raises: 15, 10, 10
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-04-2024 , 08:02 AM

Prone leg curls: 80x6, 100x10, 10, 7
Adductors: 85x20, 115x17, 15, 15
Hack squat: 185x5, 3x8x225
BSS: 2x10x155
Leg extensions: 120x4, 10, 10, 10

Elliptical 20 minutes (135 average HR)

Hack squats were hard and split squats were really hard. Pretty sure I had 0 or 1 RIR. The one good thing I did on second set of split squats was rest ~15-20 seconds between legs, which I should be doing more often. I needed to take a full 5 minutes before I could even attempt light leg extensions.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-05-2024 , 08:28 AM

Face pulls: 2x16x50
Y raises: 22.5x13, 13, 10+3
Behind the back raises: 3x10x22.5
Pec deck: 165x15, 10, 8+2, 6
Incline (30°) Smith bench: 135x10, 12, 12, 10
Dip machine: 140x10, 10, 12
Tricep rope overhead extension: 85x10, 7, 75x10, 8
Calf raises on squat machine: 70x21, 15, 12, 12

DB benches were all occupied so I tried smith machine bench for what may be the first time ever. I remember when I used to think that using the smith machine was the worst piece of equipment in the gym and anyone who used it was an idiot who didn't know what they were doing. Oh how times have changed.

I liked it but any type of barbell bench has historically bothered my shoulders, so I probably won't stick with it. Incline DB bench feels good and never seems to bother me, so I'm not inclined to switch simply for variation's sake.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-06-2024 , 08:06 AM

Assisted pull ups: warm up
Seated plate loaded row: 200 (2 plates +10 per side) x 17, 13, 12, 12, 11
Close grip lat pulldown: 140x10, 7+2, 8+3 partials
Incline DB curls: 3x12x20
Chest supported t-bar row: 90x12, 10, 8
Reverse flies: 20x13, 10
Bayesian curls: 40x16, 13, 10, 9
Ab wheel: 12, 12, 8

Elliptical: 23 minutes (129 average HR)
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-07-2024 , 03:10 PM

Seated leg curls: 100x8, 130x12, 10, 12, 12
Adductors: 85x32, 115x17, 15, 16
Leg press: 3 pps x 12, 4 pps x 20, 4 plates + 25 ps x 10, 10, 13
Leg extensions: 165x15, 12, 11, 10
Back extensions: 3x10x +45

Elliptical 23 minutes (127 average HR)

Fine although I could have pushed a little harder on leg press, as evidenced by my last set in which I increased the reps. Hack squat is definitely superior imo but I decided to switch it up today. I also skipped split squats because I wanted a break from them.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-10-2024 , 07:59 AM

Face pulls: 60x18, 20
Behind the back raises: 25x12, 12, 8+1
Y raises: 3x10x22.5
Smith machine incline bench: 135x13, 13, 13, 10
Reverse flies: 22.5x13, 12, 10
Dip machine: 140x20, 12, 13, 11
Pec deck: 170x10, 7, 5 + 110x4
Tricep overhead rope extension: 85x16, 9, 7, 6
Calf raise on squat machine: 70x18, 14, 12, 11

Elliptical: 12 minutes

Took last two days off for lifting but there was a good chunk of basketball in there, including about 2 hours of full court yesterday.

I feel slight discomfort in my shoulder which I'm going to blame on Smith machine bench, so back to dumbbells for bench it is. It's a shame. I was liking it. I feel like I'm either doing something wrong or my shoulders were simply not built for barbell bench.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-11-2024 , 08:00 AM

Assisted pull ups: warm up
Mag grip lat pulldown: 150x15, 10, 8, 8
Seated plate loaded row: 230x10, 10, 8, 180x12, 12
Incline DB curls: 20x14, 14, 10
Chest supported t-bar row: 90x15, 11, 8+3 partials
Lat prayers: 105x9, 9, 6 + 60x5
Bayesian curls: 45x14, 9, 9, 7
Ab wheel: 10, 8, 8

Elliptical 21 minutes (129 average HR)
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-13-2024 , 07:56 AM

Seated leg curls: 135x12, 12, 12, 9
Adductors: 70x12, 85x12, 115x16, 16, 12
BSS: 160x10, 10, 6
Hack squat: 2x10x135
Leg extensions: 175x10, 10, 10, 8

Elliptical: 20 minutes (135 average HR)
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-14-2024 , 08:02 AM

Face pulls: 50x12, 70x12
Lateral raises: 3x12x22.5
Y raises: 22.5x10, 10, 8+2
Incline DB bench: 40x8, 50x10, 7, 8
Dip machine: 140x15, 15, 12, 10
Katana extensions: 4x10x30s
Pec deck: 170x12, 10, 8+2
Calf raises on squat machine: 70x20, 15, 12, 12, 12

Elliptical: 22 minutes (130 average HR)

First time doing katana extensions. Getting the set up right was a little weird but was fine once I figured it out.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-15-2024 , 04:08 PM

Assisted pull ups: warm up
Seated plate loaded row: 230x12, 10, 10, 8, 180x13
Bayesian curls: 45x12, 12, 10, 8
Mag grip lat pulldown: 150x13, 8+partial, 105x16
Lat prayers: 107.5x10, 9, 8, 6 + 60x5
Chest supported t-bar row: 90x13, 11, 8, 8
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-17-2024 , 08:37 AM

Prone leg curls: 95x12, 12, 10, 9
Adductors: 70x20, 100x20, 18
Leg press: 4pps x 15, 16, 15
BSS: 150x5, 2x8x170
Leg extensions: 135x10, 2x10x185

Elliptical 10 minutes (135 average HR)

Ok. Leg press was challenging but fine, maybe rpe 7 or 8. I probably could have done 3x18 if I pushed myself. Split squats were a 10 rpe. I doubt I could have gotten another rep on last set.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-18-2024 , 08:02 AM

Face pulls: 80x12, 20, 15
Behind the back raises: 20x15, 15, 10
Y raises: 3x10x20
Cable press: 70x15, 12, 10, 10
Pec deck: 175x12, 7+1, 5 + 130x5
Katana extensions: 30x18, 12, 12, 10
Straight bar push down: 60x15, 15, 18
Calf raises on squat machine: 70x20, 14, 15

Incline treadmill: 15 minutes at 6% / 2.8 (116 average HR)

Tried to walk treadmill on steeper incline but that aggravated my left Achilles, so I cut it back a bit.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-19-2024 , 10:45 AM

Mag grip lat pulldown: 150x13, 10, 10
Assisted pull ups: -78x7, 8
Seated plate loaded row: 230x10, 8, 2x12x180
Lat prayers: 110x11, 9, 7 + 80x5
Bayesian curls: 40x18, 13, 10, 10

Somewhat abridged workout because I was working out with the wife and didn't want to go crazy with volume. Still, 12 working sets for back and 4 for biceps is more than plenty, especially since I do pull 2x/week.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-20-2024 , 07:59 AM

Prone leg curls: 95x13, 10, 10, 10
Adductors: 70x25, 100x21, 15, 15
Hack squat: 4x10x155
Standing calf raises: +90 x 15, 15, 15, 12
Leg extensions: 205x12, 11, 9, 8
Ab wheel: 15, 12, 8

Elliptical: 20 minutes (132 average HR)

Skipped split squats and took it easy on hack squats, which made this a non-grueling leg day.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-21-2024 , 09:35 AM

Face pulls: 60x12, 90x12, 100x10
Cable lateral raises: 3x10x25
Behind the back raises: 22.5x12, 12, 7
Incline DB bench: 35x8, 3x10x45
Pec deck: 180x12, 7, 160x8, 6
Katana extensions: 32.5x19, 11, 9
Straight bar push down: 65x15, 16, 16, 16

Incline treadmill: 22 minutes (104 average HR)

Doing high incline bench (45 degrees), I'm feeling it in front delts more than chest. I might consider going down to 30° next time around. Idk.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-23-2024 , 08:55 AM

Assisted pull ups: warm up up to 2x8x-65
Seated plate loaded row: 230x14, 12, 10, 9, 180x12
Incline DB curls: 25x10, 10, 8+2
Chest supported t-bar row: 115x9, 8, 7 + 90x4
Close grip lat pulldown: 150x6, 2x10x120
Lat prayers: 110x9, 10, 8
Bayesian curls: 50x11, 9, 6 + 30x5

Got mega bicep pump on incline curls. Everything felt good today. 230x14 on seated row is a rep PR. This took right around an hour from soup to nuts. Would have added in normal 20 minutes of cardio but was pressed for time.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-24-2024 , 08:10 AM

Seated leg curls: 140x10, 10, 10, 6
Adductors: 85x20, 115x18, 15, 15
BSS: 150x5, 2x8x175
Smith machine squat: 3x10x135
Standing calf raises: 70x20, 15, 12, 12, 12
Back extensions: 3x10 x +45
Leg extensions: 210x10, 9, 8+2

Elliptical: 20 minutes (134 average HR)

Smith machine squats are new. They felt pretty good.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-25-2024 , 07:59 AM

Face pulls: 2x15x80
Y raises: 3x10x22.5
Behind the back raises: 22.5x13, 11, 10
Incline DB bench (30°): 35x10, 3x12x45
Pec deck: 180x8, 150x10, 9, 8
Katana extensions: 35x16, 11, 8
Straight bar push downs: 67.5x17, 14+3, 17, 17
Ab wheel: 12, 10, 9

Elliptical: 21 minutes 135 HR
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-26-2024 , 08:15 AM

Lat pulldown: 105x10, 3x12x135
Seated plate loaded row: 180x17, 13, 13
Incline DB curls: 25x12, 10, 10, 7
Chest supported t-bar row: 3x10x90
Lat prayers: ? x 8, 12, 90x12
Bayesian curls: 50x12, 10, 7, 7

Elliptical 22 minutes 143 average HR

I could have and probably would have taken a rest day because I had minor DOMS from Sundays pull session. It was fine though.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-28-2024 , 08:47 AM
6/27/24 - 90 minutes 1v1 bball


Prone leg curls: 70x10, 80x16, 13, 12, 12
Adductors: 85x20, 115x20, 15, 15
Smith machine squat: 2x11x135, 155x11, 12
Standing calf raises: +70x17, 15, 14, 14
BSS: 110x12, 12, 10

Normally don't log my bball because there's no point, but had some joint tenderness, as is typical on the day after bball. This had some impact on my lifts today.

I tried to keep the weights on the lighter side with higher rep ranges. I need to remind myself that higher rep ranges at my age is probably better for me regardless. The one significant drawback to higher reps is it's harder to gauge failure and I usually end up quitting the rep for some reason other than muscular failure, like discomfort from the burn or cardio limitations when it comes to any type of squat variation. Still, this was a good session. Split squats were very difficult, as always, even with a drop in weight.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
06-29-2024 , 01:57 PM

Behind the back raises: 25x12, 13, 8
Cable lateral raises: 25x8, 10, 10
Cambered bar bench: 45x10, 95x10, 135x8, 10, 10
Pec deck: 150x10, 8, 7
Katana extensions: 35x17, 12, 8
Straight bar push down: 70x18, 13, 14

First time doing cambered bar bench. The extra stretch felt good and shoulders tolerated it fine, but it's not like I was pushing any real weight.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
