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09-26-2013 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
Thanks, been practicing since 09 though. business litigation. Actually have a friend who just went to get a tax llm at georgetown. You with a large firm? I'm assuming no since you have time to exercise.

You assume good. I work for the IRS. Who do you work for? I'm guessing not for a firm on Brickell Ave. otherwise you wouldn't be able to exercise.
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09-26-2013 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
They might be going too far forward, which creates sheer force in the knee joint. You look like you're going very deep and slamming pretty hard into the hole. Try pointing your toes a little more forward. Maybe widen your stance slightly too. That should create some hip torque, which should limit your depth a little and put more of the force of going into the hole on your posterior chain. That should help protect your knees.

Thanks, Cha. The bounce and depth have been two things I suspected could be the cause of my occasional discomfort.

Originally Posted by jd2b2006
You assume good. I work for the IRS. Who do you work for? I'm guessing not for a firm on Brickell Ave. otherwise you wouldn't be able to exercise.
Lol, you guess correctly although there are plenty of Brickell ave firms that are terrible and plenty that are not. I work at a small enough boutique not so far from Brickell ave that if I told you would jeopardize my internet anonymity.

Coincidentally, my wife's firm (but not her) fights the IRS regularly on behalf of their clients, but you wouldn't be involved in that if you're just publishing guidance.
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09-27-2013 , 08:38 AM

Power Snatch (from hips)


Power Clean (from hips)




Clean Deadlift (with 5 second pause below knee)


Holy cow were these difficult. I saw later that I was supposed to do these at 110% of my clean (~245), but I think that would have been super challenging. Grip again was a factor. Tried hook grip one set, but it felt terrible.

Pendlay Row (3 second eccentric on descent)


Even at a very light weight, the slow descent made it hard.

Back Squat into Push Jerk



Pull ups

Bw x 4
Bw x 6
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09-27-2013 , 08:50 PM
Paused C&Js from yesterday:

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09-29-2013 , 02:22 PM

Weight - 217.0

Snatch from blocks (above knees)

150x3 (missed first behind, then did a triple)
150x2 (missed last one behind)

C&J Complex from blocks (above knees)

155x2 (2 cleans + jerk)

Clean + Push Press + Jerk

3x1x185 (push press PR)


185x2 (didn't attempt 2nd jerk, was too tired)



Front Squat






L Sit Pull Ups


Weighted Pull Ups



~5 minutes double unders
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09-30-2013 , 08:36 AM



Gave up on the first 170 before I even hit the third pull. I lost the second one out front. I'm slightly frustrated that my snatch has gone to ****. Oh well.


205x1 (press out I think)
205xf (didn't attempt jerk)

All attempts up to 205 were crisp. The jerk on 200 was perfect. 205, not so much.

Front Squat

225x1 (failed second)
225x2 (failed third)

I didn't think I'd get 225x3 today. I cleaned 225 back up to the rack after the first set and it felt extremely extremely heavy and I could barely even stand up with it. I just felt somewhat lethargic today I suppose. Got a case of the Mondays.

RKC Planks

4 or 5 max effort sets with 1:1 rest. First set was ~45 seconds, then 20ish seconds give or take on following sets. These are so damn hard.


1K Row - 3:40
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09-30-2013 , 04:21 PM
your pulls on that 165# snatch look really good. I think you're capable of way more like 200# easy, do you ever snatch balance?

lol at that guys HR push ups behind you.
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09-30-2013 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by ArsenalGunners2
your pulls on that 165# snatch look really good. I think you're capable of way more like 200# easy, do you ever snatch balance?

lol at that guys HR push ups behind you.
It's been a while since I've done heavy heaving snatch balances, although it's funny that you mention. I was just thinking of doing them this week to get more comfortable pulling myself under heavier loads. Is that why you asked?

What's wrong with those kipping hr push ups?? Par for the course around here. I don't know if coaches don't get on them because they don't want to make these guys feel bad or they just don't see it. Regardless, he's a nice guy and I suspect he's north of 40, so he gets a pass.
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09-30-2013 , 07:08 PM
snatch looked good at 165. you catch the bar a little out in your clean, leaning forward a little bit. prob can clean more than that no prob but would think you gonna have a hard time hanging on to it if your not more up right with the weight on you heels. maybe wider stance would help. do you feel even wight distribution on you feet when you clean? being front foot heavy too often could be the source of your knee pain. gonna go lift myself. keep it up
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10-01-2013 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
It's been a while since I've done heavy heaving snatch balances, although it's funny that you mention. I was just thinking of doing them this week to get more comfortable pulling myself under heavier loads. Is that why you asked?

What's wrong with those kipping hr push ups?? Par for the course around here. I don't know if coaches don't get on them because they don't want to make these guys feel bad or they just don't see it. Regardless, he's a nice guy and I suspect he's north of 40, so he gets a pass.
just looks like the catch is the weakest part imo. you pull 165# to the ceiling pretty much.
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10-02-2013 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by greatstate608
snatch looked good at 165. you catch the bar a little out in your clean, leaning forward a little bit. prob can clean more than that no prob but would think you gonna have a hard time hanging on to it if your not more up right with the weight on you heels. maybe wider stance would help. do you feel even wight distribution on you feet when you clean? being front foot heavy too often could be the source of your knee pain. gonna go lift myself. keep it up
Thanks for the feedback, but I don't quite see what you're talking about. I try and keep my weight on my heels after I finish the first pull and I usually do a pretty good job doing so. I'm cleaning tomorrow. I'll be conscious of my weight distribution throughout the movement. Re: my forward lean--I'm not sure I could be more upright than I am already. I dunno.
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10-02-2013 , 08:50 AM

Snatch Complex

Snatch + Hang Snatch + 3 OHS

Did this complex at:
155 - f, f

OHS was hardest part for me. On the 155, lost the first attempt behind. Second attempt at the complex, I failed the hang clean forward.

Snatch Pulls (from mid-shin)



Paused Front Squats


gym was packed and getting access to a rack was going to be difficult, so I just cleaned these up. Easy.


3x10xbw+25# plate

felt a lower back pump from these and all I could think of was my lower back credit card bucks being spent. Hope I didn't do these wrong.

KB Batwing holds

5 sets for 30 second holds. Didn't have access to an incline bench, so just these bent over with 16 kilo KBs.

This is what they are:
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10-02-2013 , 09:43 AM
Batwing holds look interesting; might have to add them on to the end of a few workouts. Part of my issues on my left side is due to left scap weakness and poor mobility, so this might help with that
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10-02-2013 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Batwing holds look interesting; might have to add them on to the end of a few workouts. Part of my issues on my left side is due to left scap weakness and poor mobility, so this might help with that
Yeh, I've been having left shoulder issues all year, nothing debilitating, but it seemed to be really aggravated by jerks, and to a lesser extent press and push press. Since I've been more diligent about doing band pull aparts, rotator cuff stuff, face pulls, cable rows focusing on scapular retraction, my shoulder feels immensely better, although they still pop and crack frequently.

I think strong scapula = healthier shoulders. My only suggestion when you give these a shot is go light. 35 - 40# dumbbells should probably do the trick.
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10-02-2013 , 10:40 AM
Yeah, I've been doing dislocations and band pullaparts at nights after I foam roll, and just added some high rep low weight strict facepulls at the end of my workouts too. I should probably do a ghetto shoulder horn rotator cuff thing with some light weight too, but whatever. My shoulders feel better, but the left is still a little weaker/tighter, although much improved in the last few months.
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10-02-2013 , 05:32 PM
if you look at seconds 16 and 17 you can see for a hair of a second your hips are moving back and your not moving up causing you to lean forward a little bit which is going to make it hard to hang on to as it gets heavier and make it hard to keep the weight on your heels. also your basically power cleaning it and then going into squat. maybe it would help you to see someone doing it correct and then watch yours. theres some solid videos on youtube. check out chad vaughns c/j and snatch videos. they play in slow motion and it might help to see the differences.
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10-03-2013 , 08:31 AM

C&J Complex

Clean + Hang Clean + 3 Front Squats + Jerk


Pretty easy.


285x1 (PR)
290x1 (PR)

I was supposed to do 1 set at 103% of my max, which would've been 288. So I had to decide whether to do 285 or 290. The plan ended up being do 285x1 and see how I felt. It felt good, so I did 290, which was a grind, but doable. I'm happy with the PR. Year end goal was 300. I think that should be manageable.

Front Squat


Good Mornings


Pressing Jerk Balance


I also got my first pistols today. Some guy was trying to do them and failing miserably and I monkey saw monkey did, but I was actually able to do them.
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10-03-2013 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by greatstate608
also your basically power cleaning it and then going into squat. maybe it would help you to see someone doing it correct and then watch yours. theres some solid videos on youtube. check out chad vaughns c/j and snatch videos. they play in slow motion and it might help to see the differences.
imo and per broz, you should be pulling as high as you can no matter what weight is on the bar, if the weight doesn't force you to catch in full squat then don't. i dont understand your first point; you're implying he should catch it lower, i think that is bad advice. there could be an argument for not riding it down, but i dont think its a bad thing to practice. #1 focus should be pulling as high as possible tho imo
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10-03-2013 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by ArsenalGunners2
imo and per broz, you should be pulling as high as you can no matter what weight is on the bar, if the weight doesn't force you to catch in full squat then don't. i dont understand your first point; you're implying he should catch it lower, i think that is bad advice. there could be an argument for not riding it down, but i dont think its a bad thing to practice. #1 focus should be pulling as high as possible tho imo
I know/think there's a difference of opinion on this issue of full vs. power when full isn't necessary. I believe Pendlay and some others like the Outlaw guy, Rudy, do not agree with Broz on this. I honestly don't know what is optimal.

Catching it lower doesn't make sense to me either and I'm still a bit confused about the front foot heavy/leaning over thing. I can't see it honestly, but I'm no expert.
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10-03-2013 , 04:03 PM
There is no "catch." You meet the bar wherever it is at it's maximum altitude. Trying to jump under and "catch" it below that height will result in the bar crashing down on you and you landing on your ass. If you have a very strong core, you can take that impact and possibly stand it up but it's obviously not ideal.

One thing that I remember Broz saying to transition from powers to full cleans is to catch it in that power spot and ride it down, then come up. I believe 2p2's own Busto_in_hawaii asked him that question and the answer is up on the ABG Q&A section.
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10-03-2013 , 04:17 PM
Free bird, now that you're practically a USAW certified coach, you can weigh in--any glaring issues you see in my lifts?
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10-04-2013 , 05:08 AM
all im trying to say about the power cleans is he should be practicing getting under the bar faster and with less room. i mean if you can only lift what you can pull to your head its not gonna be a lot. i think waiting until his pull is stong enough to lift more wight is a mistake.his pull is strong, he prob already could have a much higher max if he could do those things better. thts my prob with power cleaning even if its not heavy. all good if you disagree, just my point of view. if you see what im talking about or not you should be constantly be trying to improve your lifts efficiency just like you plug leaks in a poker game. have you ever though about joining an oly lifting club and ditching crossfit? in my experience most crossfit instructors are not great oly lifting coaches.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
10-04-2013 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
Free bird, now that you're practically a USAW certified coach, you can weigh in--any glaring issues you see in my lifts?
I didn't see anything too glaring technically with your setup or positions. Your hips do rise a little bit quick off the ground which changes your back angle for the rest of the pull. Keep that upper back tight. Also, you're not sweeping the bar into your hips very much on the clean (you do it well with the snatch though). To do this, activate your lats and sweep the bar into you. Jerk looked pretty crisp.

Regarding speed under the bar, it's tough to really teach this and I think it's something that comes with time and becoming comfortable with the weight on the barbell. Best ways to learn how to get under the bar quicker are to practice jumping down basically. One drill for a couple weeks to warmup was simply standing in the Pendlay position 1, tap my thighs with my hands, and jump down. Other ways to develop speed under the bar are by doing lots of hang cleans from the Pendlay position 1, like they show in this video.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
10-04-2013 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by greatstate608
if you see what im talking about or not you should be constantly be trying to improve your lifts efficiency just like you plug leaks in a poker game. have you ever though about joining an oly lifting club and ditching crossfit? in my experience most crossfit instructors are not great oly lifting coaches.
Of course I am trying to get better. That's why I record my lifts and post them here. It helps me document my progress, see how my technique is evolving, and get occasional feedback from forum members.

No lifting clubs near me of which I am aware. I do occasionally go to a lifting class once a week with a crossfitter who knows what she's doing. I think she qualified for the American open last year iirc. I'm not really doing crossfit atm. I just happen to be lifting in a crossfit gym, jumping in on an occasional met con with the class here and there, and trying to do conditioning work a few times a week, which usually is in the form of a xfitesque workout.

Nevertheless, I appreciate your feedback, just wasn't able to see what you were saying regarding my forward lean/being front foot heavy.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
10-04-2013 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
I didn't see anything too glaring technically with your setup or positions. Your hips do rise a little bit quick off the ground which changes your back angle for the rest of the pull. Keep that upper back tight. Also, you're not sweeping the bar into your hips very much on the clean (you do it well with the snatch though). To do this, activate your lats and sweep the bar into you. Jerk looked pretty crisp.

Regarding speed under the bar, it's tough to really teach this and I think it's something that comes with time and becoming comfortable with the weight on the barbell. Best ways to learn how to get under the bar quicker are to practice jumping down basically. One drill for a couple weeks to warmup was simply standing in the Pendlay position 1, tap my thighs with my hands, and jump down. Other ways to develop speed under the bar are by doing lots of hang cleans from the Pendlay position 1, like they show in this video.
Thanks fredd bird. I've always been bad about the sweep and just recently fixed it for the snatch. Still a bit of work to do with the clean.
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