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09-22-2013 , 02:19 PM

Snatch from blocks (above knee)

140x2 (failed 3rd behind)

no real blocks in my gym, so I had to take two short plyo boxes and put 45# bumpers on them. It works ok, but having blocks would be nice. Snatches felt good today.

C&J from blocks (above knees)

170 - 2 cleans + 1 jerk
185 - 2 cleans + 1 jerk (jerk was uggo)
185 - cleaned it and when I tried to return it to the blocks for the second clean, one side came flying off the blocks. Thanks to my cat-like reflexes, I avoided being maimed, but figured it was a sign to move on to the next exercise.



Lost count on the 3x5. I might have done an extra set accidentally. These weren't bad at all.

Front Squat



Push Jerk + CGOHS

45 + 4 CGOHS
75 + 4 CGOHS
95 + 4 CGOHS
125 + 4 CGOHS

Strict Press + Push Press + Push Jerk


130 press wasn't too bad. I suspect my press has moved up a tad even though I haven't really been pressing.


3 rounds of:

10 70# KBS
5 wall balls #20 ball ~10 ft target
5 l-sit pull ups

I set up a medicine ball, did my first round of swings and go to the wall to do wall balls and some clown shoe is using my medicine ball. I just grabbed a new ball instead of picking a fight, but my jimmies were 3/10 rustled.

Weighted Pull ups

+70x2 (2RM PR I think?)
+70x3 (3RM PR)

A +100 weighted pull up by EOY or early into next year would be pretty sweet. It's funny though, I don't think I can do more than 10 pull ups in a row.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-23-2013 , 08:30 AM


185x f, f, f


205xf, f (didn't even attempt the jerks, cleans were not problem)

Front Squat

215x3 (3RM PR)
220x3 (3RM Super PR)

very non-MASTS like of me. These were very hard.



got the work sets on tape. second rep of 375 was very ugly--hips came up way too fast and I stiff legged it up. So I dropped the weight and didn't bother to try a 3rd rep.


3x5 as slow as possible

Took a whole bunch of videos. Might post a few in a bit.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:02 AM

POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-23-2013 , 08:21 PM
Random thoughts on the vids:

- clean looked mega easy dude.
- I think you are spot on with the deadlifts; it looked like there was some back rounding going on
- those yellow lifting shoes are dope
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-24-2013 , 03:40 AM
are those your max? do you power clean your max c/j? you kinda look like your catching it a little leaned over. your bar path coming out, back on your heels, and bro, squat clean tht ****!!! snatch looks good i was impressed with how clean it looked. like your romaleos. keep it up
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-24-2013 , 03:46 AM
little loopy on your snatch. sorry for nitpick mines not perfect either but the heavier the weight gets the more your gonna need a more north south bar path
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-24-2013 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by greatstate608
are those your max? do you power clean your max c/j? you kinda look like your catching it a little leaned over. your bar path coming out, back on your heels, and bro, squat clean tht ****!!! snatch looks good i was impressed with how clean it looked. like your romaleos. keep it up
I typically full clean, but wanted to conserve energy for the jerk to try and hit a new pr. If you look back at some of my more recent videos, you'll see I'm almost always catching cleans in the squat.

I can very comfortably power clean
my best jerk, which is 210# at the moment.

Those were my maxes for the day, but I've hit 180# in the snatch and 205# in the C&J. Jerk is my limiting factor because I can clean 225# pretty consistently.

Originally Posted by greatstate608
little loopy on your snatch. sorry for nitpick mines not perfect either but the heavier the weight gets the more your gonna need a more north south bar path
I don't mind the criticism at all. I tried to keep it close as always. Sometimes it gets away a bit when it pops off the hip, but watching the video again, the bar path didn't look too bad to me? I do see what you're saying though.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-24-2013 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by jd2b2006
Random thoughts on the vids:

- clean looked mega easy dude.
- I think you are spot on with the deadlifts; it looked like there was some back rounding going on
- those yellow lifting shoes are dope
appreciate the feedback.

- Cleans were easy, jerks not so much.
- I would like to think deadlifts were off because my CNS was fried from all the work before and because I hadn't deadlifted in a while.
- Thanks, love the way the shoes feel and look.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-24-2013 , 07:23 PM
yea i looked back through the pages and saw your squat cleans. snatch not bad but if you wanted to pick something out to work on it would be bar path. if you pause the video before you get under the bar you can see how far the bar gets away from you. i get chewed out about it all the time and always got my box owner standing in front of me with a pvc pipe. have someone hold it in front of you vertical and try not to touch it with guessing when you fail your snatch lifts its not in your pull but what happens when your under the bar. your pull is strong and i think you def can do higher weight but your going to have probs being off balance and stable under the bar when you get under it if you dont bring it in closer.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-24-2013 , 08:06 PM
gonna go lift.

c/j 3x3@80%, c/j 3x2@ 85%
behind the neck jerks4x3@85%
20 rep max back squat
5x5 bench at 85% last set to fail.
8min amrap of 5 handstand pu, 10 pistols, 15 pullups

just started this about a mnth ago. its from the lift big eat big webstite except the metcons. what you doing today? if you ever get bored of your programming or dont feel like your getting the most from your current programming i highly recommend this. what is your prgramming like?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-24-2013 , 08:44 PM

That's on deck for tomorrow a.m. I'll be sure to video snatch to see if I can keep that bar close.

Been following ^^ for a week and a half I think? Been largely programless before, just making sure to squat heavy 3x week, deadlift once a week, and press/push press once or twice a week and throw in oly work fairly regularly. Lately, I've been focusing much more on oly as you can see in my log.

Conditioning is a bit of an afterthought. I just try and make sure to do a < 10 minute metcon 2-3 times a week, usually something low impact like C2 or swings.

I really should lp my squats and press. I'm not nearly where I should be strength-wise, but I have programming a.d.d. Hopefully following outlaw will make my strength numbers shoot up a bit.

How long you been lifting? What are your numbers?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 02:27 AM
you sound like me with how much you prefer lifting to metcon, i think you would really like lift big eat big, its designed by oly lifters not crossfit, my box owner just threw in some metcon. ive been doing crossfit for 7 months now and live with my box owner and 2 of the instructors at the gym. if you ever feel like you want a diff opinion from the people at your gym let me know, i had the owner of the gym i go to looking at your vids last night. he has a degree in nutrition also so if you want i can ask him whatever.
im 6ft 1in and bounce between 190-195
front squat-265
back squat- 305
strict press-180
kipping PU-35
handstand push up-41 with kip
muscle up-5
never tried max thruster but did 20 unbroken at 135
not sure about push press or split jerk right now or OH squat
my cardio sucks
cool to have people to talk to about what you do. cant really talk to people at the gym about poker and the usually the same with poker players and crossfit so im glad i found your thread. keep posting, lifting and eating ill be checking in from time to time.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 07:55 AM
Claims to be a crossfitter, yet lists bench first because it's his most impressive lift. Though 41 HSPU is probably more impressive, but I've only tried strict so can't compare to kipped.

Keep following Spencer's programming imo PoW. My training partner uses it and he's had quite a bit of success over the recent weeks and he's hit new PRs within the last month or so (455 HBBS, 235 snatch, 315 c&j).
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 08:18 AM
Greatwake, you're a little stronger than me on the squat, light years ahead of me on press and we DL the same. No idea about what my max thruster is nor do I really care. In any event, solid intermediate numbers imo.

Fredd-Bird, I'm sticking with it. I like it so far and I know numerous people who have had decent results with Outlaw following Rudy's programming. I'm happy Spencer started an Oly-centric program. I would consider going to one of their seminars when they're in town--they'd be fun, but lol at dropping a small fortune on that. I just looked--$399 lololol.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 08:47 AM

Snatch (pause below knee)

125x3 (failed first behind)

The pause make these about 3x harder. Probably could have gone a tad heavier, but 135 was pretty challenging.

Snatch High Pulls (sitting on 45# bumpers)


Pressing Snatch Balance + OHS

3 Pressing Snatch Balances + 3 OHS

45 x 3 +3
75 x 3 + 3
105 x 3 + 3
105 x 3 +3

Bent Over Rows


I was supposed to do these at some tempo, but got confused so I just did them as slow as possible. I must say I prefer Pendlay rows to these.


4 ME sets of double unders. I did at least 30 each time.

Snatch vids:

POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 09:09 AM
Just wanted to drop in and let you know that I do read your log, but that I have nfi about oly lifting and therefore mostly keep quiet, but for the occasional troll.

Good stuff though.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 09:17 AM
Your trolls are always appreciated and welcome here Monte just so long as you don't call my wife ugly or ask me to form check your lat pull downs.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 09:21 AM
^I would never do that, bro. On the other hand, I'd definitely be up for form checking your wife and calling your lat pull downs ugly. Let me know.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 07:03 PM
like snatch pulls and clean pulls at 100% and over, feel like they helped me out in my last couple PR lifts. have you done any snatch grip RDL? those are hell on my hamstrings in a good way. like snatch balance, do you do snatch drops? why it always look like you lift by yourself? wheres your coach? you try pvc pipe drills? got a bit of an easier day today
strict press 3x65
3x max 10lb weighted strict pull ups
5min of ring rows 20 secs on 10 off
400m farmers carry at 72lbs
and yes fredd-bird i am into crossfit and i do bench 1 time a week close grip, its transferable to other crossfit movements you know? keep it up pow. what poker games you play?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by greatstate608
have you done any snatch grip RDL?
yes. take a look at that link I posted yesterday. Snatch grip RDLs and Clean grip RDLs usually 1x or 2x a week.

Originally Posted by greatstate608
do you do snatch drops?
I don't know what these are? Pressing snatch balances? Drop snatch? I think these are all more or less the same thing. Pressing snatch balance is basically a drop snatch, but a bit slower on the descent hence why the weight was so light today.

Originally Posted by greatstate608
why it always look like you lift by yourself?
wheres your coach?
My box's programming is pretty met-con heavy. As we discussed, I like to lift heavy (for me) things, so I'm cool with the coach and he lets me do my own thing on the platform in the back of the gym.

Originally Posted by greatstate608
you try pvc pipe drills?
I usually do dislocates and figure 8s with a pvc to get my shoulders stretched and warm before I work out. If I am snatching that day, I'll do some high pulls, muscle snatches etc. with a pvc just to get a little loose. I don't see much benefit running drills with a pvc beyond that. I'd rather run drills with an empty bar.

Originally Posted by greatstate608
strict press 3x65
3x max 10lb weighted strict pull ups
5min of ring rows 20 secs on 10 off
400m farmers carry at 72lbs
You should start a log here. I feel it's helped me track my progress and it's always nice to get feedback from other posters.

Originally Posted by greatstate608
what poker games you play?
None anymore. Too busy with work, wife, life, etc. In undergrad/law school, I used to play 50/100NL HU with decent success, but no time for it any longer.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
In undergrad/law school
If you have any questions on law school or the practice of law (especially the wonderful world of tax law), let me know.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-25-2013 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by jd2b2006
If you have any questions on law school or the practice of law (especially the wonderful world of tax law), let me know.
Thanks, been practicing since 09 though. business litigation. Actually have a friend who just went to get a tax llm at georgetown. You with a large firm? I'm assuming no since you have time to exercise.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-26-2013 , 08:36 AM

C&J (pause below knee)

Find max double, then 1 @90%, 1 @95%, 1 @ 100%

200x1, failed second jerk
195xf, failed second jerk



all of these were very fast except 210, which was a tiny bit slower, but still fine.

Front Squat



Clean RDL


I was supposed to do jump shrugs with these, but grip was spent after RDLs. I had to hook grip sets 2-4. I never hook grip. My poor thumbs.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-26-2013 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz

I wanted to capture squats from front to see if there's any knee cave given my occasional knee pain here and there. Knees look fine to me.

They might be going too far forward, which creates sheer force in the knee joint. You look like you're going very deep and slamming pretty hard into the hole. Try pointing your toes a little more forward. Maybe widen your stance slightly too. That should create some hip torque, which should limit your depth a little and put more of the force of going into the hole on your posterior chain. That should help protect your knees.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
09-26-2013 , 04:00 PM
Elbow placement is elite
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