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08-09-2013 , 09:53 AM
Lol icwudt. My workouts have morphed into something that is pretty non-crossfitty though imo.

I think I might qualify as a heavyweight.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-09-2013 , 11:05 AM

Rowing 2k sub 7 minutes sounds like a bitch, but I think HIITing it and not doing anything else you should be fine. I have a WOD I sometimes do that's 1k where you do 10 burpees for every 15 pulls, and that last took me around 15 minutes.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-09-2013 , 06:02 PM
POW: FWIW, I think rowing 2k in 7:22 would get you on the whiteboard at my gym.

Busto: That rowing/burpee workout sounds god awful. Do you recover while rowing or doing burpees?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-09-2013 , 08:44 PM
BR, that workout looks absolutely awful.

JD, that kind of surprises me. I didn't think 7:22 would be competitive.

They have an endurance class Thursday nights at my gym. This was the workout last night. If I'm feeling like punishing myself, maybe I'll do it Sunday and set a 15 min. cap on it and see how much I accomplish. We'll see.

1000m Row
5 Burpees
rest 30sec
800m Row
10 Burpees
rest 30sec
600m Row
15 Burpees
rest 30sec
400m Row
20 Burpees
rest 30sec
200m Row
25 Burpees
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-11-2013 , 02:22 PM

Warm Up

foam roll
the stick
hip flossing


250x1 (failed rep 2)

had pain directly above the knee cap in my right knee and I just wasn't feeling it so I decided not to do 5x5.

Push Press




345+ was belted. 275+ was mixed grip. Caught some dude just staring at me after I finished my set at 345. I looked at him. He looked at me. I was like, what dude? Maybe he was mirin? I don't know. It was weird.


3 rounds of:
200 meter row
5 wall balls - 20# ball/12' target

Rested 3 minutes and repeated.

3 sets of dubs: 15, 15, 20. Shorts were falling off, otherwise would've done more.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-11-2013 , 03:50 PM
8/11 - Forgot to add 3x5x185 Pendlay rows and 3x5 neutral grip ring chins.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-12-2013 , 07:10 PM
Next time BR complains about his love handles, he should look at this picture to be reminded of what love handles really look like. I still have lots of work to do, but I think I put on a decent amount of LBM on my back and elsewhere.

Ideally, with my health in mind, I think I need to drop 15-20 lbs minimum, realistically probably a bit more. I've gained ~20 since January, when I was 200, but have also gotten stronger since then and been less mindful of diet. I want to start dieting, but have yet to find the motivation. Eh, I guess it's time.

Anyway, progress pics of my back from before I started P90X (I think this was March of 2010 or 2011, don't remember) to now (doing compounds/oly/xfit since March 2012). I am no longer doing man aerobics in my underwear in my living room and haven't in a long time--turns out an hour of squatting concentration curls won't make you look like Tony Horton.

Progress Pics:

better than this from 2011:

POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-13-2013 , 08:18 AM

regular warm up with hip openers with band

Box Squat

135 + ~40# in chains x 5
135 + chains x 5 (regular squat w/o the box)

right knee is still feeling less than awesome and it starts to hurt when I get past parallel in the squat, so I figured today would be a good day to try out box squats. No idea if I was doing them right. I took video and will post at some point today and probably xpost in form check.


singles up to 155. Failed 175 once. Left shoulder wasn't feeling so great and when I was catching the snatch deep in the hole, my right knee wasn't feeling too hot either, so I quit.

Snatch Pulls



7 minute AMRAP of:

10 Russian KBS 80# bell
150 meter tow

5ish rounds


7 minute AMRAP of:

150 meter row
20 double unders

4 or 5 rounds, lost count. With the exception of the last round, all double unders were unbroken.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-13-2013 , 08:31 AM
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-14-2013 , 08:34 AM

I joined the class today for a change.

Warm Up
dynamic warm up with 2 minutes of jump rope, 2 minutes of rowing and some more jump rope
foam rolling
air squats
some shoulder stretches


Rope Climb - I climbed a 15 ft rope twice.


Teams of Two - 15 minute AMRAP of:

With a 135# barbell:
5 deadlifts
5 hang cleans
5 thrusters

One partner works while the other holds an object. Once you grab the barbell, you can't drop it or the team does a 5 burpee penalty.

I started off holding a 53# KB but after my second round, my forearms were on fire, so I stopped holding anything and rested while my partner worked. I also dropped the barbell on three separate occasions, always between the hang cleans because my grip was fried. I would've done burpees, but was wearing oly shoes--wasn't about to risk messing them up doing penalty burpees.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:20 PM
Congrats on the progress you have been making since P90x! It looks like heavy snatches and cleans are useful to developing a strong upper back.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-14-2013 , 08:09 PM
Thanks. Pull ups, rows and deadlifts probably helped a bit too. I still have quite a bit of work to do and I really need to start being more careful about my diet, but I'm happy that I'm not nearly as weak as I used to be.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-15-2013 , 08:49 AM

usual warm up

Box Squat


It's crazy how much easier box squats are. Knee still hurts though and I thought it might be better to do these then try to hit a new 5RM today with full ROM. Hopefully my knee feels 100% again soon. This is annoying.


120x5 (5RM PR)

happy about the PR, but my press is still pitiful. Got 135 a few inches above my forehead and got stuck.

Clean + P. Press

165x1 (split jerk)
185xf (failed press)

Clean only


pretty low volume day. I'm really hoping my knee feels better soon. Knee pain really limits what I can do.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-15-2013 , 03:00 PM
So I am fairly confident, given the medical degree conferred upon me by Google, that I have pes anserine bursitis. My symptoms all fit and the pain is exactly in the same spot - medial/anterior knee.

Recommended treatment is rice/nsaids. I guess I'm supposed to take 6-8 weeks off from the bad movements (ie squatting), pt, and hamstring stretches.

Some of the recommended exercises are getting my adductors/abductors and quads stronger. Guess I'm going to have to modify my training. Bummer.

I might still go to a doctor in the unlikely event my diagnosis is wrong.

Last edited by PayoffWiz; 08-15-2013 at 03:05 PM.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-16-2013 , 05:45 PM
It can't hurt to see a doctor. At the very least, they can give you a prescription for strong anti-inflammatories.

FWIW, the Supple Leopard is a disbeliever in using ice as a treatment (sorry, I don't how to make a hyperlink):
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-16-2013 , 06:19 PM
What's the music in the box squat vid?

Hope you feel better soon.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-16-2013 , 06:57 PM
sick progress man. I probably missed it but what's the before and after bodyweight?

hope your knee gets better soon.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-16-2013 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by aura
What's the music in the box squat vid?

Hope you feel better soon.
No clue on what the song is. I don't have control of the stereo. I can ask the coach next week, he might know.

Originally Posted by nuggetz87
sick progress man. I probably missed it but what's the before and after bodyweight?

hope your knee gets better soon.
thanks. before pic is ~240. Right now I hover between 215-220.

Originally Posted by jd2b2006
It can't hurt to see a doctor. At the very least, they can give you a prescription for strong anti-inflammatories.

FWIW, the Supple Leopard is a disbeliever in using ice as a treatment (sorry, I don't how to make a hyperlink):
I do remember hearing about that before. Re: the knee - iced it yesterday and been popping advil. It feels about 85% better. I did some bodyweight squats today and there is still pain but I'd put it at about a 2 as opposed to a 6-7 which is what it was yesterday/earlier in the week.

I'm very tempted to snatch/clean tomorrow, although maybe I should rest it a bit longer. I dunno --I'm very bad about being patient when it comes to jumping back into things.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-19-2013 , 08:17 AM

wanted to oly lift Saturday, but my knee was still feeling iffy, so I thought better of it. I ended up going to the gym in my building instead and just futzed around for an hour.

ab wheel (from knees) - 4x8
back extensions - 4x12
seated cable rows - '130' x 15, 12, 12, 20
db bench - 40x 8, 8, 20
face pulls - '40' x 20, 20, 20, 20
DB SLDL - 4x8x70 (each hand)
random pull ups
curls - 25x15, 30x10, 6, 6
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-19-2013 , 08:35 AM

usual foam rolling/stick warm up, but no hip openers today



there is still pain in the knee, but it isn't excruciating. the knee sleeves help and after I get warmed up, it feels much better, but nowhere near perfect. I thought I'd just reset to 205 - still get some sort training stimulus without going too heavy. I'll be moving up cautiously depending on how my knee feels.


45x5 (btn)
95x5 (btn)

what a royal royal grind 125 was. I also notice when the weight gets really heavy that the left side of the bar is much slower to come up. No bueno.

Push Press



~5 minutes of double unders.

I wanted to deadlift today, but was running short on time and my hammies were still tight from Saturday's SLDLs/back extensions. Tomorrow perhaps.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-20-2013 , 08:28 AM

Weight - 220.2

I can't understand why I keep gaining weight. I've tried everything (other than watching my caloric intake and making sure I'm eating at a deficit). Time to just join the fat acceptance movement. 'Health at Every Size' ftw. On the plus side, wife tells me it doesn't look like I gained weight and that I just look big and strong. But what else is she going to say?

usual warm up with hip openers. I got voodoo floss but didn't wrap up my hip before I did the hip flossing. Knee is feeling a bit better, but not perfect.


2x3x370 (3RM PR)

Here is the first set at 370. Anybody have comments on form? Tried to keep it close like Weasel said.

Power Cleans


knee felt a bit iffy on the second catch @ 185, so I decided just to call it.


2 rounds of:

800 meter row
50 walking lunges
40 hand release push ups
30 53# KBS (Russian)
20 ring dips
10 L hang pull ups

I got through 1 1/2 rounds. Only did 10 ring dips first round.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-22-2013 , 08:43 AM

usual warm up



The ten work sets probably took ~30 minutes. My knee is feeling so much better. It's still not perfect, so I wanted to keep the weights on the lighter side of heavy. I was originally going to do 6 sets, but when I got up to 6, I figured I'd just do 10.

If the knee is feeling bueno next week, I'm going to go back to a loose Texas Method squatting template - probably just reset to 5x5x210.



My jerks are uggggly. Here is my 2d set @ 135:

Clean Complex

1 power clean + 1 hang clean

up to 3 sets @ 185

Gym is closed tomorrow and doesn't open back up till Monday. Big crossfit competition in town this weekend. Hopefully I fully mend up by Monday.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-22-2013 , 01:32 PM
DL look a lot better. Nice work. If you film them again, try and film a little more out in front of you at an angle. Might be able to get a better look
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-22-2013 , 03:22 PM
Thanks, Weasel. I'll try and get that kind of angle next week.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
08-22-2013 , 05:33 PM
At least the bar path for the last two reps of the jerk look good! Apart from the bar drifting backwards on the first rep, what else did you think was ugly?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
