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POW's CrossFit Log POW's CrossFit Log

Yesterday , 08:00 AM

Facepulls: 2x80x12
Y raises: 30x7, 3x12x22.5
Behind the back raises: 22.5x11, 12, 8
Incline DB bench: 40x10, 12, 12, 12
Reverse flies: 22.5x12, 12, 8, 8
Tricep overhead extension: 82.5x10, 10, 8, 7
Pec deck: 160x17, 10, 8
Dip machine: 140x15, 12, 12
Calf raises on squat machine: 50x18, 15, 13, 13

Elliptical: 15 minutes (140 average HR)

Decided to super set reverse flies with overhead tricep extensions. This seems like a decent time saver and I don't think performance on either lift dropped off too significantly.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
Today , 11:02 AM

Mag grip lat pulldown: 135x15, 12+3, 12+3, 10+5
Bayesian curls: 30x15, 40x15, 12+4, 11+5
Seated plate loaded row: 2 pps x 17, 13, 12, 10
Seated cable row: 150x13, 9, 9
Lat prayers: 90x13, 10, 8, 60x10
DB curls: 20x20, 15, 13

Felt kind of sluggish in the gym today, especially on my initial lifts, but I grinded through. I really like the seated plate loaded row (similar to this: with an overhand grip. I get a good stretch and pump. I think I'm going to drop the chest supported t-bar row for a couple weeks and use this machine instead.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
