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Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log

10-05-2015 , 04:58 AM
Good job, bro.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
10-05-2015 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by Pummi81
BW up half a kilo in 4 weeks. Variance.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
10-05-2015 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by aura
Good job, bro.

Plan is to really keep the fat gainz at bay this time, for once.

100-200 kcal surplus

Originally Posted by Aidan

Running slightly below expectations ATM.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:38 AM

22 kms

-2 °C in the morning. WTF, it's barely October yet.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
10-07-2015 , 04:39 AM

Bench (7x7 @ 75%)
7x7x71 kg

2:30 -3 min rest between sets. Tuff.

Yates Row
3x10x80 kg

Rest 2:30 between sets.

Front-Squat (4x3 @ 80%)
4x3x76 kg

Rest 3 min between sets.

1x21x25 kg

Weighted Planks
1x5x10s @ +30 kg
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
10-09-2015 , 04:26 AM

22 kms

-6 °C...
I need to get fat, pronto, to keep myself warm.
Or wear more layers of clothing. One of the two.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
10-09-2015 , 04:28 AM

OHP (7x7 @ 75%)
7x7x48 kg

Lowered the 1RM a bit.
3:00-3:30 rest.
Tough, but doable.

Weighted Chins
6 @ +20 kg
7 @ +15 kg
8 @ +10 kg

Regression is real...
4 min rest.

1x22x25 kg

Weighted Side-Planks
2x5x10s @ +20 kg (one set each side)

Workout barely took me an hour but left me feeling dead.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:08 AM
K, guise.
It's been a while. Been busy with vacation, travels. all kinds of life stuff, etcetc.

Been lifting twice a week, 'cos that's all I have time and energy for between work, social stuff, family obligations etc.

In addition to that I feel like physical recovery's becoming an issue with me cycling 100 kms a week plus playing floorball on Saturdays (K, this one is not really strenuous at all, but nevertheless).
Need to start sleeping more at least.

Also contemplating starting to play badminton every Tuesday with a bunch of colleagues. Maybe. Mabe not. We'll see.

So twice a week it is, with lifting.

Brb, dropping an update bomb.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:08 AM

15x1x120 kg

5x12x15 kg's

SS with

5x10x15 kg's

3x12x155 kg

2x12x10 kg's

Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:09 AM

6x6x76 kg

3x3x81 kg

Yates Row
3x12x75 kg

1x21x25 kg

Weighted Planks
1x5x10s @ +30 kg
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:10 AM

12x1x127.5 kg

6x6x51 kg

1x25x25 kg

That's it, was short on time, 'cos partytime.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:10 AM

5x5x81 kg

4x2x86 kg

Yates Row
3x12x76 kg

1x22x26 kg

Weighted Planks
2x6x10s @ +20 kg
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:11 AM

10x1x135 kg

5x5x54 kg

3x12x160 kg

2x20x26 kg

SS with

Weighted Side-Planks
4x5x10s @ +15 kg (2 sets per side)
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:12 AM

4x4x86 kg

3x2x90 kg

Yates Row
3x12x77 kg

1x20x30 kg

Weighted Planks
7, 5 x 10s @ +20 kg
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:12 AM

8x1x140 kg

4x4x57.5 kg

3x12x162.5 kg

Inspired by Emoken decided to give that DC-**** a go with the rest of the accessories...

15, 10, 8 x 15 kg's

12, 8, 6 x 15 kg's

Weighted Side-Planks
5, 3, 2 x10s @ +15 kg (left)
5, 3, 2 x10s @ +15 kg (right)'s K. I think. 15 deep breaths between sets, so maybe ~30s?
Goal is to either add reps or weight every time. Or shorten rest.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 05:14 AM

Now off to read all the hundreds, if not thousands, of posts I missed during my absence.
GG work productivity.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 07:08 AM
As far as the BW and diet goes, this is where we stand after the first 8 weeks of this bulkathon:

WeekBW CalsProteinCarbsFatFiber
071,0 -----
171,1 28832043267640
271,6 29662123258240
372,0 26621832887837
471,4 28281983217442
571,5 29712003408140
671,6 313819833210823
771,7 30841993479239
871,8 31662163339940

Up 0.1 kg a week on average. No wonder the gains have been few and far between so far.

Seems fine though, as the goal is to gain 0.1-0.2 kg a week on average.
3.2-3.4k cals on lifting days and the following day, to get the most out of dat elevated MPS.
~Maintenance on all other days, to limit the lard gains.
That's the plan for now.

Also, weighed in at 72.2 kilos this morning although who cares about a single datapoint.

Last edited by Pummi81; 11-02-2015 at 07:20 AM.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 09:09 AM
K. Brogramming talk.

So after putting on my thinking hat for a sec I'm pretty sure that once I've completed these ongoing cycles of 8x8->2x2 (5x3->2x2 for FS) I'll give training all of the DL/SQ/BP/OHP exclusively in SINGLES a whirl and see how it goes.
SSPT (15x1 -> 1x1) for everything.

All of the small stuff following the strength work will be done utilizing the RestPause-method (RP) - 3 sets of AMRAP with a short breather between sets.

So a typical week could be something along the lines of:

Bench (SSPT)
Squat (SSPT)
Row (RP)
DB-Press (RP)
Curls (RP)
Abs (RP)

Shrugs (RP)
DB-Flyes (RP)
Curls (RP)
Abs (RP)

Might wanna add an exercise for triceps somewehre in there. Or not.
Or leg accessories. Okay, let's not kid ourselves, not gonna happen, obviously.

In an ideal world I'd have enough time and energy to get in 4 quality workouts a week but don't see that happening in any time soon, with the new baby on the way and all (due date is on Thursday, yikes.)

So two ~1.5-2 hour slots is what I will have to make do with for now.

Is there any particular reason to not train presses and squats exclusively in singles?
FWIW so far I'm really liking SSPT for the deads. Feels like doing a whole lot of singles is real good for perfecting form at least.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 01:45 PM
looks fine and is really similar to what i'm doing as well due to time restraint(working 75h/week)

2x 2hour workouts in lunch break wednesday/friday

bench/row heavy in superset
heavy squat
then a ton of high volume chest/back/leg work done in superset-dropset fashion finished of by core work

DL/OHP heavy and accessories same as above

sunday usually some push-up dropsets and core work at home for like 20 mins or sth(have to fit in an hour of running soon in as well)
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 09:19 PM
It's a boy.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:34 PM
Good job, bro.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
12-24-2015 , 08:41 AM
Still alive and liftin'.

Well, doing my best despite the T suppression and sleep deprivation brought forth by having a newborn in the house, that is.

Was not gonna update again before the new years but saw snitcheroo post a 165 pull and N1H a 375 pounderoo pull and gotta counter, pronto, LDO:

Weak on weak violence but a PR is a PR.
Seems like 4 playtes might be in the cards soon enough.

Also approaching, if not entering?, PR territory in pryesss, so that's good.

BW hovering around 74-75 kilos.
And already feeling like fattymacfatfat.

K, that's all. For now.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
12-24-2015 , 09:26 AM
Heuheu, nice form and good job mane!
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
12-24-2015 , 04:08 PM
Be surprised if you couldn't pull 180 meow, but don't get lazy locking out your knees either.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
12-25-2015 , 11:09 AM
Nice dead. You've got me well and truly covered.
Out of Skinnyville - Pummi's (B)log Quote
