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Ook's Log - Take 2 Ook's Log - Take 2

05-03-2013 , 02:28 AM
Thursday, May 2

BP - 175,200,225x5
OHP - 120x10x2,115x6+4
DB Incline Flies - 40sx15x2
Machine Flies - 156x15x2
Reverse Machine Flies - 132x15x2
Side Raises - 15x20x2
Pronated Cable Tri Pushdowns - 140x20x2
Supinated Cable Tri Pushdowns - 80x20x2
Straight Bar Curl - 65x15x2
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-06-2013 , 01:04 AM
Sunday, May 6

OHP - 132.5,152.5,170x3/3/4
Dips - +25x10x4, +15x10
DB Incline BP - 55x10x3
Lat Raises - 15x15x2
Front Raises - 15x15,12.5x15
Face Pulls - 70x12x2
Cable Curls - 45x20x2
Cable Overhead Ext - 45x20x2

So I ****ed up and used 190 to calculate my OHP instead of 185. Oops. Oh well, this workout will just be 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Back to 185 for calculations next week. Pretty, pretty good for a ****up. I filmed it, but the camera was too close so it's not so useful. Kinda starting to get optimistic about actually getting 200+ this year. Rest of the lifts went fine. Last two workouts have been the first ones where I've gone in slightly depressed/bleh. Before that was hurt/angry. Hurt/angry lifting is waaaay better than depressed/bleh lifting. Gimme anotherh week and I'll be into the movin' on up lifting. That's always a good time.

On a good note, I picked up a new suit this weekend cause I should have some interviews coming up. 44" chest. But my waist/core is way way narrow for 44R suit jackets. Managed to find some slim fit options that wouldn't need too much in the way of alterations. When I asked why they don't have more 44" slim suits in stock, the salesman said that by the time you get to 44" across the chest, the shoulders are just too wide and that I "have unusual proportions" and don't exactly fit the slim mold. I take that to mean IEL.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-06-2013 , 09:16 PM
nice pressing!
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-08-2013 , 12:28 AM
Thanks! Love pressing and DL. No idea why, just what I prefer. Yay!! Mood is much improved over the past couple days. Probably due to adding cardio in (blah blah endorphins dee ta dee) . Really the biggest difference is that I've gone back to eating primarily healthy foods and cut out all the **** this week. ****ing amazing how much difference that makes in my day-to-day mood. I've noticed it before, but it's especially true this time. Considered doing back day today but my lower back (like in the SI area) is just tight. I may go get a chiro adjustment tomorrow if it keeps up. I've rolled my upper back and legs but it just keeps feeling tight. Dunno.

Monday, May 6

3 miles 29 min

Tuesday, May 7

3 miles 27:30
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-08-2013 , 02:09 AM
WTF???? Got some labs. Waiting on the results of my test level. Hgb was 17.1, Hct 51, bilirubin slightly high (undoubtedly from the high Hgb), LDL 135 HDL 37 **** **** **** **** **** **** ****. Going to start donating blood. That should fix the borderline polycythemia. I guess it's time to cut cut cut to get the ****ing cholesterol fixed. Goddammit
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-11-2013 , 01:57 AM
Friday, May 10

BP - 185,215,240x3
OHP - 120x10,115x10x2
DB Incline Flies - 35sx15x2
Machine Flies - 156x15x2
Reverse Machine Flies - 132x15x2
Pronated Cable Tri Pushdowns - 70x20x2
Supinated Cable Tri Pushdowns - 50x20x2
Straight Bar Curl - 65x12,60x10,50x10,40x10
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-11-2013 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by ookook
WTF???? Got some labs. Waiting on the results of my test level. Hgb was 17.1, Hct 51, bilirubin slightly high (undoubtedly from the high Hgb), LDL 135 HDL 37 **** **** **** **** **** **** ****. Going to start donating blood. That should fix the borderline polycythemia. I guess it's time to cut cut cut to get the ****ing cholesterol fixed. Goddammit
Google helped explain this a bit, but I still dont fully understand the problem. Is it a big deal?
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-11-2013 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by cha59
Google helped explain this a bit, but I still dont fully understand the problem. Is it a big deal?
LDL/HDL ratio is too high; ideally his HDL should be around 60 iirc and his LDL should be lower by a corresponding amount.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-12-2013 , 02:59 AM
So having a high hemoglobin/hematocrit is not exactly an awesome thing. Slightly increases your blood's viscosity (doesn't get turrible until you get a hematocrit >65% when the relationship between hematocrit and viscosity becomes exponential instead of linear). But the increase in viscosity makes you a little more vulnerable to cardiovascular problems. Then you combine that with a slightly high LDL (****) and a low HDL (double ****) and I have a definitely increased risk for heart attack, stroke, etc. So, I'll start donating blood every month or two to get rid of all the extra RBC's that I don't need and I'll cut more to try to decrease my LDL and increase my HDL. I can try **** like niacin or gemfibrozil or statins to do it medically, but I'm gonna try with cutting body fat first. But now for the good news! And possibly the reason my Hgb is high:

So the big winner in testosterone is... This guy!

33 years old, total testosterone 944 ng/dL!! Free test 39 ng/dL (normal is 9-30) and bioavailable test (free + bound to albumin) 576 ng/dL (normal 72-235). WR numbers there, fellas. Will definitely stay away from any PEDs cause that's too pretty to **** up. However, high test can cause an increase in hemoglobin. I'll keep the test and just donate the blood, thank you very much.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-12-2013 , 05:20 AM
My test levels are 650. Free is 15. And that idiot KC goes for the days and days about PEDS. Lol.

My HDL cholesterol is lower than yours. I don't think I can do anything about it from what I read. Maybe cardiotard some.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-12-2013 , 08:58 AM
Interesting results. Good luck with the donating and quest to fix it Ook.

(and congrats on the morning wood...? )
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-12-2013 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by ookook
So having a high hemoglobin/hematocrit is not exactly an awesome thing. Slightly increases your blood's viscosity (doesn't get turrible until you get a hematocrit >65% when the relationship between hematocrit and viscosity becomes exponential instead of linear). But the increase in viscosity makes you a little more vulnerable to cardiovascular problems. Then you combine that with a slightly high LDL (****) and a low HDL (double ****) and I have a definitely increased risk for heart attack, stroke, etc. So, I'll start donating blood every month or two to get rid of all the extra RBC's that I don't need and I'll cut more to try to decrease my LDL and increase my HDL. I can try **** like niacin or gemfibrozil or statins to do it medically, but I'm gonna try with cutting body fat first. But now for the good news! And possibly the reason my Hgb is high:

So the big winner in testosterone is... This guy!

33 years old, total testosterone 944 ng/dL!! Free test 39 ng/dL (normal is 9-30) and bioavailable test (free + bound to albumin) 576 ng/dL (normal 72-235). WR numbers there, fellas. Will definitely stay away from any PEDs cause that's too pretty to **** up. However, high test can cause an increase in hemoglobin. I'll keep the test and just donate the blood, thank you very much.
So its a mixed bag of good & bad news. Do you know what the numbers were like when you were heavy? What do you think your BF% is now?
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-12-2013 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by loco
My test levels are 650. Free is 15. And that idiot KC goes for the days and days about PEDS. Lol.

My HDL cholesterol is lower than yours. I don't think I can do anything about it from what I read. Maybe cardiotard some.
Most cholesterol meds have at least some HDL effects. But your LDL/total are crazy low, so it's prolly not as important...

Originally Posted by saw7988
Interesting results. Good luck with the donating and quest to fix it Ook.

(and congrats on the morning wood...? )
Lol thx

Originally Posted by cha59
So its a mixed bag of good & bad news. Do you know what the numbers were like when you were heavy? What do you think your BF% is now?
17-18% BF right now. Just haven't gotten anywhere with cutting recently. Would love to get to 10-11% and retest the lipids to see where that leaves me. And unfortunately I have no idea what my numbers were when I was still huge. Really wish now that I had gotten labs drawn before losing weight.

Saturday, May 11

3 miles

Sunday, May 12

3 miles
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-13-2013 , 05:18 PM
Monday, May 13

OHP - 140,160,175x5/3/1
Dips - +25x10x5
DB Incline BP - 55x10x3
Lat Raises - 15x15x2
Front Raises - 15x15x2
Face Pulls - 70x12x2
Cable Curls - 50x20x2
Cable Overhead Ext - 50x20x2
3 miles

Gonna push hard to cut for the next 7 weeks. July will be 3 years since I started my first log and I'd love to hit 199 by then. First two weeks will go with 20 miles of running, 3-4 gym days and 2200-2400 cal/day. Let's gogogo!
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-14-2013 , 05:59 PM
Tuesday, May 14

2.5-3 miles

Very confusing. Got lost on a trail run. No clue how far I actually ran, but definitely 2.5+ miles. Will count it as 3 miles for the total cause there was some walking around trying to figure out wtf I was at.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-15-2013 , 03:13 PM
Wednesday, May 15

DL - 325x3x3
Pendlay Rows - 145x10x4
Hypers - +25x15x3
Seated Rows - 10x20x2
Wide Pronated Pulldowns - 130x15x3
Supinated Pulldowns - 140x15x2
DB Shrugs - 90x10x3
DB Curls - 25x15x2
3 miles

Focusing on quick, smooth DL's keeping my butt from rising first. Meh. Prolly keep it the same next week, but could go up 5-10lbs. Mon/Tues this week were around 2700cal. Today I should be down near 2500. May take me a full week to get down under 2400 consistently. Still WAAAAAY better than the 4-5K cal I was taking in when I didn't care. Oh and the Dr. called me today. I cheated earlier and just looked up my lab results myself. Apparently they're "just want to check a couple more things" to make sure my high test isn't due to something genuinely ****ed up.

It's not. It's my Kryptonian genes
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-15-2013 , 03:34 PM
What could lead to high test? Giant sperm producing balls?? I 'll take two, XL please.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-15-2013 , 05:06 PM
They want to (reasonably imo) rule out hypothalamic or pituitary problems or testicular/other tumors that produce test. So they'll at least test my FSH, LH and probably do **** like growth hormone and prolactin levels. I didn't bother to ask about what all tests they want. They did quiz me on supplement use over the phone lol. Fish oil, multivitamins and melatonin don't do any of this. I didn't bother to mention ephedrine since I haven't taken that in a couple months. What's really funny is that in order to get the testosterone tests ordered and paid for by insurance, I told them that I've had decreased libido and erectile dysfunction (lies) lol. I expected them to call me on that bull**** but I think they're actually just scratching their heads and trying to figure it out.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-19-2013 , 09:46 PM
Friday, May 17

Canoeing ~6 hours

Sunday, May 19

OHP - 125,142.5,162.5x5
Dips - +25x10x4, BWx10
DB Incline BP - 55x9,7,6
Lat Raises - 15x12x2
Front Raises - 15x12x2
Face Pulls - 70x12x2
Cable Curls - 50x20x2
Cable Overhead Ext - 50x20x2

So canoeing is ****ing hard. Out of the 6ish hours we were on the water, we were really paddling for probably 3. That **** is exhausting. But it was a beautiful day, many beers were enjoyed and I had a lot of fun. Had intended to work out Saturday, but I was ****ing ruined after canoeing so I skipped the last workout of last week (my 5/3/1 for BP). Just gonna forge ahead this week as though I did it. OHP surprisingly easy today. There was definitely real weight on the bar, but I had no doubt about getting 5 and could have done at least 1-2 more reps. So strength was there but endurance wasn't and dips and decline BP suffered. Diet solidly back on track today.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-20-2013 , 12:08 AM
Paddling isn't as hard if you leave out the beers

I put in about 30 hours ocean paddling in the last 4 days. I'd never have been able to do it last year or years before and it was reading logs like yours that made me think I could pull it off. Being on the water and paddling are great stuff! More plans to spend quality time with a paddle in the near future?
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-20-2013 , 01:35 AM
Hahaha. Haven't been out on the water for a long time without beer ... I will have to try that at some point. Maybe it's poor conditioning, but OMG I was only able to struggle my way home and get to bed. And then sleep for 13 hours. I hope to get out again in the next few weeks before it gets too hot.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
05-24-2013 , 12:03 AM
Thursday, May 23

BP - 175,205,230x5
OHP - 120x10,115x10x2
DB Incline Flies - 35sx15x2
Machine Flies - 168x15x2
Reverse Machine Flies - 144x15x2
Cable cross - 25x20x2
Side Raises - 15x20x2
Pronated Cable Tri Pushdowns - 70x20x2
Supinated Cable Tri Pushdowns - 50x15x2
Straight Bar Curl - 65x12,60x10,50x10,40x10
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
06-16-2013 , 12:21 AM
Saturday, June 15

BP - 175,205,230x5
OHP - 120x10x2,115x10
DB Incline Flies - 35sx15x2
Machine Flies - 156x15x2
Reverse Machine Flies - 132x15x2
Side Raises - 12.5x20x2
Pronated Cable Tri Pushdowns - 70x20x2
Supinated Cable Tri Pushdowns - 50x20x2
Straight Bar Curl - 65x12,60x10,50x10,40x10,30x10
0.5 mile run

So I haven't actually taken 3 weeks off, but my lifting has been a little inconsistent. Finally took step 3 a week ago and finished my 4th interview this past week. Lots of **** going on, lots of stress. Just now feeling normal again I did finish my last cycle of 5/3/1 with 180x2 on OHP and 255x1 on BP but I'm gonna repeat the cycle since I was so spotty with the last one. Am looking forward to getting back in the swing of lifting regularly and hopefully will keep seeing progress. Weight damage isn't as bad as I expected, although it isn't good. 223 this morning. Back on paleo for a week then counting cals again. For whatever reason, I tend to do better with eating whole foods for a week before I actually start counting cals and being strict with macros.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
06-23-2013 , 03:00 AM
Saturday, June 22

OHP - 125,145,160x5
Dips - +25x10x3, BWx10x2
DB Incline BP - 55x10,9,6
Lat Raises - 12.5x12x2
Front Raises - 15x12x2
Face Pulls - 70x12x2
Cable Curls - 50x20x2
Cable Overhead Ext - 50x20x2

Not exactly progress. Oh well. Diet is better.
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
06-30-2013 , 11:24 PM
Friday, June 28

BP - 190,215,240x3
OHP - 120x10,115x10x2
DB Incline Flies - 35sx15x2

Sunday, June 30

OHP - 135,155,170x3
Dips - +25x10, BWx10x4
DB Incline BP - 55x10,8,8
Lat Raises - 12.5x12x2
Front Raises - 15x12x2
Face Pulls - 70x12x2
Cable Curls - 50x20x2
Cable Overhead Ext - 50x20x2
2400cal / 205g protein

Right shoulder just a little wonky. Gonna roll the **** out of it this week. Life **** is a little rough right now. Trying like **** to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. Trying to decide between pediatric critical care, neonatology and pediatric hospital medicine. So stressful right now and I'm about to say **** it all and take a year working as a hospitalist so I can give myself more time to figure all this **** out
Ook's Log - Take 2 Quote
