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Old man river's log Old man river's log

09-16-2024 , 03:08 AM
I went sightseeing with my niece in London, so got around 20,000 steps during the day (neither of us like the Tube.) I then went climbing in the evening. 3 hour session. It was odd; I started really badly. However, after 2 hours I suddenly improved. I got 4 of my projects in the last hour; mainly hard v3s but one v4.

I had a quick, easy dive (50 minutes, 10 metre max depth) to test out some new equipment.
Old man river's log Quote
09-19-2024 , 04:31 AM
Climbing. 2.5 hours.

It was a training session; we concentrated on getting relatively easy climbs perfect(no hesitation; no readjustments). It was fun.
At the end. I did done projecting, and got a powerful overhanging v4 which I've tried many times before.

Climbing, 2.5 hours. Good fun, I stared badly but improved as the session progressed.
Old man river's log Quote
09-23-2024 , 08:54 AM
Walked up Snowdon. It was nice; it's an easy walk. I last climbed it around 10 years ago; my fitness is way better now. It was really crowded, so I would run up the bits I was on to overtake; realise I'd let my mates behind; and have a wait before the next 5 min sprint.

Caving in a mine. This was also really good. It had a couple of easy pitches and loads of zip lines.

Old man river's log Quote
