Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Anyway Soulman, I'm sorry I insulted you by calling you norwegian. I know you take great pride in your francophone heritage.
You are correct mon ami, if you insult our fromage, vin or baguettes you go in the Book of Grudges!
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
I don't think arguing with Rich Muny would be a fruitless waste of time.
Fair enough, go ahead. From reading his tweets (yes, they were linked and mocked in another forum) he seems utterly Trump-pilled. I have no interest in arguing with someone like that. I have no problems arguing with you, even though we have some fundamental differences in world views - which is of course fine in and of itself.
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
I don't think that wanting to keep trans people in their birth gendered sporting events or bathrooms is an example of hatred.
At a surface level, no. It's the same as requiring ID to vote - at the surface, it seems totally fine - and is indeed fine in other countries (we have it here!). I think most people stop there and give it little further thought.
However, for many people I think fear of trans people is an example of barely concealed othering of an extremely marginalized group who face enough struggles as it is. And let's face it - trans issues and giant man-women raping girls in their bathrooms is such a tiiiiiiiiiny issue, it's hysterically and tragically funny that it was such a big deal in this election.
The immigration system in the US seems totally FUBAR and a complex issue to "fix" (whatever that means). I feel confident that Trump will try to in the most heinous ways possible, like when his previous administration separated kids from their parents seemingly at random through a combination of pure evil and willful ignorance.
PS: I hesitate to call this HC, but the LC thread is for all intents and purposes dead anyway, so who cares?