Originally Posted by NotThremp
Yates also completely destroyed his body.
And pretty sure a top tier weightlifter is on like a 6-7m rest break for their singles. So they might attempt a bunch of 90% 1RM for 10 lifts, and somehow take two hours between some light squats and weird shoulder work (whatever them Chinese folks doing to squat jerk).
Lyle talking about his workouts at the Oly facility was always hilarious. Do something every 10-15min and eat candy in between.
But I think more to your point. There is a large envelope of "tolerable volume" on PEDs where you still make progress, but for people with real jobs it'd be generally better to err on the side of less work than the optimal amount within that envelope in lieu of spending 2hrs 6 days a week only to realize that you can spend half that time and make the same progress.
This is what I'm not sure about.... is it the same progress? Or is it sometimes actually BETTER progress because you get better recovery and even though you have fewer training sessions, you get much more out of each one because you're only ever training in a very recovered state. Obviously there can be a lot of bio-individuality, but gosh I'm not even sure if the professional North Korean and Chinese weightlifters she whooped at Phuket World Championships would not have been better off also dropping to 3-4x/wk and just ****ing sitting on the couch enjoying some television and snack food.
I don't claim to have an answer to this question, but I think there's still a non-zero possibility that 3-4x/wk is literally better than 5-9x/wk for strength sports and bodybuilding. As usual, however "it depends".
Chase Irons who I've posted in my log a few times is a 3.5x/wk guy (every other day training) and he got to 280lbs at 5'11 fairly lean with this weekend warrior approach and is pretty damn near contest shape at 240lbs.