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***Official H&F LC Thread*** ***Official H&F LC Thread***

07-16-2019 , 04:14 PM
Nothing quite like a bb'er raping someone to make the H&F LC thread unreadable (moreso than usual I mean).
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
Male pattern baldness is just a genetic on off switch. Having higher T can cause you to lose the hair faster.
True...ish on both accounts.

They don't know how much of an on/off it really is or they'd have a way to stop it from happening. Finasteride doesn't stop it, it just markedly slows it down for some (many? most?).

Its a balancing act of hormones for both men and women...then it comes down to individual hair sensitivity and THEN the amount of Free T floating around...for guys at least.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Nothing quite like a bb'er raping someone to make the H&F LC thread unreadable (moreso than usual I mean).
Fer real
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Yeah, as I mentioned above, even were I to cut my hair at home, I'm not skilled enough to do it how I like/need, plus I'd need to get it done every two weeks to keep things crisp AF (to the extent anything associated with me can actual be described as such).
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 06:05 PM
Yeah that was not readable. I forgive JT because I have not seen any unreadable stuff from him previously.

I usually find Evo's stuff very readable. I have to skim some jdock stuff but mostly read it all. Thremp and montecore are fine. Nuclear is super annoying but he is usually succinct. I love N1 and MLYLT posting, very entertaining.

That leads me to melkerson. A lot of passes on my part. Nothing against my man, but I just skip a lot of the wordier posts.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 07:47 PM

Disservice to Montecoco. I hit higher highs and lower lows. He is more readable.

I have never done a disservice to basic math and blatantly fabricated lies repeatedly to "tow the line".

Maybe I don't believe anything as strongly as our friend JT believes in white knighting. But that isn't saying much. For as much as he's ridiculed me, I've never bragged on the internet about white knighting. However, my SO and I had a significant laugh at some guy who is making **** up to look good in front of a bunch of other beta males. W/e tho.

<the hyenas cackle>

>>it softly echoes in the wind
>>4 more years
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 08:04 PM
I mean we can probably pivot to a morbidly obese recently ex smoker who married a psychopath and is in a long term relationship with a manchild and thinks all men smell like a dump giving relationship and grooming advice, if you want.

And that's before we consider her credentials and desire to give career advice!
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 08:14 PM
Is code3 really a manchild? Given the MLY current descriptions of... anything. I'd like to post a defense of code3 that he's just a general wastoid who likes ****ing hulkbeasts. (No offense to any authentic beasts or hulks or hulkbeasts.)

Has he done anything wrong other than ignoring attention whoring and being clear on what he's okay and not okay with?

BTW was I suppose to give career advice on the podcast? Hard to recall. It is like asking who is suppose to teach finger painting and who teaches putting on velcro shoes.

RIP N1. Death knell of future Cit/DM podcast.
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07-16-2019 , 08:25 PM
Fwiw the "code3 is a normal (and maybe even a pretty good) guy who has a fetish and/or is just way too lazy or disinterested in dating to go put in effort to move on" is probably my favorite theory of what is behind the veil. It would make some amount of sense and fit other factors. I agree it would not require him to actually be a manchild.

I can't remember who was supposed to do career advice. Probably means we should slot it for crosstalk/witty banter.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 08:37 PM
To be clear, lest someone accuse me of being a CODE3 APOLOGIST!!! I'm simple stating that everyone's view of him is shaded by the MLY stories which aren't reliable.

He (and MLY) seem to be happy with their arrangement, which seems to be her putting her corpulent body on his perfectly sized and curved and angled penis after driving for a few hour... and him basically doing nothing else.

He seems to to be a pretty weird dude. (He's ****ing MLY?!?!??!!!!!! Obese and deeply mentally ill single mom, wtf.) And his food choices are p ****ty.

I agree. It really is hard to draw lines in the sand when we're discussing problems that are basically as different as staying in the lines with yellow vs red crayons.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Deeply Miserable
He (and MLY) seem to be happy with their arrangement, which seems to be her putting her corpulent body on his perfectly sized and curved and angled penis after driving for a few hour... and him basically doing nothing else.
He cleans her house so it doesn't smell.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 09:38 PM
It seems like a lot of these posts could be moved to Myl’s log. Seems kinda wrong to be posting personal information cross thread. Especially considering one poster only sporadically checks this thread and the other (Code) certainly never does.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 09:59 PM

Yeah, that is pretty much my standard, so don't go looking if it wasn't your bag. Congrats on the jogging BTW. That was the closest I got to breaking my silence previous.


You should really stay down once you are bloodied up. Glad your "SO" laughed along with you, but that's how those arrangements with rich men work from what I've heard. I mean, I'm sure this is different and she will stick around if you lose the money. Humble bragging about having a girlfriend. Sweet. For the record, I don't think that this is a white knight situation. It is just a chance to **** on someone who deserves it. It's entirely because I am not a good person. I'm good with that though. I really thought you would be more challenging but you only got a bunch of things you "noticed" and therefore are supposed to be bad, word counts, typos, a few generic attempts to "trigger" a generic liberal. I'm not joking about being disappointed.


Tell you what. I'll make a deal. I will stop dodging the question if you get some of these other guys to answer it first. But the way you proposed for ol' Renton.

Like for DM. Make up a formula just for him. Here's a premise:
Originally Posted by Deeply Miserable
In a similar manner to how you call your two slutty, lying friends "rape victims".
Is someone who types that out more or less likely to have sent harassing texts to the girl in the story about his friend the accused rapist (note that accused rapist is not qualified with quotation marks because it is literal) to get her to recant? (than someone who doesn't)

I mean we don't have to speculate further with the hypothetical, like if maybe he was there that night and they just had not got the roofie dosing right yet early in their spree, or maybe "friend" was the part that demands quotes because it was him. Let's keep it simple!

Make a personalized one for each of them, with their own quote and based on sound math. Get each of them to answer if the math says they are more likely to be rapists because of the positions they typed in their own words ITT. Leave Evo out of it. But I'd like one for K999, Renton, and of course DM. If they all answer it directly, and without a lot of "slightly" qualifiers, I'll answer you.

Or, you know, we can drop it. Whatever works. I know that N1 is gone so what else is there to do?
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 10:35 PM
I already said that I think it likely a real rapist (which would be a tiny % of the population) would probably lean heavier into being an "ally" or not comment at all, because they would be self conscious about giving themselves away. But that is just my best educated guess. I certainly am not claiming to have any formulas worked out.

You are the one claiming to have worked out an actual formula, that we are all waiting to be unveiled.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I already said that I think it likely a real rapist (which would be a tiny % of the population) would probably lean heavier into being an "ally" or not comment at all, because they would be self conscious about giving themselves away. But that is just my best educated guess. I certainly am not claiming to have any formulas worked out.

You are the one claiming to have worked out an actual formula, that we are all waiting to be unveiled.
Nah, I wasn't talking to you. You are not Melk. On the level, you and a few others in this thread create a lot of confusion for yourselves, and you are already easily confused, when you don't answer the posts directed at you but do answer the ones not directed to you.

Bold is a lie, You said that not me. And also, as noted many times, you are still dim enough to think that I am proposing this is a good way to assess individuals. I am on record as saying it isn't, like, so many times it makes the thread unreadable. Go read the kid version I wrote up for Renton. Theeeeeeeeeen, you can keep pretending I am calling you guys rapists instead of calling you idiots.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-16-2019 , 10:58 PM
It's no diff than the wealth worship.

They just wish they were chads and are cos-playing defending their positions. Us that have actually been in a gray area or two are out here whistling Dixie.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 12:29 AM
Regarding JT e-tantrum, uninterested please do not open.
f'kin lol. IMO it's top tier comedy watching somebody come out of the gate with personal attacks, then futilely argue against vacuously true statements with semantic nittery, then being (lengthily and very civilly) corrected by aspie melk, then just finally giving up and returning to the personal attacks with some creative and occasionally entertaining ones. It was a good show, 24/37, and better than the final season of the N1H chronicles.

I'd love to get him going on something else, hopefully he can pick among these: there are only 2 biological genders, male privilege is not real, Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein are best friends, average IQ differences across ethnic groups explain some non zero portion of differing socioeconomic outcomes, rape is much more of a problem for lower class men in prison than for middle class girls in college, Islam is an actual rape culture not the west.

But anyway... IFBB Jim Manion actually does not want the guy banned and believes in due process as well, the company that owns the IFBB, AMI (Pecker) basically forced their hand.

"July 14, 2019

The IFBB Professional League has not at this time taken any actions for or against Shawn Rhoden. Following the advice of our attorneys, the IFBB Professional League will continue to closely monitor the situation while respecting the rights of the accuser, the accused, and the company which owns and operates the prestigious Mr. Olympia Contest. This is a difficult and emotional time for all involved.

Jim Manion, IFBB Professional League President"

I believe Kobe played during his legal proceedings, but people who follow realsports and not pharmacological beauty male pageants that serve as veiled g4p advertisements for wealthy and powerful gays can correct me on this because I don't really know for sure.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 12:58 AM

Glad you liked it.
I really always have considered you an alpha chad. Swoon.

Melk, add him to the ****ing list.

ETA: why do you guys keeping bringing up things like personal attacks and swearing like I’m resorting to those things? It’s not a bug, and it’s not a point against me. I want to do it. Thought I was team PC police?
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 03:42 AM

Frankly you're kinda stupid and keep declaring victory despite the fact that you have mostly just evaded any salient points while repeatedly saying kinda crazy **** which include outright lying, denial of basic math, and being a poor writer.

Feel free to construct another scenario in your head where you "dunk on me" or that this insane ramble makes you a defender of the people, then instead of posting it here, go back to your facist forum and post it over there where they will all applaud your white knighting in lieu of actually addressing any real issues raised or even being able to do basic math.

Maybe if it starts raining and I don't want to watch TV, I'll give a longer and fuller version.


I'd like to see an explanation
where they separate Bill Clinton the President from Bill Clinton the Man, and attempt to compare either to Dahnald.
The amount of cognitive dissonance would be pretty epic.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 08:43 AM
Is ABP coming back?

This horrible discussion aside (not surprised some of you are colossal pieces of trash), I think that thread disappearing was an overreaction. Clearly N1 is just embarrassed - I have followed the old asian player’s page for a little while now, and other than him posting what is probably way too many stories, he seems to live a pretty ****ing sick life. Lmfao at n1 hating on this guy, it’s such transparent jealousy. But really nothing to freak about - bring the thread back dude.

Also stacey is a solid 7 at best jfc at getting hung up on that chick.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
It's no diff than the wealth worship.

They just wish they were chads and are cos-playing defending their positions. Us that have actually been in a gray area or two are out here whistling Dixie.
I don't know what you're talking about!
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Is ABP coming back?

This horrible discussion aside (not surprised some of you are colossal pieces of trash), I think that thread disappearing was an overreaction. Clearly N1 is just embarrassed - I have followed the old asian player’s page for a little while now, and other than him posting what is probably way too many stories, he seems to live a pretty ****ing sick life. Lmfao at n1 hating on this guy, it’s such transparent jealousy. But really nothing to freak about - bring the thread back dude.

Also stacey is a solid 7 at best jfc at getting hung up on that chick.
The freakout by N1 was around the fact (redacted) followed Stacey and OAN and at the time if you had Googled that name N1's thread was in the top 5.

It wasn't even so much that I f'd up giving away two critical details about was my f'up that lead that loser to start following both of them.

The amusing thing is the idiot didn't even have to do that to see **** on their IG's.

One persons 7 is easily anothers 8+ .... nevermind once a sexual based release of dopamine happens, that can easily add a point or more for that person.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 09:53 AM
Lol no one in his real life is gonna care to look him up or connect those links. No one.

I have a very healthy list of RL enemies and had very potentially damaging stuff floating around for a while - zip. Nada. Nothing of real consequence happened.

He’s a ****ing barrista with no friends. What could possibly happen? Other than a tiny risk of potential mild embarrassment, but he’s not even a blip on the radar of the people he’s most worried about finding that stuff. Even if someone actively tried to trainwreck him, which I doubt - no one in his real life was gonna wade through that thread or try to make sense of it.
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 10:01 AM
Also I was being super generous about stacey being a 7. If i was viewing the right page - and I’m pretty sure i was - on my own personal scale I’d rate her a 6 or 6.5. If my fat ass can do better he definitely, definitely can if he can figure out how to grow a real personality and not come off like a big dumb prick. And he also has a perfect cock! (According to his totally not gay roomie)
***Official H&amp;F LC Thread*** Quote
07-17-2019 , 10:02 AM
Seems impossible to determine who Stacey is. I just imagine she's the tall blond model and I feel happy for N1.
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