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07-15-2019 , 03:37 PM
I guess you need to define 'recent' but a prostitute is not a recent thing by any measure.
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07-15-2019 , 03:40 PM
Sex work is not the same thing...
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
Sex work is not the same thing...
Ok bro, how does that jibe with:

Originally Posted by Kelhus999
At the sociological level I do think this brings up an interesting tension with modern society. In traditional societies sexual intercourse was understood to be mechanisms for pair bonding and procreation, and there was lots of social pressure to enforce these boundaries.

It is only in very recent times that technological and social changes have shifted the paradigm and allowed for the idea that sexual intercourse could be casual and for strictly pleasure, and as a society we haven’t quite fully worked out the rules of engagement under these new terms, and they are constantly being tested at the boundaries. And for mainly psychological hardwiring issues, it is possible we never will never be able to fully resolve this tension.
It's not intercourse if it's with a prostitute?

Last edited by DodgerIrish; 07-15-2019 at 03:47 PM.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 03:48 PM
You sons of bitches almost got me with jive/jibe but I'm too quick for you.

(And by quick I mean: five minutes later.)
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:21 PM
Thank God you corrected that before the **** really hit the fan

***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:22 PM

Are you.going for the Number 0 total shave? I have never gone for it myself - I just get Number 1 all over. I pay someone else to shave it, as I can miss bits doing it myself.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
It must be hard living in a world with so much rampant secret rape going on.
Please don't Renton. I really believe that you are going through a rough time, and I don't want to add to that. Taking dumb, grossly hypocritical swipes out of the blue is not a good look. So let me gently remind you that you left the conversation after being asked to provide proof for the world that YOU live in where lots and lots of men are having their lives ruined by false rape allegations after being confused about when they should or should not stop. You did not do that. You asked not to be asked to do it any longer. I stopped asking.

Now, quite a few links have been provided showing the number of women who do not report assaults to the authorities is high. The pretty universally accepted number for women who reach their 40s is 1/4 being sexually assaulted, and that is not accounting for women who have been assaulted more than once or those who do not wish to answer. That doesn't mean one out of every 4 women YOU know were assaulted (clarifying for those who do not get how statistics translate to real life), but you can be pretty sure that you know multiple women who have. That they did not tell you and you are unaware does not make it less rampant.

Meanwhile, so far what YOU claimed (the bolded above) gets goal post shifted back to due process denial and as if anyone is saying that false allegations ever happen at all. Well, sir, due process is good and false rape allegations do happen. But you are probably safe, man. And for alllll the guys here who are really worried and hand wringing over the imagined scenario where some gal is giving you mixed signals and you don't know how to figure out if she wants you to go all 50 shades on her because she is wearing lipstick or something? Assume she don't. Especially with the specific dudes ITT that are mighty concerned about it, it's a very good bet. Now you are really, REALLY safe. Sleep well on the affected by rape front. Unless you have daughters or any other women you care about.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 05:04 PM

I stand corrected! That is pretty nuts!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by river_tilt

Are you.going for the Number 0 total shave? I have never gone for it myself - I just get Number 1 all over. I pay someone else to shave it, as I can miss bits doing it myself.
Yeah, the zero, at home, with a regular razor (at least for the moment). Had been going high and tight with the 1 on the top and 0.5 on the sides at the barber, but considering the stuff on the sides was the only stuff that really grew all that much, I figured I might as well see how the true balds live. Kind of like it, but it's new; we'll see if I still shave it multiple times a week once the novelty wears off.


Thanks; I'll give it a whirl and report back.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Please don't Renton. I really believe that you are going through a rough time, and I don't want to add to that. Taking dumb, grossly hypocritical swipes out of the blue is not a good look. So let me gently remind you that you left the conversation after being asked to provide proof for the world that YOU live in where lots and lots of men are having their lives ruined by false rape allegations after being confused about when they should or should not stop. You did not do that. You asked not to be asked to do it any longer. I stopped asking.

Now, quite a few links have been provided showing the number of women who do not report assaults to the authorities is high. The pretty universally accepted number for women who reach their 40s is 1/4 being sexually assaulted, and that is not accounting for women who have been assaulted more than once or those who do not wish to answer. That doesn't mean one out of every 4 women YOU know were assaulted (clarifying for those who do not get how statistics translate to real life), but you can be pretty sure that you know multiple women who have. That they did not tell you and you are unaware does not make it less rampant.

Meanwhile, so far what YOU claimed (the bolded above) gets goal post shifted back to due process denial and as if anyone is saying that false allegations ever happen at all. Well, sir, due process is good and false rape allegations do happen. But you are probably safe, man. And for alllll the guys here who are really worried and hand wringing over the imagined scenario where some gal is giving you mixed signals and you don't know how to figure out if she wants you to go all 50 shades on her because she is wearing lipstick or something? Assume she don't. Especially with the specific dudes ITT that are mighty concerned about it, it's a very good bet. Now you are really, REALLY safe. Sleep well on the affected by rape front. Unless you have daughters or any other women you care about.
that is 1 helluva post sir - very well said
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 06:17 PM

I have been using a blade on the head for about 12 years or so. It's great. I have used the headblade with rollers, fancy exfoliants, and baldy marketed shaving elixirs. They are fine, but after all that I have settled into a pretty utilitarian pattern.

Gillette fusion blade and handle. Gillette canned shaving gel. A good lotion to apply post rinse and dry, I like Cetaphil.

Shower first, of course, exfoliate if you want to be fancy. With still wet scalp apply a good amount of the gel. Hold the handle close so that you can lightly press your fingers across the top of the blade to keep good contact against your head. This is really the only very notable difference between face shaving for me or what I might call a "secret". The blades on the fusion move enough on their springs that you can press relatively hard and ensure really good removal in a single pass most of the time.

Start on one side at the front at your sideburn with an upward stroke toward the top of your head-just getting the side.-leave the top for later. Rinse and use touch to feel where the next upward stroke should be as you move around the back and to the other side. Your goal should be single, slightly overlapping passes from the bottom to top on the vertical faces of the dome. Try your best to not miss stripes, but you will sometimes. Then go front to back at the top from one side to the other.

Once you have done this a few hundred times you should be pretty good at getting most of it on the first pass, but either way, now is the time to feel around for missed spots. Go over them carefully, it's easy to get careless here. pay close attention to the spots right behind the ears.

Once you are good, rinse thoroughly. Pat dry and add a generous amount of lotion. When adding the lotion you may find more missed spots. No problem just hit em again. When you are satisfied that you have got it done, add a bit more lotion if you have scraped any off, rinse the blade thoroughly and--this is important--dry it off by rubbing against a towel--this will prolong the life of the blade.

On nicks and cuts. Rarely I will get cut using this method. Like maybe every few years. It sucks when it happens cuz it bleeds a lot and it is visible, obviously. Heals quickly though. The main thing is if you DO cut, be REALLY careful not to cut the same spot again. It is really ****ing easy to do that, and it hurts.

I find a cadence of every two to three days best, four it gets harder, five and the blade starts to get jammed up. This takes me about 5-8 minutes to complete on a good day. Now you are sexy. Prepare for loads of (consensual!) sex.

Last edited by Johnny Truant; 07-15-2019 at 06:25 PM.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 07:39 PM

So, is it A, B, C or D?

That's quite the lengthy dodge you've got going there. Especially since there's nothing new. You've just repeated everything with some new silly examples that are flawed for reasons that really have nothing to do with the matter at hand. Also you seem to be implying that I said or suggested a bunch of stuff that I never said (which is getting close to Fly territory; you never just flat out assert it like he does)

Look man, it's real simple, I despise rapists. I also like logical thought.

1. If you accept that reporting early decreases the likelihood of lying, then by definition not reporting early increases the likelihood of lying. It's basic, elementary logic. It's not even really math.

2. As I said earlier, I fully agree that negative predictive value of early reporting (i.e., not reporting early) is extremely low. Someone who reports later is still extremely likely to be telling the truth. I've never said otherwise. Also, it doesn't change #1 above. It's kind of cute trying to watch you derive commonly understood concepts like predictive value and specificity from first principles with accompanying hilariously bad examples. But like many, you seem to think that if something has a low predictive value, then #1 above is untrue. As I alluded to before, it's a common mistake.

3. Anyone who can simultaneously think all of these things (all of which you said), is just plain illogical.

- early reporters have a significantly lower ability to credibly lie [than later reporters].

- I did not say that early reporters have more credibility, I said that it reduces the likelihood that they are lying.

- But at the same time, later reporters do not have a significantly higher likelihood of lying. [than earlier reporters].
Yeah, I get you've got to double down because you are fighting for the side of righteousness. And I truly believe you are. I know you don't think I'm on your team, but I am. Being illogical doesn't help the cause. There is no need. You're on the right side of this. Someone pointing out that you're being illogical is not necessarily on the wrong side or your enemy. They might be, but generally they'll say other stuff and you can attack that. And I'm sure you'll do a much better job of it.

PS. I thought the doctor thing was a Downton joke. He did it a lot better. Of course, that's expected. No one can compete with DT.

Last edited by Melkerson; 07-15-2019 at 07:47 PM.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Please don't Renton. I really believe that you are going through a rough time, and I don't want to add to that. Taking dumb, grossly hypocritical swipes out of the blue is not a good look. So let me gently remind you that you left the conversation after being asked to provide proof for the world that YOU live in where lots and lots of men are having their lives ruined by false rape allegations after being confused about when they should or should not stop. You did not do that. You asked not to be asked to do it any longer. I stopped asking.

Now, quite a few links have been provided showing the number of women who do not report assaults to the authorities is high. The pretty universally accepted number for women who reach their 40s is 1/4 being sexually assaulted, and that is not accounting for women who have been assaulted more than once or those who do not wish to answer. That doesn't mean one out of every 4 women YOU know were assaulted (clarifying for those who do not get how statistics translate to real life), but you can be pretty sure that you know multiple women who have. That they did not tell you and you are unaware does not make it less rampant.

Meanwhile, so far what YOU claimed (the bolded above) gets goal post shifted back to due process denial and as if anyone is saying that false allegations ever happen at all. Well, sir, due process is good and false rape allegations do happen. But you are probably safe, man. And for alllll the guys here who are really worried and hand wringing over the imagined scenario where some gal is giving you mixed signals and you don't know how to figure out if she wants you to go all 50 shades on her because she is wearing lipstick or something? Assume she don't. Especially with the specific dudes ITT that are mighty concerned about it, it's a very good bet. Now you are really, REALLY safe. Sleep well on the affected by rape front. Unless you have daughters or any other women you care about.
The way you argue reminds me of why I stopped posting in the politics forum. You are too emotionally invested to argue dispassionately. I haven't seen you get through one post without an ad hominem attack or saying the word f*ck multiple times, or some sarcastic diatribe. Anyone who disagrees with you even slightly is a rape apologist at best and a secret rapist at worst. Right or wrong, the posts in this thread by jdock, evo, thremp, melk, or myself have been without passion and for the most part have avoided personal attacks.

I said some pretty uncontroversial stuff in this thread and I got an immediate snide remark from citanul comparing me to someone who physically attacked women in a bagel shop. My statement isn't merely wrong and here's why, it's dumb and hypocritical. Evoken's argument isn't merely wrong and here's why, he's probably a rapist.

As for asking for proof from me that false rape allegations are a statistically significant problem, that's just another cheap argument tactic on your part. Yeah I could spend the time and find lots of anecdotal cases. But the fact of the matter is that the statistics for false rape accusation are worth as little as the self-reported stats about prevalence of sexual assault. It's a nuanced issue. Stats aren't particularly valuable.

Then you frame it like I'm afraid that I'm gonna accidentally rape someone, which is not what I said. I also didn't express concern that "lots and lots of men are having their lives ruined by false rape allegations after being confused about when they should or should not stop." That's more of your framing. There are other ways in which a man could be wrongfully accused of rape than being confused about consent or being the victim of a moustache twirling villain who simply lies to the police. A woman can merely think "no" and be afraid to express it and that's considered rape. We know from psychology that the experience of abuse happens largely in the mind of the abused and that words can cause more harm than blows. I.E. it is subjective. A victim can misremember what happened and interpret it as a rape experience after the fact.

In other words, its a messy topic with a lot of grey area, which is very problematic for ideologues.

Last edited by Renton555; 07-15-2019 at 08:34 PM.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant

I have been using a blade on the head for about 12 years or so. It's great. I have used the headblade with rollers, fancy exfoliants, and baldy marketed shaving elixirs. They are fine, but after all that I have settled into a pretty utilitarian pattern.

Gillette fusion blade and handle. Gillette canned shaving gel. A good lotion to apply post rinse and dry, I like Cetaphil.

Shower first, of course, exfoliate if you want to be fancy. With still wet scalp apply a good amount of the gel. Hold the handle close so that you can lightly press your fingers across the top of the blade to keep good contact against your head. This is really the only very notable difference between face shaving for me or what I might call a "secret". The blades on the fusion move enough on their springs that you can press relatively hard and ensure really good removal in a single pass most of the time.

Start on one side at the front at your sideburn with an upward stroke toward the top of your head-just getting the side.-leave the top for later. Rinse and use touch to feel where the next upward stroke should be as you move around the back and to the other side. Your goal should be single, slightly overlapping passes from the bottom to top on the vertical faces of the dome. Try your best to not miss stripes, but you will sometimes. Then go front to back at the top from one side to the other.

Once you have done this a few hundred times you should be pretty good at getting most of it on the first pass, but either way, now is the time to feel around for missed spots. Go over them carefully, it's easy to get careless here. pay close attention to the spots right behind the ears.

Once you are good, rinse thoroughly. Pat dry and add a generous amount of lotion. When adding the lotion you may find more missed spots. No problem just hit em again. When you are satisfied that you have got it done, add a bit more lotion if you have scraped any off, rinse the blade thoroughly and--this is important--dry it off by rubbing against a towel--this will prolong the life of the blade.

On nicks and cuts. Rarely I will get cut using this method. Like maybe every few years. It sucks when it happens cuz it bleeds a lot and it is visible, obviously. Heals quickly though. The main thing is if you DO cut, be REALLY careful not to cut the same spot again. It is really ****ing easy to do that, and it hurts.

I find a cadence of every two to three days best, four it gets harder, five and the blade starts to get jammed up. This takes me about 5-8 minutes to complete on a good day. Now you are sexy. Prepare for loads of (consensual!) sex.
Very helpful, thanks, especially the finger on the blade trick. I'll give that a shot the next time through. I think every two days is probably a bit better for me, as my hair is thick and kind of tough on the sides after that, but we'll see. Work in progress.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
I wholeheartedly love the David Lynch "Dune" movie. I also would have loved to see the Jodorwosky version. If you haven't seen "Jodorworsky's Dune" I highly recommend it. I did not like the SciFi channel remake in the early 2000s.

I also liked the book a lot, and I liked some of the later books, although they got increasingly weird and abstract. Frank Herbert also wrote some other pretty weird books, like the WorShip series.
What books do the movies cover?
I'm not done reading the series and don't want any spoilers.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Deeply Miserable

I stand corrected! That is pretty nuts!
The same type of research shows that, with very conservative assumptions for migrations (from entire peoples to lone travelers), everyone alive today is related to everyone that was alive 2,000 years ago. Slightly more aggressive assumptions cuts it to 900 years. (This of course does not include people from 2,000 years ago that had their entire line die out.)
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 09:23 PM
Oh holy hell I can't read anymore....
JT, you are obviously completely correct. Your very first post was sufficient and nothing else was needed to be said.

And, I love Taki Taki!
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 09:40 PM

I don’t think we disagree at all, except on whether your question is worth answering any way other than how I have.


I am not anti Renton. Just trust me that you took a lot of things literally that were meant to be ****ing ridiculous. Oops there’s a swear. Have you read my log? I swear all the time. It doesn’t indicate much about my mood.

I’m not even going to be a dick this time because I think you really don’t get it, where the others pretend not to get it. I don’t think you guys are rapists. I was using that as an example of how unfair it is to call a woman a liar based on bull**** “grouping”. And it made you feel bad. Just like a woman who may have been a stripper would feel bad for being called a liar preemptively if she got raped (which as you now know is common, and probably more so among strippers) and dared report it. But I feel more for them than you guys.

I don’t think you are free of emotion here. If you were you would have read the places I clearly stated it is ****ing stupid to judge your likelihood of being a rapist based on this ****, even though it fits the same mold as what is going on in this thread. If what melk is saying is not wrong—the if then is 100% transferable. But it’s stupid. That’s my ****ing point.

Cheers buddy. Hope you feel better. Sincerely.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
What books do the movies cover?
I'm not done reading the series and don't want any spoilers.
The old movies cover the first book, no idea about the upcoming ones
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
If what melk is saying is not wrong—the if then is 100% transferable.
That's obviously true too, and I'm sure I never said otherwise.

I'm not going to speak for Renton, but I'm pretty sure if you told Renton something like this:

"Based on your posting you're a bit more likely to be a rapist than someone who didn't post this stuff. Nevertheless, the chance of your actually being a rapist is still very low."

then I don't think he would have had a problem with it. I also believe that is actually what you think.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
I was using that as an example of how unfair it is to call a woman a liar based on bull**** “grouping”.
Did anyone here actually call any woman a liar? If so, I must have missed it.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
What books do the movies cover?
I'm not done reading the series and don't want any spoilers.
The 1980s movie and the BBC series (and the new movie being made now) are all adaptations of the original Dune novel. So if you have read that you are good.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
That's obviously true too, and I'm sure I never said otherwise.

I'm not going to speak for Renton, but I'm pretty sure if you told Renton something like this:

"Based on your posting you're a bit more likely to be a rapist than someone who didn't post this stuff. Nevertheless, the chance of your actually being a rapist is still very low."

then I don't think he would have had a problem with it. I also believe that is actually what you think.
I dunno. He has been given a lot of chances to walk it back, and he hasn't. If someone keeps telling you over and over they believe something, at some point you have to believe them.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
The old movies cover the first book, no idea about the upcoming ones
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
The 1980s movie and the BBC series (and the new movie being made now) are all adaptations of the original Dune novel. So if you have read that you are good.
:Thumb:.....I'm excited! Should I wait for the new movie or go ahead and watch the older ones?
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
07-15-2019 , 10:41 PM
Also, could someone please please tell me who and what brand of half sock ankle thingys someone posted that magically cured their plantar fasciitis??? I bought the Walmart brand and they don't seem to be doing anything.
Anyone else experienced this and cured it or have any advice?
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