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02-08-2018 , 07:03 PM
I am a confirmed ping-pong enthusiast; I learned how to play at 4 and won both my (small) college's and my previous employer's respective championships a few times, and look back on my time playing with fondness.

With all that said, it's not even close to being a sport.
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02-08-2018 , 07:18 PM
Lol at taking time off from lifting to play ping pong. New S&F Low.
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02-08-2018 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Lol at taking time off from lifting to run. New S&F Low.
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02-08-2018 , 07:39 PM
Harsh but fair.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-08-2018 , 07:49 PM
I still lift more than KC, Skeletor, halfslant. Combined. Not just reps either, total weight moved. Why? Because I never fail to go 3x a week. There are 168 hours in the week. Can you find 3 to lift? I found 7 to exercise, 4 for running and 3 for lifting.

This guy found 5, and 4 going to ping pong. S&F in shambles, when is Aidan coming back? Is fakeb dead? Crickets.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-08-2018 , 07:50 PM
fakeb is still moving double the weight you are, loco, he's just logging infrequently.
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02-08-2018 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by loco
I still lift more than KC, Skeletor, halfslant. Combined. Not just reps either, total weight moved. Why? Because I never fail to go 3x a week. There are 168 hours in the week. Can you find 3 to lift? I found 7 to exercise, 4 for running and 3 for lifting.

This guy found 5, and 4 going to ping pong. S&F in shambles, when is Aidan coming back? Is fakeb dead? Crickets.
Make a trip up here and lets see who moves more weight (deadlift, press, bench), I will even skip squats since you don't have a chance with them.
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02-09-2018 , 04:00 AM
You'll have to get in line behind The Bruhaha in Brosbane (aka snitch v loco in boxing)
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02-09-2018 , 04:23 AM
I made stole a yolk! I promise, it's really funny.

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02-09-2018 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by udbrky
Bacon and getting fixed are the answers, right?

And table tennis for all fitness needs completes the trifecta

Last edited by Bluegrassplayer; 02-09-2018 at 06:23 AM.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-09-2018 , 07:33 AM
I've played table tennis at (amateur/donk) club level for years.

Big lol at muritards not calling it a sport.

Ra, hope you're enjoying it! It's so much fun.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-09-2018 , 07:55 AM

only football handegg, baseball and squattin' are sports. Hope that helps.
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02-09-2018 , 08:22 AM
It's for a few months max until I move house and set up a home gym (finally will have the space, been my dream for years!). New low? It's not lower than the end of my dick which you small penis syndrome ameritards can suckle on.

Yes it's amazingly fun. My cardio hasn't been better in years either.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-09-2018 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I made stole a yolk! I promise, it's really funny.

idk what everyone is so excited about NASA sent a car into space then rode it around a bit ... like 50 years ago.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-09-2018 , 09:43 AM
Was it a Tesla though?
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02-10-2018 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
You'll have to get in line behind The Bruhaha in Brosbane (aka snitch v loco in boxing)
Uncle has been cried. I have given loco every encouragement I could to make this happen. He even travelled into my timezone, but would not make the effort to follow through on the challenge he himself issued. RIP H&F's "fittest" man.

Slightly related...

I "sparred" my rookie mate the other day. He's a big strong guy. 5"11 / 230lbs. Plays rugby. He's been doing a fair bit of boxing training, but no sparring. As I was just donking around, tagging him at will, watching him gas out in the first 90 seconds, I couldn't help but laugh at the prospect of doing this with someone shorter, weaker and 80lbs lighter who I actually want to punch. I accidentally dropped him with a bodyshot and it was hilarious.

We sparred three rounds between 2-3 minutes (he needed some extra rest). I literally barely broke a sweat. Heart rate was probably 120. Had to go and do 10 minutes of sleds after just to feel like I got a workout.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-10-2018 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
Uncle has been cried. I have given loco every encouragement I could to make this happen. He even travelled into my timezone, but would not make the effort to follow through on the challenge he himself issued. RIP H&F's "fittest" man.

Slightly related...

I "sparred" my rookie mate the other day. He's a big strong guy. 5"11 / 230lbs. Plays rugby. He's been doing a fair bit of boxing training, but no sparring. As I was just donking around, tagging him at will, watching him gas out in the first 90 seconds, I couldn't help but laugh at the prospect of doing this with someone shorter, weaker and 80lbs lighter who I actually want to punch. I accidentally dropped him with a bodyshot and it was hilarious.

We sparred three rounds between 2-3 minutes (he needed some extra rest). I literally barely broke a sweat. Heart rate was probably 120. Had to go and do 10 minutes of sleds after just to feel like I got a workout.
But did he have HEART?
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-10-2018 , 11:14 PM
Errbody got HEART 'til they get punched in the liver.
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02-11-2018 , 06:08 PM
My beard is now big enough that it got caught in my teeth when I was flossing. We might be approaching #peakbeard
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02-11-2018 , 09:19 PM
Back home after 5 days in the hospital (wife). Could've been worse. Feeling better, currently backwards physically by about 18 months, fingers crossed on it all coming back within a few days at home or another big rehab trip.

I wish the hospital had a ping pong table. Or a squat rack.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-12-2018 , 09:27 AM
HC help:

I've had a nagging knee injury that bothered me from 2012-2014. 15,16 it was totally fine, but then re-irritated to a lesser extent in april 17. I've been doing bodyweight static lunges as my only rehab exercise in addition to of course backsquatting very light weights. It's mostly healed, but still sore about a day after an RPE 6-7 squat workout.

Anyway, fastforward to now, I've rebuilt some strength but still never going full throttle. Last week I did 150kgx1, 125x5x5 and it took about 15 minutes total not hard. Strange but very slight hip pain on the right side, same as the injured knee, same as the one I've been doing static bw lunges nearly every day. This week I did 160x2, 100x10x3. It was maybe an RPE 5.5 or so. I didn't have any hip pain this time, but I did notice a strange clicking sound on the right side once I got to the 10s.

oh and I'm still hbbsing b/c of unrelated elbow tendinitis. I am not opposed to doing lbbs once that's healed.

What does this mean and what should I do? I want to prevent anything bad from happening now before anything hurts. Any useful prehab?

Lately I've moved to a squatting style with a pretty slow eccentric and very little bounce, which seems to have been one of the keys to keeping the knee healthy.

FWIW I cannot deadlift from the floor AT ALL anymore without my knee being sore for several days afterword if I used meaningful weight. Since my babrbell rows are pretty heavy and I can still rack pull just fine, I'm not so worried, but maybe it changes what I can/can't do to prehab hip.
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02-12-2018 , 01:14 PM
You know what to do
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02-12-2018 , 03:08 PM
Do the married guys here leave their rings on when they lift?

Mostly wondering if deadlift is an issue.
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02-12-2018 , 03:12 PM
No. I always take my glasses and the ring off.
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02-12-2018 , 03:26 PM
I always take my ring off. I had to sit through enough videos in the CG showing the aftermath of when rings get caught on machinery and ladders to make me not want to go through that ever.
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