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07-31-2018 , 10:17 PM
Does anyone have any experience they could share with bulged/herniated discs, epidurals, and rehabbing them?
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08-01-2018 , 12:05 AM
Yes, I do, but it didn't end well as my condition deteriorated to bone-on-bone contact and spinal fusion surgery. A lot more pain than I would have ever been able to imagine otherwise. Had 3 epidurals that gave me some slight relief for less than an hour. I was 27.

I had a herniated disc a few years before that and remember the rehab as a lot of stability work and estim. Seemed to be fine until I woke up with my leg asleep one day and the neuro told me this was the "permanent nerve damage" kind so needed microdiscectomy. Just kept getting worse after that.

I suspect, but have no proof, it may have been a climbing fall from a few days prior.

Much better now, though. I'd always had a bit of back trouble here and there--none at all after that. I tell everyone to skip the process and just get it fused.
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08-01-2018 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
Does anyone have any experience they could share with bulged/herniated discs, epidurals, and rehabbing them?
Cha logged his whole rehab from a herniated disc, probably worth a dig through his log
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08-01-2018 , 11:04 AM
I got into (actual) lifting because of a herniated disk about 12(?) years ago. It felt better because of lifting, now it feels worse and if I squat I just aggravate it, but the injury is.... k. Idk how to describe it. I can feel it, but generally it does not bother me at all and I can do whatever I want day to day, so surgery seems dumb for me.

Telling "everyone" to get it fused is dumb as hell holliday [yankee aggression] do you live in the south? Christ. [/yankee aggression] Big YMMV there. If I was pissing myself, I'd get surgery. If not, I'd work hard to rehab it.
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08-01-2018 , 11:10 AM
Yikes Holiday. Glad you had awesome results from surgery. Did your leg stay asleep or did it come back after moving around?
Interesting you mention that, as my hands--lately just my pinky and ring finer, have been falling asleep at night during sleep. I had a lumbar MRI for leg pain (showing the bulge) but now I think I need a cervical one too. That could explain some other issues as well!

But I'm hoping I can fix it with Epidural (though tbh I'm not sure I really need that) and rehab. It's not bad day to day, I get a brief shooting/squeezing pain in the hamstring after I get up from sitting for long periods of time (sometimes). But any DL and SQ really seems to piss it off. So I cant train those atm.

Thanks Aidan, will check it out. The issue is in doing any research on it EVERYONE seem to have different exercises and recommendations.
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08-01-2018 , 11:33 AM
Yeah, my old man toughed out 25 years of pain after college football in lieu of having fusion, and got essentially full symptom relief from a laser discectomy around 20 years ago. I'm not sure if I'd have waited that long personally, but given his choice of non-surgical intervention was muscle relaxers and pain meds, I'm fairly certain I could come up with something a little more effective were I confronted with something similar.

I'm relatively certain that, outside of acute trauma, non-surgical intervention has essentially the same clinical outcome as surgical intervention, at least broadly speaking. It's been a while since I've done anything professionally with cervical implants; that said, I'd be pretty leery of having a human plumber cut into my spine without exhausting pretty much every other option for anything but the most acute trauma.
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08-01-2018 , 11:50 AM
DT; it's an inferior design. You'll thank me later. [yankee aggression]Yes I live in Atlanta now, but at that time I lived in NY, on the Upper West Side--and at least the subway worked.[/yankee aggression]. And, yes, I had lost control of bodily functions several times before the fusion including once on the subway and, sigh, once when I ran into my ex on the street. Neurosurgeons pride themselves in being "conservative" and wanting to exhaust all options before major surgery, or until you've lost all hope...depending on your perspective.

TC; my leg just stayed asleep and within a few days I developed the "foot drop" where my toes would just smash down with every step. The really shocking thing to me was the first time they showed me areas of my leg where I had no feeling. Not so shocking the second time. It was also a long time of suffering and rehab before they tried epidurals.
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08-01-2018 , 11:55 AM
By the way, if you'd like to lose all hope, I highly recommend pissing yourself when you run into your ex on the street.
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08-01-2018 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
You shut your filthy whore mouth
Why should we listen to a French SALTSman?
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08-01-2018 , 02:45 PM
TC, "The issue is in doing any research on it EVERYONE seem to have different exercises and recommendations."

This is indeed a classic information problem, so instead find a good dr and PT. A good, non-surgical sports med dr is possible to find and will tell you if you need to talk to a surgeon. Find a PT group that works with athletes. Or talk to a surgeon, but remember that surgeons do surgery.

Originally Posted by Holliday
By the way, if you'd like to lose all hope, I highly recommend pissing yourself when you run into your ex on the street.
Look at it this way, some exes are totally forgettable, but not Pee Pee. Yes, I am making some assumptions here. I assume you had an endearing southern nickname, and that it was Pee Pee.
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08-01-2018 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
Interesting you mention that, as my hands--lately just my pinky and ring finer, have been falling asleep at night during sleep. I had a lumbar MRI for leg pain (showing the bulge) but now I think I need a cervical one too. That could explain some other issues as well!
I wouldn't jump to a spinal nerve pinching issue if your biggest symptoms are merely those that resemble cubital/carpal tunnel syndrome - a pinching of the ulnar nerve at your elbow or wrist.
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08-01-2018 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
Or talk to a surgeon, but remember that surgeons do surgery.
I'm usually a bit leery of surgeons for this reason. I went to a spine doctor that was recommended to me and aside from having me do a few cortisone injections, he always shrugged about surgery. He said "if you need it, you'll beg me to do it, otherwise, meh"
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
08-01-2018 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
I wouldn't jump to a spinal nerve pinching issue if your biggest symptoms are merely those that resemble cubital/carpal tunnel syndrome - a pinching of the ulnar nerve at your elbow or wrist.
It's prob not. But it's one of a few weird symptoms that've come about in the last few months where I've otherwise never had previous issues. Another--trouble swallowing.

Also carpel tunnel braces made no difference when it was my entire hand falling asleep during sleep (recently now only pinky/ring finger).

ENT ordered the c-spine MRI today actually. So we'll see. It's been a long process chasing all these issues down.
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08-02-2018 , 08:03 AM
Excited to finally start training my fascia.
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08-02-2018 , 09:28 AM
If you figure out how to do that you'll be a millionaire.
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08-02-2018 , 10:18 AM

You say that as if KC isn't already a documented AMERICAN MILLIONAIRE.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
08-02-2018 , 10:58 AM
I always knew KC would turn into a fasciaist.
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08-02-2018 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
It's prob not. But it's one of a few weird symptoms that've come about in the last few months where I've otherwise never had previous issues. Another--trouble swallowing.

Also carpel tunnel braces made no difference when it was my entire hand falling asleep during sleep (recently now only pinky/ring finger).

ENT ordered the c-spine MRI today actually. So we'll see. It's been a long process chasing all these issues down.
Obviously I cannot diagnose you or anything, BUT the reason I call it a faulty design is; when something goes wrong, it can easily lead to a chain reaction of several things *appearing* wrong. By the time I had my fusion, there were a number of issues different doctors wanted to address and investigate separately. My surgeon said, "Let's stop this **** and deal with the big problem and maybe that solves everything." And that's what happened--all the other pains and problems just went away. Things like, "You have an alarming amount of arthritis in your facet joints and it's going to be painful even after a fusion." Yeah, nice prediction, ****face.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
08-02-2018 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Obviously I cannot diagnose you or anything, BUT the reason I call it a faulty design is; when something goes wrong, it can easily lead to a chain reaction of several things *appearing* wrong. By the time I had my fusion, there were a number of issues different doctors wanted to address and investigate separately. My surgeon said, "Let's stop this **** and deal with the big problem and maybe that solves everything." And that's what happened--all the other pains and problems just went away. Things like, "You have an alarming amount of arthritis in your facet joints and it's going to be painful even after a fusion." Yeah, nice prediction, ****face.
Haha nice I'm glad that happened for you! I suspect that a lot of weird symptoms I have will fall away when HRT gets going/optimized.
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08-02-2018 , 01:26 PM
Well one thing for sure, at a raging 1500 ng/dl you will be able to just look at the bar and make gains. The gyming good life.
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08-02-2018 , 01:33 PM
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
08-02-2018 , 01:35 PM
All of this "intense" running training appears to have agitated the loc-huahua even more than usual; I can only imagine what it's going to be like within two weeks of Berlin.
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08-02-2018 , 01:43 PM
I mean my comments are only rooted in science. We know 600mg a week got the subjects to a raging 2000+ ng/dl and they grew Popeye forearms by stroking it to anime porn at home.

The 300mg group "only" got to 1345 ng/dl but they still gained 10 lbs of muscle.

Hero here is getting pumped up to 1500 ng/dl. He is literally going to turn into G4S by doing leg extensions, Smith machine, and leg curls.

That's what I would think anyways.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
08-02-2018 , 01:51 PM
Oh and by the way TC, as one of the foremost authorities on low back rehab (I also had the epidural shot on a bulging disk), the only advice I can give is to read everything by Andrew Lock. With the most important thing being the YouTube video where he gives an assessment to a kid who busted his back.

Thanks to nuclear suggesting him, I came back even better than before. I even took nuclear off my top5 most wanna punch in the face list. He is still in my top10 though, wouldn't mind getting a good lick in, even if it's a suucker punch and run move.
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08-02-2018 , 01:54 PM

I think we're going to need that top 10 list so we can start planning the Diggstown 2 shoot.
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