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12-17-2012 , 12:00 PM

12-17-2012 , 12:37 PM

brag: didn't die
beat: no more car
variance: don't have to give a presentation and get to work from home today

Think I'm gonna lie down for a bit, ldo.

Last edited by The Yugoslavian; 12-17-2012 at 12:39 PM. Reason: I guess I should also mention I seem to be okay...
12-17-2012 , 12:42 PM
Glad you're okay, bro.
12-17-2012 , 12:43 PM
Dayum. So much for pics or it didn't happen.

Glad you aren't dead bro.
12-17-2012 , 12:45 PM
Holy **** Yugo. That looks very bad. No injuries at all? No whiplash so you can sue the offender into oblivion and cash mad monies?

Obv SS+GOMAD has made you harder to kill. Rip was right!
12-17-2012 , 12:50 PM
Shiiiiiiiit motha****a! Glad you are okay!
12-17-2012 , 12:51 PM
Glad you didn't die. Sorry that you followed too close behind a semi.
12-17-2012 , 12:57 PM
Brosephs. I just asked this in the phd thread, but I'm xposting here because I feel like there's a strong savvy databasey/softwarey/general not******ed array of people that I've come to know here. So:

Was hoping there'd be some advice here about reference tracking. Basically what I want to do is have some sort of interactive database of papers (either a link to the pdf online, or on my HD or something), paired up with their corresponding bibtex code, as well as keywords that I can later search for. Any thoughts? Barebones 1st-step solution could be to have a bibtex file with keywords and stuff in comments and I can ctrl-F that file. But this seems like a pretty strong case of notdoingitright and I'm wondering if there's good pre-made solutions out there?
12-17-2012 , 12:57 PM
jesus, glad you're ok
12-17-2012 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
And stop sharing needles.
12-17-2012 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Think I'm gonna lie down for a bit, ldo.
Jeeze, glad you're ok Yugo. Please don't die, I count on you for ~4 hotties/trannies per day off.

Originally Posted by Soulman
Holy **** Yugo. That looks very bad. No injuries at all? No whiplash so you can sue the offender into oblivion and cash mad monies?
Are you sure you're not USA#1?
12-17-2012 , 01:19 PM
Whoa....glad you're ok Yugo.
12-17-2012 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by saw7988
Brosephs. I just asked this in the phd thread, but I'm xposting here because I feel like there's a strong savvy databasey/softwarey/general not******ed array of people that I've come to know here. So:

Was hoping there'd be some advice here about reference tracking. Basically what I want to do is have some sort of interactive database of papers (either a link to the pdf online, or on my HD or something), paired up with their corresponding bibtex code, as well as keywords that I can later search for. Any thoughts? Barebones 1st-step solution could be to have a bibtex file with keywords and stuff in comments and I can ctrl-F that file. But this seems like a pretty strong case of notdoingitright and I'm wondering if there's good pre-made solutions out there?
Check out Papers. It organizes all papers you've downloaded really well. It has some stuff with tex code too.
12-17-2012 , 01:37 PM
Hold on I just got in a massive wreck and I'm in shock pretty bad. Brb posting in h&f.
12-17-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Are you sure you're not USA#1?
I pretty much am, for all intensive purposes.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
Hold on I just got in a massive wreck and I'm in shock pretty bad. Brb posting in h&f.
Hahaha, this exactly.
12-17-2012 , 01:50 PM
Thanks everyone!

Originally Posted by Soulman
Holy **** Yugo. That looks very bad. No injuries at all? No whiplash so you can sue the offender into oblivion and cash mad monies?

Obv SS+GOMAD has made you harder to kill. Rip was right!
Umm, I may or may not be slightly injured. But I don't think it can be that serious given that I'm walking around fine and nothing feels specifically bad. That being said, my shoulder/neck, right lower back, and left knee areas are all ginger and sore. Buuuut, they were all sore yesterday after playing some pickup basketball so I mean, who knows.

I plan to do some recumbent bike cardio today to sort of test things out and keep the blood pumping.

As for as suing, not sure I can sue anyone since I was the one who spun out of control.

I had already driven to the office (15-20 min drive) and there was no ice or issues at all. Everyone was driving 65mph in a 55mph freeway.

I picked up a laptop at work that I needed for the presentation at a client's office and then headed out, back on the same freeway I had just been on. So I cruised along at 55-65 mph or whatever and then was coming up to a different freeway I needed to turn on (near where I live actually).

For whatever reason there was about a .25-.5 mile stretch that was icy. It was not snowing but whisps of snow were being blown from the shoulder across the road. This doesn't necessarily mean there is ice btw. And since it's a major freeway and not too far under freezing atm, cars weren't really slowing down too much. I got into the turn lane for the other freeway and was on a bridge going over that freeway at about 50mph when I hit some ice and started fishtailing. That bridge is newly built and the tow truck driver was saying that makes it more likely for their to be ice and it to be slippery but I didn't think about that at the time.

I don't have antilock brakes but tried to pump them b/c I still needed to slow down a bunch to make the turn....and then completely lost control. I veered into traffic. Depending on exactly where my car was this probably was still safer since if I was still on the bridge part going into the guard rail could have potentially ended in me going off the bridge (or maybe not? you don't hear about that happening much so maybe it couldn't happen).

But I ended up almost completely turned around, kind of angled a bit facing the wrong way and collided with a pickup truck. My airbags deployed, I was yelling **** and it was super surreal. My car spined a bit more into the guard rail on the shoulder and then stopped.

As you can see my car is beyond repair. The truck was 90% intact but the front area was for sure messed up - he seemed very okay in terms of injuries and mentally. I was shaking and definitely freaked out.

Anyway, tl;dr but I gave cliffs above so that should be okay, .

The silver lining is new car time I suppose. I guess fairly seems like something I'd normally want to think about for months, lol.
12-17-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Hold on I just got in a massive wreck and I'm in shock pretty bad. Brb posting in h&f.
Only the soothing routine that is 2p2 H&F can put me back into a normal frame of mind apparently.

I did talk to coworkers via Skype and my fiancee. Haven't emailed/called my parents yet....I guess I probably should though.

Also, that was a pretty good post KC, I'm definitely LOLing at myself.
12-17-2012 , 01:56 PM
Glad you're okay Yugo. Expect to feel really beat up tomorrow
12-17-2012 , 01:58 PM
Wow, I can only imagine how freaked out you were as you saw the pickup truck heading towards you. Surreal is very descriptive for situations like that. All in all, sounds like you got fairly lucky. Hope it doesn't set you back too much financially, I assume you were insured.

ETA: I'd rather take a trip too many to the doc's rather than not if you're not entirely sure whether you need to be checked out or not.
12-17-2012 , 02:02 PM
hope all is well Yugo.

also, you guys kinda suck in picking up the slack for him. just sayin.




12-17-2012 , 02:04 PM
crunchy - Yeah, that probably makes sense. Perhaps I will skip the gym later today...or just go really light.

SM - yeah I have insurance. Just checked it. It's 100,000/300,000 body/property insurance. $500 deductible and rental reimbursement. Seems I actually have very good coverage maybe - score!

I assume my insurance will go way up, and am not sure how much $ they will give me for a new car, but there is a chance given my cars current worth (I've had it for ~9 years and while it's fine, it certainly is very very far from new) it could be a slightly +EV situation...

Who knows though.

I may move up my next chiro appointment though depending on how I feel tomorrow. Can't hurt to get some extra ART - never a bad excuse for that!
12-17-2012 , 02:13 PM
Damn dude, glad you're alright
12-17-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
Glad you're okay Yugo. Expect to feel really beat up tomorrow
If only from the post traumatic holy **** I'm alive sex.
12-17-2012 , 02:38 PM
lolo @YB2009's post.

Yugo, don't rush the new car decision. Rent one in the meantime imo.
12-17-2012 , 02:39 PM
Glad you're OK, Yugo. Time to use the insurance check to buy something with AWD and antilock breaks?
