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****Official Beginner Question Thread**** ****Official Beginner Question Thread****

04-29-2010 , 08:44 AM
would it be stupid to train both high bar and low bar squats at the same time? alternating them, i guess
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04-29-2010 , 02:14 PM
I think its fine. I've done it in the past on the texas method.
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04-29-2010 , 02:49 PM
Is there any advantage for "ATG" squats over standard parallel squats?
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04-29-2010 , 02:52 PM
bragging rights
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04-29-2010 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Nottom
Is there any advantage for "ATG" squats over standard parallel squats?
Another way to phrase this would be, "Is there any advantage to parallel squats over 4inch bro squats?"

The answers are virtually identical.

Muscle recruitment, ROM, awesomeness.
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04-29-2010 , 03:01 PM
I lifted for the first time in a while 2 days ago. I have some pretty awful DOMS now and have a basketball game in 3 hours. What OTC medicine would be best suited for masking the pain, if at all?
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04-29-2010 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
would it be stupid to train both high bar and low bar squats at the same time? alternating them, i guess
It's fine.

Originally Posted by Thremp
Another way to phrase this would be, "Is there any advantage to parallel squats over 4inch bro squats?"

The answers are virtually identical.

Muscle recruitment, ROM, awesomeness.
These answers don't really apply when comparing a SS low bar squat with a high bar ATG squat. You're just trading hip flexion for knee flexion, and hamstring recruitment for quad recruitment really. The awesomeness one is subjective but there's a stronger case for the ATG squat.
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04-29-2010 , 09:09 PM
What about just doing front-squats if you want some ATG action...
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04-29-2010 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
I lifted for the first time in a while 2 days ago. I have some pretty awful DOMS now and have a basketball game in 3 hours. What OTC medicine would be best suited for masking the pain, if at all?
Usually when I have DOMS before a workout I just go through it and don't really notice it once I get into my workout/the game. That's just me though. I assume any pain medication could work. Then again I don't ever take medicine either.
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04-29-2010 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
These answers don't really apply when comparing a SS low bar squat with a high bar ATG squat. You're just trading hip flexion for knee flexion, and hamstring recruitment for quad recruitment really. The awesomeness one is subjective but there's a stronger case for the ATG squat.
Comparing those two is dumb. Why would you compare different exercises when someone is purely talking about ROM in an exercise? Its like someone trying to discuss the weather and you start discussing your smegma problems.
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04-30-2010 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Comparing those two is dumb. Why would you compare different exercises when someone is purely talking about ROM in an exercise? Its like someone trying to discuss the weather and you start discussing your smegma problems.
When nottom posed the question I assume he was talking about a low bar parallel back squat vs an ATG high bar squat, since, you know, he does SS and is probably wondering about the ATG squats since he doesn't do them. Fair assumption to make.
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04-30-2010 , 08:32 AM
I hurt my back and don't really know how long i should wait to get back into training. Some info from my log:

I hurt my lower back during the squats. At the 3rd rep op the 2nd set i felt something weird/mildly painful but kept going. I didn't finish the 5th rep though cause it felt very weird.

It hurts a ton when I bent over now and i'm quite sure it's cause of my huge butwink (it's at the exact spot where my spine bends when i'm in a deep squat).
Than i took it easy last week, did at least two hamstring+glute stretching sessions everyday and it got better by the day. I did some Swings today and now it hurts again. Not as bad as when it first happened, but much worse than before the swings.

The pain is at this spot right above my glutes, almost exactly at the spot where the elastic band in my boxers sit. It's on both sides of the spine, but not really in the middle.

When i sit it barely bothers me, when i stand up or bend over it hurts.

I have no experience at all with this, how long do u usually take it easy with the training for something like this? Should i be really careful or is pushing it a little better? Is pain a good indicator if i should take it easy or should i just train through it?

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04-30-2010 , 10:39 AM
Actually, I was referring to a back ATG squat. I was talking to someone who was wanting to work on squats with "Perfect form" by going ATG, and I told him I didn't think there was much benefit in going much beyond parallel for back squats (although I did concede that there should be a benefit for front squats) and therefore ATG wouldn't really be "Perfect form"

I have seen references to the fact that you start to lose hamstring tension after a point and it puts more strain on the knees for ATG and just wanted to check here.
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04-30-2010 , 11:58 AM

Just get warmed up. The first few minutes will suck and then you won't notice it.
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04-30-2010 , 12:01 PM
I always noticed that I didn't really notice DOMS, or it wasn't a factor, once I did my warmup sets and got to my work sets.
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04-30-2010 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by potato

Just get warmed up. The first few minutes will suck and then you won't notice it.
I took some Tylenol to be safe since we had 2 games and were missing a sub. No pain at all during the games.

I'd rather take something that isn't needed than be miserable and useless for an hour. Unfortunately I was still pretty useless, but not due to any pain. I just need a pill to improve my shooting.

I am still a little sore today and am about to go play for a little, so going to test with nothing to see if that works. I've been getting nasty shin splints, although I recently got some nice inserts that I want to see if they will work. I will take some advil down with me, just in case they come back.
****Official Beginner Question Thread**** Quote
04-30-2010 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
When nottom posed the question I assume he was talking about a low bar parallel back squat vs an ATG high bar squat, since, you know, he does SS and is probably wondering about the ATG squats since he doesn't do them. Fair assumption to make.

Originally Posted by Nottom
Actually, I was referring to a back ATG squat. I was talking to someone who was wanting to work on squats with "Perfect form" by going ATG, and I told him I didn't think there was much benefit in going much beyond parallel for back squats (although I did concede that there should be a benefit for front squats) and therefore ATG wouldn't really be "Perfect form"

I have seen references to the fact that you start to lose hamstring tension after a point and it puts more strain on the knees for ATG and just wanted to check here.
...Oops. Thanks for playing.

The hamstring stuff is a LBBS cue and issue. I'm unsure why it would put "more strain" on the knee in any way other than a longer ROM. As in lifting something farther is going to cause more strain(Walking 30 ft causes more strain than 20ft), but this isn't really important. Unless you can't get into the positions without compromising joint stability. (Knee slide, torque, whatever other freak things may happen)... It shouldn't cause any issues.

Then again even if you have issues it could likely not matter at all. Chakarov has knee slide in his 3xBW triple video. So who cares.
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04-30-2010 , 05:15 PM
what is this "back" ATG squat? Typically an ATG squat is not performed SS style and with a low bar placement. It's not like I was referring to a front squat. Nottom needs to be a bit more clear.
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04-30-2010 , 05:27 PM
Everyone should go as deep as they can basically. Parallel is like the 'minimum'.
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04-30-2010 , 05:39 PM
If you're doing a proper low bar squat (unlike me), you will hit the limit of your hamstring flexibility at about parallel.
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04-30-2010 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Everyone should go as deep as they can basically. Parallel is like the 'minimum'.

There should be a big qualifier there that they should go as deep as they can without compromising form.

I think it's pretty common for people not to be able to back squat heavy much past parallel without slacking their hamstrings.

There are one or two people on the SS DVD FWIW whom Rip advises to cut their squats higher.
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04-30-2010 , 06:14 PM
Yeah but when I said low as they can I meant as low as they can with proper form not as low as they physically can get their ass without regard to everything else .
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04-30-2010 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by theblackkeys
what is this "back" ATG squat? Typically an ATG squat is not performed SS style and with a low bar placement. It's not like I was referring to a front squat. Nottom needs to be a bit more clear.
If you tell 90% of the general weight-lifting population do to an ATG squat they will do a back squat, granted it may not actually be ATG and will almost certainly be high-bar but it will not be a front squat.
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04-30-2010 , 08:29 PM
2 questions regarding squats (tho I'd assume the answer will apply to deadlifts, presses, etc.).

1) How many sets (not including warm-up sets) should I do in a workout?

2) Should all my work sets be at the same weight, or is it advisable to increase weight in between work sets?
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04-30-2010 , 08:56 PM
Are you doing the SS program? If so, it is described here (link was in the faq):

All work sets are the same weight. Get the book. Start a log.
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