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Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses

08-06-2011 , 04:48 PM
The squat shoulder/elbow pain is standard for a lot of people with shoulder issues. Again, are you doing low or high bar?

The back thing could be bad. Is it a dull radiating pain off to the side?
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-06-2011 , 07:52 PM
It is a dull pain, and it is off to the side, like an inch off the spine.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-06-2011 , 11:39 PM
I think you should have that checked out by a professional. When I've had that type of pain, it has been disc related.

Regular MDs usually suck at treating back injuries. I suggest finding a good chiropractor who also does ART.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-08-2011 , 01:27 AM





Easing back untill I can see someone about my lower back
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-11-2011 , 11:12 PM

Havent squatted in 9 days, longest I've gone in 1.7 years since starting SS. Still need to get some xrays done see whats going on, hopefully nothing. Prob do some squats tomorrow or saturday.



Not really too bad but definitely harder than last 260 day

Been eating milkshakes and burgers nonstop to get that 5 lbs I am going for, I think I might be there but who knows if ive lost muscle since I only worked out 3x in 10 days and they were all relatively light. I'm enjoying the time off from the gym for now.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-11-2011 , 11:20 PM
I think you ought to suggest to whatever medical professional you see that you need an MRI.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-12-2011 , 12:16 AM
Is the pain you are getting in your lower back fixed? can you put your finger on it and if so, do you feel a hard knot or bone under it? If you can locate it that way, it may be your SI joint and if so that is often related to a disc issue.

If you go to a dr. for an MRI they will probably first give you Nsaids if that doesnt work they will then likely refer you to physical therapy then, if that fails to correct your problem, they may go for the mri.

Regarding your shoulder and elbow hurting from squatting: Is it because you're putting weight on your arms when squatting?
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-12-2011 , 01:18 AM
The elbow kinda feels like tendinitis, it's like a muscle ache, and I did not feel it today on bench, also no shoulder pain.

Not surprised. Back really never was in too much pain either, but something is going on for sure.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-15-2011 , 08:50 AM


yep, couple awkward reps but not tough





trying to force myself to pay attention to my tilty pelvis at all times. Hopefully this starts to improve as I get stronger in the right areas and used to correct posture, I'm paying attention to it when Im upright trying to keep my junk pushed as far out as possible

Last edited by KhalynYohrk; 08-15-2011 at 08:56 AM.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-15-2011 , 08:55 AM
was a double post, till I learned how to embed video!

Last edited by KhalynYohrk; 08-15-2011 at 09:18 AM.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-15-2011 , 09:30 AM
too much fun

Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-16-2011 , 01:14 PM



Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-16-2011 , 02:29 PM
That jumprope video is awesome. That is all.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-16-2011 , 03:31 PM
You can also embed youtube videos like this:

for this video

Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-18-2011 , 01:13 AM


Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-18-2011 , 11:45 AM


Serious ache coming from my lower left back when I do these. same ache as when i squat or dl


rows,arnold press

that track is def bomb fredd

identity festival sept 5 mandalay bay if anyones interested it will be a partay
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-18-2011 , 11:57 AM
get a little skrillex in here

Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-18-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk
It is a dull pain, and it is off to the side, like an inch off the spine.
Originally Posted by cha59
I think you should have that checked out by a professional. When I've had that type of pain, it has been disc related.

Regular MDs usually suck at treating back injuries. I suggest finding a good chiropractor who also does ART.
Originally Posted by KhalynYohrk


Serious ache coming from my lower left back when I do these. same ache as when i squat or dl
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-19-2011 , 04:51 AM
My schedule has been upside-down so I haven't made any appointments yet.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-19-2011 , 08:45 AM
Fredd: Sick song

Khalyn: Stop doing stuff that aggravates it until you see someone. Any radiating pain, noticeable weakness or numb spots?
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-19-2011 , 09:00 AM
Mostly it's an ache when it gets aggravated. Little numbness too.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-19-2011 , 11:02 AM

Can't wait to go see him in 3 months.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-19-2011 , 11:30 AM
Numbness ain't ideal. Means there's some degree of nerve root compression. Though that it is not constant is a good sign.

If you go to a doc and they are competent they will likely do something like:

NSAIDs, pain relief if necessary, refer to PT for exercises (likely the McKenzie stuff)/manual treatment (myofacial release, etc), let the PT take charge as they have expertise in the area.

What is more likely to happen is you'll be sent for an xray (pointless), an MRI (pointless in the mild end of the spectrum as while it's nice to have a pretty picture it doesn't affect management) in addition to the above. There's also the option of a steroid injection later if things aren't improving.

What won't help you is continuing to squat, deadlift and romanian deadlift. There isn't really any positive to continuing with them at this point in time, a stupid moment of laxity could turn this from a probable slight bulge to a full blown disc flying across the room and splattering on the wall.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-19-2011 , 12:49 PM
So basically the only thing to do is lay off.

Guess These 10lbs I added arent gonna come as handy as I thought.

one more tasty treat from the skrill

Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
08-19-2011 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Phatony
Numbness ain't ideal. Means there's some degree of nerve root compression. Though that it is not constant is a good sign.

If you go to a doc and they are competent they will likely do something like:

NSAIDs, pain relief if necessary, refer to PT for exercises (likely the McKenzie stuff)/manual treatment (myofacial release, etc), let the PT take charge as they have expertise in the area.

What is more likely to happen is you'll be sent for an xray (pointless), an MRI (pointless in the mild end of the spectrum as while it's nice to have a pretty picture it doesn't affect management) in addition to the above. There's also the option of a steroid injection later if things aren't improving.

What won't help you is continuing to squat, deadlift and romanian deadlift. There isn't really any positive to continuing with them at this point in time, a stupid moment of laxity could turn this from a probable slight bulge to a full blown disc flying across the room and splattering on the wall.
I can confirm - this is definitely possible. Its actually pretty easy to turn a bulging disc into a herniation.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
