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NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs

05-29-2013 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

feet still kind of fat though
prob about 22% just like the rest of me
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
05-29-2013 , 07:26 PM
bench 4x10x165
incl db 1x10x50 1x8x50 1x10x50 usually do pendlays in between but the gym was busy as **** tonight
pendlay 2x10x133

**** it already on vacation
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
05-30-2013 , 03:07 AM
Congrats man. I think if you had changed the log title to 'dreaming of being a skinny white bro' you'd have got here quicker. Only real critiscism.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-03-2013 , 03:48 PM

I lost 1.5 lbs while degening my balls off in Vegas for the last four days. A group of Irish guys we hung out with at the pool for a two of the days we were there kept calling me Ryan Gossling. I don't see the resemblance at all but I appreciated the compliment! Also a Spanish speaking gentleman at the Flamenco asked me for my autograph. I'm not sure who he thought I was but it was still pretty awesome.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-03-2013 , 04:16 PM
Impressive sir.

You might weigh less than me now, and that makes me a sad panda.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-03-2013 , 04:43 PM

end of month nude

NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-03-2013 , 08:14 PM
Thanks for keeping your shorts seductively low for us brah
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-04-2013 , 12:25 PM
Gotta show off them cuts brah. Plus I have the worlds longest torso. Still 2-3 inches from dick top.

In other news I picked up some kind of las vegas pool AIDS and have been in bed for the last 18 hours
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 02:06 PM

yeah I'm back bitch, sosa back bitch. did you miss me? or you ain't care bitch?

Vegas trip was awesome. Awesome. But I came home really sick. Turns out it was strep throat, which I didn't think adults even got. I was half right...adults get it, but after age 35 doctors stop treating it with antibiotics, b/c after that age there aren't any documented cases of the bacteria getting all up in yo heart valves. themoreyouknow.

so yeah, I was laid out pretty much completely for a few days. Got down to 201, but I've since eaten my way back to 205.

The trip was great. I met my best, and really only, close female friend out there on Thursday. We've known each other since we were 15. We love each other, truly. I think of her of as a best friend/little sister/booty call. Over the years she's dated friends of mine and I've messed with friends of hers. There's no jealousy. We basically have this symbiotic thing where we stroke each others egos. It's a strange relationship but it works for us. She's the one with the gigantic hammers (they really are spectacular) that Loco and Kahlyn met.

And speaking of Loco and Kahlyn. Loco is a white wizard. He radiates positivity and energy. He's very soft spoken but you still want to listen when he talks. Kahlyn is cool too. Has that sort of lazer intelligence that good poker players have. If we had to play a HU match I'd have lost before it started. I feel like I made a poor impression because my companion and I were both quite intoxicated, her in particular. But it was really great meeting both of those guys. I wish we had more time together, but Loco had to catch a flight. I would have liked to better express my appreciation for what he's allowed me to do fitness/weight loss wise. His forum persona and enthusiasm honestly are why I kited his program, and I wouldn't be in the mental place I am today if I hadn't. You're the wind beneath my wings bruh.

Anyway, my friend was joined by three of her female friends on Friday. All of these ladies are 27-29, and they all work for the same non-profit in the bay area. Man, it was refreshing. They were all beautiful, intelligent, socially conscious and passionate. They care about things, including taking good care of themselves. Just night and day from the girls I meet here in Iowa. I love a Midwestern girl, but damn its tricky. They bloom early here and they wilt quickly. You're looking at a 17-21 year old window. A few sort of refocus and you get a 24-26 indian summer. That's it though. It's a cultural/economic thing. People here are poor. I'm 30. Midwestern women my age are almost universally working on their second divorce/fourth kid.

So yeah, it was very refreshing/painful meeting these women. Things are different in bigger cultural centers, and I know anyone from a small town knows exactly what I'm talking about. It's totally standard to be 28 and single with no immediate, nefarious plans to lock down a man and **** out some kids when you're from the big city.

The conclusion? It's time to leave Iowa again. I escaped once before when I was 23. To Vegas. But I was a total mess then, a child, and it was a half-assed attempt that only lasted about seven months. I'm a man now and I feel like I could muster a much more solid attempt. So I'm going to.

I'm not just rolling out there with no plan like last time. My Mother's closest childhood friend wrote the musical, Menopause the Musical. Before 2001 she was just a regular crazy lady, now she's a multi-millionaire crazy lady. That show and her new show play in Vegas. She's offered before to sort of hook me up with someone at one of the hotels the show plays at, but I've never pursued it. She offered again recently, so I'm going to hammer it hard.

I think it sounds lovely. I like my job and I'm very good at it, but it goes pretty much nowhere. I'd clean fk hotel rooms if I thought there was a future in it. So the plan now is to work with her, get hooked up with something, anything out there. Establish residence. I think I'd eventually like to go to UNLV and get my masters/MBA in Hotel Administration. It sounds a little silly, but there is opportunity there. Tiny dreams for a tiny bro. And I just love Vegas. I don't know. Even when I was out there last time failing miserably I loved the town. Despite my mixed European heritage I'm a desert person at heart.

Confidence levels were HIGH while I was out there. I felt like a boss at the pool, at the club, at the tables. It took me awhile to figure out why. When I'm home I carry the burden of my life and choices. It sucks but I'm somewhat ashamed of where I'm from, the job I do, the way I act. On vacation I was being judged only on what I presented. And I present pretty well. I've got gifts. I've tried to keep that in mind since I've been back. You are what you show people, and that's it.

So yeah. Going to try to move quickly on it. I figure a three or four month time frame. Or maybe nothing at all will happen, and as KC said I'll still be living in Iowa in a year. Doesn't matter. Feels good to have something to try for. It's cool to try hard. For most of my life I thought the opposite was true.

OH YEAH I lifted today. I was as weak as a kitten but it felt good man

press 3x10x00
pendlay 3x10x135
incl fly 2x20x15
rear lat raise 2x12x15
lat raise 2x12x12
pro tri push 2x20x110
sup tri push 2x20x90
bar curl 2x15x55
hammer curl 2x15x20

I've decided that the cut stops at 195. Then we train for strength.

sorry for the bloggy nature of this post, but this my blog bitch so joke's on you

Last edited by CrunchyBlack; 06-09-2013 at 02:14 PM.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 02:18 PM
On an unrelated but highly ****ing related note, the four days in Vegas and the three days after where I was really sick were the first days in 4,5,6,7?? years that I hadn't smoked any marijuana. You'll never catch me saying anything bad about the ganj but I do feel like my perspective has changed as has my relationship with the stuff.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 02:27 PM
quit being a ******. Move there now. Summer League is in a month.

trip report.

But let's be cereal you and your lady friend both want to bump uglies real bad you should just do it already.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 02:35 PM
I didn't mean to give the impression that we hadn't. That's a big part of the ego stroking. It's just that she's getting wife'd in two months so I have to watch what I say. No sexing on this trip. Before I do anything I have to dupe some poor bastard into buying my condo.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 02:41 PM
lol buying a condo. Sorry man. You've made a huge mistake. Sell it at a loss imo otherwise it'll be an excuse to not chase dem dreams.

I've actually debated it. But it'd be in Boston/Cambridge with a fairly stable/good real estate market. And even still I don't think it makes economic sense over renting cuz condo fees are a little ridic in the area.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 02:45 PM
I'm pretty lucky from a location standpoint, it's a mile from a ridiculous 30,000$/year degree mill and 2 miles from the LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Harvard of chiropractic schools. And Iowa was spared from the crash, I should actually make a dollar or two. Worst case scenario would be renting it out but I want that skrill.

But yeah, never ever again.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 02:51 PM
"hey i bought all this space between some walls i don't own and still pay a monthly fee on top of my mortgage."

jesus what a scam.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 02:56 PM
No argument here. And the association officers are, predictably probably, socially maladjusted clowns that are impossible to work with. Never again
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-09-2013 , 09:09 PM
Good to hear you're going to go for it brother; life's too short. I'm really happy with where I'm at now, but still wonder a bit what would have happened had I done the poker thing in Vegas for four or five years in my early-mid twenties.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-10-2013 , 07:26 PM
weight: 204.2

deadlift 3x5x221 might be done w/the high volume deadlift portion of the program
pendlay 3x10x133
seated row 3x15x100
wide pro pull 2x15x100
narrow sup pull 2x15x90

tweaked something in my lower back. back in general felt bad. lost so much LBM and strength during my layoff. ****kkk. I am in the process of eating 4 double cheeseburgers though so things are looking up
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-10-2013 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
Confidence levels were HIGH while I was out there. I felt like a boss at the pool, at the club, at the tables. It took me awhile to figure out why. When I'm home I carry the burden of my life and choices. It sucks but I'm somewhat ashamed of where I'm from, the job I do, the way I act. On vacation I was being judged only on what I presented. And I present pretty well. I've got gifts. I've tried to keep that in mind since I've been back. You are what you show people, and that's it.

Always been my experience. Best of luck making yourself happy.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-10-2013 , 10:40 PM

"last year i didn't have **** now it's over"

It's like KEEF is preaching to you mang.

NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-12-2013 , 10:14 AM
Nice post. I don't get people who love Vegas but to each their own. You def need to move though, so gogogo. Best of luck.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-12-2013 , 07:08 PM

5x5 chins, 12 yogurt bars

bench 3x10x155 1x5x155 lol
db bench 3x10x40
front raise 2x12x10
side raise 2x12x10
face pull 3x15x80
oh tri ex 2x20x80
cable curl 2x20x60

dropped down on everything, still so weak. dreading friday. no shame in this log tho, strict timed everything. got the heart going, got a nice pump, its all good
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-12-2013 , 07:28 PM
So what's going on, you moving to Vegas? Sick. Lots of IELs at the Vegas gyms and tons of hotties. I felt like a skinny fat last time I was at Gold's gym.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-14-2013 , 01:57 PM
That's the plan, although doubt is already creeping in. You have a good job, what if you can't find another? Your parents are old, why would you leave them? You have two cats and a lizard, what are you going to do with them? You're really going to move someplace with no support system? Etc etc etc. Excuses basically. Its so easy to do nothing.

I'm skipping the gym tonight to ball golf and drink beer. Its just leg day. And man **** leg day.
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
06-15-2013 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
That's the plan, although doubt is already creeping in. You have a good job, what if you can't find another? Your parents are old, why would you leave them? You have two cats and a lizard, what are you going to do with them? You're really going to move someplace with no support system? Etc etc etc. Excuses basically. Its so easy to do nothing.

I'm skipping the gym tonight to ball golf and drink beer. Its just leg day. And man **** leg day.
Weak ass in this thread who'll never lift 10, 000lbs, never have a scale look back him saying 190 or less and who'll never leave quaint old Iowa.

Last edited by LuckyLloyd; 06-15-2013 at 03:08 AM. Reason: jk - hope you had good one
NameOnTheCake's Log: Quest for 10,000 lbs Quote
