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N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures)

01-02-2024 , 02:02 PM
Yeah you should move to Texas bro. Get some manager experience and then apply at bucees. I got some casino work too on the weekends. You will be banking, probably buying a house in a couple years.

Not sure what you are going to do with your 10 snowboards though.

Yeah this guy has 10 snowboards. My jaw was on the floor. And we went to the gas station and he picked up a whole bunch of Gatorade and monsters. The problem is, none of it was sugar free. My jaw on the floor when i saw this guy pounding 200cal monsters and Gatorades.

By the way, my girlfriend picked up 20k after you left (10 days). Brutal bro, you run awful at life. Maybe a move to Texas will make you a sun runner, it sure is damn hot in the summer.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 05:34 PM
Yup. Told you already. I’m the triple A player that never made it to the big leagues. All the talent but never got the chance. Almost like the 7’2” back up centers in NBA. All the skills, but never had their chance to play.

20 dimes? Could have easily bought another Teddy. The royal blue one. It’s really rare and only sold on 2ndary markets. My black one came in. Little tight around the arms, but will fit great when I loose about 10-15lbs.

U might think I’m crazy, but each board is different. You’d be shocked at how soft/firm some boards are. It’s like girls. You have to have options for different terrain and snow conditions. I’m an avid rider. Will do it until I’m 80 or so.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 05:38 PM
Shoulder pain seems to worsen. Might need to lay off. Should have stopped yesterday at warm ups, but kept going. Today no pain but only
When I lift it. Not sure if serious or not.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 09:49 PM
Stop all flat barbell benching for a few weeks/months. Try out either flat db, incline db, or incline barbell. Hit reps of 8+ aiming for at least 25-40 working reps per workout and come back to flat barbell bench for low reps 3-4 months later. While you're doing this, greatly increase the volume of assistance exercises such as tricep pushdowns, db skullcrushers, delt raises, pullups, rows (especially chest supported), and rear delt isolation work.

Shoulder pain will heal, bench will go up super fast when you come back to it.

Last edited by GuyThatGoesToDaGym; 01-03-2024 at 09:56 PM.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 09:57 PM
Standing overhead press is worthless for powerlifting. If you want to do overhead work, do it seated and ideally for reps of 8-20.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Standing overhead press is worthless for powerlifting. If you want to do overhead work, do it seated and ideally for reps of 8-20.
Are you saying it won't help your bench at all, or that it won't help your bench as much as other things (like what you suggest).

Anecdotally, I think I made most bench progress when I benched and OHPed regularly. But there were a ton of other variables which could have explained that, so it could be a complete coincidence.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 10:13 PM
You should probably stop tng benching entirely if you have shoulder problems. I personally pause every single pressing movement I do now; saves your shoulders and obviously carries over to your meet total better. Plus more hypertrophy. TNG benching is ego lift.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Are you saying it won't help your bench at all, or that it won't help your bench as much as other things (like what you suggest).

Anecdotally, I think I made most bench progress when I benched and OHPed regularly. But there were a ton of other variables which could have explained that, so it could be a complete coincidence.
Won't help your bench as much as other things. Needing to stabilize the weight standing makes it harder to overload the target muscles that are actually involved in the bench.

Useful for strongman/oly/general strength, but our hero has been doing a multi-year hyper-specialized powerlifitng block.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Won't help your bench as much as other things. Needing to stabilize the weight standing makes it harder to overload the target muscles that are actually involved in the bench.

Useful for strongman/oly/general strength, but our hero has been doing a multi-year hyper-specialized powerlifitng block.
I'll admit that I haven't been paying that much attention to the programming in this log.

n1h, why are you powerlifting? You have a decent strength base. Why not switch over to BBing for aesthetics. Don't go full EV. Still train the squat and DL, but like a BBer and not a PLer.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-03-2024 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Plus more hypertrophy. TNG benching is ego lift.
This is one of those mental blocks that's hard to get over. In general ego lifting is sub optimal for hypertrophy. But more weight on the bar is a more solid brag.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I'll admit that I haven't been paying that much attention to the programming in this log.

n1h, why are you powerlifting? You have a decent strength base. Why not switch over to BBing for aesthetics. Don't go full EV. Still train the squat and DL, but like a BBer and not a PLer.
PLing is definitely cooler for natties. It's so hard to really get a mind-blowing physique for bbing unless you inject and/or are genetically gifted. The gap between natural pl and enhanced pl is much smaller than natty bb and enhanced bb.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
PLing is definitely cooler for natties. It's so hard to really get a mind-blowing physique for bbing unless you inject and/or are genetically gifted. The gap between natural pl and enhanced pl is much smaller than natty bb and enhanced bb.
I get that. I don't think that n1h would ever aspire to be on stage in a thong. I don't even think he does PL comps either (maybe I missed something). He's not doing it for that. I thought he was just doing it primarily to improve his Tinder success. In that case I think natty BB > natty PL.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 05:10 AM
Jesus, I hope he hasn't been lead to believe that barbell lifting for sets of 1-6 will help his tinder success. That'd be the biggest waste of time and energy imaginable. Like trying to build a house made out of plastic. If that's his goal, copy Payoff Wiz's or my workouts or any generic push pull legs workout, take out basically all barbell lifting and do machines+dbs+bw exercises almost exclusively, ephedrine+caffeine+yohimbine in the morning with an hour of cardio, eat a super clean diet of chicken breast/tenderloin/ 93% lean ground beef and potato or rice, and fashionmaxx hard.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Jesus, I hope he hasn't been lead to believe that barbell lifting for sets of 1-6 will help his tinder success.
I don't think he was just doing for that. I think he also wants to be strong. But I think he's plenty strong at this point, so might as well max out aesthetics. Then again, I'm just speculating. I'm not 100% clear on our hero's purpose.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 01:15 PM
idk if it was this thread or the dedicated powerlifting thread, but i made the exact same point that it was easier and more desired to get a "swimmer's body" where you're toned with abs than it was to have gigantic arms, chest, and shoulders and that got a lot of pushback under the premise that what women say is not what they do

they will say they want the brad pitt from fight club body in a guy, but in reality they really want the excessive caricature, the guy who's shoulders are so wide he needs to walk sideways through doors - they don't say it out loud so much but that's what really draws them in and the example given was just like how men always say they prefer natural women but when you look at strippers and porn stars they all have absurdly fake over the top implants and yet they are the ones dominating the market so the men that say they prefer naturals actually want fake fat fake titties pushed up against them instead

a few more added in with "exactly, more plates more dates"

i don't really have the evidence required to refute any of that, and frankly i think it makes a lot of sense, but i standy that was lost on those people is that your average person is obesese, those who aren't obese predominantly are not in fantastic shape, simply most of the others do not have visible muscle lines nor 6 packs so while it may indeed be preferable to have shoulders so big you need to crab walk through doors, the average "other option" won't even work out so it's not at all necessary to attain that level in order to stand out - that is unless you were competing and/or trying to become instagram famous
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
idk if it was this thread or the dedicated powerlifting thread, but i made the exact same point that it was easier and more desired to get a "swimmer's body" where you're toned with abs than it was to have gigantic arms, chest, and shoulders and that got a lot of pushback under the premise that what women say is not what they do

they will say they want the brad pitt from fight club body in a guy, but in reality they really want the excessive caricature, the guy who's shoulders are so wide he needs to walk sideways through doors - they don't say it out loud so much but that's what really draws them in and the example given was just like how men always say they prefer natural women but when you look at strippers and porn stars they all have absurdly fake over the top implants and yet they are the ones dominating the market so the men that say they prefer naturals actually want fake fat fake titties pushed up against them instead

a few more added in with "exactly, more plates more dates"

i don't really have the evidence required to refute any of that, and frankly i think it makes a lot of sense, but i standy that was lost on those people is that your average person is obesese, those who aren't obese predominantly are not in fantastic shape, simply most of the others do not have visible muscle lines nor 6 packs so while it may indeed be preferable to have shoulders so big you need to crab walk through doors, the average "other option" won't even work out so it's not at all necessary to attain that level in order to stand out - that is unless you were competing and/or trying to become instagram famous
I'm not sure I'm thinking of the same exchange you're referring to, but the topic comes up often (not just here). Based on my highly scientific analysis, I've concluded that there is a range of preferences with regard to muscle mass, but as a general rule whether or not you have a lot of mass in an absolute sense, what is always desirable is lower body fat (which is consistent with your point). Being fat, but really strong isn't going to get you very far.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
idk if it was this thread or the dedicated powerlifting thread, but i made the exact same point that it was easier and more desired to get a "swimmer's body" where you're toned with abs than it was to have gigantic arms, chest, and shoulders and that got a lot of pushback under the premise that what women say is not what they do

they will say they want the brad pitt from fight club body in a guy, but in reality they really want the excessive caricature, the guy who's shoulders are so wide he needs to walk sideways through doors - they don't say it out loud so much but that's what really draws them in and the example given was just like how men always say they prefer natural women but when you look at strippers and porn stars they all have absurdly fake over the top implants and yet they are the ones dominating the market so the men that say they prefer naturals actually want fake fat fake titties pushed up against them instead

a few more added in with "exactly, more plates more dates"

i don't really have the evidence required to refute any of that, and frankly i think it makes a lot of sense, but i standy that was lost on those people is that your average person is obesese, those who aren't obese predominantly are not in fantastic shape, simply most of the others do not have visible muscle lines nor 6 packs so while it may indeed be preferable to have shoulders so big you need to crab walk through doors, the average "other option" won't even work out so it's not at all necessary to attain that level in order to stand out - that is unless you were competing and/or trying to become instagram famous
10000% agree. If you ask people directly, they will counter-signal endlessly about what their preferences are. It's considered trashy to say you like roided out 200lbs 6'0 guys with abs, but who do women hire for bachelorette parties? Dad bods? Roids=/= Ugly bald 5'7 men's open bubble gut bodybuilder; of course that look is unattractive. A huge % of the male population is on roids in western countries, but most people on roids barely look like they lift.

"I like conservative trad-girls with natural youthful beauty" is maybe slightly less of an untrue counter-signalling statement. But even then, like you said, what kind of female bodies are featuring in straight porn? " Are the Saudi Princes and Dubai Multi-millionaire flying out youthful 19 year olds with natural feminine neotenous features or fake tits+lip filler hair extensions 28 year old instagram thots? Men are guilty of this just like women.

And the advantages extend WELL beyond dating and sex... I'd love to see some formal academic research quantifying the returns to various cosmetic operations. The research on attractiveness and earnings is pretty concrete already, but not much is looking at specific cosmetic enhancements and how they might affect labour market outcomes. I'm sure women getting breast implants has bitcoin-esque returns even without considering the capacity to attract wealthier men.

FWIW my last 2 girlfriends have had enhanced breasts, and one of those was a doctor finishing her cosmetic surgeon certification. They are relatively more common in Asia/China than in western countries, however. It could be as high as 0.5-2% of women aged 22-40 in major urban areas just from my own observation. And double eyelid surgery is easily 10% in that demo.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I'm not sure I'm thinking of the same exchange you're referring to, but the topic comes up often (not just here). Based on my highly scientific analysis, I've concluded that there is a range of preferences with regard to muscle mass, but as a general rule whether or not you have a lot of mass in an absolute sense, what is always desirable is lower body fat (which is consistent with your point). Being fat, but really strong isn't going to get you very far.
That too. having a ton of muscle mass and/or strength but being over 15% bf is a quick way to wreck yourself.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
I'm sure women getting breast implants has bitcoin-esque returns even without considering the capacity to attract wealthier men.
I suspect the effect would be less than that of obesity, and while significant, I'm not sure I'd describe BMI in the low 20s as being a bitcoinesque advantage.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-04-2024 , 09:14 PM
implants are definitely becoming more and more common in asia

idk if the rest of asia will ever get like korea where 80% of all women get some sort of surgical enhancement but when i was in beijing last there were boob job ads in my elevator and seemingly a plastic surgery clinic on each block
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-10-2024 , 03:08 AM

Based on the women I know that "vacation" frequently in Dubai, there is a large realm of preferences since none of them have bolt ons and all are ~30.

I also think you'd be rather surprised on what type of women end up prostituted. It is far fewer of what you're describing than what you think. Like take a look at some of the largest current porn producers and their female models. Smaller tits and pretty went from a fringe weird thing where you need to look for "female friendly" into a very normie mainstream look. It is actually relatively hard to find the 90s porn star look in most porn.

They're also way thinner than previously. Alexis Texas would struggle today to develop any sort of meaningful career compared to some small B cup rail thin blonde who has the faintest hint of abs.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-10-2024 , 11:38 AM
The thremp wins again. Nasty bolt ons and fake asses are out. Hottest pornstars are natty Russians and Ukrainens.

Natty is way better. Do you even anita blonde? Or do you even Sidney Sweeney?

I can't think of a single woman who has good bolt ons? I guess Jenna Jameson after her first implants, but that means Rick and Guy are in their 40s, I thought guy was younger.

I guess Kylie has good bolt ons. But even all the Kardashians know those fake ass massive curves are out. Look at Kim, thin and fit now.

Last edited by loco; 01-10-2024 at 11:43 AM.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-10-2024 , 12:33 PM
There are a reasonable amount of normie filled B cups out in the wild now.

For those who aren't really into fake tits. To get a stripper/porn star fake tit look, you take a regular implant and put more saline in it to turn them into the weird hard looking bolt on look. Everyone wants Nancy A looking waman now instead of whatever you're thinking of being typical porn star. Also female friendly porn (Vixen, which also weirdly produces Blacked Raw, is the archetype.) is now the most popular genre that isn't interracial or step-anything, which again, is mostly normie pretty girls posing as your stepsister.

I'm not sure if that is compliment loco. But I'll take it as such. Sadly one of my "keep busy" projects involves looking for pron stars and OF creators to partner with.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-10-2024 , 10:09 PM
I'm not much of a porn dude anymore, but what I do watch all seems to be from like 2000-2016. I don't know who's on the scene these days. The 90s pornstar look with fake tits is a big thing here in China, but I'll trust you guys if you say that look is out in the modern west/dubai.

Related question: Which do you think is a bigger red flag of promiscuity/relationship instability for the opposite sex? Fake boobs or roided out muscles?

One of my fake boobed ex-gfs had a 1 digit partner count and was somewhat serious but not super hardcore Muslim, but had only had them for 2 years. She kept a crazy amount of simp orbiter/backup mates around her at all times, however. The other had them for about 5 years and had them bought for her by a much older bf. She was a powerthot probably not quite in the 3 digits but close at age 27.

I reckon it is possibly correlated with neuroticism, promiscuity, and relationship instability. Not tryna be all red pill and stuff; I wouldn't call it a disqualifier or anything. But it often does say something.

I ran into a 28 year old who had them done "secretly" when her boyfriend asked her not to and this contributed to their breakup. That's weird to me but w/e.
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
01-10-2024 , 11:41 PM
in china they tend to view it more as what they'll look like with clothes on rather them off so they're all about perfectly round steel orbs of death that will look very nice in their sports bra in the gym or their cocktail dress when going out without much thought to how obviously unnatural they look once the top comes off and how they'll lack movement - so it doesn't surprise me at all that someone over there with fake titties had a low count because it's viewed the same way as getting your nails done etc - not necessarily for sex/tips/career but more just because it's the look you personally want

often times it is a b cup sizing because they are going for it discreetly (ie don't want huge knockers, just want to fill out their sports bra with a little extra umph)

there were a number of women i'd been with who swore their tits were real and the relative lack of size would seem to corroborate that but they were just perfectly round, quite stiff and lacked movement so you knew it wasn't the case

dated a girl once who tried to hide the fact she got eyelid surgery while we were dating - one morning she got up saying her eyes felt puffy so she was going to the hospital, i told her they looked fine but she was adamant that they were puffy and wanted to see a doctor about it - claimed they'd been puffy for a while

i offered to go with her and she refused, which was very unlike her as she wanted me to accompany her to everything, ie if she had a dentist appointment she'd just book a cleaning for me at the same time so now i had a reason to go with her etc etc

she comes back severely bandaged up, saying she needs several to recover as they performed surgery on her - just zero chance they'd ever do an on the spot surgery on your eyelids because they felt puffy nor would they even do a surgery - was just insane that she'd try to hide it from me, like she already had the "double eyelid" which is what most people want already, tons of people complimented her eyes already - i found the entire thing so bizarre

and then once the bandages came off, she literally looked the same, like you couldn't even see any difference, and only at that point did she concede that it was indeed cosmetic surgery and now she was upset and wanted to sue them because they still looked the same
N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures) Quote
