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Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant

04-16-2017 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Word, thanks all. I'll work up to the heavier sets first and then ramp back down with the AMRAP minus one to two rep sets; obviously need to do it with DL too, but I might as well do it for all the lifts so I can get some idea of what my near 1RM lifts actually are.
Ever think of competing in a powerlifting meet? Could be a fun way to dial in your 1rm.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
I saw the 150 PP and saw responses and honestly thought kg. smh
The toppest of lels.

Originally Posted by Donat3llo
Ever think of competing in a powerlifting meet? Could be a fun way to dial in your 1rm.
My lower body lifts are too pathetic (yes, yes, I know it's a positive environment full of support).

If I could get to the point where I was reasonably confident I could total more than 1000 in the 198 class, I'd consider it. Maybe I'll shoot for a mock meet at the end of this year, or something. The problem is that I'd be pretty hesitant to go balls to the wall because of my SI, but who knows. Finally hitting 1k, even in a gym setting, would be nice.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Donat3llo
Ever think of competing in a powerlifting meet? Could be a fun way to dial in your 1rm.
Don't do this.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Don't do this.
Curious as to why you feel this way?
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 08:30 PM
You ever go to the soup kitchen?
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
You ever go to the soup kitchen?
I'm not sure how to answer this question heh.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 09:48 PM
Low end PLing is the lowest order of humanity.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Low end PLing is the lowest order of humanity.
Do you have a TR or something?

I've never been to one, but I wouldn't have figured it for that.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 10:21 PM
I'm hoping to competing in a usapl/ipf meet come July. I looked up videos from last year's event and didn't get that impression, but I suppose we' ll see.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-16-2017 , 11:20 PM
Don't listen to thremp. It's worth giving it a go to see if its for you.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Don't listen to thremp. It's worth giving it a go to see if its for you.
That goes without saying. But how he arrived at that conclusion (whether it's right or wrong) would still be interesting (at least to me).
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 10:27 AM
Fat people (worst of the worst) + metal (worst of the worst) = worsest^2
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 11:03 AM
confirmed dregs, but I thrive in the dregs.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
confirmed dregs, but I thrive in the dregs.
You getting it in w PL meet thots or nah?
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 12:17 PM
1000 @198?!!

What is this, powerlifting for ants?!!! Oh wait, ants strong ... a few of them could hit that total.

Monte competing in a powerlifting meet is like a mentally handicapped individual competing vs chessmasters.

There is no taking away, themonte has WIM. Yet barely about to hit three wheel squats after 10 years of lifting. It's just not in the cards, maybe a competition that measures strength and fitness would be better.

Before injury I was training for the tactical strength challenge and I was positive I was going to exit novice stage after my first try but then I was an idiot and thought backsquatting would be a great idea as an accessory.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by loco
1000 @198?!!

What is this, powerlifting for ants?!!! Oh wait, ants strong ... a few of them could hit that total.

Monte competing in a powerlifting meet is like a mentally handicapped individual competing vs chessmasters.

There is no taking away, themonte has WIM. Yet barely about to hit three wheel squats after 10 years of lifting. It's just not in the cards, maybe a competition that measures strength and fitness would be better.

Before injury I was training for the tactical strength challenge and I was positive I was going to exit novice stage after my first try but then I was an idiot and thought backsquatting would be a great idea as an accessory.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rexx14
Congrats Monte. You have made fantastic progress and looking really good as well.
I missed this while I was away, apparently, but much appreciated, Rexx.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 01:54 PM
Apparently it's gotten fiery here while I've been away. Some fair points being made about how lol my lifting has been/is.

4/17: 183.4

Incline bench (5/3/1): wu, 135x3, 155x3, 170x2, 185x2, 200x1*, 170x7, 160x8, 145x10
DB Row: 6x10x90
One Arm Cable Row: 6x15

DB Bench: 8x90; 7x95; 6x100 (PR); 7x95; 8x90
Machine Rear Fly: 6x12

Seated DB Press: 4x9x50, 1x8x50
Cable Upright Row 4x12

Facepulls (light, seated, strict): 4x15
Lying DB Skullcrusher: 3x10
Lying DB Tri Ext (externally rotated): 3x10
Seated DB Tri Ext : 3x10

Did the Aidan/BPA/et al approved method of moving through to the heavy sets first and then ramping back down with the first AMRAP afterwards, and it was k. Might have had one more rep at 170, but wanted to leave a bit in the tank for the later sets. Received a bro-spot on the second rep at 200, and I may have gotten it on my own, but probably not. I would have burned myself out a bit regardless, so w/e.

6 reps at 100 is somehow a PR even with my bench monkey past, since I never really DB benched. 6th was grindy as hell, so unlikely I'm going to be going 8 across on that ladder for a while. Few extra reps on seated press was nice too. Vanity stuff also fun. Went into this feeling a little rundown and now I feel great; I'm sure loco has a semi-coherent motivational explanatory rant about the power of the iron game to drop in response.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 01:58 PM
Itt people confuse entering a PL meet with winning a PL meet.

I must have forgotten that every marathon runner is looking to win. I must have forgotten that every Ironman competitor is in podium shape.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-17-2017 , 02:03 PM
I just like watching a master troll farmer tend to his garden.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-18-2017 , 01:23 PM
4/18: 182.4

5/3/1 DL: wu, 3x205, 3x235, 2x265, 2x285, 2x310, 6x265, 6x250, 6x225

Squat (light, recovery): wu, 3x5x185
NG Chins: 3x+45, 3x+50, 3x+55, 3x+60, 3x+65, 3x+70, 3x+75, 2x+80
Zottman Curls: 4x12x17.5

DL was pretty terrible, and has me rethinking this scheme for deadlift training; I'm just not getting (and keeping) my lower back correctly braced on the later reps of my heavier sets, and there's some kind of fatigue/mental hesitation feedback loop that's messing with it. I could have pulled more reps, but they wouldn't have been good reps, so I didn't see the point. Bleh.

I think it might be time to switch it up; something like replacing 5/3/1 with SSPT, and running the 2x/wk program and replacing leg press (currently after squatting) with the second DL session? Start the training max low and work on perfect form for every rep. Kind of sucks, but I have to remember I'm doing this to look and feel good, and continuing to bash my head against a wall doing something that led to me getting injured multiple times over the last few years probably isn't optimal.

On the plus side, weighted chins went well, and I almost had 3@+80, which would have been a PR (although I'm pretty sure 2 reps is as well). Assuming I'm DLing twice a week, I think I'd have to dial back the back volume and do heavy stuff (i.e. dumbbell rows and weighted chins or pull-ups) on upper body days only, and lighter cable stuff on days when I'm already pulling. Which means I'd only be doing chins once a week, which may end up being good news for my elbows. We shall see, I suppose.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-18-2017 , 01:36 PM
Admirable restraint slapping on 310 instead of actual 3 plates

I hear you about DLs. I've taken to never going above an @8 or so. I don't go above an RPE where my form breaks down. Still making gainz, so I'm fine with the RPE being lower if the numbers continue to rise. Maybe something similar for you, too?

Kind of sucks, but I have to remember I'm doing this to look and feel good, and continuing to bash my head against a wall doing something that led to me getting injured multiple times over the last few years probably isn't optimal.
Completely agree with your approach, and in all seriousness, that is a great attitude.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-18-2017 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Admirable restraint slapping on 310 instead of actual 3 plates
I like to make myself feel the shame for being weak, plus asperger's about sticking to the numbers. I threw up 132.5 for a triple for an intermediate OHP set the other day, which is even worse imo.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
I hear you about DLs. I've taken to never going above an @8 or so. I don't go above an RPE where my form breaks down. Still making gainz, so I'm fine with the RPE being lower if the numbers continue to rise. Maybe something similar for you, too?
Yeah, I think so. Setting the training max absurdly low for SSPT and just doing an assload of single reps for 3 months sounds like it might get the ball rolling; after that, constantly leaving (at least) two reps in the tank and never pulling heavy is probably in my future. Whenever I DL on the weekend, the wifeacore always gets the fire and tells me not to hurt myself again or she's going to kill me.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-18-2017 , 01:55 PM
Why not just stop deadlifting and just do RDL's or something? For your goals you don't have to deadlift and some sources even suggest RDL's are superior for hypertrophy anyway.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
04-18-2017 , 01:56 PM
Maybe don't go as HAM on the joker sets for DL, while adding a deadlift variant to your squat day. Something that can be overloaded for lower weight, but encourages you to maintain strict lumbar extension, such as a paused DL or deficit DL.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
