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Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant

03-19-2014 , 01:38 PM



10x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275
3x5x225 (double-pause)

10x45, 7x75, 5x95, 3x115, 1x135
2x5x150, 4x150

10x45, 5x95, 3x135


Rack was taken so I DL'd first, and it was kind of AIDSy -- reps felt heavy, too grindy for that weight for triples. Probably going to stay at this weight next week and chalk this up to mild cold/not sleeping well lately/lost ~6 lbs since the last time I DL'd two weeks ago. Press I probably could have gotten the 15th rep, but I paused at the top on the penultimate rep and stalled at my scalp. Next time, and that will tie a PR.

FS was heavy and I'm probably going to repeat; chins were heavy but smooth, so I'll try 55 next time. Bleh.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-19-2014 , 01:45 PM
You should post a video of you dead lifting. I'm interested to see your form when going heavy. You had form problems recently if I recall? Prob not as bad as mine but just saying.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-19-2014 , 01:46 PM
Forgot to take some today; next time though.

I worked pretty hard to rebuild my form over year ago, I think it's pretty good now. There are definite weak points that are hindering me, though, and I not sure whether I want to address them (or if it's worth it to try).
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-19-2014 , 01:51 PM
Yeah that's why I assumed u had form problems because when I started my log I thought u said u just stick to light DLs due to form. Sounds like it is much better tho. Id like to think we have come a long way since then but not really lol.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-19-2014 , 01:57 PM
I mean, I'm still deadlifting light, so technically that statement is true lol. I'm probably getting to the point where I need to dial down to 2 triples at my workset and just do a bunch of burnout sets afterwards. Not really digging the double pause reps either. Maybe something like 2x3x305 next week, then a bunch of sets at 275 or 285 or something. I need to get more volume in on the lift in a way that isn't going to cause my lower back to jdock (not that that was happening here, but I guess we'll see next week when we go to the ol' videotape).

I feel pretty confident I can get tie my press PR on Monday, though, which would be pretty damn cool at 35 lbs lighter.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-19-2014 , 02:07 PM
Indeed quite cool. But if there is no video, did it even happen?

Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-19-2014 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Indeed quite cool. But if there is no video, did it even happen?

And what constitutes a "pause"? Are we taking a syndr0m pause or a legit pause? Vids required for further analysis and evaluation.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-19-2014 , 02:43 PM
It's like a one second pause, but it's moot, because I don't like them so I'm not doing them anymore. The answer is just more volume.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-19-2014 , 04:46 PM
Confirmed syndr0m pause and Monte make sure u do vid next time
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-20-2014 , 12:14 AM
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-20-2014 , 01:33 PM

Chin Ladder (9 out of 13 reps in last set) = 87 in first ladder
LISS: 45 min at 4.4 = 3.30 miles
Chin Ladder (8 out of 12 reps in last set) = 74 in second ladder, 161 total (+20 PR)
6x30 pushups

Pretty happy to move up in both ladders, hopefully squatting goes OK tomorrow. Need to summon that WIM and keep moving up.

Last edited by Montecore; 03-20-2014 at 01:45 PM.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-23-2014 , 03:33 PM
Had a lunch meeting Friday and felt like AIDS Saturday, but still managed to do a little:


10x45, 10x95, 5x135, 3x185, 2x215, 2x6x235
4x4x205 (Spoto)


10x45, 5x95, 5x135

Didn't have a ton of time yesterday, and wanted to try to the Spoto rep scheme and see how it felt -- definitely interesting. Dips were hard and hurt my hands, so I stopped at two sets. Had nothing left so I just squatting lightly, since I'm supposed to do it again on Monday. Slept for 10 hours last night, and I feel a little better today, so hopefully it was just another transitory case of the OLDS.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-24-2014 , 01:34 PM

Doing a deload week; hip flexors feeling a little tight, feeling a little tired, so maybe discretion is the better part of valor.

10x45, 7x75, 9x95, 3x115

10x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185

Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-24-2014 , 01:48 PM
For someone of your advanced age, a deload is probably a good idea once a month.

I'm only semi-trolling. Wendler programs a deload every 4th week. That might be overkill, but every 5 or 6 weeks, a taper doesn't seem like a bad idea, especially if something is feeling tight, i.e., your hip flexors.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-26-2014 , 12:50 PM
Got some great news today, as the wifeacore had her yearly echo and is officially out of heart failure; the cardiologist's back of the envelope reading was an EF of 60, which is smack in the middle of the normal range (55-65), and she said that no one would know that the wifeacore had heart failure just by looking at her heart. Pretty great news; we were definitely sweating it for the last few weeks.

Continuing the deload:

10x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x3x275, 2x5x225

10x45, 10x95, 5x135, 5x185
4x5x205 (Spoto)

Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-26-2014 , 12:52 PM
Wha? Had no idea. Great news for the wifeacore man. All of the
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-26-2014 , 01:17 PM
Great news!
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-26-2014 , 01:17 PM
Pretty scary, happy to hear everything is ok.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-26-2014 , 02:00 PM
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-26-2014 , 02:33 PM
Thanks guys, we're pretty happy, all things considered. Considering the increase in her work capacity (she's been going to a personal trainer for the last year, more so she couldn't ditch the gym for work since we paid for the sessions than anything else) in the last year, I was pretty sure it was going to be good news, but you never know.

Reading back to July 2012 when we were high fiving because she walked a few hundred feet down the hall, it's easy to forget how much she's improved, but she really has. She heard about a few other women that had the same thing she did within a year of her, and both needed ICDs and heart transplants. Sobering stuff.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-26-2014 , 02:59 PM

good news for wifeacore, glad to hear
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-29-2014 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Got some great news today, as the wifeacore had her yearly echo and is officially out of heart failure; the cardiologist's back of the envelope reading was an EF of 60, which is smack in the middle of the normal range (55-65), and she said that no one would know that the wifeacore had heart failure just by looking at her heart. Pretty great news; we were definitely sweating it for the last few weeks.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-29-2014 , 05:50 PM
Wow Monte. Scary stuff there. Great news. Happy for you both!
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-29-2014 , 06:35 PM
Thanks guys; it was one of those things that never really occurred to me to worry about, but it feels good that she's out of the woods.

Thinking about going back to a hypertrophy type program or something, since I've been feeling kind of creaky lately. Maybe something like loco's doing, I don't know. Damn the OLDS.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
03-30-2014 , 02:47 AM
I am not doing hypertrophy. I am doing strength/control. He does have a strength/hypertrophy split.

Honestly I think strength/control is my favorite programming of all time. Making gains. Having fun. Seeing the light on squats and deadlifts. Monday is brutal but it tapers down and by the weekend I look forward to beginning again.

Do whatever looks fun for you.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
