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Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant

06-09-2024 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by NotThremp

What would you reckon is the min time commit at your age/genetics (lol) to get into ironman completion shape?

You're pretty quick, so I think you could be 50/50 to complete on even 27-30 per week.

good race, lol HR at the end tho ffs. reminds me of the horror of xc runs.
I could probably figure it out; my wife's older brother started doing Ironmans when he was about my age (he's 55 and has done 9 at this point) and I'm fairly certain he's in the ~30 hr/wk range. As I've said, the swimming is a dealbreaker for me; I'd need to get a coach and commit a lot more time to doing it, and I just don't really want to. I also don't particularly enjoy biking either, and the amount of gear he has and the expense of it doesn't feel like something I'd be able to sustain. With that said, I hated running until I started doing it, so who can say what the future holds.

And thanks; 174 is not much higher than my threshold, but watching my HR go up the last four or so miles was less than encouraging. Given I didn't train specifically and wasn't in great shape for this race, I'll take it.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-09-2024 , 02:10 PM
Heart rate mostly blew up do to increasing heat and radiation (story of races, since they mostly go off 6-8am). And of course what everybody missed, the monte came in 1 and 2 spots in front of his buddies. And he has been telling us for months one of the buddies is more experienced and faster.

Gotta love seeing that. Need competition to keep motivation high. and the monte turned up the heat late and soul crushed the one more experienced buddy.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-09-2024 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Heart rate mostly blew up do to increasing heat and radiation (story of races, since they mostly go off 6-8am). And of course what everybody missed, the monte came in 1 and 2 spots in front of his buddies. And he has been telling us for months one of the buddies is more experienced and faster.

Gotta love seeing that. Need competition to keep motivation high. and the monte turned up the heat late and soul crushed the one more experienced buddy.
A nice story, but unfortunately not close to true; he stayed with us out of camaraderie and fell back with my other buddy because he was worried about him (other buddy is T1D). If we'd both have raced it for real, he'd have no doubt smoked me. But, regardless, I'm happy with the outcome.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-09-2024 , 06:17 PM
I was kind of wondering about that detail myself, and thought that maybe I had remembered something wrong.

Your experienced friend seems like a good dude.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-10-2024 , 08:32 AM
He is. I just saw on Strava that he ran a 13.1 mile Spartan this weekend, so it seems he's fully recovered.

Incline Bench: wu, 145 x10, x8, x7
Seated Calf: 3x12
Back Extensions: +5 x8x3
Facepulls: 4x15

Single Leg Press: +90 x8x3

Seated DB OHP : 50s x10 x9, x8
DB Incline Row: 65s x12, x10, x8

Hip Thrust Machine: +35 x8x3
Dips: +0 x12x3

Abductor Machine: 2x15
Adductor Machine: 2x15

Bayesian Curl: x13, x12, x10
Lateral Cable Raise: x12, x11, x10

Good session.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-10-2024 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
He is. I just saw on Strava that he ran a 13.1 mile Spartan this weekend, so it seems he's fully recovered.

Incline Bench: wu, 145 x10, x8, x7
Seated Calf: 3x12
Back Extensions: +5 x8x3
Facepulls: 4x15

Single Leg Press: +90 x8x3

Seated DB OHP : 50s x10 x9, x8
DB Incline Row: 65s x12, x10, x8

Hip Thrust Machine: +35 x8x3
Dips: +0 x12x3

Abductor Machine: 2x15
Adductor Machine: 2x15

Bayesian Curl: x13, x12, x10
Lateral Cable Raise: x12, x11, x10

Good session.

on your single leg press, how close can you get to 50% of what you can do with two legs? I'm at like 30% on my left leg and still less than 50 on my right leg. Maybe it's a co-ordination thing?
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-12-2024 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
on your single leg press, how close can you get to 50% of what you can do with two legs? I'm at like 30% on my left leg and still less than 50 on my right leg. Maybe it's a co-ordination thing?
It's been so long since I've done a two leg press, it's hard to say; I would hope I'm still working my way up on this, because a 1pps single leg implying a 2pps two legged work set would be pretty pathetic, even were I something more than an old cardiobunny that wasn't exactly going for RPE 10 anymore. I'll probably trial it one day and see once the LP on this lift stops.

General Aerobic Run
7.0 mi - 1:01:49/8:50 pace/148 HR

RFESS: +40 x8x3
NG Pullups: +25 x8, x6, x5

Bench: wu, 175 x9, x8, x7
Facepulls: 4x15
Seated Calf: 3x12
Farmer's Carries (85 lb DBs): x~40 sec, x~35 sec, x~30 sec

Incline Bench: 65s x9, x8, x7
DB Pullovers: 75 x13, x9, x7

Step-ups: +20 x10x3

Leg Adductor: 2x15
Leg Abductor: 2x15

Overhead Rope Tri: x14, x12, x10
DB Hammer: 25s x12x3

Had a colleague/buddy in town the last two nights, so pushed Tuesday's run to today; heart rate was high as expected from the booze, but settled down after the first mile to a 146 average, so no big deal. Lifting was fine enough I suppose.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-13-2024 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I could probably figure it out; my wife's older brother started doing Ironmans when he was about my age (he's 55 and has done 9 at this point) and I'm fairly certain he's in the ~30 hr/wk range. As I've said, the swimming is a dealbreaker for me; I'd need to get a coach and commit a lot more time to doing it, and I just don't really want to. I also don't particularly enjoy biking either, and the amount of gear he has and the expense of it doesn't feel like something I'd be able to sustain. With that said, I hated running until I started doing it, so who can say what the future holds.

And thanks; 174 is not much higher than my threshold, but watching my HR go up the last four or so miles was less than encouraging. Given I didn't train specifically and wasn't in great shape for this race, I'll take it.
Yeah, people forget how much of an absurd time commitment being good at gheydio is. Granted you can grind out a ton of that steady state at home on a bike/treadmill. But you can't really multi-task a pool, and gotta eventually get outside.

On the swimming note, SIPO is a real thing and you def don't wanna do some wonky ass training swims when at high volume in a non-supervised, unsafe space. But it seems like you're an aids tier white person at swimming, so I don't think you're really at risk for hopping alone in some lake and trying to make it to the other side and your scumbag body murdering you.

Biking is def far pricier than jogging, but once you're in for 5k on your road bike, you should be able to get a pretty decent amount of mileage out of it assuming you don't abuse the **** out of it or really enjoy crashing. (Like the rest of your healthy years.)

Maybe go full Lyle and start crushing rollerblading competitions in jean shorts.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-13-2024 , 04:49 AM
06-13-2024 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
Yeah, people forget how much of an absurd time commitment being good at gheydio is. Granted you can grind out a ton of that steady state at home on a bike/treadmill. But you can't really multi-task a pool, and gotta eventually get outside.

On the swimming note, SIPO is a real thing and you def don't wanna do some wonky ass training swims when at high volume in a non-supervised, unsafe space. But it seems like you're an aids tier white person at swimming, so I don't think you're really at risk for hopping alone in some lake and trying to make it to the other side and your scumbag body murdering you.

Biking is def far pricier than jogging, but once you're in for 5k on your road bike, you should be able to get a pretty decent amount of mileage out of it assuming you don't abuse the **** out of it or really enjoy crashing. (Like the rest of your healthy years.)

Maybe go full Lyle and start crushing rollerblading competitions in jean shorts.
I'm a decent to good pool swimmer and can handle myself for a few hundred yards near shore in a NH lake, but I'm tremendously inefficient. The gap between that and 2+ mile open water swims is wide enough that I'd have to be really motivated to close it right now (and I'm not). I could see myself enjoying biking if I got into it, but I'm already dumping enough time into training that I think the wifeacore might have a problem with anything additional. We'll see I suppose.

Progressive Run
8.59 mi - 1:12:44/8:28 pace/156 HR

Ran with my fitter buddy from the ultra, so this was a bit faster than I'd have programmed for myself normally; the last 4.6 miles ramped from 8:30 to 7:30 pace, so my HR got up there towards the end. My legs were a bit toasted from the double day yesterday, but happy I was able to get through this.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-13-2024 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I feel like this is a lot of white guilt on your part my fellow Frenchman. Granted as a POC I can use racial slurs against my fellow Gamma humans compatriots. As an Alpha++ it is probably just shameful for you with strong Nordic genes that Hitler idolized.

Originally Posted by Montecore
I'm a decent to good pool swimmer and can handle myself for a few hundred yards near shore in a NH lake, but I'm tremendously inefficient. The gap between that and 2+ mile open water swims is wide enough that I'd have to be really motivated to close it right now (and I'm not). I could see myself enjoying biking if I got into it, but I'm already dumping enough time into training that I think the wifeacore might have a problem with anything additional. We'll see I suppose.

Progressive Run
8.59 mi - 1:12:44/8:28 pace/156 HR

Ran with my fitter buddy from the ultra, so this was a bit faster than I'd have programmed for myself normally; the last 4.6 miles ramped from 8:30 to 7:30 pace, so my HR got up there towards the end. My legs were a bit toasted from the double day yesterday, but happy I was able to get through this.
Doing a 2 mile open water crawl seems like a very bad time. I'd look into how people who grind out the 14-16hr time bracket swim. I'd bet dollars to dimes they're doing a lot of strokes that are slower and keep their heads somewhat out of the water. (Googled this: It is super common actually.) Also... Lake swimming >>> ocean swimming. No ****ing way you can backstroke your way to success in Hawaii.

On a side note, didn't you get pretty aspy about being on an erg? I'm sure you can figure out how to get a reasonably efficient crawl in a pool on a random off day with the kidacores.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-14-2024 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by NotThremp
Doing a 2 mile open water crawl seems like a very bad time. I'd look into how people who grind out the 14-16hr time bracket swim. I'd bet dollars to dimes they're doing a lot of strokes that are slower and keep their heads somewhat out of the water. (Googled this: It is super common actually.) Also... Lake swimming >>> ocean swimming. No ****ing way you can backstroke your way to success in Hawaii.

On a side note, didn't you get pretty aspy about being on an erg? I'm sure you can figure out how to get a reasonably efficient crawl in a pool on a random off day with the kidacores.
It's less that I don't think I'm capable of the kinesthetic awareness to do it and more that I didn't really have the desire to go beyond the "read random book suggested by my brother-in-law -> half-assedly implement" heuristic, as I don't really enjoy swimming for distance. I'm sure I would were I better at it, so the key is the will, which may come later.

I breast-stroked the last half of my 500 m swim in last summer's sprint tri, which gives you an idea of how pathetic I was (though I had just cut off the tip of my toe walking into the water, so some extenuating circumstances).

NG Pullups: x13, x10, x8
Walking Lunges: 30s x12, x11, x10

OHP: wu, 95 x10x2, x8
HLRs: x8x3
Seated Calf: 3x12
Facepulls: 4x15

Leg Ext: x20, x15
Leg Curl: x20, x15

Low Incline DB Bench: wu, 65s x10x2, x9
Pallofs: x10x3

Adductor Machine: x15x2
Abductor Machine: x15x2

DB LTEs: 35s x11, x9, x7
DB Seated Incline Curl: 20s x14, x13, x12
45 degree side bends: bw x8, x7, x6

Pretty enjoyable session, if not particularly notable.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-14-2024 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
It's less that I don't think I'm capable of the kinesthetic awareness to do it and more that I didn't really have the desire to go beyond the "read random book suggested by my brother-in-law -> half-assedly implement" heuristic, as I don't really enjoy swimming for distance. I'm sure I would were I better at it, so the key is the will, which may come later.
I'm feeling pretty good about my Monte Ironman by 2030 prop.


I breast-stroked the last half of my 500 m swim in last summer's sprint tri
If you can actually breaststroke for 250m, you are probably in the top 1% of humans in swimming ability. Considering how many can't swim at all, it's not exactly high praise, but it's not nothing. You will require less training than most.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-15-2024 , 06:50 AM
Swimming 2 miles outdoors is not a big deal. I haven't done it for a while; but I did it a few times when I was fat and unfit.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-15-2024 , 09:49 AM
Medium Long Run
12.00 mi - 1:45:53/8:49 pace/153 HR

Carrying a bit of fatigue, but wanted to get this in today rather than tomorrow in case I have a few pours tonight. Legs felt heavy and my HR was a bit high, which was to be expected, but ran with four buddies, so it was enjoyable.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-17-2024 , 07:14 PM
Ran 6 recovery miles yesterday, of which the first 2.5 were with the wifeacore, so quite slow; the last 3.5 were at a 9:30 pace with around a 130 average HR, so decent enough.

Incline Bench: wu, 145 x10, x9, x8
Seated Calf: 3x13
Back Extensions: +5 x 10, x9, x8
Facepulls: 4x15

Single Leg Press: +90 x10x3

Seated DB OHP : 50s x10 x9, x8
DB Incline Row: 65s x13, x11, x9

Hip Thrust Machine: +35 x8x3
Dips: +0 x15, x13, x12

Abductor Machine: 2x15
Adductor Machine: 2x15

Bayesian Curl: x14, x12, x10
Lateral Cable Raise: x15, x12, x10

Grilled yesterday and tied one on a bit too aggressively, so was in no shape to lift in the AM; happy to have gotten this in, though.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
06-18-2024 , 10:21 AM
Lactate Threshold
2.00 mi - 17:42.6/8:51 pace/143 HR
4.00 mi - 30:05.8/7:31 pace/175 HR
2.00 mi - 17:48:6/8:52 pace/161 HR

A smarter man would have dialed back my threshold pace given the heat and humidity, but I am not that man. Happy to have gotten through this, though; I may do my recovery run on the treadmill tomorrow to save myself from the heat a bit.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
