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MLYLT learns to love herself and changes her life (for real this time!) MLYLT learns to love herself and changes her life (for real this time!)

09-05-2016 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Log Thurs and fri:
3 x pepperoni pizza
4oz chicken
1cup green beans

They had ordered me a pizza for my first day of work, and I couldn't be rude and not eat it.
LOL. First of all, wtf buys a pizza for their employee's first day? What kind of engineering joint is this? Secondly, it's kind of awkward to buy an obese person a full pizza, but maybe not as awkward as buying you a salad or a head of celery. Lastly, what you do is grab one slice and offer everyone else a slice. In fact, it would be more rude to not do that than it would be to decline eating any of it. And seriously, they surprised you with a pizza? They didn't mention it first, and you said yes?

Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Bacon cheeseburger
4 oz chicken
1cup spinach
1popsicle 60cals

3 cups spaghetti and meatballs
2 Popsicles 200cal

Hot dog
3cups spaghetti and meatballs
2popsicles 200 cal
Why are you still using cups? Weigh your pasta out dry, and multiply the total grams by 3.57. Don't you think that's worlds easier and more accurate than cramming as much cooked pasta in a cup or "yeah, that's about a cup" when the pasta is 2 inches above the rim of the cup? Jesus, you're a tough case.
09-05-2016 , 10:09 PM
They did just surprise me with a pizza and there was no one else around to share it with. It was awkward, they brought me to an empty break room and said here's your pizza and left me there.
I was out of town at code3s apt where there is no scale.
09-05-2016 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
They did just surprise me with a pizza and there was no one else around to share it with. It was awkward, they brought me to an empty break room and said here's your pizza and left me there.
I was out of town at code3s apt where there is no scale.
If it actually happened exactly like that, it is so ****ing weird that there are no words.

ETA: What did you do with the rest of the pizza? Surely it would be rude to throw away more than half a pizza. Is it in your fridge right now?
09-05-2016 , 10:27 PM
I kept it in the fridge at work and ate 3 slices the next day at work, then threw it out.

Everyone at this company just eats at there desk and don't really take a lunch. It's weird.
09-05-2016 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
It was awkward, they brought me to an empty break room and said here's your pizza and left me there.
"Here's your pizza, peace out!" Really? That's very hard to believe.
09-05-2016 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I kept it in the fridge at work and ate 3 slices the next day at work, then threw it out.

Everyone at this company just eats at there desk and don't really take a lunch. It's weird.
So basically you didn't eat any of the slices the day they gave you the pizza and just put it in the fridge? Why not just take it home that night and then pitch it?
09-05-2016 , 10:57 PM
Henry would have quit over the awkwardness of that situation

"Welcome to the team, here's your personal large pizza. We're going to be over here not eating your pizza."
09-05-2016 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
So basically you didn't eat any of the slices the day they gave you the pizza and just put it in the fridge? Why not just take it home that night and then pitch it?
log says Thursday and Friday. If this means she ate 6 slices in total I'm off Team MLYLT.
09-05-2016 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
log says Thursday and Friday. If this means she ate 6 slices in total I'm off Team MLYLT.
Ah, I see. I should have known - what overweight person is going to pass on hot pizza? Anyway, I'm going with 3x each day and tossed the last two slices because I don't think she ate less than 600 cals 2 days in a row.
09-05-2016 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
It was awkward, they brought me to an empty break room and said here's your pizza and left me there.
they treated the pizza like a safe deposit box

that reads as you receiving your negotiated signing bonus
09-06-2016 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Henry would have quit over the awkwardness of that situation

"Welcome to the team, here's your personal large pizza. We're going to be over here not eating your pizza."
True, but Henry would never be in that situation to begin with. Having a job with any sort of boss that gets to tell him what to do is is not even remotely an option for him.
09-06-2016 , 02:29 AM

The pizza is an example of one of those situations dieters face all the time, and you need to be more practiced in dealing with it. If you felt like it wasn't appropriate to reject the pizza, the graceful thing would have been to eat 1-2 slices of it and throw it away or distribute the rest. You had 3, then 3 again the next day. You ate 3 slices of day old nasty pizza when you had pre-prepared fresh food to pick from. This is the kind of choice that makes us all think you're not serious about this.

You're also doing this:

1/2cup buffalo sauce: 288

1popsicle 60cals

2 Popsicles 200cal

Hot dog

2popsicles 200 cal
Your 1400 calories are precious coin that you need to spend on filling, nutritious food. You routinely waste 15-20% of that coin on empty calories, making it effectively a 1200 calorie diet. If you need a treat from time to time to stay sane, that's fine. But you don't need **** like popsicles multiple times a day.

I'd suggest you take a look at HiFi's thread where I gave her advice about meal planning (she looks like she may have fallen off the wagon so at least the advice would end up helping somebody).
09-06-2016 , 02:31 AM
Also, I've no doubt there are kits somewhere for making your own popsicles. Use splenda.
09-06-2016 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
You had 3, then 3 again the next day. You ate 3 slices of day old nasty pizza when you had pre-prepared fresh food to pick from.
Even though I haven't consume dairy in a while, her pre-prepared "fresh" food is no less nasty than day old cold pizza, imo. At the end of the day, though, she still ate fewer than 1200 calories, but her rationalizations are still lol.
09-06-2016 , 11:22 AM
lol at "being rude" by not accepting a calorie mountain while on a diet, these things will happen forever deal with them properly and stop making constant excuses. If someone had bought me a pizza randomly and I was in prep for a show I would say "no thank you" and thats the end of it.
09-06-2016 , 12:00 PM
I feel like there had to be a one way mirror in that room with the pizza and it was a test of some kind.

Great tasting food is pleasurable but to me the difference between the best meal I ever had and one that is merely good is very small.
Didace, you are hurting me with this. Please come with me to Kabuto some time next year so both of us can relieve our suffering.
09-06-2016 , 12:37 PM

Serious question, with all sincerity:

Have you learned to love yourself yet?

For me personally, even though I am keeping my distance from personal stuff, I found the casino weekend to be tilting/heartbreaking/sad/selfish and a few other things all rolled up into one.

You seriously need to **** the code3 guy(figuratively!!!) and do some me time for like the rest of the year at least, and hopefully beyond. Just you and your daughter and your new life. Period.
09-06-2016 , 01:43 PM
09-06-2016 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
For me personally, even though I am keeping my distance from personal stuff, I found the casino weekend to be tilting/heartbreaking/sad/selfish and a few other things all rolled up into one.

You seriously need to **** the code3 guy(figuratively!!!) and do some me time for like the rest of the year at least, and hopefully beyond. Just you and your daughter and your new life. Period.
So much this

Plus get some actual therapy; wallowing in your own damaged psyche and having these sorts of emotional swings has to make parenting incredibly difficult. Do it for your daughter if you won't do it for yourself; it's time to break the cycle.
09-06-2016 , 08:13 PM
Dinner for my daughter and I tonight:

Lunches prepared for the next two days:

I put a lot of coriander on the chicken and the taste turned out great
09-06-2016 , 09:27 PM

Has your daughter had any comment/pushback on the healthier meals?
09-06-2016 , 09:34 PM
No, she usually always eats veggies and fruit. She'll eat anything I give here lol
09-06-2016 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
No, she usually always eats veggies and fruit. She'll eat anything I give here lol

So why the lunchables?
09-06-2016 , 11:17 PM

Seriously, buy some ****ing heads of broccoli, buy some ****ing carrots, and buy some ****ing string beans. Take the extra 10 minutes it takes to process them, and then steam them.

They will all be many-fold better than that canned garbahge you buy, on both a nutritional as well as a flavorful front.
09-07-2016 , 12:59 AM
There just HAS to be a logical explanation about the welcome-to-the-office-enjoy-your-pizza-in-the-empty-break-room story.
