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Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Mindflayer's looking for abs Log

07-09-2023 , 09:57 PM
Total distance this year to date = 381.78km
May 1 - 0km
May 2 - 0km
May 3 - 0km
May 4 - 0km
May 5 - 5km
May 6 - 0km ( I have a bad skin rash/allergy/eczema on my face and upper body, it is aggravated by sweat)
May 7 - 0km (is on and off for the next 3 months. Still have not completely recovered.
May 8 - 5km (have seen the doctor via phone twice for topical meds and now am getting a full blood,urine.poop test done)
May 9 - 5km ( I do not exercise when my rash flares up)
May 10 - 5km
May 11 - 5km
May 12 - 0km
May 13 - 0km
May 14 - 0km
May 15 - 0km
May 16 - 0km
May 17 - 0km
May 18 - 0km
May 19 - 0km
May 20 - 3.3km
May 21 - 3.3km
May 22 - 0km
May 23 - 3km
May 24 - 3km
May 25 - 3km
May 26 - 0km
May 27 - 3km
May 28 - 0km
May 29 - 3km
May 30 - 3km
total for may 44.6km
Total distance this year to date = 381.78km + 44.6 = 426.38km
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
07-13-2023 , 07:16 PM
Total distance this year to date = 426.38km
Jun 1 - 5km
Jun 2 - 0km
Jun 3 -3km
Jun 4 - 0km
Jun 5 - 0km
Jun 6 - 0km
Jun 7 - 0km
Jun 8 - 0km
Jun 9 - 0km
Jun 10 - 0km
Jun 11 - 0km
Jun 12 - 0km
Jun 13 - 0km
Jun 14 - 0km
Jun 15 - 0km
Jun 16 - 0km
Jun 17 - 0km
Jun 18 - 0km
Jun 19- 3km
Jun 20 - 3km
Jun 21 - 3km
Jun 22 - 3km
Jun 23 - 5 km
Jun 24 - 3km
Jun 25 - 3km
Jun 26 - 5km
Jun 27 - 3km
Jun 28 - 6.3km
Jun 29 - 3km
Jun 30 - 3km
Total for June 43.2km
Total distance this year to date = 426.38km+43.2km = 469.58km
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
07-18-2023 , 08:07 PM
Total distance this year to date = 469.58km
July 1 - 3km
July 2 - 5km
July 3 - 5km
July 4 - 6km
July 5 - 3km
Total distance this year to date = 469.58km+22km = 491.58km

Was on an aggressive diet 2days fasting (0 calories) per week. Did 3 weeks. 6 fasting days.
Then my skin went bonkers. All the red areas are itchy to the point that I found it very
difficult to fall asleep.
Had a meeting with my MD. and am doing a blood/urine/cardiac/stool testing.
I Stopped exercising and dieting as sweating was aggravating my skin condition.
Will try eating a normal diet and exclude all histamines. The red areas are hot to the touch.
using a laser thermometer 93degrees fahrenheit, Non red area is 86 degrees. Feels like
i am getting a sunburn from the inside!
No Posts till this is fixed.

Last edited by mindflayer; 07-18-2023 at 08:16 PM.
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
07-24-2023 , 09:26 AM
No Exercise to report. Weight is up.
Will go back on fasting again.
Getting tested for Lupus this week. My doc says that if it is negative, and I want to
go see a dermatologist, it will be a few months wait.
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
08-07-2023 , 08:37 PM
No Lupus.

Turned 57.
Minimal exercise as sweat irritates my skin and adds to flare ups.
Weight is up around 180-183.
I am on Novo Prednezone and must be taken with food.
Will go back on weekly fasting again after another 10 days or so.
169lbs is waaay off. Maybe I can get there by Christmas.
booked to see a dermatologist. 4-6 months wait!! So much for Canadian Social Medicine.
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
09-10-2023 , 11:24 AM
Still on Novo Prednezone but half dose now. Must be taken with food every day so no fasting days.
My skin has stopped itching and is no longer red. It still does flare up if I do extreme things with my body.
I am testing the limits. The key is to keep my skin on maintenance while I start exercise and semi-fasting again.
Sep 6, 6km
Sep 7. 6km
Sep 8 7.3km
Sep 9 6.0km
Sept 10, 6.3km. Wt this morning is 184.3lbs.
My goal is to log at least 40km/week and get back to 170lbs by christmas.

I am planning to run a 10k run in mid april 2024. If I slow jogged it like i do now it would take me around 80 minutes to do!
Will be working on getting that number down. Everything depends on how my skin looks and feels.
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
01-30-2024 , 12:04 AM
Sept 24th I purchased a pedometer and started doing 10k steps/day. Upped to 13k steps on Oct 4th and upped again to 20k steps since November 25th.
Finally saw the Dermatologist on Dec 4, 2023. He switched me off NovoPrednozone. Thank G. He said that one of the side effects of NP was weight gain.
I have to admit I was perpetually hungry while on that 1/day drug.

I still gained weight and hit 190lbs on Dec 11th.

Started Taking Methotrexate on Dec 10th. Taken only 1/week.
My skin is way better now so I will not bore you with the details of my grind down. Back to 180 and losing about 1lb/week now.
Doc advised that cold showers were good for my skin and too hot was not good.
Hot showers and my 10k run are likely out.
May post again if/when I get down under 170 again.

Lastly I was in LV last week and hit 35k steps two days in a row. Walked from Mirage to MGM and back and thru Miracle mile shops and Caesar's forums etc.
did laps in the Casino while the wife was gambling too.

Also of note, during the LV trip, my wife hit a UNICOW on the "Invaders from the planet Moolah" slot machine. It gave 400 free spins. (455 by the end of the free spins, as extra free spins were added during the initial 400.) She won $331 on a c75 bet. The most interesting part is that it took about 45 minutes for the entire 455 spins to complete themselves. No need to push buttons during the bonus spins.

Last edited by mindflayer; 01-30-2024 at 12:15 AM.
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
03-29-2024 , 09:24 PM
March 28
Wt: 173.7 lbs.
Steps 20,081
Dist 14.66km

I am posting today because it is my once a year 2 day fast.. Easter Friday and Saturday. Total time is about 60h with 0 calories.
16 oz coffee (2 cups) in the am 6 cups of water during the day and one can of diet soda in the evening.
I did the one day fast about 16x over the last 16 weeks (usually Fridays).
On Sunday am, I should be in the 171's.
Every day I have walked over 20k steps. I allow myself to miss once per month, as I sometimes am doing work or studying
in the evening and when I check the time, it is too late to get that last 1k steps on the treadmill. (its past 12)

I will start posting daily since my goal is to get down to 154 lbs which I think will be much harder than the first 17.
I will just post my steps and wt. Sometime I will throw in a food photo.

I will also have a semi break between May 30 and June 15 as I will be travelling during that time. Goal is to maintain wt. and
not gain any during that time, but no guarantee as I will be on a Cruise for 2 weeks with a lot of free food (included) with the

I am going to set a time goal on this at 24 weeks to hit 155lbs. That will be roughly -3/4 lbs per week.
If the scale says 159.9 on Labor day I will be pretty happy. Hope I don't lose too much muscle mass on the way down. Will keep
my protein up and carbs down, and throw in a bunch of weights 4 out of 7 days. (not heavy, but to keep muscle and toned.)
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
03-30-2024 , 11:04 PM
March 30
Wt: 171.2 lbs. Yesterday was a fasting day
Steps 20,046
Dist 14.63km

I am 46h into the 60h fast. Not hungry. No noticeable weakness while on treadmill.
I estimate that the distance travelled is actually 10% high, as it takes me about 160-170 minutes on the
treadmill to complete 20k steps.. and the treadmill is at 3m/h or 4.8km/h and that is around 13.2km.
I also have the treadmill at 2-3% grade for the entire time.

I am still on medication for my skin, but it does not have the always hungry side effect.
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
04-01-2024 , 11:50 AM
Mar 31 2024
Wt: 168.6 lbs. Completed 60h fast.
Woke up and when I stood up, felt weak and dizzy! Put on my Runmefit and lay back down.
BP while laying down 108/68. Standing up 135/95! Took my time (1 min) getting up and was ok.
Was probably because I was dehydrated. My real wt. is probably 172 or so. This is what boxers
must fee like. Broke my fast with 1/2 avocado, protein shake, yoghurt, 3 scrambled eggs and toast.
Steps 21,117
Dist 15.41km Did a rough check on the distance my watch and it seems closer. Will do a more
accurate test this week when I have time.

April 1,
Wt: this am 172.9
Steps 20,314
Dist 14.82km
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
04-04-2024 , 12:10 PM
April 2,
Wt: this am 174.1
Steps 23,777
Dist 17.35km

April 3,
Wt: this am 173.6
Steps 20,055
Dist 14.65km

April 4,
Wt: this am 174.1
Steps 20,001
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
04-05-2024 , 01:44 PM
April 5,
Wt: this am 173.9
Steps 20,005
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
04-06-2024 , 09:58 AM
April 6,
Wt: this am 173.0
Steps 20,159
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
04-08-2024 , 03:43 PM
April 7,
Wt: this am 173.5
Steps 20,194
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
04-09-2024 , 03:48 PM
April 7,
Wt: this am 172.6
Steps 21,873
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
05-03-2024 , 08:06 PM
I haven't been on in a while.
Should update.
Not trying to make excuses, but give an update of what went on in the last 3 weeks.
kept up the 20k steps per day except for a 3 day run when I was doing math exam prep.
It is a long story and if you needed more explanation it is in Business/Finance and investing.
Essentially wrote 3x 2.5h math exams each day for 3 days in a row, in prep for taking a Calculus 2 exam.
Wrote this exam 38 years ago and want to know if I still have what it takes to get a degree.

Second thing that came up in the last 3 weeks is that I essentially did my first deal
as a Real Estate Agent. Was an intense 2 week back and forth, but got the deal done.
Closing is on May 8th.
Weight balooned up to 176 lbs. again.

Will try to keep a more regular posting as this is my only way to keep myself accountable.
No more excuses as I have no more classes for 4months. Not even sure I will be going
back to school as my wife was not happy that I kept telling her to not bother me while
I was writing my prep 'exams.' The side story to that is one of her friends retired less than
6 months ago and died a two weeks ago. Funeral was 3 days ago and she wants to
spend more time with me, rather than me working and/or going back to school.

Starting over again...
Current wt. 176.0
Goal 158.
Will be back on schedule for 3 weeks then 2 weeks off as I will be in N. Europe.
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
05-05-2024 , 02:12 PM
May 5th.
Yesterday's wt, steps and km.
174.0 (fasted on May 3rd)
20,325 steps
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
05-07-2024 , 03:19 PM
May 6th.
Yesterday's wt, steps and km.
20,707 steps

May 7th.
Yesterday's wt, steps and km.
20,701 steps
Adding one new small change to my daily routine.
I am making a protein drink (scoop of protein powder, collagen for my skin, 75% water and 25% 30 cal. unsweetened almond milk in the morning. Drink at 2pm after
any resistance/wt training)
I used to only have the protein drink maybe 2/week. now going for 6/week. (skip on fasting day)
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
05-10-2024 , 12:27 AM
May 8th.
Yesterday's wt, steps and km.
20,501 steps
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
05-24-2024 , 11:56 PM
May 9th.
21,047 steps
May 10th. Friday Fasting Day
20,050 steps
May 11th.
22,547 steps
May 12th.
20,027 steps
May 13th.
20,205 steps
May 14th. Try Fasting (failed)
20,642 steps
May 15th.
20,055 steps
May 16th.
176.5 =(
20,206 steps
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
Today , 06:33 AM
Finally back....from a decent vacation.
Will post regularly (multiple days of records) till I get caught up and get to post
my vacation results and pics at the end. Will post the full vacation update in
Other Topics > Travel

May 17th. fasting day ***
20,257 steps
May 18th.
171.7 lbs
20,046 steps
May 19th.
174.6 lbs
20,005 steps
Mindflayer's looking for abs Log Quote
