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Malucci is a FPOS! Malucci is a FPOS!

07-30-2021 , 06:11 PM
Workout Log 7/30

Close grip lat pulldown 110 3x10 1x8

Wide grip pull down 60 1x6 50 1x9 1x6 40 1x10

HS Iso lateral row 55 1x12 1x10 1x12 1x10

Standing alternate arm curl 30 1x10 1x8 25 2x10

EZ bar curl 50 2x10 1x8 1x7

Standing single arm cable curl 20 4x10

Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
07-30-2021 , 06:26 PM
10 straight days sub 1900 cal and nine of those sub 1800.
i'll buy you any XxX animal style version you want at InO if you do that again for 10 more straight days.
not saying you have to break the streak to eat it, just looking forward to rewarding your work sometime in the future when you need a cheat day, boss.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
07-31-2021 , 09:28 AM
2646 cal Malucci is a FPOS! Game Over
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
07-31-2021 , 06:45 PM
are you Kramer in "The Contest"?

Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
07-31-2021 , 11:06 PM
In college we went to a NHL game and back then I had crazier hair and at a TV timeout they did some “Separated at birth” thing on the Jumbotron and compared celebrities to people in the audience and put me up next to Kramer. So…yes.

1724 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
07-31-2021 , 11:15 PM
Lmao, wow.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-01-2021 , 11:04 PM
1732 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-02-2021 , 10:45 AM
Workout Log 8/2

Bench 135 3x8 1x7

Incline dumbbell press 40 2x10 1x8 35 1x8

HS wide chest 70 2x10 1x7 55 1x10

Arnold 35 1x8 30 3x8

Standing lateral raise machine single arm 30 1x12 3x10

Bent over dumbbell Y raise 15 4x10

Tricep pressdown V 100 3x10 1x7

Standing overhead tricep extensions 15 1x10 1x7 12.5 1x10 1x8

LF tricep extension 40 1x12 50 3x12

Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-02-2021 , 09:01 PM
1772 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-03-2021 , 10:49 AM
Workout Log 8/3

Hack Squat 225 4x10

Bulgarian split squats 1x12 3x10

Hoist leg press 17 1x10 1x8 2x10

HS kneeling leg curl 60 4x10

LF prone leg curl 95 1x5 80 1x8 65 2x10

Standing calf raise 140 1x15 3x12

Seated calf raise 45 4x12

LF horizontal calf 100 2x15 2x12

Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-03-2021 , 01:55 PM
Solidly back on track. And your misstep was ****ing 2600. How many lbs have you dropped last 2-3 weeks?
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-04-2021 , 01:42 AM
2027 cal

Gotta keep it tight, got a few things coming up this month and early September. But going to try to not go too far off the rails in those spots either as much as possible.

Only down like 3 lbs since June 26…but I’m looking better. Just need to stay strong, been adding new and delicious foods into the diet without going over calories so, that’s all very good. Just need to put together a few 10-12 week stretches.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-05-2021 , 12:42 PM
1718 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-05-2021 , 07:33 PM
please to be sharing those new and delicious foods that help you from going over calories.
is a slab of meat between two pieces of bread in the air fryer one of them?
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-06-2021 , 12:06 AM
2882 cal.

Lol, yeah, air fried sandwiches are helping. Also potatoes and brussel sprouts with some parmesan. Sous vide chicken breasts that I do different things with and blackened tilapia are huge staples as well. At some point I will post days worth of food pics.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-07-2021 , 07:32 AM
1170 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-07-2021 , 05:38 PM
glad to see you're getting mileage out of the sous vide and air fryer. they're the kind of thing that you buy, use a lot at first, then they eventually end up in the back of a cabinet somewhere...well, except for the air fryer, that just ends up taking up space on your counter.
sous vide chicken is just sooo solid once you find you're preferred temp.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-07-2021 , 10:24 PM
I literally use them both everyday, well pretty much everyday. Very stoked on them.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-07-2021 , 11:28 PM
1674 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-09-2021 , 05:09 PM
1434 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-09-2021 , 09:04 PM
1764 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-10-2021 , 07:49 PM
1922 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-11-2021 , 10:07 PM
1672 cal
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-14-2021 , 01:02 PM
2629 cal

4403 cal

Out of town so probably will be sloshed and big cals Malucci is a FPOS!
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
08-14-2021 , 01:15 PM
That's all right bud, you've earned it! Been a hell of a run. Malucci is a FPOS!
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
