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Malucci is a FPOS! Malucci is a FPOS!

12-18-2010 , 02:19 AM
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-18-2010 , 06:39 PM
Not acceptable DWD. Or Redmen, you cannot lose to a Flyer fan.

Either one of you guys watching Penguins/Capitals 24/7 on HBO? It's pretty much the best thing ever. I couldn't control my boner the whole hour.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-18-2010 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
Either one of you guys watching Penguins/Capitals 24/7 on HBO? It's pretty much the best thing ever. I couldn't control my boner the whole hour.
Man it's a great show, I hope it gets amazing ratings and they could do something like this for the playoffs.

Can't wait to see the Flyers on next Wednesdays episode
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-18-2010 , 11:18 PM
Ugh, you're week's is going to be terrible because the Pens have lost both games, including one to those cheez whiz loving pieces of trash.

I don't know that the coaches would want to open their teams up that much during the playoffs. Hockey being so secretive, especially during the playoffs, teams don't want to disclose injuries or really anything else, I doubt they'd want the cameras in there exposing everything...though it would probably be good for the NHL in the long run. But, do we need anything to make playoff hockey better?
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-19-2010 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
Not acceptable DWD. Or Redmen, you cannot lose to a Flyer fan.

Either one of you guys watching Penguins/Capitals 24/7 on HBO? It's pretty much the best thing ever. I couldn't control my boner the whole hour.
I really hope this series/idea catches on. The Edmonton Oiler "Oil change" series on TSN is pretty sweet, too.

I don't have HBO and just managed to track it down online. It'll be interesting to see the Caps wallowing in their suckitude for the next episode...
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-19-2010 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Redmen62
I really hope this series/idea catches on. The Edmonton Oiler "Oil change" series on TSN is pretty sweet, too.

I don't have HBO and just managed to track it down online. It'll be interesting to see the Caps wallowing in their suckitude for the next episode...
Yeah, you can see Oil Change on sometimes on the NHL Network, I've caught the tail end of it once or twice. I guess I should check out some full episodes, but that's edited right? I mean, I'm sure there's no swearing on the NHL Network or TSN, right? So that's lame. Still I should check it out.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-19-2010 , 09:58 PM
So I was going to go to the gym when I woke up, but I had gotten drunk on Four Loko the night before without eating or anything, so I felt literally no desire to lift. I took a couple nasty four loko gutrot dumps and got some Del Taco and was content to watch football. But somewhere in that Del Taco I found some WIM and took that to the gym.

Squats 3x5 240

Bench 3x3 205

DL 1x2 265 Form wasn't great I feel like on these, so that's something I need to focus and work on for sure.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-21-2010 , 07:58 PM
40 minutes on the elliptical machine at 11 resistance doing 6 tabata intervals in that time.

Upping the stakes.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-23-2010 , 06:18 PM
Squats 3x5 245

Press 1x5 125 1x4 125 1x3 125, felt a twinge in my back in the middle of the second set and that's what kept me from going as hard as I could, oh well, next time.

Chinups 3x3

Also finally went and bought some groceries, so my diet should be better for the next week or so. That's something positive.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-25-2010 , 06:49 PM
33 minutes on elliptical at 11 resistance doing 5 tabata intervals. Was to do 6 in 40 minutes, but after the last one felt like I was going to throw up, and I didn't feel like pushing it. I'm a vagina.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-26-2010 , 09:12 PM
40 minute run today, feeling good...
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-27-2010 , 08:38 PM
Squats 250 3x5 Had to use this other station besides the power rack because it was being used by this dude who wears spandex shorts and squats 3+ plates, never going to parallel, and he does like 12342435 sets.

Bench 205 3x3

DL 265 3x3 form better than last week, but not great.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
12-27-2010 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
Had to use this other station besides the power rack because it was being used by this dude who wears spandex shorts and squats 3+ plates, never going to parallel, and he does like 12342435 sets.
Sorry bro. It was volume day.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-03-2011 , 08:35 PM
Squats 3x5 255 Just getting stronger...

Press 2x5 125 1x4 125...should have got that last rep

Chin ups 3x3

Alternating hammer curls 2x10 25 1x8 25
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-06-2011 , 09:09 PM
Squats 3x5 260

Bench 2x3 210 1x3 205 Wish I had a spotter. Also wish so many randoms weren't so terrible at spotting.

DL 1x2 275 Did a lot of form work with this, these might have been my best DLs form wise ever.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-08-2011 , 08:24 PM
40 minutes on elliptical machine doing 6 tabata intervals in that time, on 11 resistance of course.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-10-2011 , 09:55 PM
Squats 3x5 265

Press 2x5 1x2 125 So weak

Chin ups alternate grip 3x3

Flat bar curls 1x8 2x6 70
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-13-2011 , 06:15 AM
40 minutes on elliptical at 11 resistance with 6 tabata intervals
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-13-2011 , 08:41 PM
Squats 3x5 270

Bench 3x3 210

DL 1x2 285

Dips 3x6

Pretty solid day, except for I have to get that third rep dead lifting...we'll get her next time.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-13-2011 , 08:59 PM
So it's been one year since starting this log (one year and one day if you want to be a real baby back bitch about it), and I'm down roughly 30 lbs. while definitely gaining quite a bit of muscle. I don't have chicken legs anymore which is nice. I work as hard inside the gym as I ever have in my life, and I'm really thankful for H&F for showing me the way. There have been a few people who have posted with some regularity here who have been very helpful (Soulman especially) and I really appreciate that. So here's to all of you, and to another year of fighting the FPOS that I am.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-14-2011 , 04:43 AM

What are your goals at this point? Keep on keepin' on?
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-14-2011 , 10:10 PM
Pretty much, I want to lose more fat, lots more. I think I'm going to start doing leangains next month and ride that out for a couple months to see what kind of results I can get. I've come to terms with the fact that for my own personal goals, dieting is the biggest piece of the puzzle. And as annoying and terrible as it is, it is so necessary. I'm also going to do it the right way with before and after pictures, and go back to weighing everything I eat and counting calories, and with leangains, I also need to be counting carbs in addition to protein and fat. So in the next week or two I'm going to be studying up on that and then start implementing it in February and hopefully by April or May I'll have some good results. Stay tuned all you lard loathers.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-15-2011 , 07:00 PM
40 minutes on elliptical at 11 resistance with 6 tabata intervals in there.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-15-2011 , 08:18 PM
I think you should have some self respect and not call yourself a fpos
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
01-15-2011 , 09:49 PM
Just because I'm aware of myself being a FPOS, doesn't mean I don't have any self respect.
Malucci is a FPOS! Quote
