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Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%)

09-17-2023 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
Yeah I agree. I could get into a long gay post about how appreciating the beauty of a body in an artistic sense is often completely divorced of sexuality but ain't noobody got time to read that. It's part pageant, part athletic endeavour, and part artistic endeavour of molding your physical self into something aesthetically pleasing and displaying it in the best way possible.
Very non 2023 response of yours my friend lmao. Love your body!!!! All the rolls!!!
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-17-2023 , 11:57 PM
Day in the life of a typical Sunday. Poker grind in the EV bedroom. We multi tabling and play HU poker. Quite a load of fun. Only forbidden area to smash is on my poker table #facts

Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-22-2023 , 07:23 PM
Disc herniation L4L5 I’ll be back when it’s healed. Little pop action. Ain’t no biggie.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-23-2023 , 12:02 PM
Random question. If a chick I’ve been involved with says hey just wanted to let u know I have a burning sensation when I pee. What is your immediate reaction. Not your reaction to her but what is the first thing that pops into your head? I just want to see if I over reacted or not.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-23-2023 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
Disc herniation L4L5 I’ll be back when it’s healed. Little pop action. Ain’t no biggie.
Damn man, I hope you heal up quickly.

Originally Posted by ExpectedV
Random question. If a chick I’ve been involved with says hey just wanted to let u know I have a burning sensation when I pee. What is your immediate reaction. Not your reaction to her but what is the first thing that pops into your head? I just want to see if I over reacted or not.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-23-2023 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Damn man, I hope you heal up quickly.

Exactly my thoughts thx for confirming I’m not an ******* lmaooo
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-24-2023 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
Random question. If a chick I’ve been involved with says hey just wanted to let u know I have a burning sensation when I pee. What is your immediate reaction. Not your reaction to her but what is the first thing that pops into your head? I just want to see if I over reacted or not.
It happens sometimes. I'd be appreciative and order antibiotics asap.

I'm as much of a "misogynist" as anyone else, but I don't think most women intentionally spread STDs to men and she probably didn't know she was infected, wanted to give you some fore-warning that you may have been infected as well.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-25-2023 , 02:43 AM
I know this might sound crazy, but have you considered deadlifting or some sort of dedicated lower back strengthening work to prevent future back injuries? Seems like all the dudes who always have back problems are the ones who never do things like hyperextensions, hip thrusts, deadlifts, or rows.

I think I've only encountered 1 exercise that "hurt my back" which was any sort of unilateral free weight rowing variation. fuxxed things up good.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-25-2023 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
It happens sometimes. I'd be appreciative and order antibiotics asap.

I'm as much of a "misogynist" as anyone else, but I don't think most women intentionally spread STDs to men and she probably didn't know she was infected, wanted to give you some fore-warning that you may have been infected as well.
Wasn’t that. Yeast infection allegedly. I didn’t believe her cause I told her I’ve never seen you itch it which started the fireworks. I should have taken her word for it but so many women lie now a days it’s tough man.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-25-2023 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by GuyThatGoesToDaGym
I know this might sound crazy, but have you considered deadlifting or some sort of dedicated lower back strengthening work to prevent future back injuries? Seems like all the dudes who always have back problems are the ones who never do things like hyperextensions, hip thrusts, deadlifts, or rows.

I think I've only encountered 1 exercise that "hurt my back" which was any sort of unilateral free weight rowing variation. fuxxed things up good.
It’s too late for that. Both sides of my back are subpar. It gets tweaked extremely easy. You’re still right though it will still help aside for deadlifting that’s a big no no with my injuries. I honestly feel it’s the way my body has always been since I was a kid. When I was a baseball player I played college ball as well I was a great hitter but only used my upper half. Additionally I have to be careful any more tweaks could cause chronic pain, imo.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-25-2023 , 10:40 AM
However I will say no matter the tweaks etc I never have the idea that leg workouts need to go. It’s just more about what leg exercises to perform moving forward and what mobility I neeed to work on etc. As a lifter my biggest obstacle is I like to push the line increase the load, keep getting sore and time and time again it’s fine for the other body parts but for my leg/ back it’s difficult.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-26-2023 , 06:05 AM
[QUOTE=ExpectedV;58275809]It’s too late for that. Both sides of my back are subpar. It gets tweaked extremely easy. You’re still right though it will still help aside for deadlifting that’s a big no no with my injuries. I honestly feel it’s the way my body has always been since I was a kid. When I was a baseball player I played college ball as well I was a great hitter but only used my upper half. Additionally I have to be careful any more tweaks could cause chronic pain, imo.[/QUOTE]

Yep, something about rotation of the torsoe messes up lower backs.

Anyway, hyperextensions, glute isolation work like kickbacks, bodyweight glute exercises with a band. Try them out.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-27-2023 , 02:17 AM
Gettin back into the swing of things slowly. During my time off I’ve profited +1.5k playing (avg buy in $7.31 lol). For those that don’t know I grind $5/$10 sngs as a part time job. Not going to get into financial stuff though but I’ve been doing it for 3 years now with 100% rakeback. In any case as long as I get my passport on time I plan to goto the Bahamas for the Wsop events dec 3- dec 14 if all goes as planned.

Back on the grind fitness wise. Just getting a light pump and plan to go from 50% to 75% next week. Slow progress is good progress.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-27-2023 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
Gettin back into the swing of things slowly. During my time off I’ve profited +1.5k playing (avg buy in $7.31 lol). For those that don’t know I grind $5/$10 sngs as a part time job. Not going to get into financial stuff though but I’ve been doing it for 3 years now with 100% rakeback. In any case as long as I get my passport on time I plan to goto the Bahamas for the Wsop events dec 3- dec 14 if all goes as planned.

Back on the grind fitness wise. Just getting a light pump and plan to go from 50% to 75% next week. Slow progress is good progress.

Bahamas is super pricey bro and mostly shark infested. Just head to AC for a local $200 tourney.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-28-2023 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by loco
Bahamas is super pricey bro and mostly shark infested. Just head to AC for a local $200 tourney.
Can’t scoop 50k+ from those donkaments and the structure is straight ass bro from those daily’s. No thx.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
09-29-2023 , 03:41 PM
Also too remember I canceled my DR trip so I have this travel credit I have to use within a certain time period. I was thinking yea if I’m gonna do a trip by myself might as well have one or two tournaments I can do to split up my days while on vacation. Going on a trip with friends ain’t gonna happen, everybody involved in their own little world with ugly alien babies but seriously that’s the only reason I thought about doing it lol. It has to be a damn island and I’m like wow so gotta figure this out before I waste my $600 credit.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-08-2023 , 10:16 AM
Holy fk I’m back. Yesterday was my first successful workout. Jesus I’ve been fkn gutted lately. I’ve had some new hawt chicks at the gym give me that glance at the gym but I’ve been having so much pain that I don’t pay anybody any mind (I would usually approach them smile and give one or two comments about their outfit or try to make them smile then go about my workout. That’s it though if they want me they will make it known other than that I’m there to workout). So yes I haven’t been myself but now that the pain is going away (I’m stobborn af I told my specialist I don’t want any over the counter shiet for pain nor do I want a dose of steroids.. pain is good it’s my body telling me to restrict certain movements). Anyways key take away is I’m back to myself now I def was playing poker a lot and drinking a lot which I’ll tone down a bit. You guys gotta know when my back is that bad it’s tough cause not only can’t I hit the gym like I wanna but I can’t fk either lol.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-08-2023 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
It’s too late for that. Both sides of my back are subpar. It gets tweaked extremely easy. You’re still right though it will still help aside for deadlifting that’s a big no no with my injuries. I honestly feel it’s the way my body has always been since I was a kid. When I was a baseball player I played college ball as well I was a great hitter but only used my upper half. Additionally I have to be careful any more tweaks could cause chronic pain, imo.[/QUOTE]

Yep, something about rotation of the torsoe messes up lower backs.

Anyway, hyperextensions, glute isolation work like kickbacks, bodyweight glute exercises with a band. Try them out.
And to recycle back to this comment. You’re right I was just being stubborn I suppose. Guess I got injured so many times doing light leg movements it fk’d with my head. My PT first thing he had me do was an assessment and since my glutes lack activation it is what must be targeted. Hyper extensions. Squats and the guy even said hey are you deadlifting at the gym? Young in shape dude def in tune and very good at his job. I was quite impressed. My precious 6 sessions of PT were nothing like this. This guy will listen to everything I say and I am very opinionated and he agrees with most of my logic. The other PT place wasn’t bad either just def wasn’t that open to hearing me out. Not that I know more than them but I do know my body very well.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-09-2023 , 05:57 PM
Some of us have had that same injury and we came back healthier than ever, with zero pain.

But here we have a "in one ear out the other kind of guy. " Pretty sad. So young too.

Ev practices avoidance to address the problem but Dr Lock practices attacking the area. Also plenty videos on YouTube with this guy, just in case our hero here attends the zoolander school of kids who don't readgood.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-09-2023 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Some of us have had that same injury and we came back healthier than ever, with zero pain.

But here we have a "in one ear out the other kind of guy. " Pretty sad. So young too.

Ev practices avoidance to address the problem but Dr Lock practices attacking the area. Also plenty videos on YouTube with this guy, just in case our hero here attends the zoolander school of kids who don't readgood.
AFAIK he's 36. Is that young? I'm 34 feeling like I'm rapidly approaching "middle aged".

Agree. There is literally no way to solve back pain problems without actively training lower back, glutes, and lower traps. You can't just say "omg i have a bad back so no pulls herp derp", even if you do essentially need to do something like that for the first few weeks after an acute injury. In this article, almost everything related to lower back pain advocates heavy p-chain emphasis with kb swings, deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, etc.

Lock is great. I feel like a ****** for spelling his name as Locke in my log for the past several months. I've been doing Lock 3 shoulder prehab/rehab and it works great. It's literally 1kg dumbbells for a bunch of isometric/partial movements. It hasn't allowed me to magically start barbell benching pain free, but in terms of keeping my shoulders healthy and strong for chest training in general it's like magic. Much better than all the FPS exercises Ben Patrick has for his shoulder bulletproofing routine. Another advantage is that it is actual shoulder hypertrophy training and I get a nice pump from doing it.

In 2016-2018 I had some bad lower back pain. Solving it was simple: stop using a belt on any pulling motions and start training the deadlift heavy. I also think belts are often exacerbating rather than solving a lot of lower back issues.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-20-2023 , 11:35 AM
I’m back bitches. Wheewwwwww having that bad back pain put me in a dark place, glad I’m outta there and back to training. Yesterday was day 1 back. I’ve done a lot of deep thinking about my injuries and what to do moving forward. It’s time to hammer the glutes I have terrible glute activation and I believe once my hams give out my lower back picks up the slack where most people use their glutes. I plan to do legs everyday as a warm up always stretch out my hips and do some form or squats or hip thrust etc I just need to be careful with certain motions that jeopardize my lower back just believe it’s a -EV move long term when I can use leg press or some other movement to work out the same body part. I’m open to eventually deadlifting in the future but down the road. I just want to be able to train consistently injury free with no road bumps. I’m open to suggestions though, it’s pretty clear this injury happened for a particular reason.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-20-2023 , 09:04 PM

Exact same crypto/romance scam as the one (almost) pulled on you last year. I had a girl try to pull it on me in 2020. I didn't know it was a scam at all, but as soon as I said "yeah I know a lot about crypto. I don't really believe in trading crypto or really most assets as a regular everyday person, even professional traders are usually gambling. I just buy and hodl" and she immediately gave up. Basically if the person has anything beyond level 0 crypto knowledge or utters the word "cold storage" they will move on. its tough because its often a real woman who will video call and voice message and stuff. I started to get suspicious when the girl said she was from hk and I asked her to speak cantonese but she could only do mandarin+english. didn't even know it was a common scam until I watched the above video.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
11-20-2023 , 09:12 PM
My advice from a couple years ago…

Originally Posted by beeschnuts
Didn’t see these logged so I don’t know what weight you used, but this is why I was recommending core/glute exercises before you start pulling again. If you’re eager to get back to pulling, you could do them while also starting rack pulls, but I would video form and really focus on your breathing and bracing. I do think it’s smart to start with rack or block pulls before moving back to the floor.

For core start with these:

I would read the whole article but the three core exercises arE described in detail how they should be performed. These can be performed daily

For glutes:

There’s 20 different ways to perform the bridge. Start with the easier ones and then progress to harder variations and start adding weight.

I would also do some glute activation stuff before pulling and focus on initiating the pull by pushing your feet into the floor. This will hopefully help you not pull with just lower back
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
06-02-2024 , 12:48 PM
Wud up guys I’m back. I’ve made a commitment to take fitness and training seriously again. Lay low on the girls and focus on making money and fitness for the next 3 months and see where that takes me. My lower back is okay right now but is fragile a wrong movement with weight could trigger the disc to move and we start from square one again.

First off my job is extremely demanding nobody wants to be a guard so we all got 24% raises for retention but due to low staffing I am constantly forced to work 16 hours straight from a regular 8h shift. This ****s up my training and diet a bit. Good thing is I found a loophole in there system and I tested out my theory and I was right they are afraid to suspend officers. So let’s just say I am making this work for me for my own sanity.

As of right now my training regime is going to be 6 days on with 1 optional training day and every Saturday off. Then every Sunday starts a new training week. This should work. I currently have minimal muscle and skinny fat due to not training for a long time. Body fat is prob around 18% if I had to guess. This past week I started with a strict diet and working out and it totally sucked. I was winded even benching 135 for a few sets and I have ptsd from my back injuries. This will go away once I’m more confident and lifting becomes more normalized. I have gotten a new pre workout with DMAA similar to jack3D it’s called Crack. Pic below. With that I’m going to stick to this then pull the trigger on creatine when it’s time and only if I get back into lifting again. Time will tell.

Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
06-02-2024 , 08:51 PM
How do you like the DMAA? Any issues with sleep? DMAA/DMHA are still legal in China and I've tried DMHA but it was just too powerful for me and lead to insomnia. Great feeling for the first few hours you're on it and its supposed to be a weaker version of DMAA with less aggression and more euphoria. You think DMAA could be valuable for weight loss/cutting/appetite suppression?

Shoot me a message when you're ready to start the first cycle. I'll gladly guide you through the process including sourcing for free.

6 on 1 off is good. Have you tried a push/pull/legs approach?

I think you could just straight up quit hip hinge movements like deadlifts/stiff legged deadlifts entirely and do hamstring curls only. Maybe try hyperextensions, but it seems like deadlifts are just not for you. And if leg presses aren't feeling good/safe on lower back, drop those too and just do lunges/front foot elevated split squats/hack squats/leg extensions. More than enough movements for quads that don't put your back in a compromised position at all.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
