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Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%)

10-27-2013 , 02:41 AM
Since I didn't gain much weight at ALL.. Maybe 1 lb this month need to up the carbs a decent amount.

Originally Posted by ExpectedV
New week new macros for 10/14+

Monday- 60g fats, 470g carbs, 200g protein
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday- 60g fats, 360g carbs, 220g protein
Thursday, Saturday- 65g fats, 305g carbs, 220g protein

Monday+Thursday (Re-Feed)- 60g fats, 500g carbs, 200g protein
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday (Training days)- 60g fats, 435g carbs, 200g protein
Wednesday+Sunday (Off days)- 70g fats, 305g carbs,220g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-27-2013 , 04:26 AM
lol never a dull moment when dealing with aggressive drunks. The local police department bought in a drunk and he was a doushe. I get on scene as the nurses gave him 2 shots to get him to goto sleep. He tries hitting the nurses/doctor then it was game over. we had to get him to relax so he can either goto sleep or so they can give him another shot. I grab his left shoulder and forces his arm down, almost snapped his chit up but he eased up before it happened. my boss grabbed his face and said keep acting up facker and see how far it gets u. He even said u see that guard he lifts everyday just to fk people up like yourself lol. I ended up holding him down and they gave him another shot then like 15 mins later finally went to sleep. There's more chit that happened but don't feel like typing it all. When I was pushing his shoulder down he was screaming almost identical to chewbacca, was pretty funny.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-27-2013 , 02:51 PM
fackkk fack fack off dayzz
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-27-2013 , 03:53 PM
DLs look super legit although tbh there is extreme glare right around the low back part so who knows for sure - but seem completely different than what I remember seeing a couple weeks ago, .

(Head position is crap though - back your chin and keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine imo.)
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-27-2013 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
fackkk fack fack off dayzz
+1. It's killing me today as well.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-27-2013 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
DLs look super legit although tbh there is extreme glare right around the low back part so who knows for sure - but seem completely different than what I remember seeing a couple weeks ago, .

(Head position is crap though - back your chin and keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine imo.)
thanks bro. just been sticking to sumo DL's for now since my form seems to be better doing them. trying to work on head position but it is extremely hard for me to break the habit.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-28-2013 , 06:43 AM
Switched up some exercises. Doing more benching now on upper body days. 500g carbs today plus benching.. Time to hit some PRs.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-28-2013 , 07:23 PM
looool just got accused for using roids cuz of my bench compared to weight and because I am too vascular in shoulders. ok brahsss, they must be jelly.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-28-2013 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
looool just got accused for using roids cuz of my bench compared to weight and because I am too vascular in shoulders. ok brahsss, they must be jelly.
The fact that your massive upper body completely tears through both sides of your workout shirts probably has something to do with it. Or your Craze supply could be spiked with prohormones. Literally endless possibilities.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-28-2013 , 09:15 PM
People telling you you're on juice is a compliment. Must be doing it right
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-28-2013 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
The fact that your massive upper body completely tears through both sides of your workout shirts probably has something to do with it. Or your Craze supply could be spiked with prohormones. Literally endless possibilities.
lmao, prob both.. I don't think he believes me either which rustles my jimmies

Originally Posted by SuppBro
People telling you you're on juice is a compliment. Must be doing it right
It gets me a lil annoyed but I guess it shouldn't. I just got the vibe he didn't believe me at all. He's still a cool dude tho, he actually competes at powerlifting. He is only like 5'6 or so 160 lbs and can DL 405-425.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-29-2013 , 02:04 AM
2.5 scoops craze
Monday- upper body power

- Left out back exercises because the back of neck is a lil stiff. Hopefully it goes away by tomorrow. Good news is I finally weigh 170 lbs but tomorrow I might be 168-169 again lol. Basically it's the end of the month so i'll upload a pic of myself, see if I look any different (prob not).

BB bench:
135x12 x2
245x5 (lift-off)
255x3 (lift-off/ minimal help)
265x2 (lift-off/ minimal help)

BB incline:
185x5 x3

BB decline:
245x5 (left bi hurt a bit so didn't do 3rd set)

75x4 x2

BB skullcrushers on bench:

DB curls:
45x6 x3

End of Oct. Pic @ 170 lbs (losing some leanness in abs but don't really care)


Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-29-2013 , 05:21 AM
You seem to show EV on your graphs mostly just when you're running below EV. That's a silly habit I never understood.

Yes, I'm lurking your imageshack album
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-29-2013 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by chinz
You seem to show EV on your graphs mostly just when you're running below EV. That's a silly habit I never understood.

Yes, I'm lurking your imageshack album
That's standard for people who suck at poker bro, get with the program

looool, I prob have soooo many graphs up durrr
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-29-2013 , 05:30 AM
I don't think the links work anymore though. At least all the ass pics just redirected me to some random upload new image page rather than showing the full picture.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-29-2013 , 05:37 AM
weird, works for me.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-29-2013 , 08:03 PM
Had to take an unexpected day off today.. stiff neck is worse than yesterday, it started when I was doing DB OHP during my last set. As soon as I lifted up the 75s I felt a weird sensation in upper back, after that set I realized it created a stiff neck and its a lot worse today. It hurt getting out of bed, I had to turn to my side put my legs on the ground then get up if that makes sense.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-29-2013 , 11:17 PM
Damn dude, feel better; might want to mosey on over to cha's thread and see what he has to say about it
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2013 , 12:08 AM
Thanks and its aight don't think he would want to help me anyway. It's just a really bad stiff neck. Hopefully, I'll be able to lift tomorrow but we will see.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2013 , 07:36 AM
10/29/13- Tuesday (forced off day)
2,970 calories
67g fats
345g carbs
229g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2013 , 08:57 PM
Neck feels little better today. Still a bit of stiffness, Im taking today off again because I wouldn't be able to train hard anyway. Going to the gym tomorrow no matter what.. Can't be losing all my gainzz, before I know it Monte will be benching more than me.

Got wind that one of the officers might be leaving from the evening shift sometime soon. if that happens, I might try to go for it to get rid of my crap overnight hours.

Craze problem solved. Doctor prescribed me oxycoden and my boss wants it in exchange for a recently purchased crazed. Hopefully this craze is spiked with some pre-hormonal stuff too lol.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-30-2013 , 11:54 PM
Lol EV, that first paragraph is positively dripping with irony; don't strain your neck lifting those baby weights next time
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2013 , 12:38 AM
Haha I guess it was because I lost energy up to that point because I was beasting the bb flat, incline, and decline bench even with my left bi hurting. Ez game. 265x2 flat bench bro, pushing that weight. I do weigh like 170 lbs now so I should be doing 270x2 soon.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2013 , 06:09 AM
10/30/13- Wednesday (off)
2,855 calories
59g fats
353g carbs
222g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-31-2013 , 09:55 AM
Was wondering what sort of food do you eat to get those macros? I find it difficult to get a good balance with enough calories.

Gl, hope your neck gets better, think you should think long term rather than short term with it. Sure it sucks to miss a few sessions or whatever but a permanent injury is so much worse.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
