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Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%)

10-12-2013 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by loco
It just hits shoulders more. So if you want hit shoulders hard during your chest workout, there you go. Maybe as a bridge to shoulder work. Nice and warmed up. I lower the angle because I like to seperate my shoulder and chest work.
Yah, I actually started doing them like that because I guessed it would help my press and general shoulder strength/stability/size for rugby.

I probably only do them like once a week probably two out of three weeks and I generally do them after press and after pullup, so I go press/pullup/db incline press/db front raise/db side raise.

Originally Posted by ExpectedV

Hahaha oh you are not the only one that will try to red flag me, we all know that. I know you mean that in a playful but serious way. Goto my video of 255x2 bench, would I have been red flagged there? serious question.
hahha. yeah, i had your 255x2 in mind when I made that post. I actually watched that vid a handful of times but couldn't quite tell because of light/angle/shorts/etc. I think it was close either way, I probably would have spite voted "no" if you posted it in the whiteboard thread. I will defer to the real lifters of the forum for the final decision when the time comes though.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-12-2013 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
hahha. yeah, i had your 255x2 in mind when I made that post. I actually watched that vid a handful of times but couldn't quite tell because of light/angle/shorts/etc. I think it was close either way, I probably would have spite voted "no" if you posted it in the whiteboard thread. I will defer to the real lifters of the forum for the final decision when the time comes though.
Haha well to be honest I think my first rep for the 255 was solid but the second was not. On my second rep my right calf froze up and I had to kick out while lifting the bar up, I dunno if you ever got that feeling before while benching but it hurt like hell. If my right leg was planted the whole time, it would have went up like butter (at least id like to think so lol). I'm not going for 255 bench, I'm either getting 275 or not posting in there at all. Yup, ego problems ITT. I'm just a competitive guy and like having aggressive goals, makes lifting more fun imo.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 01:52 AM
2 scoops jack3d
Saturday- lower body hypertrophy

- My buddy who has been tailoring my routines on the monthly basis for me as well as my macros on the weekly basis drove to my gym from another state just so he could help me out. I've known him for 10 years so it was cool to see him right before his competition next month. He looked pretty good considering he used to be 250 lbs. His knowledge of fitness and nutrition is well balanced and his form for everything has meaning and is impeccable. He came specifically on my leg day because he knows that is my weakness. The very first thing he showed me was how to use the foam rollers and my hips and quads were in pain lol but great stuff. He kept telling me to keep my neck tucked in and I could tell that was pissing him off but it's very very hard for me to break because of years of looking at the mirror when doing most exercises. He moved the bar to an area where there was no mirror but I still was doing the same thing. Last few sets I finally started to do it correctly. Since i played baseball, he told me to pretend i am getting into the my athletic ready stance right before the pitcher releases the ball. This helped me to keep my ass out because of how many times I have been in this position in baseball. Granted, i still have a ton to adjust. He showed me how to do RDLs and Front Squats. He said my form for front squats was surprisingly good for doing it my first time. He mentioned during my leg curls that each foot should be pointed in opposite directions so that I'm working out the correct areas of that lift. This made my next set very tough but In a good way. He made sure I went deeper doing squats and naturally when I did front squats I was going as low. On single leg extensions he showed me how to position myself so that I am targeting my outer quads which is a weak area of mine.

Squats (65-70 of power):
175x3 x6

Front squats:

Leg press (very close leg stance):

Single leg extension (focus outer quads):
40x20 x3

135x8 x2

Lying leg curls:

Standing calf raises:
290x15 x3

Seated calf raises:
90x10 x3

Abs (2 exercises)

2,751 calories
55g fats
343g carbs (41g fiber)
222g protein

3,238 mg sodium (good)
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 04:34 AM
loco is stronger
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by crabbyface
loco is stronger
Loco is a good dude
His legs are def stronger, all other body parts are a toss up imo.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 06:25 AM
agreed he is a good guy. I was just messing with you btw as you seem a like a good guy too.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 06:27 AM
nice bench too dude. got it up
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by crabbyface
agreed he is a good guy. I was just messing with you btw as you seem a like a good guy too.
yeah I figured lol and thanks.

Originally Posted by crabbyface
nice bench too dude. got it up
thanks bro but I barely got that chit up. it's not official until I can post it on the whiteboard. hopefully in 2 weeks or so.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 10:45 AM
I am getting close to 160. Pretty sure you got me on most of the lifts.

It might be even closer in the future. You are definitely stronger but this year I started concentrating on strength training more. And next month I am going back on a pure strength routine. Those routines are far superior for strength.

You are on a hybrid right now, which is what I did the first 6months this year. It works too, but pure strength training superior. Down side with pure strength training is that a lot of it is CNS adaptation so SALTS (look the same).

What did that guy say about the leg extensions? I love unilateral leg extensions but my inner quad is huge relative to my outer quad. KC and freddbird squat big weights and they have mooooonster legs. They Lol at leg extensions. These guys just don't appreciate a simple fun exercise based on cables.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 04:28 PM
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 04:42 PM
SALTS (all capital letters) is a horrible disease that was discovered here in H&F. Basically means that you even though you started lifting, you still look and lift the same. It will eventually affect most and the only true cure is steroids or getting fat. Pick your poison.

The pandemic's patientzero is Soulman. But like I have said before, this is not a criticism on the man and legend himself. It's a disease that has affected most of us. My upperbody has suffered from the SALTS this whole year.

And I hate to be negative, but I believe EV will soon also contract the disease. His only hope is tons of squats and calories. Or steroids. Otherwise there is no way he reaches 180 10%. Impossible. The SALTS is coming. Be forewarned.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 05:05 PM
haha nice
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 05:09 PM
SALTS = Soulman Always Looks* The Same

*Lifts can be substituted here
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 05:23 PM
Soulman makes a ton of money, has a bunch of nomzies, and lives in a non-fat paradise where everyone is beautiful. It probably kills his motivation to lift. If he relocated to the American south east he'd be elite level strength athlete by now.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by loco
I am getting close to 160. Pretty sure you got me on most of the lifts.

It might be even closer in the future. You are definitely stronger but this year I started concentrating on strength training more. And next month I am going back on a pure strength routine. Those routines are far superior for strength.

You are on a hybrid right now, which is what I did the first 6months this year. It works too, but pure strength training superior. Down side with pure strength training is that a lot of it is CNS adaptation so SALTS (look the same).

What did that guy say about the leg extensions? I love unilateral leg extensions but my inner quad is huge relative to my outer quad. KC and freddbird squat big weights and they have mooooonster legs. They Lol at leg extensions. These guys just don't appreciate a simple fun exercise based on cables.
As of now yeah cuz I'm gaining weight, last time I checked I was around 166-167 lbs 4-5 days ago. If I was maintaining, it would be extremely hard to move up in my lifts. No way I'm getting the SALTS anytime soon brah, my calories are going up on the weekly basis. My friend said I needed to position my body a particular way and do the leg extensions while turning my leg/shoe inward and I should feel a burning sensation on the outer quad. kinda feel Iike you are trying to kick someone. After doing 3 working sets of 20 reps it was hard for me to walk lol. I'm sure they don't care as much about aesthetics as we do (assuming you do).
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by loco
SALTS (all capital letters) is a horrible disease that was discovered here in H&F. Basically means that you even though you started lifting, you still look and lift the same. It will eventually affect most and the only true cure is steroids or getting fat. Pick your poison.

The pandemic's patientzero is Soulman. But like I have said before, this is not a criticism on the man and legend himself. It's a disease that has affected most of us. My upperbody has suffered from the SALTS this whole year.

And I hate to be negative, but I believe EV will soon also contract the disease. His only hope is tons of squats and calories. Or steroids. Otherwise there is no way he reaches 180 10%. Impossible. The SALTS is coming. Be forewarned.
My pick is calories and I am upping it every week. I know if I was maintaining I would look the same every week and maintain the same lifts more or less. My buddy is working with me hardcore because next year he wants to get me to compete. I dunno if that will happen but I won't discount it yet. He thinks I will most likely get 174-178 lbs 8%. He always has aggressive goals tho. He is likely to change my routine soon.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-13-2013 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
Have a lot of work to do before I do a clean rep of this. I will eventually tho.

First time Ever attempting to Bench this much weight, flame away brahs.
nice effort imo. didn't appear much moar suspect than Snitch's whiteboard lift

Originally Posted by Soulman
Funny nitting about technique when your 1RM is like 60 lbs above mine* but there you go.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:14 AM
10/13/13- Sunday (off)
2,770 calories
62g fats
340g carbs
226g protein

-pumpedddd for upper body power lifting tomorrow and some nightly MTTs, hopefully I don't break my mouse when I'm tilting from bad beats.
-feel bad for my buddy. His coach just put him on 25g fats 50g carbs 255g protein for the next few days. That is gonna suck.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-14-2013 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
New week new macros for 10/7+

Monday- 60g fats, 430g carbs, 200g protein
Tuesday, Friday, Sunday- 60g fats, 330g carbs, 220g protein
Wednesday, Saturday- 65g fats, 290g carbs, 220g protein

New week new macros for 10/14+

Monday- 60g fats, 470g carbs, 200g protein
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday- 60g fats, 360g carbs, 220g protein
Thursday, Saturday- 65g fats, 305g carbs, 220g protein
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-14-2013 , 02:04 AM
Anyone wanna prop bet that I can't hit at least 177 10% by summer?
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-14-2013 , 02:26 AM
Impossible in one year without steroids.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-14-2013 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by loco
Impossible in one year without steroids.
I think I can get it done by August. How much u willing to bet lol.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-14-2013 , 02:31 AM
I am willing to bet my life. However no way to verify that you didn't get all sauced up. So no action.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-14-2013 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by loco
I am willing to bet my life. However no way to verify that you didn't get all sauced up. So no action.
Hahaha. Fair enough. My commitment to the gym and strict macros will get me there. Most people don't reach their aggressive goals because of their social life and slacking off.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
10-14-2013 , 03:47 AM
By pretty much every "how much LBM you can gain in a year" estimate based on top natty bodybuilders' progress, it's either impossible or at the very least around what the absolutely most genetically gifted and committed people have achieved. And obv plenty of those natty bodybuilding competitors are on creatine.

But bf% estimations are so damn inaccurate that if you measure it in as many ways as possible you'll probably get one to tell you 10%.

Last edited by chinz; 10-14-2013 at 03:53 AM.
Journey from lean (164 lbs 11%) to ripped (180 lbs 10%) Quote
