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*** It's F***in' March, guy *** *** It's F***in' March, guy ***

03-29-2016 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
While we're dissecting your preferences can you give us an opinion on that BBer in Aura's log (see post 2066). I thought she might have been too much for you, but now I'm pretty sure I'm wrong.
I commented in his log about her.

Mattie cakes is more of the exception than the rule. She's not really anything that's ideal for me, but she makes it work.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I think there is a certain aspect of nostalgia regarding the good ol days, that make us feel like Thremp's posting was better before. I think it's pretty close.

Even you think Thremp has regressed, so has the LC thread, so in relative terms, we're probably not that far off.
I no longer troll. I have committed to this. Perhaps I get confused by Quick_Ban's insistence a 25%BF 29y old is "young and thin" when he usually talks about wanting to pump 14y olds, and engage passionately. But there is no actual "this gon b lolz". RIP.

Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
My wife is 5'7", very thin, but not athletic/muscular. She's between 120-125. If she was muscular/strong I am pretty sure she'd weigh more. Probably not 170 though, which is what I weigh at 6'000"
Unless she gets fat, no. Women cannot build appreciable amounts of muscle. (Most men barely can. Lets not kid ourselves.) What ends up happening is women get fat, claim strong/(un)fat and everyone is okay with it. Realistically she could gain what? 5-7lbs lbm? Maybe .5-2 of supportive FM?

And this is even assuming you're starting at a reasonable 15-18% FM, which is almost certainly incorrect.

However, this problem is not unique. Many people fall into this trap. You should really read up on Leigh Peele and her writing on women. Basically its fats who think they are not fat. (IE "thin" women who are not accused of anorexia or without visible abs.) And then fats pretending "its all muscle".

See IFBB Bikini pics for examples of muscular women who probably aren't on roids and pretty lean.

See Figure pics for women that are clearly on roids.

Or like... check the height/weight for female Olympians. (Def on drugs. Mebbe on AAS.)

Originally Posted by BookToMarket
You're actually spot on with both statements despite sounding totally sarcastic!

She'll probably be a B lifter at the olympics right? There's no way we have anyone else that could be an A
Eh. I think there is one more qualifying meet? I was just reading up on this. Apparently there is a bunch of neckbearding about how USAW is terrible (lol) so I stopped. But she's close. 69/75 are both pretty much a barren wasteland where bulked up Chinese women dominate. But ya, she'll probably be a B lifter.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
I no longer troll..
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
My wife is 5'7", very thin, but not athletic/muscular. She's between 120-125. If she was muscular/strong I am pretty sure she'd weigh more. Probably not 170 though, which is what I weigh at 6'000"
You're BOTH extremely thin.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by saw7988
You're BOTH extremely thin.
Not for my preferred sport, where I am a minimum of 10lb overweight. It's all a bunch of ****in anorexics.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Korean looks like it was invented for a scifi movie.
in linguistic terms, it's the most perfect phonetic alphabet in use in any language today

this is because it was deliberately invented with phonetics in mind, rather than inherited from previous languages

Tolkien's Feanorian script uses almost the exact same system but has a much better aesthetic style imo
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
in linguistic terms, it's the most perfect phonetic alphabet in use in any language today

this is because it was deliberately invented with phonetics in mind, rather than inherited from previous languages

Tolkien's Feanorian script uses almost the exact same system but has a much better aesthetic style imo
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by BookToMarket

I would do anything and everything for mattie cakes. She's perfect in every way.
She's beyond awesome but I think she's some kind of Christian and also not especially intelligent (yeah, that's redundant).
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 11:07 AM
Hipsters are past fixie bikes by now, right? Because I just bought a one, custom made.


I'm really happy with it even though I have no idea how to brake yet. I'll be using this for my 4-5x/week commute to the gym and back. About 7 miles one way. Should be a great warmup.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 11:17 AM
It was either this or a 250cc dirtbike or something. Price would have been around the same. Motorbike would've been a lot a lot faster of course. But I felt like I could use the extra movement and it's pretty fun as conditioning + solid warmup.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Hipsters are past fixie bikes by now, right? Because I just bought a one, custom made.
Fixies are OVER

I'm really happy with it even though I have no idea how to brake yet.
Uh, I recommend the lever on the handlebars up front?

Also, there's a good chance your rear wheel is a "flip flop" wheel, meaning that it is threaded on both sides. If that's the case, you can put either 2 different fixed gears on it, 2 single-speed free wheel gears, or one of each. I have one of each. The single speed gear is a little "easier" than the fixed one.

On longer rides I tend to ride out on the fixed and back in on the freewheel, because it's easier.

Please do yourself a favor and find a wrench that fits your wheel lugs, and learn how to change a tire. It is an acquired skill and anyone who stops to help you generally won't have the tool or the knowhow to do it. Either that, or consign yourself to walking home with the bike.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 11:37 AM
Brake on a fixie? Lol newb.

No but seriously every brakeless bike rider is a Darwin award waiting to happen.

If you like your knees, use your brake often.

In general fixies kinda suck. Coasting is fun.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 11:40 AM
Oh I thought I was supposed to brake with my feet somehow. The idea of having to rely on a front brake only sounds a bit scary to me tbh.

Good idea, although in China any sanluanche (Chinese kind of tuktuk) is equipped to carry a bike on the back and can get me to some repair shop for a few bucks.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 11:49 AM
You use your legs to control speed and sure you can brake with them by skidding like you would on a kids bike, but it usually means pulling up with your lead leg (assuming clips or foot straps) and it basically destroys your knee.

It's probably pretty hard to brake with just your feet without clips/straps. Only your back leg could do work.

When using your hand brake, you still exert force with your back leg to help stop the wheels.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 11:54 AM
Ok that's useful stuff. Thanks.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:01 PM
Why bother learning to brake before using the bike though? I mean, what's the worst that could happen? I like the cut of your jib Syn.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:05 PM
why not get a real bike?

coasting is the best thing about a bike
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:06 PM
There are 2 ways to slow down with your legs, one is to push backwards on the pedals, the other is a "skid stop". Both are pretty terrible ideas. A skid stop is exactly what it sounds like, you lock the rear wheel and force a skid. You basically stand up, lean as far forward as possible, and lock your knees. I really don't recommend it.

A front brake alone is fine. Combined with resisting the pedals you should be able to stop OK. Note that the use of front brake only in an emergency stop is *probably* going to be bad news. I've never had to do it so I don't know how easy it is to go over the handlebars but I don't want to find out. Moderate your speed to risk - don't go faster than you can easily stop to avoid expected hazards.

Be extremely careful down hills. A few years ago a guy on a fixie killed a pedestrian because he couldn't stop. He even laid the bike down to try to slow himself and still couldn't.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
why not get a real bike?

coasting is the best thing about a bike
Riding fixed is fun and I recommend everyone try it at least a little. You can also ride with a single gear that has a freewheel - it's similarly fun but simpler.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman
I like the cut of your jib Syn.
I have no idea what this means but thanks!
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mihkel05
Eh. I think there is one more qualifying meet? I was just reading up on this. Apparently there is a bunch of neckbearding about how USAW is terrible (lol) so I stopped. But she's close. 69/75 are both pretty much a barren wasteland where bulked up Chinese women dominate. But ya, she'll probably be a B lifter.
Yeah, not totally sure. She's a 69 tho. Ain't no way she's bulking to 75 lol. I think she lifted at the arnold (for funsies) and said she weighed in at 67.

Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
She's beyond awesome but I think she's some kind of Christian and also not especially intelligent (yeah, that's redundant).
I wouldn't say she's unintelligent just bc of that. My guess is that she was raised that way and has just gone with it. She's still only 20 or whatever. She has time.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Moderate your speed to risk - don't go faster than you can easily stop to avoid expected hazards.
This kinda sucks. I bought this thing to race my way to the gym, and I generally don't stop for any red light because China. Riding a bike in China is like a video game where you're trying to avoid collisions the entire time while everyone is trying to hit you.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:29 PM
and the pollution is constantly lowering your health bar until you arrive at your destination.
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:41 PM
So what is the best set of wireless headphones? best value?
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
03-30-2016 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
This kinda sucks. I bought this thing to race my way to the gym, and I generally don't stop for any red light because China. Riding a bike in China is like a video game where you're trying to avoid collisions the entire time while everyone is trying to hit you.
At least you have the peace of mind that if you're hit they'll finish you off by running you over a couple more times so you don't have to live out your life as a vegetable
*** It's F***in' March, guy *** Quote
