Not sure how old you are, but I guess you are somewhere 20-30
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create Hard times.
Hard times create Strong men.
I believe we in are in that good times making weak men period.
Have you ever been shot at by and enemy combatant? Lived on the street? Gone to bed hungry or cold? Those are hard times.
At my lowest and most stressed, I was nowhere as low as the people in my parents generation.
When my father passed away and other people in my family were suing my family...
I read the book "Man's search for meaning" It changed my life more than any other book.
my top daily routine would be.
1) have a regular routine.
2) sleep early (give up useless late night phone/computer time)/get up early
3) Exercise!
4) show gratitude daily. I listened to the first 11 minutes of this video EVERY morning when I was down. It did wonders for my morale.
Have a strong reason "Why" to get up every morning. I gave thanks every morning that I was alive and had an opportunity
to have a positive impact on others. I would say to myself every morning... How many people can I help today?
If you do get to read the book, some of it is pretty gritty. I do encourage you to grind thru it and put yourself in the
author's position when he describes some of the most unbelievable circumstances. Think to yourself, Why am I stressed and
anxious over such small thinks such as (name your most recent stressor).
Frankl survived hell, I can survive someone insulting me or yelling at me. I am not a weak man!
Good luck.