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*** H&F Form Check Thread *** *** H&F Form Check Thread ***

06-04-2011 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
ill settle for mocking at this point
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-05-2011 , 08:57 AM
Can you guys let me know how my squats are looking? What can I improve upon?

set 1 (side) -
set 2 (behind) -
set 3 (45 degrees) -

Apologize if quality isn't the greatest, thanks in advance.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-05-2011 , 10:48 AM
Hey guys, i finally got some weightlifting shoes, so I would love for some form checks on my squats! 3 sets of 250x5 from different angles

First set from left angle (the fifth rep was very odd-looking)

Second set from behind angle

Third set from 45 degree angle

Any help is greatly appreciated! I do make some noise during the 2nd and 3rd sets, just as a heads up

Last edited by DarkPair34; 06-05-2011 at 11:00 AM.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-06-2011 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by *COINFLIPS*
squat form check

240x5 set 1, side
240x5 set 2, side
240x5 set 3, back

i notice i'm losing lower back extension at this weight. it felt like if i tried to arch my back the weight would lose a lot of support, whatever that indicates. anything else to note?
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-06-2011 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
ill settle for mocking at this point
terrible camera angles.

the weight is too low for you to show any glaring things. your hips don't seem to shoot first, but i have no confidence that it wouldn't be a problem when you move up. your back doesn't really look tight at the first rep. in fact your first rep seems to have a different setup than the rest of them. you can probably re-read the chest up cue in the SS book.

also your lumbar looks like it might be rounded on some reps, but that could be the weird camera angle.

also, why do you stop some reps without a lockout???

nice decent though.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-06-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by *COINFLIPS*
pretty good. stance looks a touch wide, but if you want it that way, just go with it. knees look like they want to collapse, but you push them back out. can you try to eliminate that completely by actively pushing knees out before you reach bottom, or just a split second before you actually do?

other than that, your upper back looks like it could be tighter, but the video is so blurry i can't really tell.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-06-2011 , 06:15 PM
I'll give it shot on the pushing knees out before hitting bottom.

*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-06-2011 , 07:51 PM
3rd set of skwats today.

After last form check I got a foam roller and lacrosse ball, so I think that has increased my flexibility. I deloaded 10% so I didn't hurt myself with the extra ROM.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-06-2011 , 10:04 PM
they look pretty good man. you don't get a ton of hip drive, but I think it's because the bar position is fairly high.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-06-2011 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
terrible camera angles.

the weight is too low for you to show any glaring things. your hips don't seem to shoot first, but i have no confidence that it wouldn't be a problem when you move up. your back doesn't really look tight at the first rep. in fact your first rep seems to have a different setup than the rest of them. you can probably re-read the chest up cue in the SS book.

also your lumbar looks like it might be rounded on some reps, but that could be the weird camera angle.

also, why do you stop some reps without a lockout???

nice decent though.

Thanks. The lockout, I just forget sometimes, and I never feel like there's a difference either, but I'll do it.

What about my presses. I feel like these are just AWFUL
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-07-2011 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
they look pretty good man. you don't get a ton of hip drive, but I think it's because the bar position is fairly high.
Thanks. I noticed that my left elbow kind of hurt a little bit after I did these squats yesterday. Guessing my arms aren't properly placed for the high bar position, that make sense?
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-07-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
Thanks. The lockout, I just forget sometimes, and I never feel like there's a difference either, but I'll do it.

What about my presses. I feel like these are just AWFUL
i don't know [censored] about presses.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by checkcall
Can you guys let me know how my squats are looking? What can I improve upon?

set 1 (side) -
set 2 (behind) -
set 3 (45 degrees) -

Apologize if quality isn't the greatest, thanks in advance.
Your lower back is losing extension at the bottom (butt wink). And it looks like you are good morning the weight a little bit.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by DarkPair34
Hey guys, i finally got some weightlifting shoes, so I would love for some form checks on my squats! 3 sets of 250x5 from different angles

First set from left angle (the fifth rep was very odd-looking)

Second set from behind angle

Third set from 45 degree angle

Any help is greatly appreciated! I do make some noise during the 2nd and 3rd sets, just as a heads up
Your hips are rising faster than your chest out of the hole causing you to good morning the weight. The fourth and fifth rep on the left angle video are pretty good examples of the good morning.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-08-2011 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
Don't really know correct form for dumbell press. I would think that it would be better to just do sitting press if you are going to use dumbells. But that is based on nothing.

On the deadlift it looks like you aren't locking out properly at the top. It looks like you are hunching over. You need to stand straight up and bring your shoulders back to lock out. Other than that it still looks like something is a little off. Like you're adding a shrug or something in the lift.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-08-2011 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by Raydain
Other than that it still looks like something is a little off. Like you're adding a shrug or something in the lift.
It looks like he's DLing with an EZ bar, so I thought it was him wrestling with the odd shape on lockout.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-08-2011 , 11:32 AM
Thanks guys. I'll post another vid tonight and yes, I am using an EZ curl bar. We don't have a real oly bar
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-08-2011 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
You are exhaling (quite extensively) from the very start of the deadlift pull. It's important to take a breath and then hold it during the rep in order to keep a rigid torso and to keep your back in a good position. If you have the SS book, read the section about the valsalva. You'll want to be doing that for all your lifts.

For the press, it seems like you need your elbows forward a bit, and you should lock out at the top pretty much right over your shoulder blades. Right now it looks like you are pressing a bit forward of that. This video is a really good intro to pressing, though it is barbell instead of dumbell press.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-10-2011 , 10:13 AM
Squat form check (warning: filmed sideways, havent downloaded a video editing program yet)

Having trouble with my back after squatting and no wonder considering the butt wink.

However, are there any other points I should adress?
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-10-2011 , 10:55 AM
you can rotate the vid on youtube directly now. do that.

you really lack depth. I don't see any buttwink really, your back looks fine. rotate the vid it will be easier.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-10-2011 , 11:16 AM
Ahh didnt know that, thanks for the tip!

Squat form video tilted

Another form video
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-10-2011 , 02:45 PM
HBBS - 265 x 3

Angle is a little too 9 o'clock. What's ideal for squats? 7:30???
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-11-2011 , 03:32 AM
Thought I'd post a bench form check too as I've never had any input. This was a PR for me today, and this was my first set of 5 @ 220
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-11-2011 , 11:03 AM
look OK. grip maybe a bit wide.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
06-11-2011 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Snipe
Thought I'd post a bench form check too as I've never had any input. This was a PR for me today, and this was my first set of 5 @ 220
You do a similar thing to me, which is bench the bar a bit, then move it closer to your face and bench the rest of the way. The last rep you fail at the spot where you'd transition the bar. I can't really see that in other videos either because of quality or camera angle. Is this just standard, or a form issue?
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