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*** H&F Form Check Thread *** *** H&F Form Check Thread ***

03-18-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Malefiicus
I completely lost focus on form because this was my first time shooting video at the gym. Still, I didn't take these videos for nothing. In the clean, I know I completely forgot to think chest up. In the squat, I don't know if I'm going deep enough, but I walk on the ball of my feet so honestly, that's about as far as I can go down and it's miles further than I could March 1st when I first went to the gym. The press... I've been stuck at 85 for a bit. Pisses me off.

Squat - 205

Press - 85

Clean - 125
Squat are pretty high, hard to tell from this angle how your knees are tracking, but depth is a major issue.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-18-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Malefiicus
I completely lost focus on form because this was my first time shooting video at the gym. Still, I didn't take these videos for nothing. In the clean, I know I completely forgot to think chest up. In the squat, I don't know if I'm going deep enough, but I walk on the ball of my feet so honestly, that's about as far as I can go down and it's miles further than I could March 1st when I first went to the gym. The press... I've been stuck at 85 for a bit. Pisses me off.

Squat - 205

Press - 85

Clean - 125
Bar needs to be way closer to your body on the clean. You're also using your arms way too much.

The majority of the force to move the bar vertically should be applied when the bar is near the hip area, think of yanking a yo-yo violently and how it would fly into the air. It's a similar thing with cleans, although as the bar is in the air you're actively pulling yourself under it.
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03-18-2011 , 02:54 PM
Good stuff, I'll try to get some more videos up Sunday/Tuesday. I definitely felt like I was overusing my arms in the clean. I think just the process of making the video is what royally ****ed my clean form. With regard to the squat, I'm not sure how much lower I can possibly go without being thrown off balance/on the balls of my feet, but we'll see.

I did forget to stretch, so maybe that'll help.
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03-18-2011 , 03:02 PM
Malef, try learning the clean from the hang position. <-- go to the clean&jerk tab on the right and watch those vids.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-18-2011 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Malefiicus
Good stuff, I'll try to get some more videos up Sunday/Tuesday. I definitely felt like I was overusing my arms in the clean. I think just the process of making the video is what royally ****ed my clean form. With regard to the squat, I'm not sure how much lower I can possibly go without being thrown off balance/on the balls of my feet, but we'll see.

I did forget to stretch, so maybe that'll help.
Practice ATG air squats. You're going to have to get your ass back to keep your weight back, but like others have said, you need to get significantly deeper on those bad boys.

Another recommendation is to position the camera higher up - set it on a bench/box or something.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-18-2011 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Carl Sagan
Squat: Bar position looks a bit high. You're bent over at the top, go ahead and stand up between reps-take a breath-tighten-squat-repeat. Try and get wider angle next time and show feet!

Deadlift: Those were touch n go, make sure you lift each rep from a dead stop on the floor. You're out on your toes on a few reps (u should get some new flat soled shoes in place of the squishy soled ones you got now). Go ahead and stand up at the top of this as well, with a big chest (shoulders back).

Press: First couple reps your fingers were off of the bar, you need to squeeze bar firmly, along with tightening up your core and glutes, and press- this will make things easier. Just remember the three T's, tight/tight/tight! And dont shove your head down at the top of the rep, just get it under the bar as soon as it passes your face.

Overall they dont look that bad, just keep working on em, and working on staying tight on everything.
Thanks for this. See if I improved any. ^^^
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03-18-2011 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
Get your elbows out in front of the bar.

not too sure about this, especially that second picture. add weight to the bar and i doubt that's actually how he presses.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-18-2011 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Malefiicus
Good stuff, I'll try to get some more videos up Sunday/Tuesday. I definitely felt like I was overusing my arms in the clean. I think just the process of making the video is what royally ****ed my clean form. With regard to the squat, I'm not sure how much lower I can possibly go without being thrown off balance/on the balls of my feet, but we'll see.

I did forget to stretch, so maybe that'll help.
Drop some weight on your squat, and think about shoving your knees out to the sides and control yourself as you sit back. This helped me so I figured I would also mention, tighten your hams and glutes before sitting back and you will have more control.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-18-2011 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
You are not breaking at the hips and knees at the same time, watch the video you knees break and hips are way later.

On the DL, hard to tell from the angle, but I don't think you are standing straight up at the end.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-18-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by kbBeer
You are not breaking at the hips and knees at the same time, watch the video you knees break and hips are way later.

On the DL, hard to tell from the angle, but I don't think you are standing straight up at the end.
You're right on the DL. How can I fix that?

I guess I don't know what you mean on the squat.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-18-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
You're right on the DL. How can I fix that?
Just stand up! lol At the top you're still bent forwards a little bit. Here maybe this will help: Just stand up like that at the top.

Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
I guess I don't know what you mean on the squat.
You bend your knees first then you break the hips. Try and start the squat by breaking both at the same time.
See how he breaks both at the same time? Now go watch yours again.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-18-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
You're right on the DL. How can I fix that?

I guess I don't know what you mean on the squat.
Just stand up straight, not really sure for any cues... When you squat you want to bend/break your knees and begin the process of sitting back at the same time. If you watch the video, your knees start bending, but you don't start sitting back or breaking at your hips until much later.

To put it another way, your knees go forward, but hips/glutes don't move at the same starting point.

Does that make sense?
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-19-2011 , 02:33 PM
Been meaning to get some vids of my squats and DL's up here. Got two vids today from my iphone, my brother is a knucklehead so turn the volume down or risk you ears at the end of the second one.
The quality isn't great, He didn't get much of my legs in the first one, and the other the camera is held sideways and I can't load it into win movie maker to rotate it, so I'll post it for now. I'm going to cross post them into my log as well.

they are my first and third work sets.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-19-2011 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
not too sure about this, especially that second picture. add weight to the bar and i doubt that's actually how he presses.
What would it actually look like? I think I look similar to that, only with a lot more lay back.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-19-2011 , 10:30 PM
[QUOTE=TucoRamirez;25496863]Check please


Originally Posted by kbBeer
On the DL, ... I don't think you are standing straight up at the end.
Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
You're right on the DL. How can I fix that?
Squeeze your but cheeks together hard at the top. Work on standing up straight/tall, like in the picture Carl posted.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-20-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
What would it actually look like? I think I look similar to that, only with a lot more lay back.
elbows out more. i think that position is out of balance with more work being done by the triceps than is optimal. elbows out gets the shoulders involved sooner. i don't think this is really ever an issue, though, because with weight on the bar no one's gonna standing tricep extension. so it's a nit really. the big thing people do wrong is setting up with elbows behind the bar.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-21-2011 , 08:23 PM
First time posting in here.

First time attempting deadlifts. My options are this bar, or the smith machine.


Also, even if I am doing them right, I always felt weird coming down, like I wasn't exactly sure what is supposed to be happening.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:11 PM
put something on the ground like plates to make the bar sit like it would if there were 45s on it
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:34 PM
you're lower back isn't locked straight really, but it's also not buckling. It's probably due to the extra ROM anyway.

is that a mini-barbell? Or just a normal barbell with small weights? Eventually you need a real barbell. I agree on resting the bar as is on some plates, but to be honest it's sort of a PITA, and doing the extra ROM until you reach 135 is really no big deal. You'll get there very quickly.

on the way down, it's just the same thing in reverse. You break at the hips first, shooting them back until the bar clears the knee, then bending at the knees to get it to the floor.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Weasel45
put something on the ground like plates to make the bar sit like it would if there were 45s on it

Your back is rounding when you are way down at the bottom. It looks like that would be fixed if you were picking the bar up from standard height.

When you start to lower the bar, think about hinging at the hips first while keeping your low back flat. After the bar passes your knees, you can start to bend them.
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-22-2011 , 12:42 AM
Wow thanks guys. I have the gym pretty much to myself and have no problem spending extra time in there so putting some 45s(are these bumper plates?) underneath until I'm fully ready is no big deal.

I am on for Ds tomorrow so I will record with all this stuff memorized and hopefully I will be the Rippetoe of form!

I'm pretty sure this thing is not as long as an olympic bar and I will double check tomorrow.

Am I okay with the EZ style bar, though? If so, what am I actually giving up? Seems like the raise in the bar would compensate for the shorter height of the weight but I guess not.

Those look like 25s and the bar is 15 right? How should a noob feel after these? I think I did about ten(three video attempts) and man, I could really feel the burn. Extremely pleasant but I don't think I've ever felt it that strong in any part of my body ever.

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03-22-2011 , 01:22 AM
That's really light weight. You should improve quickly.
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03-22-2011 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by 175503
First time posting in here.

First time attempting deadlifts. My options are this bar, or the smith machine.


Also, even if I am doing them right, I always felt weird coming down, like I wasn't exactly sure what is supposed to be happening.
put some weight on the bar bro
*** H&amp;F Form Check Thread *** Quote
03-22-2011 , 08:51 PM
Well, my last video attempts were pretty dismal, this one is way better. I spent a few hours finding video converters, and learning windows movie maker.

Here are my 3 sets of squats today: rotated correctly, with the sound removed so you don't need to listen to my brother complain about the cramp in his leg.

Some reps are better than others, I'd like a couple to be a little lower, and a couple to be steadier. I'm trying to concentrate on really leaning back to try and get my knees closer to my toes.

Any advice?
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