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*** H&F Form Check Thread *** *** H&F Form Check Thread ***

12-27-2012 , 05:38 PM
Colombo - press looks good to me. Flex your glutes/abs is all I got. Nice fight on the last rep.
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12-27-2012 , 05:50 PM
Thanks busto. Flex == squeeze really hard?
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12-27-2012 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Colombo
Thanks busto. Flex == squeeze really hard?
for glutes, yup. abs = fill with air / push it out, then flex.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-27-2012 , 07:14 PM
110# hang cleans:

Felt good, and in frame by frame, I think my elbows are still locked when the pull is finishing, and the bar goes up pretty close to my shirt.
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12-27-2012 , 10:42 PM

1x5x165 (person holding phone thought I was going to fail the last rep and turned off phone, not sure what they were planning to do instead of just letting me put the bar down anyway)

Is depth okay? I think I goodmorning'd #4.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-27-2012 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by highland
110# hang cleans:

Felt good, and in frame by frame, I think my elbows are still locked when the pull is finishing, and the bar goes up pretty close to my shirt.
A bit of donkey kick there. Probably explains why you're jumping backwards.

Also (I would like someone who knows how to clean to tell me if I'm right or not), but you start the 2nd pull with your shoulders well behind the bar. I have a feeling they should be more over the bar at this stage. Probably also explains the jumping backwards.

Also (this is something i really nit on...), I know it's light and blah blah... but show some respect when you're racking and un-racking the weight. You will hate life so much if you do a back injury just because you were being lazy with 100lbs.

Last edited by 00Snitch; 12-27-2012 at 10:51 PM.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-27-2012 , 10:52 PM

I'm guessing my back shouldn't be rounded as it is and I should try to keep my chest up more. #3 and #4 seem much worse than #1 and #2.
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12-27-2012 , 10:59 PM

I think I have trouble keeping my elbows in front of me, but this isn't a great angle to see that.

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12-27-2012 , 11:34 PM
On the deadlift, watch this

When you set up:

1) put the bar over the middle of your foot

2) grip the bar, bent over like you're going to do a row, back straight

3) bend at the knees

4) pick your head up/push your chest out

You should be in a good position now to dead lift without a rounded back.

This video helped me a ton.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-28-2012 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by 00Snitch
A bit of donkey kick there. Probably explains why you're jumping backwards.

Also (I would like someone who knows how to clean to tell me if I'm right or not), but you start the 2nd pull with your shoulders well behind the bar. I have a feeling they should be more over the bar at this stage. Probably also explains the jumping backwards.

Also (this is something i really nit on...), I know it's light and blah blah... but show some respect when you're racking and un-racking the weight. You will hate life so much if you do a back injury just because you were being lazy with 100lbs.
looking a bit better highland;

one thing you can do is make a line with chalk or tape or whatever and work on landing along the same line. with this weight tho there is no reason for your toes to leave the floor at all.

defintely want your shoulders over the bar alot longer. and although the barpath is a bit closer, it doesnt look like you brush your hips at all. really pull the bar into you after you pass the knee and make contact with the bar; ideally so you can hear the collars rattle.

another minor thing is to remember to point your knuckles down/keep your wrists straight. it may just be the angle but on the 1st rep it looks like they are pointed more at the wall in front of you.
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12-28-2012 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by udbrky
On the deadlift, watch this

When you set up:
1) put the bar over the middle of your foot
2) grip the bar, bent over like you're going to do a row, back straight
3) bend at the knees
4) pick your head up/push your chest out
You should be in a good position now to dead lift without a rounded back.
This video helped me a ton.
Thanks, I think that will definitely help.
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12-28-2012 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by ArsenalGunners2
looking a bit better highland;
thanks and thanks for the comments. Gonna clean up my hang form for a few sessions then the transition, and back to PCs.

one thing you can do is make a line with chalk or tape or whatever and work on landing along the same line. with this weight tho there is no reason for your toes to leave the floor at all.
I like the chalk line idea. I don't understand why I shouldn't be leaving the ground with this weight, though. Should I leave the ground with heavier weight or less weight? Which part of the pull do I skip or reduce to not leave the ground?

It does look like I have a tiny donkey kick and my feet are landing behind where I start.

defintely want your shoulders over the bar alot longer. and although the barpath is a bit closer, it doesnt look like you brush your hips at all. really pull the bar into you after you pass the knee and make contact with the bar; ideally so you can hear the collars rattle.
I wonder if this will keep my feet on the ground and/or kill the donkey kick. I'll work on this first and see how that affects the rest of the pull.

another minor thing is to remember to point your knuckles down/keep your wrists straight. it may just be the angle but on the 1st rep it looks like they are pointed more at the wall in front of you.
I'll check that next time. Hook grip isn't comfortable yet, hopefully I'm not hitting thumb-flexibility problems... My flexibility sucks.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-28-2012 , 11:31 AM

I had a bad case of the donkey kick and fixed it by really focusing on the act of extension. Instead of thinking of it like a jump, imagine pushing your feet into the ground while shrugging your shoulders up. It was fixed almost immediately.

There's some great info in this thread regarding the "jump" :
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-28-2012 , 11:46 AM

DL: Back definitely looks rounded, udbrky's link should help. Also focus on keeping a straight back on the descent as well, it's just as important. You'd hate to injure yourself putting the weight down after pulling it cleanly.

Press: Doesn't look bad. I'm not sure about the elbows. You might want to explode your torso forward as the bar crosses your eyes (see
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-28-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Colombo
the "jump"
Yeah, I think I'm "jump"ing with the balls of my feet (good for actually jumping) instead of my heels (good for clean). Will concentrate on that next time. thanks.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-28-2012 , 04:22 PM

Been working on my deadlift form. This is me at 225lbs 2 weeks ago.
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-28-2012 , 10:29 PM
Ok guys, hopefully last form check here for awhile! Once again, thanks for all the critiques.

Squat (I'm getting a tad deeper than my last form check, deep enough?):

Bench (finally watched all 7 parts of Dave Tate's "So you think you can bench?". It seems like I may have a little hitch at the top as I begin a new rep, thoughts on that?):

Deadlift (I may be losing extension in my back on the descent, but I can't tell. My upper back is rounding but I think thats okay as long as my lower back doesn't round. Thoughts on back extension and overall critiques?)
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-29-2012 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911

Been working on my deadlift form. This is me at 225lbs 2 weeks ago.

Looks good
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-29-2012 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Colombo
Ok guys, hopefully last form check here for awhile! Once again, thanks for all the critiques.

Squat (I'm getting a tad deeper than my last form check, deep enough?):

Bench (finally watched all 7 parts of Dave Tate's "So you think you can bench?". It seems like I may have a little hitch at the top as I begin a new rep, thoughts on that?):

Deadlift (I may be losing extension in my back on the descent, but I can't tell. My upper back is rounding but I think thats okay as long as my lower back doesn't round. Thoughts on back extension and overall critiques?)

That's some mean lumbar extension you got there on the top of the deadlift. MasterCha would probably faint and suggest standing tall instead of swaying back like that.
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12-30-2012 , 12:36 AM
Lifting for the first time in a while, all are at about 70-80% of my previous (very weak) 5 rep maxes.

Squat 145 Elbows too high? Depth ok? Good morning-ing? Lose extension too much?

Bench 95 - this felt really light (only videoed 2 sets). My bench has always been awful though (PR 5 rep max 120...:/) so any advice appreciated

DL 185 - not sure I'm getting set correctly. Watched the video linked above will see if that helps next time. Any other advice?

Thanks in advance!
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12-30-2012 , 01:35 AM

I am by no means an expert but I can offer some advice.

1. Your back isn't getting into extension until about halfway down. It seems like you're just letting gravity drop you into the hole before moving your hips back. Try shoving your butt all the way back as your first motion, then drop into the hole.
2. Your knees are moving way too much. You can especially see this on the ascent in video 2 where they cave in. Focus on shoving your knees out for the entire rep. Envision tearing the ground apart with your feet.
3. There's a little bit of a good morning on the way up. Focus on trying to rub your chest against the wall (learned this from BPA). You can move your hands in closer to help keep the chest up.
4. You seem to be rushing. Sometimes you take a nice deep breath and fill your belly with air, sometimes you immediately drop into the next rep (see: reps 3-5 on video 3). I'd slow things down a tad.
5. I think depth is good. Tough to tell with the black sweats.

You need to be tighter, arch the back. Check out this youtube series for some good tips:

Your descent is awkward. It looks like you're putting yourself in position to whack the top of your knees with the bar. Do the opposite of the pull. Push the hips all the way back first, then bend the knees.

Last edited by Colombo; 12-30-2012 at 01:41 AM.
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12-30-2012 , 10:52 PM
^Appreciate the detailed response, will take some more videos next workout and post again.
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12-31-2012 , 02:44 AM
You seem unbalanced on the squats too - your right side is lower - you might be balancing wrong on them.
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12-31-2012 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by udbrky
You seem unbalanced on the squats too - your right side is lower - you might be balancing wrong on them.
The weights sometimes slide an inch or two during a set on the right side...what do you mean by balancing wrong on them? I assume I just have some kind of strength/flexibility imbalance from playing a lot of racket sports (lunge exclusively with right leg).
*** H&F Form Check Thread *** Quote
12-31-2012 , 04:22 PM
Ok round 2. On the squats I tried to focus on pushing the hips back and keeping knees out. Not sure I was particularly successful at either :/ Also in set 3 my knees are moving forward at the bottom, this is bad right? 2 press videos as well. Will video DL again next workout.

Appreciate any/all feedback.
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