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H&F Advice Applepied H&F Advice Applepied

02-16-2022 , 11:39 PM
Update: 186.6

I have over ordered meals between Sun Basket &Hello FRESH, am cooking multiple meals a night like a ninja, and trying to get my kid to ask all her friends to dinner so the meals don't go to waste lol

I applied with Hello Fresh and haven't heard anything. The company I purchased the main piece of equipment for my project has asked me to give them my resume; the sales guy asked me to go out for beers last week to talk it. I'm interested, but he said its a really long process for the hiring.

I have done several test runs with my project and sent out the results yesterday. My boss came to the location today to ask what numbers I'm making up hahahahah. I tried to explain basic maths to him, but it's a waste of time.....he is just looking for something that is wrong. I also have the dreaded annual review with him on Friday that will be directly tied to my bonus.
I was on a meeting today and the CFO asked me about my project, after I spoke for about 15seconds the COO interjected me and said "Let me stop you right there, there are people on this call that don't give a **** about that". No one said anything, the CFO didn't respond, some people just kind of laughed awkwardly. This guy and my boss are ****ing insane.....4more weeks. If I don't get a full bonus payout I might punch my boss in the face before walking out.(I will probably just visualize doing it while giving my notice)

Code3 booked a Valentine's date on a was incredibly bootleg/ghetto and they ran out of food, but it was the best time I have ever had. We were dancing with these plus size fitness instructors (aka dancing entertainment lol) and these two single girls that were taking each other out for vday sat at our table. It was a lot of fun.

I may drive to Austin this weekend for a mother daughter trip and then we are going to Mardi Gras the following weekend....should be a nice couple of weeks.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-17-2022 , 06:21 AM
You've gained ~10lbs in 4 months. That is 30lbs a year.

YTF 2.0?
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-17-2022 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I was on a meeting today and the CFO asked me about my project, after I spoke for about 15seconds the COO interjected me and said "Let me stop you right there, there are people on this call that don't give a **** about that". No one said anything, the CFO didn't respond, some people just kind of laughed awkwardly.
This is insanely disrespectful. Def find somewhere else to work.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-17-2022 , 03:04 PM
Yea, that isn't okay at all, if that is exactly what he said - I do find though, that in presentations or meetings with directors/vp/C-suite guys, they don't care about technical nitty gritty details, it's easy to talk way too technical and it won't sound like it to you because you're always down in the weeds and they aren't. Granted that's a really charitable explanation for him, but, it could have been what was happening from his view.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-17-2022 , 08:22 PM
He's still an ******* if that's the case. There are polite ways to cut someone off.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-17-2022 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by picklemore
He's still an ******* if that's the case. There are polite ways to cut someone off.
I mean, I pretty much said that, but the narrator here has a tendency to ascribe weird motives to people's behavior and I was offering a very plausible and likely one to her.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-18-2022 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by picklemore
He's still an ******* if that's the case. There are polite ways to cut someone off.
Did you consider the possibility that MLY spoke for 5+ minutes eventually digressing into technical details and a polite interjection was offered to move the conversation back to the agenda?

See: code3 texting entire car ride v sending one text
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-18-2022 , 02:47 PM
What I quoted were his exact words. My project is going to make the company a lot of monies and the CFO wanted to know about throughput and some other stuff.
I will definitely record this dude being an ass; hopefully he has his one sleeve rolled up to his shoulder to show off his arm tattoo when I record it bahahah. Holly ****, I will be banking when this **** show becomes a sitcom.

I have another great idea and got the CEO on board with it this morning.....I gotta remember to stay ****ing focused and get the **** out of here instead of creating more projects.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-18-2022 , 02:52 PM
Those might have been his exact words, but your history tells us that the framing and context of the situation may have not been "exact."

I do believe you work and have worked with some shitheads, and this guy is probably one of them. But, you'd have to have the worst luck in the world to run into as many scheming, woman-hating *******s as you claim.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-18-2022 , 02:53 PM
You will see lol
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-18-2022 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
But, you'd have to have the worst luck in the world to run into as many scheming, woman-hating *******s as you claim.
Especially all these people being the nicest people in the world to work for at the outset of each gig.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-18-2022 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
Those might have been his exact words, but your history tells us that the framing and context of the situation may have not been "exact."

I do believe you work and have worked with some shitheads, and this guy is probably one of them. But, you'd have to have the worst luck in the world to run into as many scheming, woman-hating *******s as you claim.
I get what you are getting at, but.....

I have worked with an equal amount of really great people, they just don't get the lime light here as I'm not bitching about them.

It is a combination of bad luck, bad decisions on my part, the industries, corporate America and complete bafoons getting promoted into positions because they sucked some guys dick on the golf course, being a woman in a male dominated profession, and myself not being able to set boundaries to not be treated like ****.
(Or, we are in a simulation and my player chose some insane starting position attributes and life situations to bank more points.)

There have been red flags with jobs that I intentionally ignored where I could have avoided these situations. Going into this job, I knew it would be a bad situation and my boss was insane (did not see the sexist COO coming in though.....hence this can't be ****ing real life).
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-19-2022 , 08:02 AM
You gotta give some head to get ahead.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-19-2022 , 10:00 PM did the review go?
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
02-19-2022 , 11:48 PM
He rescheduled for next week. Said he wanted his review done first before he did mine smh
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-07-2022 , 08:29 PM
Finally had my review today and will find out bonus(hopefully) on Friday. He of course submitted my ratings late for the bonus payout.

It was pretty uneventful and typical "this guy is nuts" and he of course only has negative things to say.

The review:
He mentioned that I was too focused on the deadline for my project like it was a bad thing and I responded, "Well, I like to hit deadlines and stay under budget".

We have a shared engineering directory that is a hot mess. I put my initials or name in the file names I create/am working in for a quick search to find my stuff. He was upset about that and told me to remove my name+initials because those are both of our files. I responded, "Okay, no problem, I didn't realize it was an issue"

He told me to stop assigning myself work and projects. I ask him if he would give me an assignment list and I would be happy to work on whatever he ask; he responded that he didn't have one and didn't know what to tell me to work on lol. Okay crazy man.

He said I need to adjust the view of myself because I've only been working for one year. I responded that I've been working for 22yrs and almost 15 in the scope of our type of work. He responded, "Well, you have only been in this industry 1yr". Okay crazy man.

A company I interned with a long long time ago called me today for an interview. They said it's %50 travel; I told them I would be interested in speaking with the hiring manager as I don't think it would really be that much.
I still have an iron on the fire with the company I just worked with on my project as well.

I'm working on getting my PMP certification in the next couple of weeks. A lot of jobs Im interested in are requiring it, but it's really geared for IT/programming.

Therapy is going okay I guess. She was confused who she was talking to the week before last and thought I was another client. And this past week I told her she was being too cringy for me and I didn't have it in me to recite some cringy mantras to myself throughout the day lol. But, you can always learn something from literally anything, so I'm going to stick with the therapy....cringe fest and all.

I'm still hovering around the same weight ~185

Last edited by MeLoveYouLongTime; 03-07-2022 at 08:35 PM.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-07-2022 , 09:06 PM
I've also been cooking a lot.
Sun Baskets recipies are awful, but they have really fresh fish and meat. You have to order one meal to be able to order just fish so I'm choosing a tofu one and having that once a week, fish a couple of times, and pork/chicken from Hello Fresh the other days.
May need to up the fish intake.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-23-2022 , 08:53 PM
I had an interview last week and have a 2nd one on Friday where I think they will make me an offer. There are red flags though and I need to remember not to make rash decisions because I want to leave my current company. I feel like taking the job would be repeating the cycle of ignoring red flags and jumping into a different shitty situation. It's also only an 8% increase in pay.

I interviewed with the engineering director and engineering manager of a public company. The engineering director loved me, but the Engineering manager blatantly did not. I interviewed with both of them for about 45mins and then spent another 4hrs with the director. When we were walking back to the directors office, the manager saw me in the hall, looked straight at me, sighed and said "no" really loud lol. I told the director, "well Mike just said no to me" and he responded that he would speak to the manager and I could report directly to him. I don't want to be in the middle of whatever tiff they have going on and don't want to be somewhere where someone doesn't want me...that would be an awful situation yet I'm still for some reason going to a 2nd interview. The other red flag is that some president that's over engineering has mandated everyone in the department work 7-5.
It's a 45min drive one way; the drive+extra hour would take away 2.5hrs a day from my life.

When I go Friday I'm going to ask to speak directly with the manager to see what his hang up is, tell them I will only accept 8-5, and ask for more money......or I could just cancel the interview.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-24-2022 , 09:10 AM

I'm loathe to LARP and give you career advice, but here we are.

Why don't you spare yourself the hassle and the fantasies of what you "would do" and just tell them that you don't think it is a good fit for you and let them know that you'll pass on the opening to any suitable candidates that you know.

Also, someone sternly saying "No" to you sounds like you saw someone speaking to a literal dog and got that confused with your interaction with the engineering manager? That is less believable that someone pulling their cock out and stroking it during a meeting. (Since we know that Jeffy Toobs does that.)
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-24-2022 , 12:16 PM
I'm hung up on doing that because the actual job is a really good fit for me, the company is decent, I recently went through a year beat down of trying to find a job and I think my company is planning a layoff and I'm not really needed. They are currently trying to buy out their investors whom they are fighting with and they have no cash's a mess and the original plan of expansion/put in new equipment and lines is no more. If the new company will concede to 8-5 and more money I think I might take it; I gotta get away from this nut case boss and have another job before I don't have this one.
I do need to speak with the engineering manager and get down to why he was against hiring me though. If he doesn't think we can work together/doesn't like my personality it won't work, but if he just thinks I can't do the job he would come around pretty quickly after I completed some projects.

Him saying "no" to me actually happened lol. I need to start wearing some google glasses, I am in RL sitcom.
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-24-2022 , 12:26 PM
Could be like Three's Company tho with misunderstanding abounding left and right.

What if he was on a Bluetooth?
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-24-2022 , 12:44 PM
I'd join your Patreon for bonus google glasses content of all of the interactions you describe here
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-24-2022 , 03:00 PM
MLYLT narrating how her day went over the clips of what actually transpired would be a primetime worthy TV
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-24-2022 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
MLYLT narrating how her day went over the clips of what actually transpired would be a primetime worthy TV
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
03-25-2022 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
Could be like Three's Company tho with misunderstanding abounding left and right.

What if he was on a Bluetooth?

Nope, he actually looked at me and said it. It was a short "no" , but a gruffy sighing "nooooo".
H&F Advice Applepied Quote
